*I do not own these characters*
Molly awoke first the coldness and an ache in her head startling her awake, sitting up she noticed why she was cold; her muffled scream woke both Sherlock and John from their prone positions on the dirty floor,
"Oh…..oh my god! Were naked!"
It was true all 3 of them were naked as the day they were born. Molly had turned her body to lean against the wall with her back to them, to have and give a little dignity or what was left of it. John's face was bright red so she knew he had gotten an eyeful, Sherlock….well he was asexual so he wouldn't be embarrassed. A quick glance showed that no; he wasn't embarrassed, coldly angry but not embarrassed. He was sitting cross legged, observing the room. Molly decided to take note of her surroundings too.
All 3 of them were locked in a large room with a high ceiling that resembled a cell but there was no other furniture but a dirty queen-size mattress the men were currently sitting on and a toilet in one corner, the only light source being the single dim bulb that hung from the ceiling, there were no windows. The one door in the room was reinforced steel and bolted from the outside with several locks or so Sherlock informed them but it also had a flap like jail cells did.
Molly asked quietly from her position by the wall if anyone remembered what happened?
John sighed "I remember being in St Barts, in the lab. That's about it really."
Sherlock sneered "We were gassed with a drug to render unconsciousness by the air vents, no smell so virtually undetectable. So the kidnapper could bring us here. They would have had accomplices in the hospital because how else would they move 3 bodies from a morgue but by putting us in body bags!"
John sighed again "Sorry Molly we seemed to have dragged you into trouble with our latest case."
Molly shook her head and quietly said "Don't apologise John, it's not your fault, I don't blame either of you."
Sherlock had steepled his fingers as he sat on the floor, indicating he was thinking. John sat cross legged but he was rubbing his face with his hands. Molly was scared. She had never been in a situation like this before, neither had Sherlock or John, well at least she was sure they hadn't been left naked in a cold room when they had both been kidnapped in separate situations, but at least they were used to dangerous situations! Which was more than could be said for Molly!
She shivered when the cold seem to become more pronounced, she jumped when Sherlock announced that night was upon them which explained the temperature drop and he had noticed 4 small cameras in the corners of the room up on the ceiling.
Molly upon hearing about the cameras promptly started to cry, Sherlock looked in disdain at Molly but before he could comment, John butted in, "Don't cry Molly, they're probably dummy cameras just to scare us!"
Sherlock snorted "Not likely they need to keep an eye on us somehow and I don't think anyone is manning the door," He looked at Molly's back and obviously trying to comfort her added, "Anyway Molly I don't think you have anything to worry about….the smallness of your breasts would not be interesting to them!"
He looked perplexed as Molly cried harder, making John stand up to walk the short distance to her and squat behind her to pat her shoulder while throwing dirty looks at Sherlock.
"Ignore Sherlock Molly, he's asexual." Molly giggled while still wiping tears from her cheeks.
All of a sudden the bulb dimmed, making Molly grab John's hand that was on her shoulder in fright. He squeezed her shoulder comfortingly.
Sherlock snorted, sarcastically commenting that obviously meant 'lights out'. He shifted off the mattress to pull it further from the corner with the toilet and laid down on side of the mattress, "well no point staying up worrying, lets try and sleep shall we? Will be best if we sleep together to preserve heat"
John agreed, "Come on Molly, he's right. We won't peek!" Molly gathered her courage and even though Sherlock's comments had hurt, he was right she was small so there was nothing to look at!
Vaguely comforting herself with that thought, she stood up and walked past Sherlock who had his eyes closed, John indicated she take the middle position of the mattress. She was proud of John for keeping his eyes on her face and of herself for keeping hers on his face. She laid on the mattress next to Sherlock trying to keep a little distance between them but as she laid shivering on the mattress trying to sleep, she gave up all modesty and snuggled up to Sherlock's back, she felt John move closer to her too.
When she awoke in the morning not that she realised she had fallen asleep, she found herself in a close embrace with Sherlock who had wrapped one arm round her waist with John not much different, he had moved up right behind her. But what brought blood rushing to her cheeks (apart from their nakedness) was the fact there seemed to be two hard objects digging into her thigh and back.
She could only think of how mortifying it was to be such in a situation with two important people from her life, she felt John stir so she pretended to be asleep again.
She could giggle in her head at John's groans and mutterings of "How bloody inconvenient! At such a time!" She felt cold sweep up her back as John sat up and his utter of "Oh bloody hell!" made her turn her head towards him, she wasn't willing to wake Sherlock up but he had heard John and abruptly pulled away from Molly to sit up and stare at the end of the bed.
Molly looked in the same direction and saw a neatly folded blanket at the bottom of the mattress. Molly paled while John swore at the thought of someone coming into their cell while they had been asleep.
There was a handwritten note on top of the blanket, Sherlock picked it up and read it out loud,
"You might aswell get comfortable, you will be here a little while. Enjoy the blanket; I believe you deserve it after the snuggling show you gave us. Maybe if you entertain us, good things will happen quicker. Its signed SM."
John frowned, "SM? Isn't Sebastian Moran the man we were chasing with this case?"
Sherlock was re-reading the letter but he did nod. Molly looked at them both, "Sebastian Moran? He was Jim's best friend or so Jim told me anyway."
Sherlock turned at this and stared at her, "Makes sense now. I thought this reeked of being personal."
John was the first to notice, "Can you hear that?"
They all turned to stare at the door as they heard heavy footfalls heading towards the cell door.
Well I thought I'd try something abit different! What do you think? Please let me know! More to come!