So here it is, the last chapter, enjoy! I save my goodbyes to this story to the end! ;)

Eleven years later

"Why wont you ever teach me flame alchemy?" asked a young man curiously. He was sweating from the effort to transform a rock's shape and he had done pretty good job. He hoped it was enough to make his sensei see his talent. All throughout his childhood he had dreamed about the ability to make flames from a spark. "You were once a state alchemist. I heard they called you the Flame Alchemist. My father told many stories of you and your amazing talent. Why won't you teach me how to use it now that I know the basics of alchemy?" the boy begged, hoping that his words would convince his teacher. His heart was beating fast from the excitement.

Roy was standing in the backyard of his house, looking at how the brown haired boy had practiced his skills with transmutation. He was starting to get really good, even though he wouldn't admit that to the boy. He still had a lot to learn. But he had developed his skills a lot in the last three months.

The boy's question surprised him a little as it had been years since somebody had called him the Flame Alchemist. He hadn't used his skills in a very long time. He had kept his promise and he hadn't regretted it. Maybe it wasn't the reason that had brought him so much happiness, but he had kept his promise anyway.

After Roy had become the Fuhrer, he had started to make Amestris a democracy. It had not been easy, and had taken more time than Roy had thought. First, most of the people had been against the idea because they didn't believe it would work. But as the years passed, he had convinced the people that it would be for their benefit. He wanted to make sure that there would never be a new King Bradley. He wanted to make things better. In the end, it had taken eight long years to make the change. And after that Roy had spent two more years in the military, making sure that things started to run smoothly.

But even if those ten years had been full of work for him, they were also the happiest years of his life. Roy and Riza had gotten married just three months after Roy had proposed to her. They hadn't wanted to waste any more time than had been necessary. They had waited for a long time.

Most of the people had been in shock when they had heard the news of their engagement. It was quite understandable to most people since Roy had always seemed to be a ladies' man and Riza seemed the kind of girl to whose career came first. But those close to them were just happy that they had finally seen what they had years ago. It was revealed that Mustang's old team even had made a bet years ago about when they would admit to their relationship. Breda was the lucky one who had guessed that it would be the day Roy would become the Fuhrer and was happy to collect all the money.

Roy would always remember the day they got married. They had wanted a small wedding, but because Roy was the Fuhrer, it had grown to a great occasion. There were so many people he had to invite, even if he didn't want to. But even if the wedding wasn't exactly what they had wanted, it was still a day they would both remember forever. Finally they belonged to each other.

Riza had looked so beautiful in her white, long dress. The dress was turtle necked and sleeveless, with some lace as highlights. It was a simple dress and so much like her. Roy couldn't keep his eyes off of her the whole time. Those who had been surprised that they got married, were even more perplexed as they saw how Riza smiled widely the whole day and how Roy, who was surrounded by beautiful ladies, couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of his new wife. They couldn't help but wonder how they had missed something so obvious all of those years.

A couple of months after the wedding Riza had a surprise for Roy: She was pregnant. Roy had dreamed of family, but he also knew they weren't that young anymore. He was more than happy to have Riza by his side and it seemed too much to ask to have children too. That's why Riza's news made his heart fill with joy. After all they had gone through, all the happiness they had now overwhelmed him.

Eight months later Roy held a little baby in his arms. It felt amazing to hold such a miracle, such a small thing. Roy fell in love with the small girl instantly. And as he watched Riza holding their daughter, with such much love in her eyes, he felt his life complete. He could have stared at the two loves of his live forever.

But life had even more to offer for them. As the little girl, named Natalie, turned one, Riza was pregnant once more. But things didn't go as smoothly as the first time. A month before Riza's time was due, the labor began. When Roy rushed to the hospital, the doctor's didn't promise much. The labor was difficult and Riza had lost a lot of blood. For a second Roy thought he had asked for too much and would lose Riza and his unborn child.

Roy didn't remember ever being so relieved when the doctor came to say that Riza was going to make it, as well as the babies. He was so relieved, that he didn't even realize anything odd about what the doctor had said. But when he stepped in the room, a surprise waited for him: instead of one baby, Riza had given birth to twins. Two little boys in his arms, Roy couldn't help but wonder about the miracle of life.

Riza was so exhausted that she hadn't even noticed him. She slept deeply beside him. Roy kissed her gently and she woke up a little with that. "Thank you. For everything," Roy said quietly, wanting to tell her how happy she had made him, once again. He could feel his heart burst with joy. Riza smiled lovingly and fell asleep once again.

Two years after Amestris had become democracy, Roy had retired from the army. He was probably one of the youngest men to ever retire from the job of the Fuhrer, before he was even fifty. But he wanted to be with his family more now that he had finally accomplished what he had been reaching for, for such a long time. He didn't want to miss any more important steps of his children's lives. It was now up to others to continue what he had started.

After nine months he had realized that he needed something to do, he had way too much free time when his children were at school. Slowly, the decision formed in his mind and he took a young man as his apprentice to teach him some alchemy. That's how they got another family remember, Tod, who now eagerly asked him to teach him flame alchemy.

"I promised once to never use flame alchemy if I could save Riza, and I will keep that promise. Flame alchemy is too a great power for one man to handle. I learned that in a hard way. It can be used wrongly so easily. Also, my wife would probably kill me if I ever taught flame alchemy to you," Roy said seriously, but smiled towards the end. He hadn't thought about those times for a while, but it still pained him to think how close he had come to losing her. How close he had come to missing all he had now. Not using flame alchemy had been easy after all that. It had brought too much misery to him and Riza anyway.

Tod, who was sixteen, looked at him curiously. He had once heard the story of Riza's kidnapping, but never had he thought it was the reason why he had never seen Mustang use flame alchemy. He had thought that Mustang just didn't want to teach him flame alchemy yet, but now it seemed he never would. Tod couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The reason he had wanted to come and learn from Mustang was partly because he had hoped he would learn flame alchemy from him.

They were interrupted by an enthusiastic scream of an eight years old boy. "Daddy!" the boy yelled as he ran out of the back door and towards his father. Roy was just fast enough to catch him in his arms. The boy laughed happily as Roy lifted him up in the air before he let the boy down. It never tired Roy to see his son smile. "Mommy said that dinner is almost ready and you should stop your practice," said the boy after Roy had let him down. "Thank you, Maes. We're quite ready. Maes, could you go and tell your mom that we'll be right there?" Roy said to the black haired boy. Maes nodded and ran back to the kitchen.

Roy never stopped to wonder how the twins had grown to be so different, but he loved them even more because of that. Maes had hair as black as he did, and also seemed to have gotten his spirits from him. He was almost as bad of a trickster as Roy had been in his youth. On the other hand his brother, Arbor, had blond hair like his mother and seemed to get his quiet nature with that. He loved to read and Roy was sure he was way too smart for his age.

Tod and Roy stopped the practice for the day and followed Maes inside. Riza was in the kitchen, finishing the dinner. The years had been good to her, the only signs of aging were the slight wrinkles around her eyes and mouth, but to Roy they were only signs of the happy years and made her look more beautiful than ever. Riza had kept her hair long ever since Ishval and after they had gotten married, she almost always kept it down too.

Natalie and Arbor were setting the table. Natalie had grown into a sweet little girl with long blond hair like her mother, but she was just as lively as her father. She had been a wonderful big sister, always looking after her two little brothers. Roy was happy that his children got along so well, they hardly ever had a fight.

Roy walked to kitchen and kissed his wife. Riza looked at him and noticed a strange sadness in his eyes. "Is something wrong?" Riza asked worried. Roy wondered how it was possible for her to always notice when he was feeling down. "Tod just asked me about flame alchemy and it brought back memories of the days when you were kidnapped," Roy said quietly. Riza smiled sadly. "It was years ago, and we both survived. You shouldn't worry about the past," she said, hoping to raise his spirit. "It just hit me how close I came to losing you. To losing all of this. If you had died, there wouldn't be Natalie, Maes or Arbor," Roy said, looking to their children who were now all gathered around the table and were laughing at some story Tod was telling them.

"I know. But somehow we made it through. Somehow we managed to finally have each other. Guess the world wanted us to be finally happy after all that happened. I never believed I would be this happy, that I could have so much. I thought I would never even get you," Riza said and smiled at her husband. "And this isn't going to stop anytime soon. You're stuck with me for years," she said with a laugh. Roy smiled at her. Maybe after all the pain they had deserved all this. It didn't help to think how close they had come to losing it all. They were happy, why should he worry? Roy gave his wife another kiss. "You're right," he said. And as he sat at the table to have dinner with his family, he couldn't help to think that he just might be the luckiest man in the world. It had been worth all the fighting to have just this one moment.

Author's note: So that was the end of the story! Hopefully you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I can't believe it's almost a year since I first got the idea to this story and started writing. A lot has happened during that year and sometimes writing this story has been a real life saviour, because when I write, I can forget all other things. I broke up with my long time boyfriend while writing this story and I really thought that I could never love anyone again. I didn't really believe in love anymore. It was times like these that Roy and Riza's story helped me to keep my spirit up. But now things are looking brighter, I have found new friends and I have also found someone who I really like, and maybe someday even love. Love is a mysterious thing, don't you think? :) I'm intending to write again, I have one one-shot waiting and one longer story, more fluffy than this one :D But the longer one may take time, I'm faster writer when I'm depressed, and now I'm really happy :) Hopefully you will keep reading my stories, your reviews always make me happy! :) I never thought that so many people would like my story, so THANK YOU! :)