A/N: So, I discovered Young Justice some few months back and fell instantly in love. Two things caught my attention on it: Firstly, I am a Dick Grayson fan. I have been as far back as I can remember. I wasn't fond of the idea of Nightwing when I discovered him, but hey, I was about twenty years too late on that, so what could I do? I have always preferred Dick as Robin, so the fact that he is in this series is a major plus. Secondly, as a cartoonist myself, I am very picky over my cartoons that I watch. I would love to watch the Teen Titans show that was on Cartoon Network or even Batman: The Brave and the Bold, because it appears that Dick is in both of those as well, but I just can't for the life of me get passed the artwork. It makes me cringe, and I just can't take it seriously. No offense to those that enjoy it. Kudohs, because they look like they could be fantastic story lines, but hey, I'm picky. That being said, I think Young Justice is brilliant in their art, their story line, and their characterization. I'm in love with this show.

So this is my first fic for it. It's an idea that has been bouncing around in my head for some time now, in various formats. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope I live up to the awesomeness that is this show.


His orders had been clear: he was not to engage. There were no ifs. There were no buts. There was only that one, single order that must be obeyed beyond anything while Batman was away. He was not, under any circumstances, allowed to engage Tommy Lacko.

Robin felt the grip around his neck tighten and his airway was constricted a little more. He choked, struggling to pull himself free. The man was bigger, stronger, and more deadly than he was, but that was nothing new. He was young, small, and fairly scrawny for as in shape as he was. Still, with all his training – and he was trained by the best – he could not free himself.

"Too bad he won't see your death with his own eyes," Lacko chuckled. "I'm sure it would bring back memories of your first encounter, yes?"

The Boy Wonder grit his teeth, struggling harder. "What do you know?" he forced out.

A smile, if it could be called that, pulled the villain's lips in an upward direction. He flashed pearly teeth and leered, his voice dropping so that only his young captive could hear him. "I know that I will see Bruce Wayne crumble, and that is all I live for."

Robin's eyes widened behind his mask and he felt himself being tossed into the air. It was a long drop. He didn't know how far. Twenty feet? Thirty? Too far. Too far even for him. The order had been so simple. Do not engage. Under any circumstance, do not engage. Well, it wasn't like they had gone looking for him.

4 Hours Earlier

"Seriously? You've been patrolling Gotham on your own?"

Robin glanced behind him where Wally had been running his mouth non-stop for the past ten minutes. At least. The question might have been asked more than that one time, but it would have been lost in the rambles of the speedster. Not that the younger team member was ignoring him… entirely.

"Well, Batgirl and I have been," Robin admitted with a shrug as he finished up the codes in the computer system. "Let Kaldur know that I updated the security system like I said I would."

"You're leaving? You just got here, dude! We haven't seen you in a week!"

Robin sighed, resisting the urge to remove his sunglasses so that he could rub his eyes as hard as he could. Between studying for midterms, patrol, and his duties to his own team, he'd barely slept. Had Batman been in town, he would have been forbidden from duty during a testing week, but the sudden appearance of the mysterious Tommy Lacko had thrown usual out the window. The Dark Knight had left for Europe a week before, leaving Gotham City in the hands of his younger partner and the fiery Batgirl that had more than proven her worth. Well, if they failed finals because of this week, at least he wouldn't be alone in it.

"I'm meeting Batgirl in thirty minutes. I have to get back to the Cave and get some things ready before hand."

"Let me come."

"Don't you have things to do here?"

Wally shot him a glare. "Really? In The Land of Boredom? Bats may have left you something to do, but he left the team with nothing. C'mon, man! Let me come to Gotham with you. You could always use an extra hand. You people have all the crazies there. More than some places."

"True," Robin answered with a smirk. "Doesn't hurt that you know Batgirl's along for the ride either, does it?"

A grin spread across the elder boy's face. "A pretty redhead never hurts, Rob, you know that."

The Boy Wonder choked back a laugh. "You'd never stand a chance."

"And you do?"

"More than you! Anyway, I thought blondes were more your style now."

"Please tell me that you're arguing over a new assignment," Artemis grumbled, making her presence known. Both boys at least had the decency to blush at the knowledge that they had been overheard. She stretched, looking irritated. "Really, Robin, when's Batman coming back so we can have something to do?"

"He's still out of town. And I've got to go, Wally."

"I'm coming too!"

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not? We fight together all the time. What's different?"

"You'd be in his city," Artemis answered for the dark haired acrobat. "It's different, Wally. Stay out of his business."

"I just want to meet her, Rob! Just set it up!"


"You scared of a little competition?"

"I'm not dating her!"

"Coulda fooled me!"

Robin let out a low growl of frustration. "Good luck," he directed at Artemis.

"If we all go, then it'll cut the time you have to spend down and you'll be able to get some sleep tonight," Wally called after the retreating form, stopping Robin in his tracks. The boy turned as if he were listening, but didn't say a word. "Seriously, you look like a walking zombie. We could help, Rob. What else are friends for?"

"Not getting me in trouble."

"We wouldn't get you in trouble. If anything, we'd help you do a better job."

Robin glanced at Artemis, surprised to hear her change directions so quickly. The idea of going to Gotham in order to fight seemed to have overridden her normal desire to stay away from the city while in costume.

"Did I hear that we're going to Gotham?" Conner asked from the doorway.

"Oooh! I like Gotham!" M'gann chimed in.

"It does seem as if it would be a good idea to stretch our legs," Kaldur said, somehow appearing behind where the originators of the conversation stood.

"Wait," Robin tried to plead, but was cut off by Zatanna, sounding more chipper than she had in some time.

"I've never been to Gotham! When do we leave?"

Robin sighed, defeated. "Suit up. I need to meet up with Batgirl in twenty minutes. We'll meet you at the portal there." He didn't wait for any complaints or comments as he stepped through the Zeta-beam, feeling himself being transported to the place where they would meet him. As he jogged towards the place where Alfred was undoubtedly waiting on his very late passenger to take him back to the Cave, Robin tried to push down any feelings of uneasiness that he had. What could go wrong?

"So does Batman not provide you with a watch to go along with that utility belt?"

Robin cringed. The voice belonged to the newest member of what he had begun to dub the "Bat Family." Batgirl stood from where she had been sitting in Batman's computer chair – a feat she never could have managed had he been within a hundred mile radius of the Cave – and propped her hands on her hips, looking a bit perturbed.

"We're going to have company tonight," Robin said by means of explanation as he moved to grab his suit from its place and disappeared behind a wall to change. He heard Batgirl shift on the other side, shuffling closer, then away, and finally moving again.

"Your little justice buddies?"

"Yeah," Robin sighed, not feeling like fighting with her over her mockery of the group. At least she hadn't called it "play group" this time.

"Artemis too?"

Robin walked back around the wall, uniform in place sans his mask. "Yes. What's your problem with her anyway?"

"No problem," Batgirl answered with a shrug. "I just don't know if she can be trusted."

"Don't judge someone on something they haven't even done," the younger boy murmured seriously, placing his mask over his dark blue eyes. "Anyway, you should be more worried about Kid Flash tonight. He wants to meet you."

The redhead groaned. "I've heard."


"You'd mentioned him before."

"Are you two set?"

The two junior heroes looked over to where the aging butler stood gazing at them. Robin flashed a grin. "Ready to go. We'll see you in a few hours, Al. Don't wait up."

"I will be up when you return. Please do not forget that Master Bruce's flight touches down in the earliest hours of the morning. I'd suggest that you be back before he is. Testing week and all."

"He wants it all done," Robin sighed. "Will do, Alfred. Thanks."

"We taking the Batmobile?" Batgirl asked, flashing a grin of her own.

Robin snorted. "Yeah. Right. He really would kill me then."

The team was waiting for them when they arrived at the zeta portal. Robin and Batgirl killed the engines on their bikes and she threw a wary look at Kid Flash who mistook it as a wink and lit up.

"This is your city, Robin," Aqualad said as the younger boy approached. "Please, take the lead tonight."

The Boy Wonder nodded, appreciative. Something was tugging his usual jovialness down a few notches that night, and it wasn't the awkward flirting that his best friend was trying to lay on the unimpressed Batgirl. He shrugged it off as exhaustion, knowing that even his energy did have boundaries, even if they were vast. All he wanted to do was make the rounds that night and be back in bed by the time Bruce's plane touched down. With the help he was receiving that night, it just might be plausible.

Gotham was relatively quiet that night. The moon was bright, shedding enough light that the baddies of the city seemed to be lurking only in their dark corners. Sure, there was the occasional mugging, one man that thought that the sale sign in a darkened window actually meant free, and a purse snatcher that found his feet tied just a few feet past his mark. All in all, for Gotham City without a Batman, it was a quiet night.

This is boring! Kid Flash announced loudly over the telepathic link, causing Batgirl to jump.

How do you get used to this? she demanded irritably, the others feeling the glare over the link that was directed only at the speedster.

To my awesomeness? I'm afraid you don't. You will always be in wonder, pretty girl.

I think I'm going to go be sick now. Thanks for that.

Enough, Aqualad sighed, sounding distracted.

You see that? Robin, having been quiet for some time now, chimed in.

I did. Shall we pursue?

The team could all but feel their moods lift as their eyes caught sight of the suspicious looking trucks moving into an old warehouse some yards away. Men in black jackets were glancing around, uneasy, and motioning the trucks inside. Guns were just barely visible under the jackets.

No harm in checking it out, Robin answered, already on his way towards the site.

The team flanked out, Wally pouting across their link that Batgirl had not ducked into the same entrance as he had. The warehouse showed to be mostly one large room with a second half-floor, not much more than extended scaffolding, looming high above to store large crates. The same boxes, marked in a foreign language, littered the room.

"I'm going to kill your friend if he doesn't leave me alone," Batgirl murmured very lowly as she and Robin found their entrance to the higher ground. The stairs were sturdy, but shallow and steep. They ducked behind a stack of crates when they reached the top, peeking over so they could see what was around them.

"He's really not that bad," the Boy Wonder promised. "Just ignore him. That's what everyone else does."


Up here, Aqualad, Robin answered as he peeked over his box, catching the elder teen's gaze from below. They were scattered all around the large room, with Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, and Miss Martian on the lower level. Artemis and Zatanna had taken the high road along with Robin and Batgirl. What do you see from your view?

Robin squinted, watching the men move. Their faces were not masked, but they wore baseball caps pulled snuggly low so that their faces were covered from his vantage point. A lot of suspicious movement, but nothing concrete.

Hey! Those three on the far left have been wanted for questioning by Gotham PD for months! Batgirl nearly squealed, seeming to get her point across telepathically with no real difficulty.

How do you know that? Kid Flash asked.

Friends in high places. Wait, is that –

It is! Robin answered, eyes widening behind his mask as a tall, brawny man stepped out from one of the trucks. He was dressed in a tailored suit, expensive, and ran his hands through his hair. He moved as if he had been cramped in the back of the truck for some hours, and this was the first chance he had to stretch his legs.

I thought you said that Tommy Lacko was overseas. Isn't that why Batman left?

I don't know, Zatanna. All I know is that we've got to get word to him and get it there fast! Robin moved very slightly from his crouched position, and turned towards the exit. He saw the guard only a half a second before he was seen. The man had his gun trained on the two young heroes. Stay down!

"Look at what we have here," the man sneered, glancing between the two. "Bat's sidekicks. Hey, boss! You said they'd come and here they are! Just like ya said!"


The Boy Wonder grit his teeth. His team was crying out from their various hiding places, unsure if they should move forward or not. He wasn't willing to risk them. Not just yet. Not when they hadn't been discovered. There were three trucks, and ten thugs plus Lacko down below. The one with the gun was nothing special from the looks of him, and Robin knew their chances.

Get ready. We're going to distract and get out of here, he warned. Batgirl?



Ready now!

The teens moved in opposite directions, reading each other's movements as well as their enemies. Shots were fired at the place where they had stood moments before, but they were long gone. The thug never knew what hit him as Robin went high, boot slamming hard into the man's skull and Batgirl swept his feet out from under him for good measure.

"There're more, boss!" a voice rang out from below and all chaos broke loose. Robin could see more thugs racing out of the parked trucks, his team suddenly engaged in a battle that they were supposed to stay miles away from. Do not engage. Under any circumstance. Do not engage.

Zatanna and Artemis had come out of hiding, the young magician aiming her spells at their enemies as the archer aimed her arrows. Aqualad's water-bearers came to life, cutting through foes and knocking them one over the next. Kid Flash hopped and sped around them, dodging bullets and punches alike. Superboy had a small group encircling him and he smiled, taking them out easily.

What was Batman worried about? he called out over the link. These guys are pathetic!

Robin and Batgirl found their own small group of baddies and were releasing all the pent-up frustration of testing week on them. The Boy Wonder laughed, almost forgetting the direct order that he found himself disobeying. He didn't realize that someone was approaching from behind. His usual sense for that sort of thing failed him. He didn't know if it was his own exhaustion or something of Lacko's doing, but the elder man had a hold of his cape before the teen realized it and he was pulled clear off his feet.

"Robin!" Batgirl cried as a strong arm of one of her opponents went around her neck and a gun was put right to her temple. She struggled, regardless, and tried to free herself.

"Quiet, girl, or we'll discover if the bird can truly fly," Lacko growled menacingly.

Batgirl ceased her struggling, going rigid as the tall man swung her friend closer to the ledge. We could use some help up here.

We're stopped on every side, Artemis grumbled.

I suppose there was something to the warning after all, Aqualad lamented.

"Impressive children, aren't you? The best of the best when it comes to daddy's little helpers." Lacko pulled Robin close so that he was staring straight at his mask. The boy stared defiantly back. "I knew you would come here. There was no question in my mind. After all, he trained you, didn't he?"

Robin set his jaw, determined not to give into the bating. After a moment of silence, Lacko shifted his grip, taking hold of the boy's neck and hauling him off the ground so that his feet were dangling over the ledge. Two small gloved hands wrapped desperately around large wrists as their owner fought for his breath. It only took one hand to hold the child, and with the other he relieved him of his utility belt and all the handy trinkets that he kept inside of it.

"Too bad he won't see your death with his own eyes," Lacko chuckled. "I'm sure it would bring back memories of your first encounter, yes?"

"What do you know?" Robin gasped out.

"I know that I will see Bruce Wayne crumble, and that is all I live for."

He tossed Robin, sending the boy flying up and out, and then plummeting down. Robin could hear his name echoing both over the psychic link as well as verbally, bouncing off the walls of the old warehouse. It had all been a setup. Everything had been a setup. This man knew who Bruce was and he'd gone after the weakest link to get to him. Guess who that was. Again.

No belt. No time. Only instinct. Dick Grayson had learned to walk on a tightrope. He knew how to slow a fall and how to move his body in mid-air to grab onto whatever he needed to keep from making impact. The problem was this wasn't the circus. There was no net. This wasn't practice. There was no Bruce to stand back and tell him what he did wrong and what must be corrected. There was, though, a small ledge jutting out just over and below. He shifted, mid-air, like no one should be able to do. Then he hit. Hard. He hit and felt his body roll off, slamming the rest of the way down to the ground where he wasn't entirely sure he didn't bounce at least once. He landed on his shoulder first and he could almost hear it pop out of place as he rolled and finally stopped face down.

"We're done here, boys," Lacko's voice echoed over the open area and Robin felt everything fade to black.


A/N: Questions? Comments? Concerns? Irate demands for more? Cookies to feed the author with? Anything, really, is appreciated. Well, unconstructive criticism isn't, but hey, like those that would leave it care about my comments here. Let me know how this is, because, as I mentioned, this is my first YJ story. I'm hoping to have everyone IC and such. Let me know, and look out for the next chapter soon!