Hey loyal readers, sorry it has taken so long for this to be updated but I've got a lot happening. I have almost no ideas on how to make the events in-between what I have planned to happen. I've got no ideas and I'm also trying to manage creating 3 other stories than this. They won't be posted anytime soon, well except for my Darkstalkers story Angels of the Earth. Anyways on with the story. Also, sorry but this is the last chapter since I can not seam to get any new ideas, but if you guys read my other stories and ask, which I will allow, I might try to make the sequel.
Chapter 18: Answers, now! The End
Jay's Wing held the rouge against the cave wall, his claws ready at the rouges throat. Stone Song approached the side of the whimpering cat.
"Now, your going to tell us everything we want to know, and we'll let you go," Stone Song meowed. The rouge looked up at Stone Song.
"Fine, just don't hurt me," he whined.
"Why are you attacking us?" Jay's Wing immediately asked.
"Land. We want the hunting grounds you have because ours are starting to run low. We travel place to place and take hunting grounds and move on when they run low," the rouge meowed.
"How is a group of raiders have such organization?" Stone Song asked.
"Some cat leads us, we go place to place following him, recruiting new rouges that we find along the way, he plans to attack when we encounter other groups," the rouge answered.
"And who is that leader?" Jay's Wing questioned sharply.
"I don't know, we just call him leader, but he has black fur and burning red eyes. He's bent on taking this place, something about a cat that lives here that hurt him somehow long ago. Name was something leaves," the rouge answered.
"So, it's an old grudge," Stone Song meowed.
"I'd be careful if I were you," the rouge meowed half haughtily. "If you keep scratching him, he'll come himself and slaughter all of you! No cat can hurt him!"
Jay's Wing leaned in until he was mere inches from the rouges face.
"Same here, now get out of my sight!" Jay's Wing growled shoving the rouge free. He quickly scrambled up and darted off.
"So, know anything about this?" Stone Song asked Jay's Wing. Jay's Wing started to pad towards the cave.
"I have an idea what that grudge is," Jay's Wing meowed. Everything then faded.
(Jayfeather POV)
Jayfeather woke up with the dawn sun shining right into his face. He stretched before rising to his feet. He padded out into the clearing before a loud cry arose from the bramble. A black cat and several others came through the bramble and started to attacks.
"Destroy them!" The black cat yowled, obviously the leader. He looked at Jayfeather and hissed. "Jay's Wing! I've found you!"
Jayfeather felt himself change into Jay's Wing and leapt at the black cat. The cat rolled to dodge and tried swipe Jay's Wings legs. He flipped to the side and spun to face the cat, both hissing at each other while other Thunderclan warriors fought off the other attackers.
"Jay's Wing, my name is Mountain's Shadow, and you will die by my claws!" Mountain's Shadow growled.
"Bring it!" Jay's Wing growled.
"Scourge!" A yowl broke through their stand off. Fireheart jumped onto Mountain's Shadow and began clawing at him. The black cat rolled Fireheart off and slashed his flank. Fireheart yowled in pain when Jay's Wing took advantage of the distractions and attacked Mountains Shadow with several swipes to the flanks and hind. Mountain's Shadow moved away from the two and hissed.
"Do not insult me by calling me my weak descendant's name!" Mountain's Shadow hissed.
"You're his ancestor?" Fireheart meowed in shock.
"Yes, and now you, Jay's Wing, Fallen Shadow, and this whole clan will pay!" Mountain's Shadow cried. He rushed the two cats and knocked Fireheart away with a powerful paw to the muzzle. He turned to Jay's Wing and tried to claw his throat. Jay's Wing was a paw ahead and tackled Mountain's Shadow, he batted his claws at Mountain's Shadow's belly. The Black cat yowled and threw him off. "You, your mate, and your kits will pay for what you've done to me!"
"What have I done that is so horrible?" Jay's Wing questioned.
"You stole my mate! You helped Fallen Leaves! You've taken everything from me!" Mountain's Shadow yowled. Jay's Wing meowed in confusion. "Fallen Leaves mother was suppose to be my mother! The lose of her RUINED my father, Half Moon was going to me MY mate! Then you come along as sweep her away from me, then you protect Fallen Leaves! You will pay!" He lunged at Jay's Wing. Jay's Wing leapt back.
"I stole nothing! Half Moon was never yours and you can't blame Fallen Leaves for something that was never meant to be!" Jay's Wing yowled. Mountain Shadow was about to lung again when a familiar yowl pieced there hearing. It was Half Moon, in pain! Jay's Wing spun and saw her lying on the Nursery floor, panting and moaning. A realization hit him; the kits were coming. "Of all the mouse dung." Jay's Wing muttered under his breath. He turned back to Mountain's Shadow and saw the black cat was gone. Jay's Wing spun and saw him heading for Half Moon. Jay's Wing yowled and sprinted towards him, tackling the black cat. The two wrestled and clawed at each other.
"I'll kill you and your kits!" Mountain's Shadow growled.
"No, I'll kill you!" Jay's Wing yowled before his claw slashed through Mountain's Shadow's throat. The black cat gasped and backed up in shock, he gave one last hate filled glare at Jay's Wing before he fell and disappeared. Without their leader, the remaining invaders turned tail and ran. Jay's Wing rushed to Half Moon, changing back to Jayfeather. "My love! Are you alright?"
"I'm fiiiIIINNNE!" she yowled in pain. Leafpool rushed over with some herbs and shooed him out, knowing he'd get in the way. Jayfeather passed the nursery entrance nervously. A few moments later, Leafpool came out.
"She's fine, and so are the kits," she announced.
"Can I see them?" Jayfeather asked. His mother nodded and he rushed inside. He saw Half Moon and three little bungles of fur at her belly. "You did it Half Moon."
"No, we did it," Half Moon purred. "What should we name them?"
Jayfeather looked at the three kits. The first had a blue coat and blue eyes, the second had a red tinted coat and ember eyes and the third had a white coat with emerald green eyes.
"How about Sapphirekit for the blue kit?" Jayfeather proposed. Half Moon gave that one a lick on the head.
"Sounds perfect for her, can we name the second one Rubykit?" Half Moon asked.
"Sounds good to me, he has a fine name," Jayfeather purred. They looked at the white kit, her big emerald green eyes staring at her parents.
"How about for her, Emeraldkit?" Jayfeather meowed. Half Moon nuzzled him as an answer.
"Now, we're one big family," Jayfeather meowed, lying down with his new family.
Look, I'm sorry but I had to cut it short. I ran out of ideas and barley finished this one. I will allow readers to comment on my other stories and ask for the sequel which probable will just be a one or two-shot. Later and again sorry. C