Disclaimer :All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the intellectual property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of Stephenie Meyer and JK Rowling. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Of Meetings and Coffees
It had been a very dreary week in the Big Apple and Hermione had had enough of the bad weather to last a lifetime. But being a British citizen, she'd already seen her share of dreary weather. And as she'd been living in a castle lost in the Scottish Highlands, Hermione could say that she had lived through more dreary weather than the average citizen.
But bad weather or not, Hermione was in New York City for business and nothing else. She'd been sent by the British Ministry to visit their American counterpart on official business. After the end of the Second War in in her country and the end of Voldemort's puppet government, Hermione had started working in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, after graduating as the Valedictorian of her year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was commonly considered as one, if not the finest of such schools that could be found in Europe.
Being hailed as 'The Brightest Witch of The Age' by the press as well as being revered as the heroine of the 'Great War', Hermione had—at the express request of the Minister—joined an elite squad; the Red Squad. The squad was specially created to deal with rogues Death Eather threat and worked outside the Auror Office. The principal advantage of the Red Squad was the absence of the overwhelming bureaucracy that plagued the Auror Office and which slowed the intervention capacity of the Aurors. Another advantage was the very reduced possibility of infiltration due to the lack of paperwork involved and the elitist characteristic of the squad. Indeed, only the Minister, the head of the department, and the team members knew who were in.
In fact, there were only three members in the squad; Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood and the squad leader; Hermione Granger. It was a secret Hermione never even shared with her other best friends; Harry Potter, Ron and Ginny Weasley. The squad was able to move quickly on any possible leads to hideouts of those rogues and take them down quickly thanks to the extensively gruesome training they'd had to follow to join the squad.
After three tiring years leading the squad around the world in pursuit of the Death Eaters in hiding, Hermione left the squad to formerly work as the personal secretary of the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and also became the first Muggleborn to ever sit on the Wizengamot. Thus, she rapidly moved up the social ladder inside the Ministry. It certainly helped that she was a good friend of the current British Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, as they had fought together in the underground resistance movement founded by the late, Professor Albus Dumbledore. The Order of the Phoenix.
Therefore, it was to no one's surprise that Hermione found herself quickly heading the Department of International Magical Cooperation. At the age of twenty-five, she was the youngest ever Head of Department in the British Ministry and most importantly, the first ever Muggleborn to head one.
So, when it had been decided by the British Ministry of Magic to seek the assistance of the Magical Congress of the United States of America (shortened MACUSA)—as the Americans called their ministry—to track the masses of refugees of the War who hadn't returned to the mother country, Hermione had volunteered. She was still a symbol of the newly reconstructed British Wizarding world and if there ever was someone who could convince her compatriots that the tide had changed in their country, it was her.
However, she had not anticipated and been prepared for the vast levels of bureaucracy that mined the MACUSA. She had strangely thought otherwise. The American President of Magical Congress of the United States of America had politely given her carte-blanche in her quest but had warned her that due to the size of the country and the diversity of the magical communities in America, she was surely going to find recalcitrant officers. Like in the Muggle world and the witness protection program, the American Magical Congress had placed the refugees under a similar program. But the major complication in this scheme was that the country was divided into multiple autonomous communities which had different levels of cooperation with the Ministry. So, even after obtaining sufficient information from the regional authorities, she still had to go through each of the different communities and more often than she would have liked visit these communities to retrieve the identities of her compatriots.
But, after a month of going through mountains of paperwork and numerous floo-calls, she was finally making some progress. She had been working almost continually for the last twenty-four hours and was on her way out of the Ministry to her hotel in Muggle New-York when she saw him waiting on the sidewalk. Even if she saw him only from the back, she knew instantly what he was; a vampire. And he was out in broad daylight in the middle of an overcrowded street in one of the densest populated places on Earth. This could be a potentially catastrophic situation.
His pale, smooth, marble-like skin stood out. The beauty of his features could easily be guessed as a group of women, which could be found on the opposite side of the avenue, giggled incessantly while they looked at him in turns. He was dressed very smartly, in what Hermione knew were expensive designers' clothes. He held three bags in one hand that were only given in one of the exclusive shops in the neighbourhood. However, as she stared at him, she understood what he was waiting for; a taxi or a cab as they called those in America. And he was growing impatient as the dreary spell of weather was forecasted to end that day and he could not stay outdoors in the sun. He would be discovered and would risk revealing the secret behind both the Magical world and the vampire government.
Hermione walked confidently up to the blond vampire and smiled at him when he turned her way. Physically, the vampire was in his mid-twenties but she knew that some of those immortal creatures roamed the surface of Earth for more than a thousand years. Like the triad that headed the vampire community. She was therefore very surprised when she saw the colour of the vampire's eyes; a rich golden-honey. Being the well-read witch that she was, Hermione knew that this vampire did not feed off of humans but off of animals. It had been reported however that they were very rare and that they preferred to live in the most desolated areas. It was to avoid detection and the other vampires. The normal ones, that fed on humans.
The slight apprehension that she had felt before vanished as she smiled brightly at him after her discovery. The vampire only pleasantly smiled in return, probably thinking she had fallen under his otherworldly charm before turning back the other way. He looked up at the sky and Hermione did the same. They both noted that the cloud cover was slowly but surely clearing. She had to act quickly and therefore whistled for a taxi as well as adding a little charm to aid her search. In no time, a taxi appeared on the perpendicular avenue and stopped before her. The vampire sighed as he moved to let her claim the cab but she surprised him when she shook her head.
"I believe you're more in need of a cab than me." She said and pointedly looked towards the sky. It wasn't often that a vampire could be caught off-guard and she chuckled when she saw his god-smacked expression. "You can have this one. I'll just grab the next one." She said pleasantly as she opened the door for him.
"How about we share the cab and I get to know my saviour," the blond told her with a beautiful smile. Maybe she shouldn't but Hermione thought it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Plus, she was in desperate need of a nap.
"It's a deal then," she nodded in response. "But we share the fare."
"Absolutely not, it's on me." He replied.
Maybe it was a sign of how much she was tired that Hermione did not argue as much she would have done in a normal condition. But she just sighed and shrugged in response. The vampire let her get in the cab before he climbed in.
"Where do you want to go?" The cabmen asked them gruffly.
"Corner 59th and Fifth Avenue, please." The blond said as he turned to her silently inquiring about her destination.
"The Waldorf-Astoria, please." She replied with a smile at the driver who started the car instantly.
"Where do you want to go first?" He asked as he navigated through the crowded streets of the American metropolis.
"The Waldorf-Astoria, first. Then you can drop me off." The male vampire answered before her with a smile. It was thoughtful of him but really unnecessary. However, Hermione did not feel the will to argue any further so she let it go.
The ride from the Business district to the Upper-West Side was filled with very astonishing revelations on both parts as Hermione revealed to Carlisle, as he'd presented himself, as a witch. She'd of course cast a Muffliato spell to cover up on any indiscretions from the Muggle driver. After all, America or not, the International Statute of Secrecy was applied to every magical community worldwide. She could not reveal herself to a No-Maj—the American equivalent name for a Muggle—cab-man but she could do so with a vampire. They were classified as magical beings.
Carlisle had also surprised her when he said he was more than four hundred years old and had five adoptive children with his loving wife Esme who he'd sired himself. She was fascinated by his family and the abilities that three of his 'children', Alice, Edward and Jasper had acquired when they were changed. In no time however, Hermione arrived to her hotel and prepared herself to get back to her bed for some long-awaited hours of sleep. But before as she got out, Carlisle said her name to get her attention and she stopped.
"Hermione, it's been a pleasure meeting you and I'd like, if you're free that is, to invite you to a reception that my family will attend tonight at the MOMA." Carlisle asked her.
"It's very thoughtful of you, but I don't want to intrude on a family event that's probably been planned for a few weeks already." She replied frowning.
"Nonsense. As it was for me, I do believe that my family will be delighted to make your acquaintance." Sometimes when Carlisle spoke his British origins made themselves known in his choice of words. "Plus, Edward can serve as your escort as he's the only one of my children whose single and he'll be a real gentleman, I promise." Carlisle smiled at her.
"Please tell me Carlisle that you're not playing matchmaker?" Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No, Edward has recently broken up with his girlfriend and we moved shortly afterwards. He needs some company and I do believe that your personality is gonna intrigue him." Carlisle countered.
Maybe, she was more tired than she thought because Hermione found herself nodding and giving Carlisle her room number. The latter told her that Edward would pick her up at eight sharp and that was the end of it. He smiled at her before she got out of the cab and she made her way into the hotel.
As agreed, Edward was at her door at eight on the dot. When Hermione had opened the door, she knew what she was expecting to find. But Edward had somehow broken the definition of perfection. A level of perfection that she could only expect to find in those perfect statues of Greek deities. It was also agreed that the fact that his skin was smooth and hard as the polished marble statues could help in that comparison. Edward with his perfect chiselled looks and sexy bronze-coloured hair was the epitome of magnificence.
It had been an almost perfect date night. And it surprised her because she thought it would have been very much different. When she thought about how they got to know each other in the first place, she thought it was actually quite ridiculous.
She knew that the fact that he'd accompanied her back to her hotel room door meant something. She was not as naïve as people thought she was. Being a Muggle-born, she'd watched plenty of romance flicks to know that when the guy wants to accompany you to your doorstep, it was not because he wanted to make a good impression on the girl's parents.
They were now in the corridor leading to her door walking slowly and silently side by side. She couldn't help but glance at him and his perfect features. Being a vampire, he was just physically perfect. It was a way for their species to seduce more easily their prey, to lull them into some false sense of security before they went for the kill.
But Edward, despite being a vampire and a lethal predator, was not out for her blood. He didn't even drink human blood for that matter. His family and he sustained themselves off of animal blood. They'd called themselves 'vegetarian' vampires. As if feeding off of animals could ever qualify them as vegetarians. Anyway, that was information that she'd already got from his father, Carlisle, in the morning.
Like Carlisle had said, Edward was overly curious and asked her plenty of questions about her life, her job, the War and other nonsensical things. Edward had properly monopolised her time and she did not get to talk as well as she wanted to the rest of his family. Edward did share parts of his own story with her as well as bits and pieces of his family members' story. So when the night was over and Edward had offered to accompany her back to her hotel, she had been pleasantly surprised. When she finally reached her door, she slowly turned to him with a smile.
"I believe it's customary and clichéd this side of the Atlantic to invite the guy, with whom the girl had a pleasant time with, in for a cup of coffee. But I know that you don't drink any coffee," she asked him as she stood in front of her door.
"It doesn't really matter right now because I'll still want to come in," he replied with a mischievous grin.
"And I'd like that," she added with a smile. She opened her door with the magnetic card that was provided as well as removed the complicated wards she'd put with her wand. She turned the handle and slowly pushed the door and entered her room followed by Edward. She didn't even manage to close the door when Edward crashed his lips on hers for a hungry kiss. In no time, Hermione found herself pressed against the door, her legs around Edward's waist as she eagerly returned his kiss. It had been such a long time that she'd been snogged with so much fervour.
However, unlike the vampire, Hermione felt the urgent need to breathe and broke the kiss for a much needed breath of fresh hair. Edward had in the meantime taken the initiative of removing her clothing and was zipping down the blue silk dress that she was wearing while he kissed her shoulder.
If she stopped to think on the situation at hand, Hermione would rationally conclude that she was the 'rebound girl'. After all, Edward had just broken up with his girlfriend and there he was grinding his growing erection against her. But Hermione was past all rationality. Hermione wanted this even though she knew that it was still dangerous. Normally, sex was not a dangerous matter. But it is very dangerous if you happened to have sex with a vampire. And what if he slipped?
The need Hermione felt for Edward however erased all the rational process that she had often displayed in the past and was known for.
When her dress was finally off and Edward had thrown it somewhere in her hotel room, followed by her bra and knickers, Hermione felt suddenly self-conscious under Edward's intense stare. The beautiful vampire had also discarded his clothes and stood before her in all his glorious perfection. After a moment of mutual admiration of each other's body, Edward again lifted her in his arms and walked her to the bedroom with her legs wrapped around him.
The lustful gaze in his eyes ignited a roaring fire in her that Hermione never knew could be conjured. But as Edward gently laid her on her bed and covered her body with his own, surprisingly not crushing her, Hermione forgot all her lingering doubts and decided to live the moment. She captured his full lips in a searing kiss which he eagerly returned. The kiss, the feel of his hand cupping her breasts and the other one caressing her folds brought Hermione to another level of pleasure.
Edward, to her dismay, stopped the kiss. And looked her directly in the eyes with the wonderful desire in his golden eyes that had darkened with the passion they felt.
"I can't wait. I want you. NOW!" He growled in the huskiest voice Hermione ever heard as he rubbed his hardened length against her carnal passage. There was no other alternative to her at the time.
"I want you also, Edward." She'd never felt so needy in her life.
Edward captured her lips in another burning kiss as he penetrated her completely. Maybe she had not been ready for such a brusque penetration as she cried from the painful and brutal intrusion. Edward's lips and his hands caressing her managed to distract a little from the pain. He'd stilled inside of her to allow her some time to get accustomed to the intrusion of his long shaft.
The pain subsided slowly and Hermione wiggled a bit to tell Edward that she was ready. The vampire slowly withdrew himself almost completely before he again thrust in. Each time, he slowly accelerated his speed and before long Hermione was matching him and responding to his thrusts. The pleasure was increasing and Hermione knew that she was not far from an incredible climax.
As if sensing this, Edward picked up his speed and thrust in with more vigour into her. Surprisingly, she had not sustained any injury. As she felt her climax coming, she screamed Edward's name as she felt the waves of pleasure crashing over her and the explosion of the knot that she'd felt with the mounting pleasure. Edward followed her after a few more thrusts and came inside of her.
She was breathless for she did not know how many minutes and even though, Edward did not need to breathe he still felt somewhat breathless. And breathed in and out to calm himself afterwards as he fell next to her. They stayed silent like that on the bed listening to each other's breathing. Then Edward wrapped Hermione in his arms and kissed her lovingly. They felt no need for words as they just kissed and cuddled for the rest of the night before sleep claimed Hermione.
She knew that he'd watched her all night but she'd thought that he would be gone in the morning when she woke up. It wasn't the case. The strong but cold arms holding her tightly against a smooth chest reminded Hermione of the events the night.
And as she opened her eyes to look in those golden-honey coloured eyes of his, Hermione thought for a second that she'd woken up in the arms of an angel. When the said angel gently laid his lips on hers for a good-morning kiss, she knew that it had never been a dream.
In those expressive eyes of his, Hermione saw a whirlpool of emotions float but outshone every other emotion was the wonder that shone in his eyes. For her.
She wanted to say something smart to him but he beat her to it. To tell him that she had been right. That she let the right one in and it was him. But what he said, was definitely not something that Hermione had expected.
"Hermione, will you marry me?" He asked.
However it was her own answer to his question that Hermione did not expect. Maybe, she'd been more under Edward Cullen's spell than she'd believed.
"Yes," she answered with a smile as she drowned herself into his beautiful eyes.
Author note:
This was intially written as a little one-shot. The story has been on my mind for some time now. As you'll probably know the story and chapter title are a nod to two beautiful vampire movies. Let Me In being the remake of the Swedish movie Let The Right One In. And for once, the remake and the original are as awesome in quality and remain must-see movies. Initially, the chapter title was Let Me In but since it's going to be a multi-chaptered one, I changed it to Of Meetings and Coffees.
After taking into consideration everything and debating long hours with myself, I've been able to find a suitable storyline to make this a multi-chaptered story. I know that I'm probably biting into more than I can chew but as long as the readers like the story, I'm good.
Thanks and take care,