Author: Agent_girlsname

Title: Haunted Life

Rating: PG13


Blaine Anderson has a secret, he can see dead people. It isn't as readily accepted as the movies would have you believe and he has to leave two different schools because of the bullying.

As he attends William McKinley High he resolves to completely ignore the ghosts, hoping they will leave him alone, but the ghost of Kurt Hummel isn't so easy to ignore.

But Kurt isn't dead; he's in a coma after being attacked and needs Blaine to help him catch who did it...

'William McKinley High'

Blaine Anderson looked up at the sign above the door, his whole body filling with trepidation. This was it; a new start.

His old public school had been a complete nightmare, and when the bullying had become too much he had been moved. Dalton had been a lot better, but once his secret came out not even the zero tolerance take on bullying could stop the staring and whispering.

He was knocked form his thoughts by a jock with a mullet slamming into his shoulder, moving on without even stopping to look at him.

Blaine shifted his backpack onto his shoulder and took a deep breath, steeling himself before he walked through the doors to his new school.

'Ok Blaine, welcome to the school, if you'd like to take a seat next to Tina there I'm sure she'll help you catch up to where we are in the textbook.' Mr. Schuster smiled at Blaine, waving him to an empty seat next to a young Asian girl looking out of the window with a bored expression on her face.

Blaine smiled and took his seat, doing his best to ignore the man hanging by his neck from a rope in the corner. The man's eyes bulged and his hands twitched uselessly by his side, legs jerking in an attempt to gain some purchase and save himself from his horrible demise.

He didn't let his eyes linger on the dying man, avoiding looking in that corner at all costs. No one else in the room could see him, they didn't have Blaine's 'gift'.

Blaine scoffed. Since when was being able to see dead people a 'gift'? All it had ever done was bring him trouble.

He noticed Tina looking at him strangely and forced himself to focus. He had been so determined to ignore the hanging man in the classroom he hadn't even taken out his books yet. He set the textbook on the table in front of him and took out a pen, looking over at Tina and scrambling for something to say, he would not start out this school making people think he was strange.

'Hi, I'm Blaine.' He said, introducing himself, Tina smiled at him, reaching over to his textbook and finding the page the rest of the class was on. He sighed in relief. They had covered all of this in Dalton ages ago; at least he wouldn't be behind in his classes.

By the end of the class he was sure he'd made a friend, Tina had even offered to help him after school to catch up with the rest of the class, Blaine had been too polite to say he was already ahead.

'I can't do this afternoon though, I have glee club.' She said, packing her books away as the bell went.

'Glee club?' Blaine repeated, he'd tried to join in with the Warblers, and had gotten on quite well before everything had come out. He'd love the chance to sing and perform again.

'Yeah, the New Directions. Can you sing?' She asked, noticing the interest in Blaine's eyes. 'You should come along, everyone who tries out gets in, we need everyone we can get. Especially now.' She looked so sad all of a sudden Blaine was worried she might start crying. But then she blinked and the sadness was masked.

'I'll see you there.' He said as they left the room.

The rest of the day was quite uneventful. He had managed to get himself lost four times, spent five minutes trying to get into a locker which turned out to belong to a blonde cheerleader who at least was kind about it, if a little aloof, and two different sets of jocks had slammed him into the lockers.

But there had been no pointing or whispering. So far, so good.

None of his other classrooms had dead people in either, which made it easier to concentrate on his lessons. He quickly found out the boys restrooms near the canteen were to be out of bounds for him. A boy had slit his wrists on the bathroom floor and his ghost was slowly bleeding out; blood coating the tiles and seeping under the door of the stalls.

He quickly backed out of the door, thankful that there was no one around to see him run away from a seemingly empty room as if the hounds of hell were chasing him.

He shuddered and looked for his English classroom, just one more lesson to get through then he could check out the glee club.

He had spent most of his English class thinking about which song he would audition with, finally choosing a song by Pink he knew he could pull off at a moment's notice.

He felt a little sick with nerves as he stepped into the classroom. A room full of people he had never met, except for Tina, turned to look at him as Mr Schuster introduced him.

He took a deep breath and listened as the band struck up the familiar notes, feeling the music wash over him and sweep the anxiety away. He knew he could do this; this was something he was good at.

When he was finished there was a polite round of applause and he took a seat next to Tina and another Asian boy that she introduced as her boyfriend.

'Ok, I'm sure we're all very happy to welcome Blaine into the New Direction, especially now that it means we have enough to compete at Regional's with.' A short brunette stood up and stole the attention of the club. A couple of the girls rolled their eyes as soon as she began to speak.

'But we need to get down to business and decide which duet Finn and I are going to perform.'

There was a general murmur around the room but one voice stood out to Blaine above them all.

'Oh sure, let's make sure Finn and Rachel have yet another duet to sing together. Don't worry about letting anyone else have a chance Mr. Schu!'

Blaine looked over to the boy leaning against the piano who had spoken. He was standing right beside the music teacher, but Mr. Schu didn't pay any attention to him.

'And I think it would be best if we kept Kurt's song in it, it's a real crowd pleaser and I think I'll do just as good a job with it, if not better, and make him proud.'

'What? You can't take my solo Rachel Berry.' The boy exclaimed, pushing himself off of the piano and striding over to stand right next to Rachel. 'I worked my butt of for that solo, I deserve it and you get every solo already!'

The boy, who Blaine assumed was the Kurt that Rachel mentioned, was practically screaming in her ear but Rachel didn't even acknowledge him. Warning bells sounded in Blaine's head, he was definitely a ghost, one that was still walking around and trying to interact, not an echo of a person in the last few seconds of their life like most of them were.

It was this type of ghost that usually caused Blaine all the bother.

Kurt sighed in annoyance and cast his glance across the room. Blaine looked away suddenly, but it was too late, Kurt had already caught him staring.

'Can you see me?' He asked tentatively, walking away from Rachel who was arguing with a few members of the glee club who thought that Kurt's solo should be dropped out of respect.

Blaine did his best to ignore Kurt, keeping his eyes focussed on Rachel as if she was the most interesting thing she had ever seen, clenching his hands together to stop them shaking. He couldn't believe he had been so stupid.

'Hey, can you hear me? You were just looking straight at me.' Kurt insisted, moving into Blaine's line of sight so Blaine had to put extra effort into looking past him. It was harder than normal seeing as Kurt was so solid, lacking the tell tale transparency most ghosts had, if it weren't for the fact that no one else was looking at him, Blaine could have sworn Kurt was real.

'Why are you ignoring me?' Kurt demanded, putting his hands on his hips and glaring down at Blaine.

Sweat was breaking out on Blaine's brow in the effort to ignore Kurt. His eyes kept threatening to betray him and glance at the boy yelling at him, but he knew that would be a mistake. Once a ghost knew they had found someone who could see them they usually didn't leave them alone. Blaine had spent most of his life being hounded by spirits who wanted favours. A message sent to a loved one, evidence being pointed out to police who had missed something and many more things.

It wasn't that Blaine didn't want to be helpful, quite the opposite in fact. At first he had done all he could to help, but things always turned difficult. You couldn't pass a message to a loved one from their recently departed without them suspiciously demanding you tell them how you knew such information. Or point out evidence to the police without them suspecting you know more about the case then you do.

So Blaine had started to refuse to help them, explaining politely that he just couldn't do anything, but that hadn't worked either. When he declined to help the ghosts began to get mad, shouting at Blaine or threatening him. one man who had walked in front of the bus and wanted the bus company sued followed Blaine around for four days, screaming at him day and night until Blaine eventually broke down in math class, sobbing into his textbook and refusing to calm down until his mother came to collect him.

'Please, I know you can see me, please help me.' Kurt asked, bending down so he could look into Blaine's eyes. Blaine quickly turned to look at the boy in the wheelchair who was now speaking. He heard Kurt sigh gently and by the time he looked back at Rachel, Kurt was gone.

Kurt had stayed away for the rest of Glee club and Blaine had almost fooled himself in thinking he had tricked Kurt into thinking he couldn't actually see him after all.

But as he was collecting his books from his locker he could feel a presence beside him. He sighed heavily and turned around. Sure enough Kurt was standing behind him, arms crossed in front of his chest and looking a lot calmer then he had in the music room.

'Hi.' Kurt smiled. 'I'm sorry about earlier, I realise that, if you're the only one who can see me, getting you to talk to me in a room full of people wasn't exactly the best idea.'

Blaine turned back to his locker and nodded slightly. Even though they were alone in the hallway he didn't want to risk anyone who might walk past seeing him.

'Can we talk though? No one else can see me, or hear me and I could really use your help.'

Blaine huffed and slammed his locker shut, walking over to a classroom and making sure it was empty before he closed the door behind him. He leaned against the desk at the head of the classroom and waited for Kurt to follow him in.

He was a little surprised when Kurt seemed to use the door, most ghosts just headed straight through the walls. But Kurt passed through the closed door almost as if by habit.

'Thank you.' He grinned, standing in front of Blaine. His smile faltered when he saw the expression on Blaine's face. 'What?'

'Ok, let me get one thing straight, I can't help you. I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry, but no one believes me when I tell them I can see dead people, it just lands me in the psychiatric unit and I've more than enough of that throughout my life thank you.' Blaine said, trying to read the expression on Kurt's face. He was frowning, but he didn't seem angry or upset.

'I'm not dead.' Kurt said. Blaine sighed heavily. This was surely the worst kind of ghost, the kind who didn't believe that they were dead and wanted a genuine explanation as to why no one could see them. Even showing them their obituary of grave wasn't enough to convince them and Blaine was usually left with a hysterical mess following him around for a few days until they gave up and left him alone.

'I'm sorry Kurt.' He said, putting as much sympathy into his voice as he could manage and still sound genuine. 'I'm so sorry but you are, that's why no one else can see you, you're a ghost. And there's really nothing either of us can do about it.'

Blaine stopped suddenly; Kurt was looking at him as if he was crazy.

'No, I'm really not dead.' He said, speaking slowly and raising one eyebrow. 'I'm in a coma.'

Blaine really wasn't sure what to say to that. 'Coma?' He repeated.

'Yes, I've seen myself in the hospital bed; I've heard that doctors telling my dad about my condition. I'm still alive, I just won't wake up.' He paused and looked up at Blaine. 'Which is why I need your help.'

'Um, ok.' Blaine said, a little taken back by the sudden change of events. He had never come across this before, all the ghosts he saw were dead, end of story. 'What uh, what can I do for you?'

Kurt smiled and Blaine felt a small flutter in his stomach as he realised for the first time that this boy was actually quite beautiful, especially when he smiled.

'I need research.' Kurt said simply.

'Research?' Blaine cursed himself for continuously repeating what Kurt said.

'Yeah, I mean, I can hardly open a book or turn on a computer can I? I keep standing behind people on the computers in the library whispering suggestions to them, but it doesn't seem to work like it does in the movies.'

'I know, movies lie.' Blaine said sadly.

'Anyway, I just need to find out how to get back into my body and then I can wake up and tell them who did it.' Kurt said, a light shining in his eyes that Blaine was sure, logically, couldn't be there.

'Who did what?'

Kurt looked at him with a sombre expression.

'Who strangled me and left me for dead.'

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