Camp Shadow

Chapter 8

Alec POV

Author's note- Hey all! If i still have readers I am so sorry about the delay in chapters but I was suffering writer's block due to a maths test in my school tat will allow me to do math 3 years ahead oh my age instead of the 2 1/2 years I'm doing now! Anyways in regards to the story I'd like any ideas you can give me about the details in the murders and the characters involvement. Onto the story! Thanks!

In the boy's common room Magnus and I were snuggled in a tight wound on limbs on a blue recliner by the TV set , Magnus was fast alsleep face buried in the spot of my neck where he was last kissing. Jace and Simon were on the couch, Meloirn was texting Maia his new romantic intrest, Sebastion and Valentine were in their room talking whereas Rapheal was in his room with Camille who he had snuck in about 2 hours ago, they clearly were not talking but doing other things... Brrring Brrring my phone vibrated in my lap waking Magnus. A text from Izzy that read: Scooby gang meeting 11 p.m, in 1 hour from now at the clearing where mine and Magnus's first date was (we couldn't yet figure out a good name for our little group so Clary insisted on naming themselves after the group with the talking dog that was on tv, of course Jace agreeded so they were "The Scooby Gang", fail I know.)

"Who was that darling?" Magnus said between kisses on my neck.

"Mmph." I said pulling away, by the look on my face Magnus reliased that I couldn't talk when he did that. "Izzy, we have a you know what at the clearing at 11." Looking at Jace I saw a slight nod to show that he was in as well but apperantly the Voice season 1 finale rerun was more important to him. Of course it was.

"Well considering Isabelle will be there I must go paint my nails that magnificent green she lent me! Oh and Alexander, don't worry you won't have to paint yours as well." With on last soft kiss he detangled himself from me and walked into our room, I reliased then that he must have noticed the look of distress on my face when he talked about apinting his nails. I hated nail polish.

` "So" Jace started. "I guess you and She-man the prince of sparkles have really hit it off."

"He's an amazing person Jace, I wish you'd treat him better."

"Since dad won't worry about you and play the scary man in the family someone has to." Wow Jace and his ego care enough about me to play dad. He may yet surprise us.

"Oh well um thanks Jace that means a lot to me." I smiled because I really meant it. He smiled back and returned his attention to The Voice. I heard a door open and Rapheal walked out with a 'I just got laid' air about him. Sitting on another chair he spoke.

"Wow that Camille is good if ya catch my drift."

"Pig." Simon spoke up finally. Hmm odd.

"Meh whatever gets it done." Jace said. Blah he was just mad that he didn't get in Clary's pants yet. Keyword, yet. My door opened and out strode Magnus waving his lime green nails in my face. I told him the truth they were hot! It was five to 11 so us four (Simon, Jace, Magnus and me) pretended we where heading to bed and instead snuck out Jace and Simon's window. Clary and Izzy were already at the clearing. They waved us over so we all took seats however my seat was Magnus's lap. We made out for a few minutes then got down to business.

"So what news?" said Jace prince of tact.

Author's note- Sorry for the lack of fluff, chapters in the future should make up for it! R&R please! Thanks!