Hello everyone once again to the second chapter of my horror stories. I hoped you all liked "The King & The Jester" This Story is much shorter but it has a kind of feeling of suspense and fear that I want to inflict. I don't know if it may scare you. But I hope you can imagine it and feel what the character feels.

The Frightener

By DeepDarkDebt09

My eyes were wide awake with fear, not any normal fear, but fear as you seen in horror movies on the big screen. Sweat starts crawling down my flesh, like a spider slowly moving around my face, waiting for me to move and make its attack. I tremble under the covers, prepare for anything that will pop out and grab me in the middle of the night. My bedroom door is wide open, always had it open when I was a little kid, in case of anything, I warned my parents in a heartbeat. I turned and tossed in my sleep, shadows moving around, the dark playing its cruel jokes on me once again but always submit to it.

"Tap Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, and Tap!" A noise I heard made me jumped high off the bed; I tossed the covers over myself suddenly to protect myself from harm. The taps continue for a while as it rang through my ears, taunting me, luring me out of my safety zone toward the noise, wanting me to see what's out there in that cruel dangerous place known as our world. I shut my eyes and ignore the tapping but the sound blasted me out of my thoughts as it got louder. My heart pump faster than it had before, trying to leap its way out of my chest and run out to never come back again. I felt like I was being watch, being taunted…I wanted the noises to stop where my head was aching.

"STOP!" The words I screamed out of my mouth. Then it was quiet. All the noises I heard was only my breathing and my bed creaking. Everything became dead silent. Weird…my parents would have been in here by now. Its worries me to see if they are ok but I remembered the tapping. I turned to the window to see the tree close to my window. The Crooked branches were hitting the windows. I pull the covers away from my body and was about to set foot on the wooden floor. My lips have gone dry as I couldn't taste anything but the cool air hitting my tongue. The floors creek as they were in pain, screaming to me as it was trying to tell me to be back on my bed and sleep but, I couldn't do that. I staggered closely to the window to see nothing outside but fainted lights coming by the house. I heard soft little whispers. The whispers got closer as it was a song being sung by a group consist of 5-6 People. They wore dark clothing as I couldn't describe their face but see only the flames of the candles lit in the night.

"The Frightener is here so I suggest that be aware, taking kids in the night from love ones they care, ripping you in half with claws and teeth that you should always beware, we all in a group have one thing to only share... when the frightener comes….beware of the eyes of The Frighteners glare or be like the others who taken this would be dare… by The Frightener himself as you'll pay the price of your own affair." The Group sang as the door closes behind me silently. My heart has stopped beating as an evil feeling has arrived. Two hands came out and grabbed my arms as I scream in pain and was pulled out the window, my cries were cut short along with my life. Everything turned black as the last thing I heard that night was the song that became a warning to kids of a boogeyman known as The Frightener after my grueling death that fateful night. As I laid there passing on to somewhere else from this world, the group then started again the song as they walking on the road to prevent other kids be taken and warn the parents and teens to survive then die by the hands of a creature who's waiting underneath your bed.

The End.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Tell me what you think and I'll be glad on what you all have to say.