Chapter 14: Epilogue

Quinn folded their laundry into three piles. She added a T-shirt to Sam's pile, and laughed as she remembered Kurt standing in the kitchen, a puzzled expression on his face…

"Sam, what happened to my shirt?"

Sam looked at the shredded shirt in Kurt's hands, and shrugged. "I don't know, dude. It came out that way."

"It came out of the dryer that way?"


Kurt sat at the table across from Sam. "You put my shirt in the dryer?"

"Yeah." Sam read Kurt's face. "I wasn't supposed to?"

Kurt tried for patience. "The label says hang-dry."

"What label?"

Kurt glanced over at Quinn. "You don't read the labels?"

Sam bit into his sandwich. "I didn't know clothes had labels. I just throw everything in the washer and dryer."

Quinn had never seen Kurt so absolutely appalled. Sam wasn't allowed to do the laundry anymore.

Their ménage a trois was still in the adjustment phrase, but they were working things out. Originally, the two men had tried to share closet space, but it made Kurt crazy. Sam found an old armoire at a flea market and refinished it. They moved it into the living room, which had become Sam's room, sort of. He kept all his stuff in the living room; his clothes, and laptop, and guitar, but he slept in Kurt's room. They all slept in Kurt's room. The very first weekend after Sam decided to live with them permanently, they went out and bought a king sized bed. Kurt's room was a little larger than Quinn's so they put it in there. It took up almost the whole room, and Kurt complained about the visual esthetic, but they all knew he loved it.

Quinn put Kurt's stack of laundry on the king sized bed, technically Kurt's bed, although they all considered it theirs. To Quinn, this bed was a symbol of their relationship. This was where they talked, and planned, and dreamed. This was where they laughed, and made love to each other. Quinn smiled and patted the bed before she left the room.

Sam walked home from work. Spring was finally strangling winter in New York. Today marked three months with Stanford Engineering; his trial period was over, he was now a permanent hire. People gave him strange looks as they passed by, and Sam realized that he was smiling at nothing. Very uncool, but Sam didn't care. He didn't care what strangers thought about him, not anymore. His job was great, but his life was even better. This thing with Kurt and Quinn was weird. Sam still blushed sometimes when he thought about what he did with them, but … God! They made him happy!

Sam's feet knew the way, which was fortunate because Sam wasn't paying attention. He was thinking about Kurt and Quinn, and home. Quinn was all soft and cuddly in the morning when she woke up. Kurt was NOT; the other man was not a nice person until he'd had his first cup of coffee. Sam laughed remembering last Saturday morning…

Sam woke up slowly, no alarm this morning, he could take his time. He stretched, and sent his hand searching over the sheets. Kurt was gone, but Quinn was still in bed. He shifted over and curled around her. She snuggled back against him, and he put his arm around her waist, and nuzzled into her neck. Quinn sighed, and moved her hand back over his hip, pulling him closer. Sam's cock nudged her ass, and he slipped his fingers between her legs. Quinn reached between their bodies, separated her ass cheeks so that Sam could rub his cock between them. Quinn stroked his hip. He slid his cock against her, and his fingers into her. Quinn was wet and ready, and shit! He needed a condom. He backed away from Quinn, into Kurt. Sam started in surprise, and Kurt grinned. He rolled a condom onto Sam, stroked his cock a few times and then stepped away. Kurt sat at his desk, crossed his legs, and took a sip of his coffee. Kurt wanted to watch, and that made Sam so fucking hard.

"Sam?" Quinn's voice was still sleepy.

Sam slid into Quinn. He spoke low beside her ear. "Kurt wants to watch."

Quinn turned her head, looked over her shoulder, and smiled at Kurt. She snuggled back against Sam. She talked as Sam fucked her, one word between each thrust. "Most…people…think…he's …gay…but …he's …really…just…a …pervert!" Kurt's crystal laugh floated through Sam's heart. Quinn slipped her fingers down and touched herself. Sam put his hand over hers, and copied her movement. Quinn cried out, and Sam followed her into orgasm. He pulled out, tossed the condom, and flopped on to his back.

Kurt took the breakfast tray from his desk, and carried it over to the bed. He sat on the bed and poured coffee for the other two. "You keep starting without me."

Quinn stuck her tongue out at him. "Can we help it if you're not a morning person?"

Kurt stood in the crowded subway, oblivious to the mass of sweaty humanity around him. He was going home; home to two people. This thing they had was strange, no question. It had all happened so fast. Sam had come to bunk on their couch for two weeks, and now he was a permanent part of Kurt's heart. Quinn had evolved into this relationship as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Her reaction had given Kurt the courage to believe that it could work. And it was working; not just the sex, although the sex was more than Kurt had ever hoped for. The connection and caring between the three of them were what Kurt defined as home.

Kurt smiled remembering Sam sitting on the couch in the living room strumming his guitar…

Kurt sat on the arm of the couch and watched Sam fiddle with the strings. "Something new?"

"Maybe, mostly I'm just thinking."


"Well, now that I'm working, we could probably afford a bigger place."

Something tugged at Kurt's heart, something that felt a lot like fear. "Why? Do you want your own bedroom?"

Sam shook his head and Kurt could breathe again. "Nah, dude, just thought we could use another bathroom."

"Wouldn't that be wonderful?" Quinn had heard them talking from the kitchen. She came and sat on the coffee table facing the two men. "I could take my bubble baths without worrying that one of you needed the washroom."

Kurt snorted. "I haven't noticed you worrying about that so much."

Quinn grinned at him. "Well, I think about it sometimes."

Sam smiled at her. "Yeah, when one of us is pounding on the door."

"It would be nice." Kurt admitted. "But Sam, don't you have student loans to pay off?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, but there's no rush."

Quinn had her own student loans. "Don't they start charging interest from the time you graduate?"

When Sam nodded again, they thought about it.

"I think we should wait on the moving idea for a while, and Sam puts his money into paying down the loans." Quinn looked at the other two parts of the triangle. "What do you guys think?"

Kurt wasn't much of a team player, he'd always been happy to forge his way alone. For their team of three, however, Kurt was more than willing to make an exception. Knowing that at least two other people in this world had his back was a very nice feeling. This feeling of warmth, and comfort, and connection…yeah, Kurt wasn't giving that up, not ever.

as Kurt closed the apartment door, he could tell without even looking, that both his lovers were home. The radio was on in the kitchen, which meant that Quinn was home, and the TV was on in the living room which meant Sam was in there. It got a little noisy sometimes. Kurt dropped his keys on the hall table, and walked into the living room. Sam sat on the couch with his lap top. Kurt picked up the remote and turned the TV down. Sam looked up and smiled. "You're home!" Sam tipped his head back, and Kurt leaned over the couch to kiss him. Sam broke the kiss, and put his laptop on the couch beside him. Kurt walked around the couch and sat in Sam's lap. His arms circled Sam's neck. Sam's arms wrapped around Kurt's back. They kissed each other deeply; tongues and lips and warmth. Kurt lifted his head.

Sam smiled at him. "That's better."

Kurt laughed, and got up. Sam went back to his laptop, and Kurt crossed the hall to the kitchen. Quinn stood at the sink, rinsing vegetables. Kurt stopped behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and tucked his head on her shoulder. Quinn turned her head, and smiled. "Hey, sweetie, good day?"

Kurt waited while Quinn dropped the veggies in the colander, and shut the water off. He turned her into his arms, and held her close. Quinn locked her arms around his neck, and Kurt dipped his head. Their lips and tongues slid against each other. Kurt clenched a fist in Quinn's hair, and tugged. Quinn swatted him away. "Don't start anything you're not going to finish, Hummel!"

Kurt laughed and let her go. "Later?"


"Give me a minute to change and I'll come help you."

In his room, Kurt changed into an old pair of jeans and a T-shirt, wondering how he got so lucky. The words from a song in the Sound of Music played on repeat in his head.

For here you are standing there, loving me

Whether or not you should

So, somewhere in my youth or childhood

I must have done something good

Kurt shook his head and walked down the hall to the kitchen. Now, if he could just get Sam to stop calling him dude, life would be perfect!

The End