I've taken everyone's advice and put Ever Fixed Mark on the back burner for now. Instead I thought I start this one because the story idea I came up with excited me. Hopefully, you like it. (I don't own and get anything from NCIS and Bellisario but I do have fun playing in their sand box.)

Broken Boughs and Blackened Leaves

For there a fatal image grows

That the stormy night receives,

Roots half hidden under snows,

Broken boughs and blackened leaves.

The Two Trees by WB Yeats


Tony took a few days off because his voice still hurt from losing it to overuse and allergies and he needed to wrap his mind around what else had happened. There he was going door to door trying to bait a killer and his backup, his friends, his teammates, turned off the radio link because they got tired of his voice. If he had been attacked, or called for backup because of a dangerous situation it would have gone unheeded. He would have been on his own, alone, without his team. No one would be on his six; no one would protect his back.

At first he was bothered by this act of rejection because that was what it was, but then he forgot about it for a while. At the park Ziva went out of her way to protect him from a bomb blast tackling him to the ground and covering him with her body and then as a team they enjoyed some baseball, not his favorite sport, but one he understood the poetic and cultural appreciation of. Then it sunk in on him. His team deserted him. McGee, his probie, got tired of his voice; Ziva, his ninja who he loved as more than a sister or partner, couldn't stand to hear his voice any longer.

His life suddenly made little sense, or maybe it now made complete sense. Those people who he thought of as family put him at risk because they were tired of his nonstop talking. They were tired of him. He trusted them, but that trust was now gone. One stupid little moment had destroyed it for him. If they couldn't stand his voice or his talking, then they couldn't stand him. He was no longer part of the team, or the family he thought they were.

Of course, what were his options here? He could confront them and force apologies out of them, but that would be a hollow victory. Their apologies would taste like ashes to him. He could inform Gibbs of what they did but that would get them either fired or disciplined to the point of being removed from the MCRT, and let's face it they were a good team, except for him. McGee had gotten arrogant lately, but he had turned into an excellent agent and Ziva was Ziva. Even now after losing trust in her he loved her.

In many ways he was the problem, not McGee and Ziva. He was the voice they couldn't stand to hear, so why not silence that voice. Gibbs' team would function just as well, if not better without him. Even he had to admit that he'd been off his game the past few years. It started with the debacle that his undercover assignment where he fell in love with Jeanne Benoit. After that there was the protection duty where he and Ziva weren't where they were supposed to be and Jenny was killed. Being an agent afloat followed that and then there was his killing Rivkin causing Ziva to stay in Tel Aviv so that her father could send her on a suicide mission to Somalia.

Somalia. For over three months she was in the hands a terrorist who beat her, tortured her and God knows what else. She was imprisoned there because of him and his actions. After they rescued he thought that maybe he had turned the corner, maybe things were getting back to normal. They were tired of his voice; they were tired of him. Funny, he was tired of himself.

Peoria, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and now NCIS DC; it didn't matter where he went, eventually it had to end. He was without family, never really had one to begin with: a mother who died when he was eight and an alcoholic conman father was his only family. No, it was time to move on. It was time to do what he did best, leave and attempt to make a new life for himself somewhere else. He was good at leaving.

Opening his laptop, which was lying on the coffee table in front of him, he logged on and checked what openings there were at some of the other NCIS locations. Naples had an opening for the position of Supervisory Agent for their newly formed Cold Case Homicide Unit. He hated cold cases, but it was a promotion and it was Naples. Maybe after a year or two he could transfer to one of the Major Case Response Teams or even become a contingency agent. Naples, he always wanted to live in Italy and now would be his chance.

He would go in Monday morning bright and early and request the position. Vance would love the chance to get another McGee-like agent for Gibbs to season. They were the future anyhow. He'd use his homicide detective skills and go off and leave in Naples. Maybe there he would end up with teammates who appreciated him.


It was seven in the morning. No Ziva or Gibbs or McGee. Vance was in his office already, so Tony adjusted the sleeve of his Prada black suit then he adjusted his lilac tie and headed up to the Director's office. He knocked on the door.

"Come in," Vance yelled.

He entered and looked at Vance's stern face as he worked on paperwork.

"Agent DiNozzo, I'm surprised to see you here this early," he said.

Tony stood in front of his desk at attention. There was a flutter in his stomach. He was about to make a request that would change his life once again. Once again he was about to take his life and shake it up and hope he could make it better somewhere else.

"I came in early to request consideration for the new supervisory agent for the Cold Case Homicide Unit position in Naples," he said.

There was no missing the look of shock on Vance's face. DiNozzo asking to be separated from Gibbs was a shock on the seismic scale that measured around 6.0.

"Make your case," said Vance. He never wanted to stand in the way of an agent trying to achieve advancement.

"For two years I was considered one of the best homicide detectives in Baltimore. My partner and I had a clearance percentage of 94%, which was remarkable considering we worked on two or three case at a time, including a cold case. As Gibbs' senior field agent I have had an exemplary career. The teams case clearance percent of 96% is top in the system. We have handled murders, serial murders, and terrorists. I briefly ran the team for four months and the percent didn't dip. I am fluent in Italian and Spanish and I have an excellent relationship with local police departments. I know how to talk cop and that is an international language," he stated.

Vance nodded his head: "Why do you what to leave?"

Because a man I thought of as a brother and a woman I am deeply in love with treated me like a joke and risked my life, he sighed. I no longer trust those I work with and I won't throw them under the boss.

"Because it's time for me to find something more challenging. Agent McGee is a capable agent and needs to take more responsibility and Agent David has turned into a fine investigator. I believe a new probie is what the team needs, not an underutilized SFA," he said.

Vance stood up and offered him his right hand to shake: "Excellent job of convincing me. You leave in two weeks. Take the rest of the day to start getting your affairs straightened out. I'll inform Gibbs and the team that you are leaving," said Vance. "I'll go downstairs with you so you can give me your service revolver. You'll be issued a new one in Naples. I'll also need your DC NCIS ID."

Tony took out his picture ID and handed it to Vance. They left the office and headed down the stairs. Ziva was now sitting at her desk in sweats with her hands and feet taped up from a kick boxing match. She watched as Tony and Vance came down the stairs from the mezzanine. Tony appeared to look serious, no smiles or bright eyes, and Vance seemed satisfied about something.

She watched as they walked up to Tony desk and Tony unlocked his left op hand drawer and took out his service revolver and handed it to Vance.

"You'll be issued a new one in Naples," Vance to Tony.

Naples. Tony was going to Naples. Was it an undercover assignment? Ziva watched them in shock.

"And a new ID, right?" asked Tony.

"Yes," Vance offered Tony his hand again and they shook. "I had my doubts about you, DiNozzo. You are unorthodox to say the least, but you and your methods have grown on me. I'll miss you."

Miss you. Tony is leaving. He can't be leaving, she thought.

Vance took the service revolver in his hand then faced Ziva for a moment: "When Gibbs gets in tell him we need to talk personnel changes."

Vance walked away. Ziva tried to find her voice to speak to Tony, but he grabbed his raincoat and backpack and headed for the elevator. She took off after him catching him as he entered the elevator. Before the door closed she slipped onto the elevator and pressed the emergency stopped.

Tony stared at Ziva. Her hair was down and curly from sweat and her brown chocolate eyes were ablaze with emotion. He could feel his emotions stirring and watched as a bead of sweat traveled down her forehead and down her cheek. Damn, if he didn't love her, but he was never smart about who he fell in love with.

"Tony, you are leaving, yes?" she said.

"Yes. I'm taking the new supervisory agent position in the Cold Case Homicide Unit in Naples, Italy. I leave in two weeks," he said.

"Two weeks? Why?" she asked barely controlling her emotions.

"Do you really care, Agent David?" he asked coldly.

"Of course, I do. You know that I care about you. I care deeply about you," she said almost yelling at him.

He laughed coldly: "Really? You care so much that on an assignment with some dangers involved you turn off the communication link between me and you and McGee, who are my back up, because you got tired of hearing my voice and because you think that I'm my talking too much."

"It was a joke and it only was for five minutes or so," she said.

"During which time if I had requested backup or was attacked, you two would have missed it completely endangering my life. My life, not that you care about my life. Your actions proved you don't care about my life. I can no longer trust either one of you as teammates, but since the team works perfectly fine as it stands now, I decided to remove myself from it," he said.

"But…," she started to defend herself.

"No buts. If I told Gibbs what you did, he'd fire both of you from his team. I have no doubts Vance would find new positions for you because he values you both. But I can't tell Gibbs. I can't tell Gibbs because it will show him how badly I failed as his SFA. My teammates are so tired of me, dislike the sound of my voice so much that they turned off the link to me putting me at risk," he said.

"Oh, Tony, I didn't mean to hurt you," she said, as tears started to burn her eyes.

"No, not good enough. You managed to hurt me more than I ever thought someone could. McGee, I think of him as a kind of a brother. He's my probie. And you… I love you," he said and the pain of admitting how he felt could be heard in his voice and seen in his eyes.

He loves me. Damn it, Ziva, what have you done.

"I know I'm a joke to the two of you, a clown. I just didn't realize how much of a joke," he said.

"Tony, you were talking nonstop about movies and whatever else came to your mind and we got tired of listening to you," she said.

"You got tired of me. Get tired of listening to me means that you got tired of me. Can't stand the sound of my voice then you can't stand me," he said then he reached over and slapped the emergency button back on and hit the door open button. "Goodbye, Ziva."

He gently pushed her out and closed the elevator doors. Ziva was in a state of shock. Tony was gone and it was her fault. He loved her and he finally admitted it to her and now he was gone. She walked back to her desk and sat down, as McGee came huffing and puffing into the bullpen.

"I had to take the stairs," he said slightly out of breath. He looked at Ziva, who appeared to be ready to cry then he

looked to that Tony and Gibbs weren't in yet.

"What's wrong, Ziva?"

"We have fucked up, McGee," she said then she started to cry.

Chapter One

Europe and Africa Field Office, Naples, Italy.

It had been four years since Tony left DC. Tony had never talked to Gibbs. He just couldn't face him, especially since he felt like a failure. Before he left he was able to talk to Abby, which didn't go well; he talked to Ducky, which went well; and he talked to Jimmy, who helped him move and stayed in close contact with him. Jimmy was even the best man at his wedding to Alessia Maria Bianco, the only daughter of a wealthy Naples banker. Jimmy was also the godfather to his daughter Alessia Josephina DiNozzo, which he now pronounced by its proper Italian pronunciation: DiNutso. Fornell would be amused that he now used the proper pronunciation.

They had been married for three years and Lessie was two years old. His daughter was his light, la sua Luce. For the first time in his life he was happy both professionally and personally. He never thought when he left DC that it would be possible but he was remarkably happy.

After a year running the Cold Case Homicide Unit, the new Assistant Director of European and African Operations, Gabriel Albert, whose pre-Ellis Island family name was Albertinelli, bonded immediately with Tony and gave him a MCRT to run. Director Albert, who had black hair and grey eyes, was forty years old, four years younger than Tony. After a year of leading an MCRT, Director Albert with the consent of Director Vance made Tony his Special Agent in Charge of European and African Operations, which meant he was sent to field offices from Rome to Cape town, South Africa and everything in between as a trouble shooter reporting directly to the assistant director and director.

"How are Alessia and Lessie doing?" asked Albert.

Tony sat in his Albert's office looking out the window at Mount Vesuvius.

"They're doing great," smiled Tony.

"My Melonie keeps wanting me to invite you guys over for dinner. I think she wants Lessie and Michael to be friends," said Albert.

"Alessia would like that. She enjoys Melonie's company," said Tony.

"How come I feel like having this meeting at O'Rhys Irish Pub for a cheese burger and a pint of Guinness at Carney Park?" said Albert.

"Alessia wouldn't like that. She hates my American diet, so she has me on a new strict one," said Tony. "I've lost more weight since I've moved to Naples."

"You're lucky man, DiNutso. A beautiful wife and child and you live in a damned villa that would make Admiral Morse, who is in charge of the Sixth Fleet, jealous," said Albert.

"He should have married a banker's daughter like I did," smiled Tony drawing a chuckle from Albert.

"I might need to send you on a round robin visit to Rota, Rome then Tel Aviv," he said.

"Tel Aviv? Really?" said Tony.

"Yes, really," he said. "I know I don't understand how Europe and Africa ended up with the Force Protection Detachments in Tel Aviv and Athens, Greece, but they are under our jurisdiction."

"What's the problem, Gabe?" he asked.

"Some counterterrorism intel which is hinting at an attack on one of our Force Protection Detachment Installations or overseas bases," explained Albert. "I want you to take in person these briefings and meetings and see if you can start making connections. I'll want you to be in constant touch through MTAC with me and Vance. This is an important one. You'll be meeting with reps from AISI and CII in Rome, CNI in Rota, and Mossad in Israel."

"Oh, goody, I get to deal with foreign intelligence agencies. Couldn't I just watch Three Days of the Condor and call it a day?" joked Tony.

Director Albert shook his head no.

"You'll keep an eye on Alessia and Lessie for me," said Tony.

"I'll have agents checking in on them and surveillance and Melonie, Michael and I will have them over for dinner some night soon," said Albert.

"You're a prince," smiled Tony.

"And you leave in two days, so go home to your wife and child and break the news," said Albert.

"Thanks, boss," said Tony with a grin.

"Get out of my office," said Albert.


Tony's home was a four bedroom white villa off of Via Aito di Fuori in W Ischia, Naples. As usual he found his wife and daughter out on the backyard playing. It was a seventy-nine degree September day. As he stood under the awning, Tony took his linen tan suit jacket off, undid his tie and popped the top button, rolled up his sleeves, and joined his family.

"Papa," his daughter, who was wearing shorts and tee shirt, giggled when she saw him and ran over to him then hugged his leg.

She had dark brown hair like his wife, but his sea green eyes. Her features were Alessia, but her smile was his.

"Luce, you only want to give papa's leg a hug?" he said as he picked her up.

She wrapped his small arms around his neck and squeezed him. Tony looked at his wife. She was in a summer's dress, which she made look like a gown. Alessia had full sensuous lips, dark, almost black, hair, light brown eyes, and a figure which made him think of a young Sophia Loren. She was not yet thirty. The age difference bothered him at first, until her father Matteo told him that there was twenty year difference between him and Alessia's mother, Savina. He told Tony that age for men was purely mental.

"Tony, you are home early," she said.

"Mamma, Papa smells good," Lessie said as she buried her face in the nape of his neck.

He used Bulgari's Aqua Pour Homme Cologne for men. Was it good that his daughter had expensive taste in colognes, he wondered.

"Gabe gave me an early day and tomorrow off," he told his wife.

"You are going on a trip, aren't you?" she asked.

"Yes, my love," he said.

"It is not fair," she said then made a pouty face, which made his heart skip a beat.

"Ti amo," he said to her.

"I love you, too," she replied. "Where are you going?"

"Rome, Rota, and Tel Aviv," he said.

"You will be gone weeks," she said.

"I'm a troubleshooter, Dolcezza," he said.

"I will miss you, Tony," she said and joined her daughter in giving Tony a hug.

He kissed his wife then kissed his daughter's forehead: "I am a blessed man."

"Yes, you are," she smiled. "Now you daughter and I will make you a healthy dinner."

"Healthy," sighed Tony.

"Okay, maybe I'll make a spaghetti alla puttanesca," she said.

"Oh, please, pretty please," he begged.

She took her daughter from his arms, placed her down, and then gave him a long passionate kiss.

"I will make it for you," she smiled.

"Thank you, my love," he said.

"You know that I can't refuse you, Tony," she said.

"Ditto, toots," he smiled.

"What about me, Papa?" asked his daughter who pulled on his pant leg.

"I can never say no to my Luce," he told her.


He was nine days into his trip of briefings and meetings when he finally landed Ben Gurion International Airport. After deplaning he noticed a familiar figure in Malachi Ben Gideon standing there. He walked up to him.

"Malachi," he said, "are you here for me?"

"SAC Anthony DiNozzo," he said. "It has been a long time since we last saw each other."

"Sure has," said Tony cautiously.

"You're bags will be picked up for you," said Malachi.

"Thanks," replied Tony.

"Deputy Director David is expecting you for a briefing," he said.

"Mossad Headquarters?" he asked.

"No. He's home. You are having dinner with him," said Malachi.

"Okay, take me to the Hilton Tel Aviv, so I can shower and get ready," Tony sighed.

"Don't be so glum. He is looking forward to seeing you," Malachi said.

"Is Eli going senile?" asked Tony.

"No," smiled Malachi.

"I have to call my family, too," he said checking his watch. "My daughter is probably up from her nap."

"How old?" asked Malachi.

"Two," smiled Tony.

"The terrible twos. My niece is three. We just got through with the terrible twos," he smiled.

"Ah, my Luce is never terrible, though she does like to ask papa a lot of questions," said Tony.

"Someday I'd like to have children. Maybe when I'm no longer Kidon," said Malachi.

"Don't wait too long, Mal. I almost waited until it was too late. I was lucky to have Alessia walk into my life or it would have never happened for me," said Tony.

"I'll keep that in mind," said Malachi.


Eli lived what could be classified as a small compound near the beach. After letting Tony check in and shower and change into a Rizzoli Umo two button tan suit made from Irish linen. He forwent a tie and just wore a light blue linen dress shirt. Malachi escorted him past the security and into the front fall where the late Amit Hadar's replacement Aaron Schul waited for him.

"Director David will be a few moments. He is on the phone. Important matters," said Schul. "Has your trip been productive, SAC DiNutso?"

"So far," Tony answered.

Schul smiled. It wasn't a friendly smile, but a guarded one. He was about to say something else, when Eli David, a man who was force of nature, came into the room. He was almost now completely grey, but with the same craggy handsome face.

"Ah, SAC DiNozzo. If you don't mind, I will stick with the old pronunciation," he said. "My daughter calls you DiNozzo not DiNutso. She misses you greatly."

"You are in touch with Agent David?" he asked.

"Yes. We have had a thawing in our relationship especially after the Port to Port killer and her fiancé Ray Cruz turning out to be a murderer. She has gone through a few difficult years. But these past few years have been good to you, haven't they? A wife and a child," said Eli. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," he said.

"I never told my poor Ziva about your marriage and child. I thought it would break her heart. She has deep feelings for you and deep regrets," he said.

"Director David…," Tony started to be interrupted.

"Eli. And I shall call you Tony," he said.

"Eli, I'm here on business not pleasure," Tony said.

"You have changed," he smiled. "Come, let's eat."

They sat a dining room table to be served roasted chicken, roast potatoes, French style green beans served with a Chardonnay. Schul and Malachi ate with them and they discussed business over dinner.

"You have received a great deal of intel. I trust your instincts, Tony, so distill it for me and then I will do the same for you," said Eli.

"Chatter and some movements of known terrorists lead us to think there will be an attack on Naval Support Activity Bahrain. I think it's too obvious and we are being setup for an attack somewhere else," said Tony.

"Excellent. Mossad agrees with you," smiled Eli. "We are not sure where, but we think it is Naples. The Sixth Fleet is too tempting a target and Italy has both economic and political problems at the moment, which can be exploited by clever terrorists with money and we think this is one of the better funded attacks."

Naples. Just hearing Naples mentioned turned Tony's stomach.

"I need to make a phone call," said Tony.

"Assistant Director Albert?" asked Eli.

"Yes. I'd like him to raise the security conditions and also move my wife onto base until we are sure about this," Tony said.

"I would agree," said Eli. "You cannot be too careful in these matters. Please, feel free to walk out on the patio and make your call. Is your phone secure?"

"It's scrambled and secure," Tony said then he got up and walked through the open French door onto the patio. He took out his smart phone and Albert.

"Albert," he answered.

"It's me. I'm not liking what I've been hearing and seeing so far. An attack points to Bahrain, but Director David agrees with me that it appears to be a ruse. He thinks Naples is a more likely target. I can't disagree with him," said Tony.

"You want me to up SecCon, don't you?" asked Albert.

"That and move Alessia and Lessie onto the base until I get home. I'd sleep better knowing that they are protected twenty four/seven. You should probably move Melonie and Michael, also," he said.

"I understand. I'll handle Alessia and Lessie personally. Call me tomorrow from a secure position so we can have a hook up with you, me and Vance," said Albert then hung up.

Tony returned to his dinner. The dishes had been cleared and Eli was drinking a cognac. There was a snifter waiting for Tony at his vacated spot. Tony sat and sampled the cognac.

"This is amazing," said Tony.

"Jenssen Arcana. It is aged 98 years in oak barrels. Cost five thousand dollars a bottle," smiled Eli. "It was a gift from an American billionaire who Mossad saved his life."

"Why are you wasting it on me?" asked Tony.

Eli chuckled: "I like that about you, Tony. You are cut through the bullshit. I am wasting it on you because I was wrong about you. You were a better man that I gave you credit for being. I don't often make mistakes about people, but I did about you."

"And this is your way of saying I'm sorry so that we enter a new stage of our relationship," said Tony.

"Maybe," smiled Eli. "For two years you have avoided working with Mossad. I'd like to change your mind. I prefer NCIS to CIA."

Tony took a sip: "It's a start."

Eli laughed: "How else can I buy your cooperation?"

"Tell me how your daughter is really doing?" asked Tony.

It still hurt what she and McGee had done to him but too much good had happened to him over the past four years and he still had feelings for her. Was it love? He really didn't want to know because he was too happy with Alessia.

Eli nodded and Malachi and Aaron left them alone.

"Since Ray Cruz she has made mistakes. Your Agent Gibbs takes care of her, makes sure she doesn't get hurt, but she has missed her friend and partner, Anthony DiNozzo," said Eli.

"I'm no longer her partner," said Tony.

"Oh, yes, she told me what she did. She and Agent McGee told Gibbs, also. He busted them back to probationary officers and brought in a Cassie Yates to be his senior field officer. She still is," said Eli. "Ziva said it took a year before Abby would talk to her again and Gibbs verbally whipped them both for a year. It seems Miss Scuito and Agent Gibbs didn't like losing you."

"Hopefully they are functioning as a team now," said Tony.

"They are. But my daughter misses you. She occasionally e-mails me and asks if I have heard about you," said Eli.

"And you tell her nothing," he said.

"Yes. If she is to hear that you are living the perfect life, it should come from you, not me," Eli said. "I have hurt her enough."

Tony drained his glass of cognac down his throat: "I need to use your version of MTAC tomorrow afternoon around one our time and seven in the morning DC time."

"A car will be at your hotel to pick you up," said Eli.

"Thank you," sighed Tony.

"Can I interest you in another cognac?" asked Eli.

"Why the hell not," he answered.


The Mossad officer escorted Tony through the building then took an elevator down to the subbasement. When they entered Ops on a large plasma screen was Vance and Albert and they were speaking to Eli. Tony walked up beside Eli.

"Tony, good to see you," said Albert.

"Agent DiNozzo," added Vance.

"Director Vance, Assistant Director Albert, good afternoon," Tony replied.

"It's seven fifteen in the morning here, DiNozzo," said Vance.

"I sometimes forget about the time in DC. It's been four years since I've been there," he said then smiled. He liked the idea of getting Vance up early.

"Well, I might have to have you come for a visit just to remind you of the difference," said Vance.

"Oh, before I forget, Alessia sends her…," the connection became white noise as the picture of Albert disappeared.

Eli barked a few orders in Hebrew and his technicians worked on trying to bring back the picture.

"Eli, what is wrong?" asked Vance.

"Wait one moment, my friend," said Eli then he listened to one of his technicians.

Tony looked at Eli then at Vance and back again.

"Leon," said Eli in a serious tone then he looked at Tony, "Tony, The Naval Support Activity in Naples has been bombed. According to my people in Naples there have been several explosions."

"I need to get to Naples right away," said a panicked Tony.

"Prepare my Gulfstream to take him to Naples," said Eli then he looked at Tony. "I pray for your family."


It was seven forty in the morning and Ziva entered stepped off the elevator. There was an air of electricity as people were hyper drive with activity. She saw both panic and concern on people's faces, as she entered the bullpen. Cassie Yates was on the phone and her coffee colored skin seemed slightly paler then she looked over at McGee who was working away at his computer. He looked worried. Gibbs was on his phone looking stone faced and calm.

"What has happened?" Ziva asked.

"Naval base in Naples has been attacked. We're lost touch with the NCIS office there," said McGee.

Tony's NCIS office, she thought.

"Have we a list of fatalities and causalities?" she asked as she sat down behind her desk.

"They are starting to roll in," said Gibbs. "I just talked to Col. Hogan in Naples, served with him in Desert Storm. He said there were three large explosions followed by two marines acting as suicide bombers."

"I'm the preliminary list on the plasma, boss," said McGee.

Jimmy came running off of the elevator, pushing past people and into the bullpen.

"Have you got a list of fatalities yet?" he said in a demanding voice.

"Why the hell do you care, Palmer?" asked Gibbs.

"Because I talked to Alessia and Lessie last night and they were being moved to the base. She was upset. They were being brought onto the base for their protection," he said.

"Alessia and Lessie who?" asked Gibbs.

"DiNozzo, or DiNutso, as Tony calls himself now. They are his wife and child," Jimmy announced.

Ziva felt her stomach twist in a knot. Tony's wife and child. She closed her eyes and prayed that they were alright.

Gibbs jaw tenses up and his grey blue eyes become lasers as he stared at Jimmy.

"DiNozzo has a wife and kid. How do you know this?" asked Gibbs.

"I was his best man at his wedding and I am Lessie's godfather. Bree and I were slated to take our yearly trip to Italy week month with Ducky to visit them," he said.

"Is he on base?" asked Gibbs.

"He's the special agent in charge. Tony acts as a troubleshooter for Europe and Africa. He's not there right now," explained Palmer.

"Read the screen," said Gibbs.

Ziva got up and stood beside Jimmy. She took his right hand in hers and held it as a friend. The names of the hurt and the dead started to scroll on the plasma. Palmer was visibly upset, as he looked for names.

McGee highlighted any DiNozzo names. Alessia DiNozzo scrolled by: Alessia Maria DiNozzo, DOA. Right afterwards scrolled Alessia Josephina DiNozzo, seriously injured. Everyone heard Gibbs exhale.

"Jimmy, which is the wife and which is the daughter?" asked Gibbs.

"Alessia Maria is the wife," he said. "Lessie is the one seriously hurt."

Vance walked into the bullpen looking flustered. He saw the DiNozzo names and sighed. Jimmy looked over at Vance.

"I'm Lessie Godfather, sir. If you have any personnel going to Naples I need to be part of it," he said.

"I'll keep that in mind, Dr. Palmer," said Vance.

Ducky came shuffling into the bullpen along with Abby, who looked like around and started to read the emotions of her friends. She then saw the highlighted names on the plasma and tears started running down her eyes.

"Is there a good hospital nearby?" asked Ducky.

"On base is a top Navy hospital. And there is a Hospital ship currently docked there," answered Vance.

"Where's DiNozzo?" asked Gibbs.

"SAC DiNozzo is currently flying from Tel Aviv to Naples on a plane provided by Mossad," said Vance.