Hey Guys, this is my first One Tree Hill story and I've always liked Rachel and Brooke together. I think it's about time someone saved Brooke, so here's the story. Review if you can, it'd help

Brooke Davis was considered a lucky girl by most of the population. If only those people knew the truth. Brooke Davis was broken and miserable and no one noticed. At least, she thought no one noticed…

It was any other morning at Tree Hill High school and Brooke was strolling into class, late. She winced as she opened the door, the tiny motion sending spurts of pain through her whole body. That seemed to be all Brooke had been feeling lately, pain. She had barley found the strength to even get out of bed this morning and now facing an entire day at school seemed impossible. Brooke guessed she should be happy, at least her parents weren't around to see all the pain and shit in her life. Ever since she was a baby, Brooke hadn't been good enough. Not for her parents, not for anyone, causing the root of all her current insecurities.

But Brooke was wrong, someone was watching her. Probably the last person she expected to. It was none other than Rachel Gatina, her "enemy" But Rachel didn't hate Brooke, as a matter of fact, she was in love with Brooke and had been for a while now. She just wished she could tell her… But she couldn't Brooke wouldn't love her back, there was no way.

"That's weird. Brooke is never late for class and she just looks like she's in pain. I mean come on, look at that smile, fakest thing ever. Are her 'friends' really that stupid? Something's going on" Rachel thought to herself.

Brooke briskly walked to her seat, which was conveniently right in front of Rachel. Brooke sighed, as much as she knew it would be suicide for her to tell anyone about what was happening to her, sometimes she just wish someone would notice. Not even her best friend Peyton or her ex boyfriend Lucas even noticed something was off.

"Hey Brooke?" Rachel said timidly trying to get Brooke attention.

"What do you want Rachel?" Brooke asked in a defeated tone Rachel had never heard her use before.

Rachel's eyes softened and she leaned close and whispered "Are you okay? You don't look so good"

Brooke was shocked that Rachel of all people was concerned for her. Quickly recovering from the surprise Brooke fired back defensively "Fine slut, what's it to you?"

Rachel sighed, knowing Brooke was just lashing out. "It's my concern if the cheer captain can't do her damn job." Rachel said simply.

"Screw you." Brooke said, while rolling her eye and turning back around.

As soon as the teacher walked in, Rachel began studying Brooke, watching the girl's tense posture and shaking hands. Brooke didn't seem to move at all throughout the lesson, which worried Rachel. Determined to find out what was wrong, Rachel vowed not to let Brooke push her away and was determined to break down the other girl's walls.

About a half an hour later, the bell rang sending all the students to their next class. Rachel had gym with Brooke next, a class she made sure she watched Brooke in.

As Rachel entered the locker room, she saw Brooke in the back talking to the coach and making motions toward her stomach. The coach nodded sympathetically and Brooke walked away, relief evident on her face.

This was also strange to Rachel considering how Brooke liked gym although she wasn't surprised coach believed Brooke was sick, she certainly looked it. Now that Brooke was facing her again, Rachel could see the artfully concealed bags under her eyes, signs of obvious sleep deprivation as well as the paleness of the younger girl's face. Brooke had never looked more fragile in front of Rachel before.

Another thing concerning Rachel was that Brooke was wearing skinny jeans and a tight long-sleeved shirt, which was modest. Brooke Davis was a lot of things; a modest dresser was not one of them. Not to mention that it was spring, the time for short shorts and tank tops, not long sleeves.

Rachel walked over to her locker to get changed. While she was so deep in thought she didn't see Brooke walking the exact same way and the two girls collided. Rachel took a step back, as if the collision was nothing. Brooke, on the other hand hissed in pain, clutching her stomach.

"Oh Shit, that really hurt." Brooke murmured to herself.

"Brooke, we barley collided. Are you sure your okay Davis?" Rachel asked, trying not to make her concern for the brunette obvious.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Gatina. I'm fine. Watch we're your walking next time." Brooke said angrily as she brushed past the other girl.

Rachel rolled her eyes and got dressed for gym, now very late.

Rachel didn't see Brooke again until cheer practice. Rachel was anxious to see the girl again and also see if she would change for cheer, one of Brooke's favorite activities.

"Alright ladies stretch!" Brooke yelled.

"Why are you in like…hot weather clothes B? Everyone told me it was spring…" Asked a ditsy, yet curious Bevin.

"Well Bevin…I um left my other clothes at home and this was all I brought in my bag." Brooke defended. Brooke ended up in a tight, all black athletic long-sleeved shirt and yoga pants.

Bevin and the other girls nodded finding the answer acceptable while Rachel made a mental note to corner Brooke in the locker room after school and find out what was wrong with her brown haired beauty.

Brooke ran practice very harshly, pushing both the other girls and herself. Rachel was worried, if Brooke wasn't careful, the other girls would see the pain in her eyes every time she moved of the gasp that came out of her mouth every time she would perform a trick.

"That's enough ladies. We're done for the day. Good job today and be ready for tomorrow's game!" Brooke said in a tired, yet cheery voice.

Rachel nodded, accepting that the time to talk to Brooke would be soon. She quickly changed herself while Brooke spoke to Whitey about the game the following day. As Brooke entered the locker room, most of the other girls were clearing out, saying goodbye as they left. One by one all the girls left accept Rachel.

Brooke, thinking she was alone, let out a cry of pain. She tried to change out of her sweaty cheer clothes but couldn't. Brooke took a shaky breath before standing up, using a locker for support and draping her gym bag over her shoulder.

"Need some help with that Davis?" Rachel asked in an uncharacteristically kind tone.

"Not a chance Gatina, I can handle myself." Brooke said through gritted teeth, she was really not in the mood to fight with Rachel.

"I have a feeling you've been handling yourself for a little too long Brooke, give someone else a turn." Rachel said softly.

Brooke's eyes went wide with shock. No one was supposed to know something was wrong, or that Brooke was alone. Especially not Rachel!

Seeing that Brooke was too shocked by Rachel's observation, she slowly walked up to Brooke and placed her hand on the smaller girl's shoulder. Rachel didn't miss the involuntary flinch as Brooke moved away from her touch.

"I'm gonna fix you Brooke Davis." Rachel whispered in her ear. Rachel hesitantly kissed Brooke's cheek before quickly turning on her heel and leaving.

Brook, still in shock whispered to herself "What the hell just happened?"