A/N: Hey, guys! I know I haven't updated in a long time, and I'm soooo sorry for it! I just finished AP testing, and was busy purging APWH from my mind, and catching up on lost sleep. But better late than never, right? I thank you for your patience. Now, this is the LAST CHAPTER of this story, but don't worry, I will be writing Hayffie oneshots after this, probably based on the prompts provided by the Hayffie Fanworks Challenge on tumblr. Well, I hope you like this chapter, and while this entire story has been based on the We Found Love cover by Sam Tsui, this chapter is especially based off of the song, so if you haven't heard it, I suggest you do! ^_^

Chapter 15: We Found Love

Effie stands in the mirror, repeatedly doing circles and checking herself out from every angle. She examines her face in the mirror checking for wrinkles. Her eyes fall on her skin, where the faded scars are still visible. She wants so desperately to cover them up with makeup, but Haymitch refused. He says that they show the real Effie.

But today, of all days, she wishes that she could get rid of them. She wants to look perfect on her wedding day.

Effie adjusts her veil, before hearing a voice behind her, "Effie, stop, you look... beautiful." Katniss is standing in the doorway, a grin on her face.

The older woman offers her a small smile, "Thank you, dear."

Katniss goes to stand next to Effie, "You look worried."

"Oh, you know how I am," Effie clears her voice, "I'm just worried whether or not everything will be perfect. If... if we'll be perfect."

"Haymitch loves you."

"I know it. But we're just so... different. And broken. We're both so disfunctional."

"But you love each other."

"I know, but will this work? We argue half the time, and the other half, we're alone in our own worlds." Effie shudders, remembering the torture chamber, the pain, the aching, the hopelessness.

And then she remembers Haymitch. He's her light at the end of the tunnel. The one person who can pull her out of the shadows, and into the real world, however dismal it may be, and how she needs him probably more than he needs her.

And that worries her.

Katniss shrugs, "It just does." She hands Effie her bouquet, filled with primroses and rue flowers in memory of those who died in the Rebellion. "So... Effie Trinket, are you ready to get married?"


Haymitch could really use a drink right now. He's stressed and nervous, and really wants to get out of this damn suit before it suffocates him. What is Effie has second thoughts? Not only would it be embarrassing, but it would also break him.

Effie, his one source of happiness. His light in the dark. The one person stopping him from leaving this world. He needs her, probably more than she needs him.

And that worries him.

Peeta enters the room, "You ready, Haymitch?"

He clears his throat, "Yeah... sure...,"

"Not having second thoughts, are you?"

"It's just that... We're so opposite..."

"But you guys love each other."

"I know, but," Haymitch slumps his shoulders, "what is it doesn't work out? What then? I can't imagine life without Effie."

"Then don't," Peeta places a comforting hand on his mentor's shoulder. "Live in the now: You love Effie. You can't live without her. You are about to marry her."

Haymitch couldn't help but smirk, "You're right, Mellark."

"So, Haymitch. Are you ready to get married?"


The music plays. The guests stand and look. And gasp. Effie Trinket looks stunning, with her white strapless dress, with an embedded design running down the sides, and a white veil attached to a tiara with matching diamonds on it. The almost yellow diamonds make Effie seem as if she's shimmering in the light.

Haymitch is breathless. This beautiful angel is about to become his wife. He feels his chest constrict and a lump form in his throat. How could someone look so beautiful? And the still-visible scars make her look strong. She's a fighter.

Effie is shocked at how cleaned and handsome he looks. He's shaved, and his hair is combed and washed. He's perfect. All doubts fly out the window as she reaches the altar. She can feel the tears staining her cheeks already. She reaches the altar, and she and Haymitch grip hands.

They listen to the new mayor of District 12 speak about love and how it transcends all boundaries, Haymitch and Effie being a prime example, and then he lets them say their vows.

Effie starts. "Haymitch... When I first met you, you were drunk." The guests burst into laughter, and Haymitch smirks. Effie laughs, before continuing, "You... threw up on my new shoes. I swore then in my childlike mindset to hate your forever. As the years passed, I felt as if I did hate you. All your gifts, all your talents, and you threw them away on liquor. But a part of me... A small part back then, liked you. You were interesting and fun and compassionate when you weren't drunk. I found out then why you drank: to forget. To forget the nightmares and the horror you experienced so young. But I didn't fully understand until the Capitol tortured me. Then you saved me. In more ways than one. You helped me live, to forget the shadows and the dark and the nightmares. You held me when I needed to be held, talked to me when I needed to be talked to, and listened when I needed somebody to listen to. I know I don't say this often enough, but Haymitch, you are my hero, and I'll love you until my very last breath."

Effie's crying now, the tears running down full speed down her cheeks, and Haymitch even has to compose himself by taking a shaky breath. "Princess, when I first met you... That is, the first time that I remember meeting you, you were infuriating. Prissy, elegant, polite, everything the Capitol stood for. I hated you, to be honest. As time passed, though, I got to know the real Effie Trinket. The strong woman, the one who could handle herself, the one who's good in bed-"

"Haymitch!" Effie swatted his arm playfully, but laughed with the crowd.

"You're more than what meets the eye, Effs. Brave, kind, and true, you joined the Rebels when you found out how horrible the Capitol was. And afterwards, when we were together, I never told you this, but you saved me. You gave me a reason to live, to keep going when I felt I had been of use to the world. Somehow, in between the sarcastic comments and the high heels, I fell in love with you. And I realized that there's no possible way for me to keep going without you. I love you, Effie Trinket, and I always will, until the day I die."

He can feel some tears running down his face, and Effie lets go of his hand to wipe his face gently. Then, they each place their rings on their fingers, Effie smiling uncotrolably.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

"Hell, yeah!" Haymitch grabs Effie around the waist, and crushes his lips onto hers, and she returns with the same enthusiasm. The audience cheers, but all Haymitch and Effie see or recognize is each other, together, forever.

And that's how it would be. They were destined to be together, so much so that they were able to find love in the most hopeless of places.

So maybe their love wasn't as hopeless as everyone thought.

A/N: Wow, that wasn't as good as I thought it would be! Sorry about that! Well, that's the end of my story, guys! I hoped you liked it, it's been super fun to write, and reading your reviews have encouraged me to write more and more fanfiction! Please keep your eyes peeled for my oneshots, which will be out sooner or later! Please leave a review on your way out! ^_^