"Is he going to be okay?"

"Your brother is going to be fine, Mr. Winchester. He's in good hands."

Before Dean could say anything else, the nurse whirled away and walked off in a hurry. Dean growled and turned, looking at the many faces in the lobby at Osawatomie State Hospital. Some of them were forlorn, deep worry lines shadowing their faces. Some frustrated. He saw nothing but questions in those faces. Questions and fear. He was no different. He too had a loved one trapped in this wretched place; a place for the mentally—

Dean clenched his jaw and didn't want to think about it. His brother wasn't sick. Sam didn't need to be here of all places. All Sam needed was a safe, comfortable place to get better; something only his big brother could provide. Not a place with goddamn wards and padded rooms. Sam wasn't like the rest of them.

Dean was trapped between sitting in the lobby with the others and standing in the middle of the hallway like an idiot. He wavered on his feet, trying to decide whether or not he'd ask the nurse more questions, demand to see his brother or just sit the fuck down. He didn't even have a chance to make that choice..

At the end of the hall—that was where he saw it; an oddly familiar figure. Not his brother, Sam, but someone else. He should have ignored the niggling in the back of his brain, but couldn't. Something was wrong. The figure disappeared past the mouth of the hallway before Dean could discern who—or what—it had been. He didn't hesitate. With sure footing, Dean marched down the hallway and turned, easily finding the meandering figure of—No. It couldn't be.

Dean made a noise in the back of his throat, a surprised note bordering on fear. The figure was tall, lean, dressed in the clean, sterile clothes of a patient. And when Dean grabbed his shoulder and whirled the patient around, he was staring right into Cas' face.


His question was breathless, bordering on hysteria. Before he could ask the angel a million questions, a nurse stepped in beside him.

"Excuse me, sir. Who are you?"

Dean gave her a glare. "I'm his family."


"Just give us a moment," Dean hissed. "Please.."

The nurse looked at Cas who, in turn, looked at her. She made sure he approved, was all right, before squeezing his shoulder and whispering, "I'll be over here if you need me."

There were so many things Dean wanted to say: I'm sorry, I miss you, I forgive you. But none of those things came out of his mouth. Instead, Dean gathered his fragile body into a hug. Tight, nearly endless. Dean should have hugged him a long time ago, should have appreciated him more than he had. Cas felt so warm in his arms, so right, like he was meant to be there all along. After several long moments, Dean pushed him out to arm's length.

"You're okay."

Cas just stared at him and didn't say anything. Before Dean knew it, he was grabbing the angel's face, pressing their mouths together. Cas made a sweet, chaste noise but didn't struggle. The kiss was deep, meaningful, said everything that they couldn't. It spoke of forgiveness and fears, desperation and love. And when they parted, Cas' blue eyes were warm and tender. Brighter and more beautiful than he had ever seen them. Dean watched Cas lick those lips before he said..

"Who are you?"