This is it! The last oneshot of this story! This chapter will be in Anakin's point of view :)

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE REVIEWS, FAVS, AND ALERTS I'VE GOTTEN OVER THE COURSE OF THESE ONSHOTS! It means a lot when you see reviews in your inbox :) I want all of you to know that not a single oneshot went unnoticed or uncared for :D


(Anakin Skywalker)

I glared up at Count Dooku as his ship slowly began to rise into the sky.

"Well done, Master Kenobi." He taunted. "You are a worthy adversary, though I cannot say the same about your young apprentice." With that insult, he flew away.

"Chancellor!" I heard Padme's voice behind me. "Are you okay?" I turned around to see her kneeling by the Chancellor, while four Nubian guards circled the balcony with guns ready.

"Yes," Chancellor Palpatine answered. "Thanks again to the heroics of the Jedi. That's the second time today!"

"We specialize in heroics, Chancellor." Obiwan said next to me, still looking like Rako Hardeen.

"As long as I live, no harm will ever come to you, Your Excellency." I told him, trying to keep from looking into Obiwan's eyes. I was overjoyed that he was alive, but I still couldn't get over the fact that no one decided to tell me that he was even alive.

"Then here's to your long and prosperous life, Anakin." The Chancellor said before patting my shoulder. One shudders to think of where the galaxy would be without the Jedi." He then turned and walked away alongside Padme, with me and Obiwan following behind.

We walked through the narrow doorway to lead back inside the Nubian Palace. The second Obiwan had passed under the doorway, he was attacked. Not by an enemy, but by Ahsoka. She careened into his chest with her orange arms wrapped tightly around him.

"I'm so good to see you." Ahsoka said into Obiwan's shoulder.

She backed away after a moment and I could still see traces of tears in her bright eyes. A smile was covering her face, but I could feel her faint heartbreak of going through his death, even if it was fake. She didn't know… Neither of us knew.

"It's good to see you, too, Ahsoka." Obiwan said in Rako Hardeen's deep voice. "Though we aren't off Naboo yet. You should probably stay with Padme."

Ahsoka nodded and ran off to make sure that she protected Padme from anymore possible attacks.

"Anakin," Obiwan started. "I- I'm sorry that-"

"No, Master, I'm sorry." I cut in. "You were doing your duty by not telling me that you were alive. I…I understand."

Obiwan looked at me with a sad smile. "No, you don't. But thanks for saying so anyway."

I sighed as we began to walk after the fading figures of the Chancellor, Padme, and Ahsoka.

"Look, Anakin, I never wanted to put you in that position. Granted, your reaction to my death was a critical part in the plan, I wanted to tell you afterwards. But…the Council knew that I needed to keep the mission as secret as possible for it to work. If too many people knew, there was the larger risk that someone could let something slip and-"

"So the Council decided to instead keep me out which eventually lead to me trying to kill you." I finished.

"Well…" Obiwan stuttered. "Yes. I didn't think it would go that far."

"Didn't think it would go that far?" I stopped walking, turning quickly to glaring at him. "What did you expect! For me to just pretend like nothing happened, to grieve and forget about what happened to you? Do you have any idea what if feels like to watch your Master die!" The second the words left my mouth, I regretted each and every one of them.

Obiwan's expression softened, the pain of losing Qui-Gon was instantly evident in his blue-green eyes.

"Master, I-"

Obiwan waved off my words. "It's alright, Anakin." He began to walk off, seeming to ignore my entire statement.

I tried to find words to say, but my mouth wouldn't form them.

After a few moments of silence and my mind working furiously to find something to say, Obiwan sighed quietly before speaking. "You know, not a day goes by when I don't think of him." Obiwan murmured. I decided to keep my mouth shut and just let Obiwan talk. "He was a great Master; and a father to me. I know all too well what it's like to watch your Master die, Anakin. It's…it's almost like you died along with them, you just feel numb. You wish that you would have been struck down instead of them. You feel like the only person you've ever loved suddenly disappeared. Then come the sleepless nights, and the only time you're asleep is when the vision of them dying keeps replaying in your mind, haunting you forever. The waking world isn't much better. Everything reminds you of them. And then there are times where you seem to forget that they're not here…and you want to ask them something but then you remember that...that they've died. Then the numb feeling leaves you and you're left with a wave of various emotions. Anger, loss, heartbreak, and regret. You wonder if there could have been something more you could've done... Something you could have done differently and maybe...just maybe...they'd still be alive and standing next to you. Then you wouldn't be left alone. Suddenly you're thrown into a world where you have no one close to you to turn to for wisdom and direction. Then you're left with a Padawan who loved your Master almost as much as you did. And of course, despite your grief and lack of a Master's helpful knowledge, you have to train your Padawan on your own. All of your decisions are made by you with no advice from your Master. It's And no matter how much you miss your Master or need their wisdom and guidance...they won't come back..." Obiwan's voice cracked and I saw the faint gleam of tears in his eyes.

"I didn't think you would come back." I whispered without even realizing that I had started to say something until it came out. "I...I thought you really were dead...everyone did. It was like being hit in the chest with a missile... The realization and slam of reality was something that I just couldn't take. scared me to know that I was alone. I'm not ready for you to die, Master."

"No, you're not." Obiwan smiled at me with amusement now glimmering in his eyes.

"Thanks for your confidence, Master." I rolled my eyes as I smirked back.

"Don't worry, Anakin. I won't tell the Council." Obiwan winked at me.

"Well, you better not start dying on me, old man." I joked back.

"I'm not that old, Anakin." Obiwan huffed.

"Whatever you say, old man." I replied with a laugh as we kept walking, joking the rest of the way to the ship. Of course, I'd have to deal with the Council later and finally catching up on my sleep and Ahsoka's training, but at that point, I was just glad that Obiwan was back.

BABOOM. All done! I hope y'all enjoyed this story, and thank you so much again for all the reviews I've gotten throughout all the oneshots!