Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club, nor do I have any part in the making of it. This is a fanfiction, made only for the purpose of typing out my thoughts and ideas. In no way did the events following this introduction actually happen in the anime/manga, and they never will. This was not made to have anything gained monetarily, but just to recieve feedback on my writing abilities, and improove based on your opinions of my work. I do not own any of these characters, excluding my OC's (origional characters). If you have read/watched the manga/anime, then you will know which characters are mine and which aren't.

Warning: This is a shounen ai / yaoi fanfiction, meaning there is romantic relationships (and a bit more-to-come) between two adolescent boys included. If this offends you in any way, or you do not want to read this, then I suggest that you stop reading now.

Alright so here's the thing: I started writing this before a few days before my surgery. It's been like a week since the surgery. I CANNOT THINK WITH A MIND WITH NO WORTHY THOUGHTS TO THINK. If that makes sense. Basically, I have these ideas but I'm not particularly sure how to introduce them. IT HURTS MY BRAIN. Well here's a thought; Tamaki finds out more about Kazuhiro through Kiyoko. Short chapter, by the way.

Echoed Voice

Chapter 6

Some Time in August!

"H-Hiro-kun... Calm down, I'm sure that she didn't mean anything by it!" Tamaki exlaimed, hold up two hands in the air as if he was that damn waitress, who, in Kazuhiro's opinion rot in hell where she belonged.

"I will not calm down!" Kazuhiro shouted almost cartoonishly, stomping down this street with a red face and bulging vain. "That little she-devil thought I was a little kid! Your little brother at that!"

"W-Well you were calling me 'Tama-nii,' and you are a bit short for your age-"

"So your actually agreeing with her?" Kazuhiro gritted his teeth, rubbing his temple with one hand and grabbing his glasses to rub out the salty condensation that collected in the cold material that formed his glasses.

Tamaki put his hand on Kazuhiro's shoulder, hoping that would calm his nerves, if not just a bit. H-He has quite a temper... The older classmate thought. And here I thought he was fragile and shy... "I never said that, Hiro-kun. Just take a deep breath and calm down!"

"What the hell is a deep breath gonna do?" Kazuhiro snapped back. "When you tell someone that, it's like telling them to run around in oil once they've been set on fire; it doesn't help the situation at all."

An expression of shock overtook the blonde's face. Kazuhiro, noticing his expression, began to boil red out of embarassment and looked down.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you." He said shyly, wiping the condensation off of his glasses with the bottom of his white button down, replacing them on his face and sighing. "It just pisses me off. She looked me straight in the eye and called me a little kid!" The vain began to peirce his pale skin again before Tamaki took hold of his shoulder and applied pressure and rubbed the tense muscles.

"A-Ah... That feels weird. Stop that. What're you doing?" Kazuhiro raised his shoulders closer to his neck in attempt to make him stop.

"What do you mean what am I doing? I'm trying to get you to calm down." Tamaki replied, withdrawing his hands and moving alongside the younger, walking in the same motion as to keep up.

Kazuhiro looked up at him. "How is rubbing my shoulders going to help? N-Nevermind... We're almost where we need to part ways. Thanks for the meal and walking me all the way. See you-"

"Wait! I-Is it okay if I come over for a little while? There's something that I want to ask Kiyoko about. If that's alright." Tamaki questioned, grabbing Kazuhiro's arm to stop him from heading in the direction of his home without him.

Kazuhiro didn't respond for a little while. An uneasy expression captured his face, but after a few seconds he finally gave in. "I guess... But I can't be sure whether for not she'll be there."

The younger began to move again, Tamaki at his heels. "Thanks. I won't be long, though." Tamaki smiled thankfully. Truthfully, he worried whether or not the younger female may be able to provide him with the answers that he wanted to recieve about his new friend.

As soon as Tamaki had entered and they had verified that Kiyoko had been there, Kazuhiro went to his room. He stripped himself of his uniform, slipping one of the comfortable, soft long sleeved shirts that often kept him warm during the night onto his slim figure.

He pulled the blankets out from their wedged positions on the bed, climbing underneath and covering himself with them as he curled into a small ball. His head pounded with thoughts, all relating to Tamaki.

What does he want to talk to Kiyoko-nee about? What's so important that he couldn't wait until tomorrow? Was he going to tell her he didn't want to be Kazuhiro's friend like the others had?

That last question struck his heart like a thorn. Tamaki was different... right? He was more affectionate than any of the other ones. Tamaki wasn't like them at all. If he was, by now he would have...

Kazuhiro clutched his top pillow, moving it so that he could press it tightly against his chest as a sharp pain inficted his heart. These emotions... These feelings that were brought on by what others did to him hurt. His body burnt. His face reddened, salty drops began to form in the corners of his eyes, but he did his best to wipe them away when he pressed his face against his pillow.

Even if he was like them... Tamaki was generous enough to leave an opening to escape, right?

"I suppose that you want to talk about Kazuhiro." Kiyoko spoke, leaving the kitchen with a small snack on a tray for the two to share during their conversation. Tamaki's eyes widened slightly. According to Kazuhiro in dinner they had not too long before, she had almost never called him Kazuhiro.

"What gave me away?" Tamaki smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"I guessed. The last time that you visited was for him, and we've known eachother since we were little and you rarely visited." Kiyoko sat down, dusting her hands off on a napkin, setting it down to fold her hands in her lap. "I told you what you needed to know. What do you want now?"

Tamaki removed his arm, setting both at his sides as she sat down across from her from a glass table. "It's actually what Hiro-kun said at our meal today... You wouldn't mind if I dicussed it with you, would you?"

"That depends on what it's about. There's some things that Kazuhiro knows that not even I, his previous parents, or the orphanage even." She poured herself a cup of tea, added her preferred ingredients, and took a sip while speaking.

"It's his birthday... He said that it's some time this month that he's turning fifteen, but he said he doesn't know his actual birthday." Tamaki had placed his hands on his knee caps, balling them into fists as they began to sweat and his head hung.

When he looked up, he saw Kiyoko stiffling laughter behind her hand, holding her stomach with another. When she was finally able to calm down, she managed to make out, "W-wow... That's all. Tama-chan, you had me so worked up for nothing."

"Tama-chan? You haven't called me that in ages. What's the sudden change?"

"Nothing... Just a slip of the tongue is all." After a few breaths, the could finally speak clearly. "I can't believe the little Einstein doesn't know his own damn birthday..."

SHORT CHAPTER, SHORT CHAPTER, I KNOW. This is due to the fact that I didn't get much time in before the surgery, I was only allowed a short time on the computer when my father visited, and I'm still recovering. Good news: I hope to have another update in soon. Bad new: My stomach hurts like a bitch right now. And we have a Kazuhiro mystery~