Hello Everyone. A little disclaimer: I don't own any of the vampire diaries characters, they belong to L.J Smith. The unfamiliar names are my own original characters. Please enjoy the read and please don't hesitate to review. :-)

Chapter 1

Losing Control

It was one of those nights. I was bent over a bowl of shit puking my guts out while the guy in the next stall fucked some pink haired chick named Rita. My senses were off and all I could feel was my ears burning and my stomach shrinking.

Fuck, Damon, I thought we'd put an end to this.

But I haven't put an end to it. Not since I left Mystic Falls seven years ago.

My head was pounding and the music blasted in my ears as I finally made it out of the bathroom and onto the dance floor. I had to find blood soon.

I was thirsty, real thirsty, unhealthily you could say.

The thirst rapidly grew throughout the years; growing stronger and my will weak.

Before making my way out of the club, through the mist, darkness and the crowd of people, I found a blonde standing up against the wall; her succulent breasts practically bursting out of her tank top. I eyed her and she noticed me. Giving her my devilish smile and a squint of the eyes my luring had her hooked. I nodded to the exit and she followed.

My hands and feet were tingling. It was the buzz from the alcohol, the thirst, and the anxiety. I needed this hit soon or the rage I'd been encapsulating will burst-a misfortune for those around me.

"What's your name," I whispered in her ear just outside the club.

"Freya," she whispered then bit my ear.

I rolled my eyes at her pass, but extended a hand for her to take. "Let's head to my place."

It didn't take that long to get her undressed. We barely made it through the doorway of my apartment when her pants were past her thighs.

And she sighed, moaned and groaned as I continually and halfheartedly pierced her. Just when she was ripe I went for her neck. Plunging my bad-boys in, I drank the antidote until I was dizzy. She screamed momentarily then gradually became hushed as I sucked her completely dry. I couldn't stop myself. I persisted until she no longer breathed, until her heart was no longer beating.

Realizing what I had done, I finally brought myself to stop. She was lifeless while I felt energy surging through me.

I pulled myself away and felt for a pulse upon her neck and wrists.

"Shit!" I yelled. I had gone too far this time. I tried not to kill my victims; I guess you could say it was my conscience or my little brother nagging me all those years. But this time….this time was it, I had killed.

I whipped my bloodied lips as I deliberated what to do with her body.

"What the fuck am I going to do with you?" I said to her corpse once I began placing it in a plastic garbage bag.

Thank goodness for the lack of security in this dingy old building. I carefully dragged the body down the stairs and into my car.

"The Hudson," I calculated as I raced through streets of Brooklyn.

I found a dark patch along the river. I scanned the area for any vigilant eyes. Then, finding some rocks along the edge, I dropped it in the bag. I hoisted the body over the edge, pushing it right into the aquatic abyss. I normally don't feel regret; back in Mystic Falls shit like this always happened and I found ways to make the bodies disappear. But New York was no rural town like Mystic Falls, whose incredible supply of woods was perfect for disposing bodies. Here, the Hudson River was my only option.

I took a few steps to watch my crime rapidly submerge itself in the murky waters. The following night I found refuge in my local bar.

"The usual," Beardy Bill asked. Beardy Bill, so I called him, had become my alcohol provider and embarrassingly enough my psychologist. I'd hate to admit it, but trying to forget my past has weighed heavily on my head. It's the reason why I've grown weak for blood and alcohol-particularly whisky.

"Yep," I sighed. I couldn't sleep last night, partly because I had murdered someone, but more so because my hiding place wasn't quite ideal. That and I could picture her-those brown eyes- judging me. Scowling at me and what I'd done. Elena was good at making someone feel like a criminal.

My eyes were sand-filled; heavy and weak. I blinked back exhaustion as I threw back the bitter drink.

"What's got you worried now?" he said as he slowly wiped some spilled beer off the counter. Bill was a heavy set man in his mid-fifties.

"Ah, well you know. The life here isn't doing it for me," I replied staring at my hands.

"Really? Not the business job you acquired a couple of months ago; not the women or the city," he said, baffled by my displeasure.

"No, no it's great. The women are great. The job's great, but-"

"It's the girl isn't it…from back home," he said.

Bill knew about my past, well the filtered version of it. He knew that the woman I loved was with another man. What he didn't know was that other man was my own flesh and blood and that we were part of supernatural species.

"It's everything. Mystic Falls was my home," I replied.

"Then Barry, you need to go back. Those wounds of yours haven't been healed," he said and I groaned.

Barry-I'd given myself an alias once moving into town. I didn't need anyone finding a Damon in New York, so Barry it was.

"No, no," I protested his suggestion.

"Yes. You have got a past that you left behind and you haven't faced it. You're running away," he argued and pounded his large heavy fist upon the marbled counter.

"Okay, okay," I surrendered.

"You've got to do it Barry," he said and I pretended to agree.

"Breaking News…" said a voice from the television set above the bar.

"It has been confirmed that Mayor Hayward's daughter, Freya Hayward, has been reported missing. She was last seen at a night club in the city and according to her family, had not returned that night. The twenty-three year old had gone out last night to celebrate a friend's birthday when they said she disappeared."


My stomach sank when the image of the blonde headed girl appeared on the screen. My victim… was the mayor's daughter.

"Shit," I belched.

"Would you look at that? The Mayor's daughter is missing," Bill said leaning against the counter looking towards the report.

"Yea, I know…"

"Partying last night. Probably left with some fellow," he inferred and boy did he hit it right on the nose.

"A by-stander said that they thought they saw Freya leaving with a young man. No description was given and no evidence has been found yet. But security tapes are being reviewed," the reporter continued to say.

My crime was slowly beginning to unravel before me. If there were any security cameras my identity would be revealed. I wondered how they'd jail a vampire…

"I knew it," said Bill.

"What?" I quickly asked.

"She went out with a fellow. Oh boy he probably killed the girl. These naïve kids will never learn. Listen Barry, go back home and take care of things. There's no way of moving forward if you're still looking back," he said resuming his cleaning.

What better moment than now when they figure out who took the mayor's daughter out for a stroll that night and never returned her back? Though it pained to pick at an open wound, I had to return to Mystic Falls once again.

"You're right Bill. I guess I'll be on the run…home," I said before downing one more shot of whiskey.

"Good luck," he shouted as I left the old bar.

So what do you think? Feel free to review.