(A/n) Thanks to all you reviewers, 20 freakin' reviews overall? What is wrong with you? Just kidding, but you guys are freaking awesome, you know that right? And because of a suggestion and an idea donated by TheHelper3440, thanks so freaking much, a third chapter (I didn't even expect to get out the second chapter before my birthday) about the nickname for the Kabras, Cobra. And yeah, I'm putting one line of dialogue for my OC, Sammi, again. I don't own 39 Clues. Enjoy chicos and chicas.

"Why do you even call me Cobra?" Natalie shrieked, infuriated with the younger Cahill sibling behind her.

"You don't remember?" Dan laughed.

"What do you mean?" Natalie narrowed her amber eyes to slits.

"The family reunion when I-"

"No need to bring it up!" Natalie yelled.

"Bring what up?" Nellie strolled into the room. "Calm down kiddos, no need to fight. So what? Bring what up?"

"It happened during a family reunion." Dan started, Natalie staring a furious glare into the back of his head.

"Daniel Cahill, I am going to murder you!" She threatened.

"It's not nice to interrupt, I thought with your proper British manners would've known that." Dan said. The British girl sulked and let Dan continue. "I was going to pull a prank on Natalie and Ian since they annoyed me a lot, even then."


Dan stood on the roof of Grace's mansion, waiting for the brother sister pair to walk right underneath him. Even at the age of eight, he was mischievous and had a slight feud with Natalie Kabra, the younger sibling his age. Amy was in Grace's library, wanting no part in any trouble and chaos of a Cahill family reunion, as there was always plenty of that. The wriggling bag he held reminded the eight year old of his targets, unfeeling, cold and ruthless. He didn't like them, he hated them as much as he hated Beatrice. What the small boy didn't know is the snakes were cobras, deadly and really ticked off.

His unsuspecting, clueless targets passed under him. Dan opened the bag and dropped the hissing, venomous snakes right onto them. Natalie shrieked and ran around, attempting to get the vengeful slithering thing off of her. Ian yelled out in shock, immediately getting the pissed off snake off of him. Natalie was running around and freaking out too much to get the angry creature off. Dan began to laugh until his sides hurt. He climbed down from the roof to join Amy in the library, not wanting the blame to be pinned on him, the reasoning to simply be that snakes spontaneously fell from the sky right when they walked under that part of the house. Unluckily for the young Cahill, a very angry Ian found him climbing down. Natalie, still wigging out with the snakes on her, ran into the house eliciting screams from those relatives she passed. This diverted Ian's attention for a split second, which Dan used as his window of escape.

The eldest Kabra turned his head to the direction of screeching from the mansion, not noticing his prey escaped his grasp. He scowled and chased after the young prankster.

Dan sprinted into the mansion, pushing people out of his way and making a ruckus only rivaled by Natalie. He looked behind him to find Ian pushing his way through the disgruntled Cahills. With him distracted and still running, Natalie came up next to him and screamed, drawing his attention away from Ian. Dan yelled in surprise then began to laugh at her. Natalie's pretty face contorted in anger at the younger Cahill boy laughed at her and the writhing snake in her hair. He was simply amazed it hadn't bitten her by then.

"DANIEL CAHILL!" Natalie screamed in anger, reaching for the boy with long nails like talons. Dan yelped and ran for the library. She looked like Medusa back there! Dan thought, laughing. He lost the Kabras in the crowd and walked into the library calmly, as not to let Amy know anything had happened.

"Hey Dan what are you doing here?" Amy's voice startled Dan, and he turned quickly.

"Oh, nothing much." Dan shrugged and went to stand by her, letting the smallest of smiles creep onto his face. After about three minutes, Natalie and Ian, Natalie still sporting a cobra in her hair, burst into the room.

"DANIEL!" They yelled. The snake became agitated and writhed and hissed in Natalie's hair. She shrieked in surprise and fear.

"C-C-Cobra!" Amy screamed, flinging her book at Natalie's head.

"Alert!" Dan completed his sister's sentence, laughing on the floor. He looked up to find the furious face of Natalie Kabra, holding a hissing and spitting cobra with her long claw-like nails. She dropped the cobra on Dan's chest, where he immediately threw it off, the snake flying out the window, into the backyard. A few more screams were heard from outside.

"I guess now we have all rights to call you two Natalie and Ian COBRA!" Dan said, laughing until he was breathless and holding onto his sides out of sheer pain. His cheeks hurt from his constant smile.

"I suppose we'll have to show you how much of 'Cobras' we can be then." Ian hissed, anger and frustration clear on his face.


"You dropped live cobras on them?" Nellie was laughing like her life depended on the action and tears were beginning to form.

"Yes he did!" Natalie yelled.

"Well I guess you got revenge in the Clue Hunt in Australia, when you dropped snakes and spiders on us." Dan glared.

"Don't even bring that up! I didn't want to do that!" Natalie insisted.

"Well," Nellie wiped the laughter tears away. "He's right but it was Isabel's idea, I guess. Because she looked pretty happy to be handling those monsters."

"See?" Natalie smirked at Dan. "Even your babysitter agrees."

"AU PAIR!" Dan yelled.

"Why can't you two just kiss and make up?" Sammi snickered as she passed them.

"No way would I kiss a Cobra." Dan looked disgusted.

"I ,for once, agree with you Daniel." Natalie mirrored his expression.

"It's Dan!" He sighed. "D to the A to the N. Dan, Cobra!"

"It's Kabra!" Natalie mimicked her rival. "K to the A to the B to the R to the A. Kabra, Daniel."

"Would you two just get along?" Sammi yelled from somewhere else in the mansion.

"NO!" The both yelled at the same time.

"Why do we even try?" Nellie put her ear buds back in and walked out dancing as if she was dodging really random laser bursts.

(A/n) And that's the third chapter. And in the second paragraph of the flashback there's a pun due to TheHelper3340, I owe you one! Thanks to all my reviewers again and to TheHelper3340, whom I give credit for the original idea. I hope you liked this one, inspiration came real quick for it. Review.