A/N: I haven't updated this story in so long. Thank you to everyone who stuck around for it. I can now ease your agony (or cause you more pain, depends on how you look at it) by telling you that this is the last chapter. I'm sorry this is ending so abruptly but I lost interest in it. But don't worry it's not too bad of an ending. It even has and Epilogue. ENJOY! :D

I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind

I'll do it all for you in time

And out of all these things I've done

I think I love you better now

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love

I'll pick you up when you're getting down

and out of all these things I've done

I will love you better now

I have been listening to this song on repeat for who knows how long. I think everyone else can hear it but I didn't care. I've been laying by Logan's side since we got here and I'm not moving until he wakes up. I held his hand in mine and waited. Whenever my mom was in the room she would be next to me, rubbing my back.

James and Carlos arrived about an hour after we got here. Camille and Dak told them what happened and now we were all in here waiting. The only times I would get up was when I had to use the bathroom. I don't know how much time has passed but I know that the longer I waited, the longer my heart was hurting. I felt someone squeeze my hand and I was about to tell my mom to stop but I realized that it was my other hand. I shot up, my iPod falling to the ground. Everyone moved around Logan as he began to stir awake. I gave his hand a light squeeze and when he squeezed back my heart fluttered.

"K-Kendall?" He said before really opening his eyes. When he did, he sat up and we hugged. I never wanted to let him go again. I felt tears come to my eyes when he began to cry. I rubbed his back and said, "Don't worry, you're going to be okay."

He just cried and I held onto him, repeating the same thing over and over before the doctor came in. He wanted to check over Logan but he wouldn't let me go. I leaned away from him, kissing him tenderly on the lips while wiping his tears away. The doctor looked him over before telling us that he was going to be perfectly fine.

I could tell everyone wanted to ask Logan what happened. I did too but I knew that all he needed right now was someone to hold him and hold him is what I did. I was careful of his bruises but he didn't seem to care. We stayed like this for about an hour before the nurse came in to change his bandages. Before I could go back to holding him my mother stood up.

"Logan, I know you're hurting but we need to know what happened." Logan looked down at his sheets before he began to speak. The police officers rushing in to write down everything he said.

"Me and Kendall were on a date and while we were walking through the park the police showed up. They said that Kendall kidnapped me and they took him away. I tried to tell them that they were wrong but I got side tracked when they mentioned my father. He wrapped his arms around me and acted like he was happy to see me. Like he was really looking for me until the police left. T-That's when he tried to..."

"He tried to what?" The police officer asked.

"H-He tried to take me home s-so he could r-ra-rape me." I was about to speak but my mother shushed me. I wanted to kill that man more than anything right now.

"What happened after that?"

"He tried to take me away but I fought him until I could get away. He ripped my shirt off when I jumped off the bridge and into the water. I thought I was finally safe but he jumped in the water with me. I never knew how to swim that well but I managed to get a distance away from him before we reached river rapids. I thought I was going to die but I slammed into a rock and I caught on to it. He tried to grab me but he couldn't. From where I was, I could see the bank of the river. I made my way over to it and climbed out. I began walking, trying to find someone to help me. I came to the road and when I saw someone stop, I passed out."

Everyone in the room was shocked, even the nurse who walked in. No one knew that something like that happened, not even me. I pulled Logan in for a hug and he clinged onto me.

"He gave us all of his information so it won't be long before we find him. Don't worry son, we're going to catch that sick bastard and put him behind bars." The police officer said before they both left.

"I'm so sorry that this happened to you." The nurse said before she checked his vitals and leaving as well. Everyone moved to give Logan a hug and some words of encouragement, glad that he was safe. James, Carlos, Camille, and Dak hung around for maybe an hour before they had to leave. My mom and Katie were in the cafeteria while I sat with Logan.

"You know I want to kill him right?" I asked him and he nodded his head, still looking down. He sniffed and I climbed back into his bed. He cuddled into my side and I gently rubbed his back, watching for his injuries.

We laid like this for a while and I could hear him lightly snoring against my chest, signaling he was sleep. I felt myself dozing off as I softly rubbed his back. When I woke up, Katie and my mom were in the room, sleep. My mom dozed off with her head resting against the wall and Katie was sleep in her lap.

I looked down and the second I did a pair of gorgeous brown eyes looked up at me. Logan moved so that he was closer to me and wrapped his arms around my neck. He leaned forward and connected our lips. The kiss was passionate and I could tell it was starting to grow into something more. Logan could sense it to and he stopped, leaning close to my ear.

"I want to give myself to you, Kendall." He whispered.

"You know, we were suppose to do that before all of this happened." I told him and he nodded.

"I really want to do it."

"I do to but you're hurt right now. We have tom wait until you're healed, okay." He frowned a little but he nodded.

"We can still fool around right?" He whispered.

"Of course. Just not right now. My mom and Katie are over there." I told him.

"That's right, so can you two end the conversation before Katie hears?" My mom asked, scaring us both. Logan quickly moved back down to my chest.

"Mom, I thought you were sleep." I said as she raised her head from it's slouched position.

"You think I can sleep right now. I was too worried."

"Well, you don't have to worry anymore because I'm never letting him out of my sight again." I told her and she smiled at us.

"I love you." I heard Logan say.

I leaned down and kissed him before saying, "I love you too."

"Mr. Mitchell you may step down now." The judge told Logan. He stepped down and returned to his seat next to me. I pulled his chair closer to me and he put his head on my shoulder.

"Boys! Court etiquette." My mom scold.

"No, Mrs. Knight, it's quite alright. The boy needs some comforting and I'll allow it in my court room. But thank you for reminding them." The judge said.

"I really like her." Logan whispered in my ear.

"I do too." We seemed to get the nicest judge in the world.

"I am completely disgusted by your actions. He's your own son, you sick bastard!" She yelled at Logan's father.

Well, she was nice to us anyway.

Logan's father looked down at his handcuffs as he stood there in his orange jumpsuit with a guard on each side of him.

"Let's go over the charges before I give my ruling." She said, grabbing a folder that was on her desk.

"Assault, attempted murder, attempted rape, Child abuse and neglect, and there are many more from your past. I am surprised that you aren't in jail already. It seems like you used your excuse that you need to care for your son a lot for these cases. Well, now you don't have an excuse. Mr. Mitchell, you are a sick man. I am disgusted just by looking at you. That is why you're getting life in prison without the possibility of parole. And even if you get parole you have a restraining order against you. I don't want you in the same state as your son and the Knight family. Get him out of my court room and into prison where he belongs." The judge said before she banged her gavel. Mr. Mitchell gave a weak fight against the guards before they hit him upside the head and dragged him out.

"Moving to our next case, Mrs. Knight, you would like full custody over Mr. Logan Mitchell?" The judge asked her, surprising me and Logan.

"Yes." My mom said, standing.

"Granted." The judge said, banging her gavel.

"Please take care of this boy as if he's you're own." She told my mom.

"I will, thank you." My mom said before the court was dismissed.

We followed her out of the court room and into the hallway. She smiled at us before pulling us both into a hug. Logan winced a little and she quickly pulled away, apologizing.

"So, now that you're my brother, what does that make you two?" Katie asked us and we both looked at each other and then my mom. She held her hands up in defense.

"You two can be whatever you want. Logan still has his last name so things won't be weird."

"Good." I said, pulling him in for a kiss. He giggled before wrapping his arms around my neck and closing the distance between us.

As I came up from the basement with a basket of laundry, I could hear Katy Perry's song Teenage Dream playing from our room. I smiled, just knowing Logan was in our room dancing. He seemed to do a lot of that now that he's happier. He's even getting some abs from it. As I walked up the steps I could hear him singing along.

"Let's go all the way tonight. No regrets, just love. We can dance until we die." I peeked into our room and he was dancing in the middle of the room just like I thought.

The light from the window was shining on him, making him look even more amazing than he already does. I sat the basket down in the hallway before sneaking into the room. He wasn't facing the door as he danced. He started spinning around and he let out a squeal when he spun right into me. He looked up at me and before he could say anything I planted my lips on his. When we broke apart he started blushing, knowing I saw him dancing. The song changed to Owl City's Fireflies. We swayed a little to the song as we stared into each other's eyes.

"M-My bruises are a-almost healed a-and your mom and Katie are gone and-"

"Logan, what are you trying to say?" I knew what he was going to ask me but I just wanted to hear him say it.

"W-Well, I was thinking t-that maybe w-we could, um..." He stuttered as blush came from his cheeks and moved across his features. I couldn't help the smile that came to my face as he put his head on my chest. He looked up at me when he felt my chest rise as I laughed a little at his embarrassment. He glared when he saw the smile on my face.

He lightly slapped my chest before he said, "You know what I'm trying to say. Just...do something."

"What do you want me to do?"


"Say it."


"Say it."

"You know what I'm talking about."

"I do."

"So...just...do it."

"Give you a kiss?"

"No." He said getting frustrated as he continued to blush.

"Logan, just tell me specifically what you want me to do."


"Elaborate on that." I said, smiling.

"Kendall Knight, I want you to lay me on that bed and make love to me." He finally said.

"I was looking along the lines of fuck me into the mattress."

"No, I don't want that."

"Against the wall? That's fine too."


"Fine, on the floor but we're not leaving the room."

"No, Kendall, I want it to be passionate and loving touches and-"

"Like this." I said before connecting our lips.

The kiss was slow and passionate as my hands rubbed down his sides. He moaned and my tongue made it's way into his mouth. Our tongues intertwined before I rubbed my tongue on the roof of his mouth as he ran his fingers through my hair. My hands moved to the back of his thighs and I hoisted him up. He smiled as he wrapped his legs around my waist.

Logan's POV

I can't believe this was actually happening. I thought he was going to say that I wasn't healed enough and that I would have to wait longer than I already have. He moved us over to the bed and laid me down. I couldn't help my blush that grew as he moved his hands up under my shirt, over my stomach and up to my chest. He ran his thumbs over my nipples before he lifted my shirt up and pulled it off.

He brought our lips back together and just before it could get to where I wanted to, he broke apart and started kissing along my jaw, moving to my neck. He kissing turned into sucking and I just knew he was creating a hickey for everyone to see. His hands caressed my sides as they moved to my pants. He started to kiss and suck down my body, stopping at my nipples. He sucked on each of them before he continued down to my stomach, kissing a small bruise that was there before coming back up and connecting our lips. I reached for his shirt but he stopped me.

"Remember what I told you, this is all about you." He reminded me, taking off his shirt and throwing it across the room. I let out a moan when I felt his hand go to my growing bulge as he began to rub it.

"Kendall, please."

"Don't worry, it'll happen soon enough." He said as he wrapped his fingers around my pajama pants. He pulled them down, along with my underwear and socks. My hands instinctively went to cover myself but I felt him grab them and move them above my head. He sat back and smiled down at me.

"You're so beautiful like this."

I closed my eyes blushed harder than ever at his comment before I felt his lips kiss up my leg to my inner thigh. I suddenly started to feel like I wasn't ready for this but before I could say anything, I felt his tongue slide the underside of my length. I gasped and moaned in pleasure as my hands grabbed at the sheets.

He kissed the head before he took me inside his warm, wet mouth. I couldn't fight the urge to lace my fingers in his hair any longer. When I did it, he moaned, sending vibrations through my length like electricity. He sucked harder as he took more of me and I started to get this feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Kendall, I'm close." I warned him. Instead of stopping he took all of me into his mouth and when I felt myself hit the back of his throat, I lost it and came.

He swallowed everything I gave him before he fully pulled off. I was expecting him to come up and kiss me or something but instead, I gasped when I felt something wet against my entrance. I could feel myself hardening again as his tongue slid over my hole. He began to push in and by now I was fully hard again.

"Kendall, please." It seemed like that's been the only thing I've been saying but I've been waiting for so long that I just want him to be in me.

Suddenly, all of the sensation was gone. I opened my eyes to see him reaching over to his nightstand. He reached in the bottom drawer and pulled out lube. He pulled some into his hand and I closed my eyes and waited for something to happen. I gasped when I felt his finger slide into me. It hurt a little but I forced myself to relax. He wrapped his lips around my length and started sucking again. I barely noticed when he slid another finger in me because I felt him rub against my prostate.

I moaned loudly as he continued to rub my prostate. It was slowly killing me and I wanted him more than ever, if that was possible. He withdrew his fingers from me and I felt him began to push in. He kissed and licked at neck as he slowly slid into me. He was much bigger than his fingers and I was willing myself to relax because it was hurting so much.

I let out a whimper and he whispered, "Just relax and it's going to feel amazing." Once he was buried in me completely, he stopped and allowed me time to adjust.

"Move." I told him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, please."

He slowly moved out before pushing in. I gasped when he hit my prostate and began to move my hips along with his. He intertwined our fingers as he thrusted with more force. I stared into his beautiful green eyes and I saw nothing but love. There was nothing in the world that was better than this feeling. This feeling of pure love between us. I knew he felt it too as he closed the distance between us.

Our tongues rolled together as he continued to thrust into me. When we broke apart, he sat up and pulled me with him. I rolled my hips as I felt his thrusts start to speed up and loose it's rhythm as he sucked on my neck. His assault on my prostate had my body going numb as I clung to him. I got that feeling in the pit of my stomach again and before I could warn him, he rammed into my prostate again, making me lose it.

I painted our stomachs with my cum as I felt him cum in me with a sharp suck on my neck. If there wasn't a hickey there before, there was one now. We collapsed on the bed and almost simultaneously we heard a loud booming sound. I clung to him protectively, even though he was basically covering me.

"What the hell was that?" He asked me.

"I don't know." He slowly pulled out of me and sat up and looked around. I sat up and looked around. Nothing seemed to be out of order and now that I thin about it, it sounded like it came from outside. Kendall climbed off of the bed and randomly grabbed some underwear and put them on.

I blushed as he walked out of the bedroom in my underwear. I gasped when I heard a loud bang from the hallway. I quickly scrambled for the sheets before I saw Kendall peak his head back in the room.

"Relax, I tripped over the basket I left in the hall."

He picked up said basket and tossed it in the room before continuing down the hall. As I heard him walking down the steps, I got up off the bed, wrapping the sheets around me, and looked out the window. I noticed that the neighbors were coming out of their houses. I jumped when I heard a loud noise, slowly registering that it's Kendall's laugh. I can hear him coming up the steps and he stops when he sees me.

"You look so beautiful right now." I couldn't help but blush before curiosity kicked back in.

"What happened?"

"We knocked the power out."

"What? How?" I asked, frantically and he just shrugged.

"Not literally but that's what we're going with. Our sex was so good, it knocked the lights out." He said, smirking.

"In the whole neighborhood?" I asked, gesturing to the window.

"Shit, really?" He looked out the window and started laughing again as I sat back on the bed, slightly wincing. He came over to me and connected our lips.

"Sorry for that."

"It's fine. I knew it was going to happen anyway. It's not as painful as I thought."

"Ha, wait until tomorrow. You'll be feeling it." I ignored him and scooted back on the bed until I was against the headboard. Kendall stopped looking out the window and jumped on the bed, flopping next to me.

"Should we go outside?" Before I could answer his eyes widened.

"No, nevermind, I forgot about the cuddling afterwards." I smiled at his adorableness and waved him off.

"It's fine, besides we have a pretty good reason. We did knock out the power in the whole neighborhood."

"Damn right we did." Kendall said, pulling me close to him. I giggled as he brought our lips together in a passionate kiss.

I smiled up at him with so much love. I would've never thought in a million years I would be in this position. I never thought that everything I've always wanted was right here. He saved me from my everything. He's truly my Knight and shining armor. I know it sounds lame but I just couldn't put it in any other words.

"What'cha thinkning about in there?" He asked me as he tapped my forehead.

"I just love you so much." He awed at me before bringing our lips together again.

"I love you too." We laid there for a while before I started to drift off to sleep.

When I woke up, I felt a cold breeze come in from the window. I sat up and noticed that the only thing that lit the room was the moonlight. Was I really sleep for that long? I turned to look at Kendall and I didn't see him. I got up and made sure the sheet was wrapped around me as I made my way to the window. I pulled it shut and noticed that Mrs. Knight's car was outside.

But the house was a little quiet. I pulled on some of my clothes along with Kendall's underwear, since he had mine, and walked out of the room. When I turned the corner, I bumped into someone's chest. I looked up and Kendall smiled down at me.

"I was coming to check on you. You've been sleep for so long. I didn't know you were this tired."

I don't know why but I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him close to me as a feeling that something was missing disappeared.

"Did you have a bad dream or something?" He asked me. I let him go and shook my head.

"Well, my mom and Katie are downstairs and if they see you dressed like this, they'll know what happened. I've kept them from going upstairs so they wouldn't see you."

"Is something wrong?" I asked him and he laughed, grabbing my hand. He pulled me into his bathroom and cut on the light. My eyes widened at my reflection. My hair was all over the place.

"Sex hair." He said as I tried to fix it.

"Just take a shower and come down for dinner." I nodded my head as he left before climbing in the shower.

Once I was clean, I got dressed in fresh pajamas and headed downstairs. As I walked in the kitchen, Mrs. Knight was making everyone's plate.

"Hey, Logan finally woke up." Katie announced.

"Well, good evening, sleepy head." Mrs. Knight said.

"I made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and peas for dinner. Your plate is right next to Kendall's." I smiled as I sat down next to my boyfriend. Katie sat in front of me and Mrs. Knight sat next to her.

"So what did you boys do all day?" Mrs. Knight asked us and I had no idea what to tell her. I mean, we can't just tell her we had sex. Luckily, Kendall picked it up.

"Well, I did a bit of laundry and me and Logan listened to some music before the power went out. When I went to go see, I fell in the hallway. He laughed and then we went to sleep."

"Sounds like you two had fun."

After dinner was over, we thanked Mrs. Knight for the amazing dinner before heading back upstairs. I helped Kendall change the sheets before we laid down to watch Tv. As Kendall flipped through the channels I laid on his chest and thought about everything.

From when we first met to now. I remember when I woke up earlier. How I felt when I woke up and he wasn't there. Suddenly everything shifted and Kendall was on top of me. He was smiling but it fell once he saw my face.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking."

"About?" He asked after he kissed my forehead.

"I just feel like no matter where I am if I'm not with you I will always need help." I confessed.

"Don't worry Logan. I will be there for you to give you that help you need, even when we're old and grey I will always be there to help you."





When Kendall said forever. He meant it. After Graduation, he proposed to me and of course I said yes. Now, I'm standing at the back door of our house, looking at him in the backyard. He was smiling and laughing with our beautiful five year old daughter, Juliana, and our dog Elson. I smiled at my family before they gestured for me to come over.

Kendall gave me a kiss, his scruff brushing against my cheek as our daughter 'ewed' and his behind the dog. Kendall ran over and picked her up. She laughed as he swung her around. The dog was running around the backyard happily before he ran to me.

After we played in the backyard a bit, we went in for dinner. Kendall hugged me from behind and I couldn't stop the smile from appearing on my face.

"Need any help?" He asked me.

"I always need help."

"Well, I'm here. Forever."

"Good." I said, turning and giving him a kiss.

We both laughed when we heard Juliana groan in the background. I love my family.

A/N: See not too bad for an ending right. Anyway, pictures of Juliana and Elson is on my blog, bigtimegaga . tumblr . com. I hope that no one is really upset with me with ending it and is happy about the ending even though it was sort of cliché but I feel like I sort of made up for it with the Epilogue. If you liked this story please leave a review. :D