Power Rangers belongs to Haim Saban and Nickelodeon. I only own the plot, subplot, and characters you don't recognize. Reference to "Explanations Of Power". Special thanks and dedication to Alex B. Goode who gave me the idea of using the Beetleborgs, the V.R. Troopers, and the Masked Rider. These shows belong to Saban Entertainment and Fox Kids.
"What in the world?" Jason asked in surprise.
"What's the matter, Jason? Don't like what you see?" his doppelganger mocked. Well, this would explain why I felt like I was fighting myself, Jason thought to himself.
"What's going on here?" Jason demanded.
"I represent everything you've lost," the doppelganger replied.
"What are you talking about?" Jason asked.
"Being a Ranger has taken everything away from you: friends, family, a girlfriend," the other boy listed.
"I still have my friends and Kat's my girl," Jason shot back. Really? This is the best this poser can do? he asked himself. Who was he kidding?
"But now you have to lie to your parents. And what about the friends you had before you became a Ranger? You hardly ever see them anymore. Even now your parents are wondering whether or not you're going to live or die, and they have no idea why you're even in here," came the response. Jason's eyes clouded. His double brought up some good points. He had drifted away from a lot of his friends when he became a Ranger, mostly due to him dropping his extracurricular activities other than Martial Arts. And there were times he had had to lie to his parents about where he had gotten some of his bruises. Jason ran his fingers through his hair. Would it have been better if I had never said 'Yes' to Zordon? I know he said that the Power was meant for us, but does he know all that I've given up? The friends that I've dropped, the extracurricular activities I've dropped? Is it all worth this? he wondered. Jason's twin grinned.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You had a life before you became a Ranger. You had no worries, no cares…you could go out on dates like a normal boy," he reminded. Jason's eyes flashed. Sure, he missed the days when things were simpler, but he wouldn't trade it for anything. The other Jason laughed and the real Jason tackled him. Then, the Ranger was thrown over the imposter's shoulders and they both jumped to their feet. Jason threw a punch which was blocked. Then the double tried a kick, but Jason quickly blocked it.
"You can't defeat me, I'm you." However, Jason still continued to fight. But like his double had said, Jason was unable to gain the upper hand. Jason began to pant. His double laughed and then tripped him up with a leg sweep. Before Jason could get his bearings, the double pinned him to the ground with a foot on Jason's chest and a sword similar to Jason's Power Sword appeared in the double's hands.
"I am the victor. Why don't just admit defeat?" he demanded.
"Never!" Jason spat out. What, was this guy nuts? If the double really was him, he'd know that he'd never stop fighting. The double smirked. Then, to his surprise, he let out a curt nod and slammed the sword into the ground.
"You did better than I thought. Congratulations," he said, removing his foot from Jason's chest and then holding out his hand.
"Huh?" Jason asked, taking his double's hand and standing up.
"I had to be sure you wouldn't give up. You're in for one heck of a fight," his double said.
"I'm up for it," Jason assured.
"You certainly are," the double confirmed. Then, he and the sword disappeared. Jason moaned as his eyes fluttered open.
"Jason?" Tracey asked in relief.
"Mom?" he questioned, starting to sit up.
"Easy, son," Ryan said, stopping the boy from sitting up.
"H-how-how long have you been here?" Jason wondered.
"Ever since you've been here. Do you remember anything?" Tracey responded. What do I do? I can't tell 'em I'm a Power Ranger! he thought to himself.
"Um…we were at the fair…there was a monster attack…" Jason answered. He breathed laboriously as if he was trying to remember what happened. However, he remembered the fight. It was just how he got to the hospital that was escaping him. He vaguely remembered running into Lightning, but…after that…things were a bit fuzzy.
"Sssshhh, ssshhh, it's okay, honey," Tracey soothed.
"How'd I get here?" Jason wondered.
"Lightning. I'm not sure how, but he must've sensed that you were in trouble and went to find you," Ryan replied.
"That probably gave people something to stare at," Jason chuckled. He could just imagine the looks of surprise that a car driving itself would get.
"We're just glad you're okay. We were so worried," Tracey said.
"Yeah, it was pretty touch and go for a while there, kiddo," Ryan added. "We almost lost you once," he stated.
"Really?" Jason asked in surprise. That must've been when I was fighting myself, he realized and then mentally shook his head. Man that had been weird. Who would've thought that being a Ranger would include traveling to a plane where you got to make your own decision about whether or not you lived or died? Seeing his parents' concerned expressions, he frowned.
"Are you guys okay?" he questioned. Tracey let out small scoff. Typical Jason. He had nearly died and he was worried about them.
"We are now, Sweetie," she assured him, hugging him gently.
"You sure?"
"Yes." While this was going on, Alpha had programmed the coordinates for Leawood, Charterville, and Crossworld City into the computers. When the cities appeared, Alpha did a search until he found the people he was looking for and pressed another button on the computer. Seconds later, Dex, Ryan, J.B., Kaitlin, Drew, Roland, Jo, and Josh were in the Command Center.
"Whoa! Where are we?" everyone but Dex exclaimed in surprise.
"This place is amazing," Josh breathed.
"Zordon, Alpha, what is the trouble?" Dex queried. The others followed the boy's gaze and then gasped when they saw Zordon. Jo grabbed on to Drew who squeezed his sister's hand reassuringly.
"I apologize for leaving your respective cities unguarded. However, Rita has moved her palace to Earth and the Rangers may need extra help," Zordon apologized.
"And you shall have it," Dex promised. Drew looked to his friends who nodded.
"We'll help too," Drew added.
"You can count on us," Ryan stated.
"Like I stated, I apologize for forcing you to leave your respective cities unguarded-" Zordon began.
"We defeated Nexus and the new Magnavores two weeks ago, but we still have our powers," Drew interrupted.
"Well, except for me. I just have my civilian powers…thanks to Flabber reinstating them," Josh said.
"You still help us fight," Jo reminded, putting a hand on his arm, causing Ryan, J.B., and Kaitlin to look at each other and hide their grins.
"Grimlord's been pretty quiet lately," Ryan added.
"And I have the means to get back to Leawood if needed," Dex assured. Just then, they all heard the sounds of fighting and turned around. To their surprise, the globe showed the morphed Rangers ducking beams of electricity.
"What's going on? Who's that weird looking lady?" Drew questioned.
"And where is your Red Ranger?" Dex asked, looking to Zordon in concerned.
"The Red Ranger was seriously injured in the fight and had to be hospitalized, though everyone thinks he was just a civilian that got trapped in the crossfire. And that is Rita Repulsa. She is using a spell to keep the other Rangers at bay," Zordon replied. Everyone looked at each other.
"Let's do this," Ryan declared and everyone nodded in agreement.
"Excto Phase Activate!"
"Trooper Transform!"
"Data Bonders! Input Cards!" With that, everyone but Josh transformed into their costumes and then teleported to where the Rangers were. Josh bit his lip nervously.
"Be careful, you guys," he whispered. Hearing this, Alpha put a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder.