A/N: So… Sorry again for my Hiatus! I tripped down some stairs while holding my computer and… it broke…I have been working on this story for a while, but got sidetracked with one (or two…or three…okay, like, ten) but please don't kill me! I know a LOT of people wanted to see more, so…here you go! Thanks for all of the Reviews, it meant so much to me!

Well enough of this rambling, let's get this show on the road!

Chapter 5

Ziva ran after Tony, determined not to let him beat her, but soon she realized that she had lost him and whoever they had been chasing. 'If we were chasing anyone' she thought. She briefly thought she should head back to Gibbs and the others, but quickly changed her mind. She should find Tony first. After walking for about five minutes, she came across an old looking shed. She pulled out her gun, her instincts going off as soon as she saw it. She stealthly moved towards it and listened for any noises inside. When she didn't find any, she quickly kicked open the door.

Inside there was a table covered in a selection of knifes, but it looked as though two or three had been taken in a hurry. Ziva figured at least one of them had to have been the murder weapon. She looked around and saw a small box. She pulled on her gloves and tried to open it up, but it was locked with one of those combination things. She put it down and walked over to the table again. Maybe she had missed something… But before she got there she tripped over something on the floor. A rather ugly looking rug was covering something hidden on the ground. She lifted it up and moved it from its current position. Under the rug was a trap door that looked like it had recently been opened. She moved to open it, but stopped when she heard a familiar voice calling out to her.

"Tony! Ziva! Where are you guys?" Agent Gibbs yelled out at her. She opened up the door to the shack and yelled back.

"Over here!" Gibbs came running over. McGee and Kate followed quickly, careful to not be slacking on their first day with Gibbs as their boss.

"Are you guys okay? We didn't hear anything form you guys and didn't see you, so we figured something went wrong." Kate informed her. She looked around.

"Hey, where's Tony? Wasn't he with you?" Kate asked her, a confused look growing on her face.

Ziva paled…she had forgotten about Tony…She looked around and realized everyone was waiting for her to answer the question. Gibbs was glaring at her, McGee looked curious, and Kate still had a confused sort-of look on her face. Ziva took a deep breath. "Actually…"

A/N: I'm sorry it wasn't much, but I promise, it'll get better. I didn't actually have a lot of time to update, and my muse didn't want to work as well today…*sigh* oh, well. I swear on my father's grave that the next update will be longer!

My older Brother Christian: *gets confused look on his face* Dad isn't dead…

Me: *Eyes grow wide* (Muttering) Yeah, but they didn't know that…(Speaking louder)… Anyways…

Ta Ta For Now!