Dear Readers,
Do you realize how much I love you? It's 10:24 on a Sunday night. I have class in the morning and I really should be asleep right now but now I've invested 3 hours in finishing this epic finale so here's your equally epic ending author's note.
This is the end of this fic. That doesn't mean it has to be the end of my writing HOA. Just ask. Five people ask me to continue, I'll continue. Alright? Cool beans. But I might ask you to wait until I'm out of school for the next one. Unless you guys have some ideas and want to be my muse (I mean I'll talk to my muse but he and I are kinda in an awkward part of everything and yeah… PM me if you care to know the details *evil laughter*) cuz I'm kind of out of ideas with this right now. I'll be able to think on it once school's out.
Oh! And thanks for the support with Chad. Guys you made me keep writing. And I love you for that.
Now, my cat is sleeping on my feet so I'm going to go to bed now. (blame Oreo for the shortish author's note:P) Please, epic reviews to my epic author's note after the epic finale. (yes I just used epic three times in one sentence.
Hannah Kay (I totally spelled my name wrong there…
PS: While writing the last chapter, I listened to and half watched 3 hours worth of HOA fanmade videos GOTTA LOVE 'EM. Visit for more information!*giggles* night, night.