AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here's the long overdue first part of... the Kree/Skrull War! I also added in some guest stars to make up for the long wait.

"My first mission is what?!" Hank Pym couldn't believe his ears.

The full team was assembled in the Triskelion's meeting room, plus Nick Fury. The general was assigning individual duties to the teams, and Hank had just gotten his: Oversee the launch of NASA's new space shuttle, the Fantastic.

"I don't believe it. I've always wanted to see a shuttle launch, though I don't understand why I'm getting assigned to it."

Fury replied, "Well, Hank, as you know, this is no ordinary launch. We've been told that the ship is to be sent through a wormhole that supposedly leads to another universe. Since you're the big-shot scientist of the team, you're the best candidate for the job."

Iron Man spoke up. "I'm sorry, how is he the big-shot scientist? I'm a multibillionaire who's built multiple suits of technologically advanced armor."

The size-changer looked over the armored Avenger. "Have you ever even heard of wormholes?"

"Of course."

"Do you have any idea how they work? I do."

"...Oh, shut up."

Not long afterward, Hank was at a Nevada launch site, which was where he met the team that was headed into space.

"Hank Pym! Good to meet you," The leader of the crew shook Hank's hand eagerly. He was obviously a fan of his.

"Thanks. It's good to meet you as well. Your name?"

"Oh, I'm Dr. Reed Richards. I designed the wormhole transporter we're using," Reed beamed.

"Really? Wow. How come I never heard about you on the news or in science magazines? You're obviously a genius in your field."

"I am a genius, yes. But I work for the government, so my stuff is top-secret from the public."

Hank nodded. "Makes sense. Who else is a member of your crew?"

Reed nodded for his crewmates to come over to Hank. One of them was a beautiful blonde woman, about a year or two younger than Reed. "Susan Storm, the team biologist," Reed introduced.

The second was probably the girl's younger brother, because he resembled her, except he was obviously more masculine, and was a little shorter in terms of body height and hair. "Johnny Storm, our engineer."

The third and final of Reed's teammates was a big, bulky man a little older than Reed, and far more well-built. "Ben Grimm, ship's pilot. He just about rounds out the pack."

Hank nodded and shook hands with everyone. "What's the purpose of your mission?"

"Follow me and I'll tell you," Reed pointed over to the exit. Hank followed him, and Reed's crewmates did the same.

As the five of them walked out of the building, Reed explained: "Our ship, the Fantastic, will be sent from here, in Nevada, through a wormhole into another dimension and meet up with another ship being sent from Florida. We're both carrying two separate, unique objects. We will both go through our separate wormholes, meet up, trade off, then return home."

Hank nodded. "Makes sense. But why do you need the shuttles so far apart?"

"If two portals are too close together, the resulting interference would disrupt the dimensional transfer. Our DNA might be seriously altered. It's a risk that we can't afford to take."

"I see." The group of five eventually reached the launch platform, where Reed and his squad said goodbye and boarded the shuttle.

Things went wrong almost immediately.

The wormhole opened up, on schedule, for the shuttle to go through.

The Fantastic started up and zoomed toward the portal.

A large BOOM was heard.

Another portal, identical to this man-made one, opened in the sky. Both portals crackled, and immediately shut.

The one on the ground swallowed the Fantastic whole, while the one in the sky spit out another ship, clearly not of Earthly origin.

It was V-shaped, and a mix of green and white. The colors seemed to be mixed together like Earthling camouflage.

"Oh, great..." Hank took out his cell phone. "Nick? It's Hank. Things just went from dangerous to out of control..."

Iron Man flew at top speed over to the launch site. He couldn't believe the size of the spacecraft that the new portal had just barfed out. "Unbelievable... that thing is huge! If this is an alien invasion, I'm blowing that thing to hell, I don't care if Fury wants to study it."

Suddenly... a door seemed to open out from the ship's left side.

And someone stepped out.

It was a humanoid, from the looks of it. His gloves, boots, and helmet were white, but everything else was green. Even his face.

On his chest glowed a large planet emblem.

"Oh, Christ... I'm going to have hit someone, aren't I?" Tony groaned.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes, the Fantastic Four are in this arc, which means their origin is in this fic rather than Marvel Rewrite: Fantastic Four.

PM me or review if you have any questions regarding upcoming Marvel Rewrite fics, as I have plenty of them in the works... I'll list them in the next Author's Note if you want.

R & R!