What the Hell! Epilogue

{Hello for the last time in this story guys, welcome to the epilogue of What the Hell!

I hope you like this chapter as it will be a mixture of things and will hopefully end quite mysteriously!


ROC95: Thank you, I'm glad you loved it!

unknown author 5342215: Thank you

Serena and Abella: This is the last chapter Serena! XD

daisydo1234: Thank you, I'm glad the chapter wowed you! :D

Kayce Skywalker: Thank you :D

: Aw thank you, you shall find out in this chapter. I'm hoping to surprise you a lot and still lead you into the sequel nicely.


I will reply to any reviews for this chapter by PM so if you want a reply then please sign into an account!

Also, I've edited the last chapter when the awesome Dessoestma pointed out a flaw. How could Abby know how long the Auditores have left? The answer is now in the previous chapter

For the last time, enjoy and please review! }

I was hastily woken up by someone shaking my shoulder gently. Without opening my eyes and groaned and tried to reach for the person's face so I could slap them and stop them from shaking me. A hand caught my arm before I found contact though it linked its fingers with mine.

"You have to get up Abby." Ezio said and it was like he was using a megaphone in my ear. I groaned again and made a mental note like I always did that I was going to stop drinking forever and be teetotal like Rachel. I don't think anyone told him that waking me up when I have a hangover is like giving yourself a death sentence.

"No." Was my reply, I was too grumpy to give more than one or two words as an answer. I heard him laugh and it was an experienced laugh that told me he had felt like this many times before. I pulled my pillow over my head with a moan. His laugh felt so loud that it rung in my ears.

The next thing I knew the pillow was being yanked from my grip and I was being picked up by Ezio and carried into the hall and towards the stairs. I winced at the daylight like I was some sort of vampire and winced at how it affected my head. I looked up at him with my hungover and grumpy eyes and he gave me his charming but mischievous smile back.

"What? You gave me no choice." He said and I sighed as he managed to balance himself on the way up the stairs.

"Why're we going up here?" my voice connecting words together because I was too tired to care if they did.

"Because I have run you a bath." He said and I blinked at the sweetness.

"I need painkillers." I said leaning into his chest and liking his warmth.

"They are in the bathroom as well." He said and he sounded totally organised.

"Thank you." I said as we finally got to the top.

"You look good in that corset." He stated as we got to the bathroom and he let me stand up again. "Much better than my sister."

"Are you saying that to me or my boobs?" I said quietly as I caught him admiring my chest. My voice sounded way too loud.

The bathroom was nice and warm and the bath was steaming and smelled really nice. He wrapped his arms around me and turned me to face him.

"To you of course." He said kissing me as we stood near the door. That definitely helped with my headache! "Now go and enjoy your bath."

"Where are the others?" I asked as he turned to go.

"Ben has taken them out in that car machine." He winced slightly at the memory of the last time he had been in one. "He said he would take them to a 'cinema'." He pronounced the word weirdly but I still knew what he meant.

"Okay, I'm just glad Ben isn't here to annoy me." I said looking at how my clothes and towel was already in there. He was such a gentleman.

"You will have to make do with me instead." He said and with that he closed the door and left me to relax and take a painkiller to hopefully take the edge off of my headache.


Once I was done relaxing and resting off some of my hangover I got out of the bath and dried off, leaving my hair down when it was wavy for the first time in my life because Ezio liked it that way and I might as well please him since he did a lot for me this morning.

"Hey." I said walking back into the living room. I was still a little uncomfortable with my hair and was itching to straighten it but then Ezio looked at it and smiled.

"Your hair looks beautiful." He said and that made me grab a piece and look at it before looking back to him.

"I hate it like this but I knew you'd like it so I let it be like this for one time only." I said a little more happily (the painkillers worked a treat). I came and sat down beside him on the now back to normal sofa. "Because you did all that for me."

"Thank you." He said, running his fingers through the wavy and slightly damp mess.

"You know I'm gonna miss your gentlemanly ways." I said, finally addressing the elephant in the room.

"You won't, I am staying here." He said laying that bombshell on me. I was a little shocked but at the same time I had kinda known he would say something like that.

"Ezio, you can't you're part of history you-"

"I do not care about that, history can go and fuck itself for all the concern I give for it!" He said and I placed a hand on his cheek to try and calm him down before he started to shout. My head did not need that. He took my hand in his and moved it away from his cheek but still held onto it. He had calmed slightly.

"What about your family?" I asked when he was calm enough for me to want to continue.

"They can't stay too."

"I know."

"So you would leave them behind forever and be happy with never seeing them again?" I said and I could see him thinking about it and pain appeared on his face. He had become torn. I would be too if I was in that position – I loved my family too much to leave them. He sighed and leaned forward so our foreheads were touching.

"No." He said before looking at me and adding. "Your words hurt but they are true. I assume you will not come back with me either."

"I don't think it's possible." I said closing my eyes, I was now upset at the whole situation and was barely keeping myself together. "But even if it was I wouldn't."

I felt his head move and his lips crush against mine as he tried to savour our last moments alone like this. Our last kisses. I kissed him back though I couldn't stop the tears from leaking down my face. He didn't stop kissing me and instead looped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. It was as if he knew his proximity and his kisses would make me feel better.


About two hours later Ben and the others came back to find us on the sofa cuddling and watching TV. By this point I had managed to calm down though I was trying not to look at the clock.

"How's your hangover Abs?" Ben asked as loud as he could as soon as he got in the living room. I winced and he laughed, he was mean.

"Fine." I said with a little scowl.

"You are doing better than my son, we hardly see him after he has been drunk." Giovanni said and that finally made Ezio frown. Federico was nowhere so I guessed he was with Evie for the last time.

"You get headaches like me?" I said and he nodded as his father continued to smile. "At least I'm not the only one." I said, happy someone else here knew how much it hurt. "How was the film?"

"It was amazing!" Claudia said now coming into the living room too with a looking of awe on her face, a little like when she first saw the camera except it was much stronger. "The images moved out of the screen at us and it was almost like they were really there with us."

"Yeah 3D is awesome." I said with a smile as I looked at her. I remember my first time watching a 3D film (you know with the retro red and blue lenses?) I thought it was amazing too and watched it over and over again. "What film did you go see?"

"Some kids film." Ben said though he sounded like it he didn't enjoy it. Everyone else looked like they did. "I didn't think Petruccio would want to watch anything else."

"Ti è piaciuto che Petruccio? (Did you enjoy it Petruccio?)"Ezio asked his little brother and the boy eagerly nodded with a large smile.

"Si fratello." He said in his usual happy voice.

"I would have never imagined before this that so much was possible. Some of the things you have in this time we deemed impossible." Giovanni said now expressing his awe at everything here in modern times. I kinda felt like I shouldn't take everything for granted now that I have seen people react to the slightest things we think are normal. I now knew that everything isn't normal, that is unusual and for centuries had been believed impossible just like Giovanni had said. I felt lucky to be born in the 21st century and that was a weird feeling.

"Most of this has been created in only recent times. A century ago most of this wouldn't have existed." Ben said, showing a much higher level of academic smartness than me. I just nodded along with him.

"If only Leonardo was here, he would have enjoyed this place and these new inventions. I'm sure it would inspire him." Maria said and Ezio turned to look at her – still keeping an arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"How would an artist like him be inspired by new machines?" Ezio said and his mother gave him a knowing smile.

"He is more than just an artist Ezio." Maria said but it didn't look like she wanted to talk more about it.

"What artist are you talking about?" Ben asked, obviously wondering. Italian artists of the Renaissance are really famous. I know about a few of them.

"A man called Leonardo da Vinci. Have you heard of him?" Maria asked while I now tried not to spit out the coffee I had been sipping at the time.

They know Leonardo da freaking Vinci?

"Oh... no I haven't sorry." Ben said and I really wanted to blurt out 'are you joking? He is the most famous artist and inventor ever!' but Ben gave me this look which basically said 'shut up'. Normally I would've said it anyway but then I thought how that might muck up time etc and decided against it.

"Abby? Are you alright?" Ezio asked since he had seen me nearly choking on my coffee.

"Yeah no I'm fine, the coffee just went down the wrong way." I said and that seemed to convince him (thank god).

"Be careful next time."

"I will." I said and tried not to think about how they knew someone so famous. My headache was now rearing its ugly head again so I had to go take another painkiller.

"Hey Abs fancy a dance-off?" Ben said holding up Just Dance 2. He knew I would probably say no since it's not the best thing to do when you have a hangover. But since it was the last time the Auditores would be here and they all looked intrigued, I decided to join in and allow me and Ezio to beat everyone else.

"Yep, I'll join in when the painkiller has kicked in." I said sitting on the edge of the sofa as Ben raised an eyebrow but went to set it up. "Are all of you joining in?"

"I don't know..." said Claudia, sounding a little sceptical about the Wii and the controllers.

"C'mon Claudia, Ezio did it and he loved it." I said and that made her smile, probably while trying imagine Ezio dancing.

"Alright." She said and I grinned. I asked everyone else and they agreed (even Maria and Giovanni!). Soon we were all up and dancing, taking it in turns to sit and laugh and we were having a great time.


Time flew by and it seemed like no time had passed when Federico had got back, looking really sad like a person is when they have to leave someone they love. Immediately the whole happy mood from the embarrassing game (Giovanni on Just Dance is a sight worth paying for!) shifted to one of sadness but also excitement and a little anxiety (especially as the whole way of them getting back relied on me and I wasn't sure if it was going to work). It was getting close to the end of them being here and even the knowledge threatened to overwhelm me. As we recovered our energy from all that dancing we all lapsed into silence. Ezio's hand was linked with mine and he was squeezing it tightly. He didn't want to let go and I didn't either.

"Hey you never gave Petruccio that lesson today." Ben said and I finally remembered that I had promised him I would do it but it never happened.

"Oh... no I didn't I'm sorry Petruccio." I said looking at the young boy who was still smiling. He wasn't sad about leaving at all.

"It is alright," he said though he faltered with his next sentence and resorted to talking in Italian since he didn't know the right words. "Vuoi eseguire per noi? (Will you perform for us?)"

Maria translated and I nodded, standing up with Ezio's hand still linked with mine. I saw both of the parents look at our linked hands but I didn't look long enough to see their expressions. I walked up the stairs with the others following behind. We all went into the music room and I sat down at the piano and began to play some happy tunes so I didn't depress anyone. I even sung a bit too then we put on my iPod and we danced around the room (even though it wasn't that big and there were seven people in it). That made those last precious moments better.

When I next looked at the clock it had gotten so close to the time they had arrived on. The sad mood returned as they all left to get changed into their old clothes and get ready to return.

"Abs." Ben says when we are in the room alone. I look at him and he holds his arms outstretched. I go over and let him hug me to try and comfort me before I have to say goodbye.

"I don't want him to go." I said while he did. He gave a small chuckle and let me go.

"I know you don't." Was all he said as I looked to the floor and tried not to cry just yet.

"Why did I have to fall in love with a man who I can't be with?" I asked aloud and even though it was rhetorical Ben answered.

"Because love is a strange power that breaks all boundaries." He explained and I just gave a mini smile and continued to stare at the floor.

I didn't move as Ben directed them down to the living room telling them I'd be along in a second. He did stop Ezio though then left us alone. It was only two seconds before I was in Ezio's arms and we were hugging tightly. That was it. I couldn't it in any longer. I began to cry really hard and sobs even erupted from my throat. I buried my head in his shoulder and he rested his head on mine. He shushed me and tried to comfort me but all the while his voice cracked dangerously. The fact that he was in his old waistcoat, white puffy sleeved shirt, leather trousers and boots made it worse.

After a few minutes of standing there just hugging, we parted and gave each other a one long l kiss.

"Dry your tears mia bella (my beautiful)," he said using his thumb to wipe some away. "I will always be with you, remember." He placed a hand over my locket and I placed mine over his. I nodded and tried to stop and calm down but it was hard. Ezio waited with me until I had calmed enough to be able to go downstairs and say goodbye to the others.

"Goodbye Abby," Claudia said hugging me tightly. "Thank you for the friendship you have shown me."

"Thank you for the forgiveness you showed me when I punched a wall and shouted at you." I said and I could see she was almost crying too. She did laugh at that though. Federico was next to say goodbye. I hugged him and gave him my thanks for looking after my cousin.

"Nessun problema (No problem)." He said and he was definitely sad like I was though he tried to hide it.

"Thank you Abby for all of the things you have done for us and for letting us stay here." Maria said hugging me before taking both of my hands in hers and giving me silent consolation for Ezio leaving.

"You're welcome Maria, you're all so nice that it was a pleasure to have you here." I said, sniffing a little bit.

"Grazie mille (Thank you very much) Abby, for everything." Giovanni said when it was his turn to say goodbye. We hugged briefly then it was little Petruccio's turn to say goodbye.

"Ciao (Bye)Abby, grazie for... helping me." He said with a smile as I hugged him too. He was so sweet and happy and that is why I like children.

"Bitteschön (You're welcome) Petruccio, I loved teaching you." I said with a small smile. Then came the final goodbye between me and Ezio. We hugged and kissed again but it was shorter than last time.

"Be safe amore." He said, looping some hair behind my ear before he stepped back and joined his family again. I stood there a moment before going upstairs with Ben. I was about to ask what would happen if it didn't work but then I felt this strange sensation in my stomach. It was almost as if someone had tied a rope around me and was pulling me towards Ben's bedroom.

"Abby?" Ben asked, seeing my shocked expression.

"I..." I tried to speak but words failed me as my feet moved by themselves and I walked into the room. I was forced to close the door on Ben as he continued to bombard me with questions and look at me with concern.

What's going on? Why can't I control my feet?

As I walked closer I could see the Xbox begin to glow like it had done a few months before. My hand reached out as I moved ever closer and it trembled as I tried to gain control of it. I was completely terrified and clueless as to what was going on. When my hand finally made contact with the console my vision turned completely gold and I felt a strong sensation of something flowing through me. My head ached so much more than it had done before and a voice swirled around my head.

"It is done, the future has been written.

Two worlds have collided to form one.

A new world.

Many thought it impossible but you defied the odds.

You created the true path out of the remains of these worlds.

Follow it and you shall free the Saviour and so, the world.

But this will come at a cost – death must come.

One family must stand while the other falls.

Go, and discover what you must do."

My last thought before the door burst open and my brain couldn't cope any more was this:

What the hell?!

{Oooh that was a mysterious ending! What do you think about it? Please review and tell me.

A big thank you goes out to anyone and everyone who reviewed, favourite or subscribed to this story or even if you just read it! You are the best!

The sequel is called The Forest and is on my profile!

Bye for now

VampireVampyre xx}