{Okay so here's a new story!

This story is one of those ones where people from the past get sucked into the present. I know there are loads of those but I like reading them so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Please review and tell me what you think!

I will try to make it different, I promise!

Enjoy :D}

Okay so I think I should start off by introducing myself. My name is Abby Jones, I am 20 years old and I live with my older brother Ben in Southwold, England. I know it sounds creepy but hey, I don't have the money to get my own place. Oh and my brother isn't that bad… usually.

I'm not that big of a video game fan; my brother on the hand has an Xbox and all of the latest games. His current favourite at the time was the Assassins Creed series. While he sits there playing his games on his beloved Xbox (when he's not at work), I'm sitting at the piano or strumming my guitar. I had recently completed my Music degree and I have had a passion for music for years before.

When it happened I was playing some of my favourite music on my piano and Ben, as usual, was playing one of the Assassins Creed games on his Xbox. I could hear his annoyed shouts over the harmonic sounds of my piano.

"No don't do that!"

"Oh come on Ezio, don't be such a noob!"

"Minstrel if you don't go away I swear I will-"

Shouting at fictional characters? Come on why do you have to do that when I'm trying to play?

I tried to ignore it and carried on playing. It worked for a while but then one shout was louder than the rest.


I sighed and stopped playing, my tune cut off midway through. I wandered across the upstairs landing and into his room where he was cursing loudly.

"Ben, I could you hear you shouting at fictional people from across the hall now please… SHUT THE HELL UP. Thanks." I said leaning on the doorway.

"My Xbox just died on me." He said whimpering like a 3 year old child instead of the adult he was.

"Then go out with your mates, you have loads. It's the middle of summer for god's sake, go to the beach!" The beach wasn't too far away from our house and that day was very sunny and boiling hot. Mum and Dad had moved up to Scotland a few years back so they let us stay in the house as long as we paid rent.

"Fine, I'll go see if Jenny will meet me at the pier. Call me if you die or something." Jenny was his long-term girlfriend; she was the only one who could get Ben off of his Xbox. I have tried lots and failed lots.

"Will do, tell Jenny I said hi" I said as he walked past me and went downstairs.

" 'Kay." He called back just before I heard the front door close. I smiled at the empty house and walked over to his Xbox.

"I should fix this before he gets back, at least then he will stop annoying me and get back to shouting at his lack of gaming skills." I turned it on then gasped in surprise as it started to glow brightly. I thought he'd just made it red ring of death.

"What the?" I said and just as I did the glow subsided and it returned back to normal.

"Maybe I just imagined it." Then I heard the sounds of many people speaking at the same time in a strange language coming from downstairs. My heart started pumping faster than ever.

That's funny, I didn't hear anyone downstairs before. Maybe they're burglars? Well if they are they're pretty cocky to be striking in the middle of the day. And their voices sound foreign, not that that's not uncommon, but it doesn't sound like a language I've heard around here before.

I quickly looked around Ben's room for something to use as a weapon if the people were burglars.

Why isn't there a crowbar or a baseball bat around when you need one?

I had to make do with a large-ish piece of bed pole that used to belong to Ben's old bed. I crept silently down the stairs. I pressed myself to the wall next to the ajar living room door. I heard something smash.

"Merda!" I heard a young male voice, late teens, say and judging by the way he said it, it was a swear word of some sort.

"Attenzione! (Be careful )" I heard a female voice say. The voice sounded a lot older and wiser than the previous one so I guessed the woman was the mother or something like that.

"Dove siamo? (Where are we)" said a child like voice, and I guessed they were ten, maybe younger.

"In una casa (In a house)" said a young woman, much younger than the other woman, maybe the other's daughter? sarcastically.

"Ho capito che. (I gathered that)" said a much older male, he sounded experienced and wise, maybe him and the older woman were related.

"Non lo so (I do not know)" said yet another young male, except this one sounder older than the other late teenage one.

Wow my brain hurts!

I gathered up the confidence to peek into the room.

There six people in total, 4 men and 2 women. The youngest male was around the age that I guessed, nine or ten, then the second youngest male and the youngest female looked around my age and the second oldest male looked around Ben's age. The oldest man and woman looked to be around forty and they were all dressed very strangely. They all looked similar so I had guessed correctly that they were related. Then everything clicked.

The strange language, the weird clothing, them suddenly appearing in the living room, the Xbox acting weirdly. They were Assassin's Creed characters and the Xbox had sent them here. Then someone decided to text me and my ringtone started blasting away at full volume.

"Shit!" I said as they all turned towards the door. They had spotted me.

"Aspetta! Uno momento signora (Wait! One moment ma'am)" said the second oldest. I dropped the pole and backed away from the door and quickly sprinted up the stairs, slamming my bedroom door sliding down it panting heavily. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and voices outside my door. How could this have happened?

"Signora?" said the second oldest hammering on my door. I really didn't want to face their questions, hell I didn't even know if they spoke English.

" Federico, calma! (Federico, calm it/calm down)" said the oldest male outside my door and the hammering stopped. "Lei è probabilmente molto spaventato in questo momento. (She is probably very scared right now)"

"Abbiamo appena apparso nella sua casa, abbiamo bisogno di spiegare che si intende nulla di male. (We have just appeared in her house, we need to explain that we mean no harm.)" said the oldest woman.

"Signora, non abbiamo intenzione di farti del male o di vostra proprietà, ma potresti dirci come siamo arrivati qui? (Madam, we are not going to hurt you or your property but could you tell us how we got here?)" said the elder man again in a much more formal and calm voice. Abigail, müssen Sie stark sein und nehmen diese wie die starke Person ich weiß du bist. (Abigail, you must be strong and take this as the strong person I know you are) I heard my father's encouraging but strict and powerful voice echo through my head. I don't think I've mentioned this but both my parents are from Germany. They moved here after they got married and they have loved it ever since. Our parents insisted that we speak in German to them at all times (unless in public or if either me or Ben had friends over), I think it's because they think it's good to know our ancestor's language but to also have the skill of another language. So ever since we were little, Ben and I have spoken in German and English. We also made up this thing after mum and dad moved out where if we were in trouble or it was something private or important, we spoke in German to each other. I felt the tension as the video game characters waited for my response.

"Do any of you speak English? I have no idea what you just said" I asked, and I really hoped they did otherwise it was going to be a really long day. I pulled out my phone and texted my brother. 'Ben, jetzt kommen wieder! Es ist ein Notfall! Aber bitte nicht in das Haus, draußen zu warten. Ich meine es! Danke Abby (Ben, come back now! It's an emergency! But not in the house, wait outside. I mean it! Thanks Abby.)'

"Yes, almost all of us do. Why don't you speak Italian?" said the second oldest. Once the text was sent, I got up and opened the door and letting some cool air into the sweltering room. They looked at my clothes in a look of shock and disgust though there was a hint of something in the two older boys' eyes that made we want to shudder.

"Because we are not in Italy." I said bluntly, I knew they would want to know. "Oh and the year is 2011"

{What do you think? Should I carry on with this? Review and tell me what you think!}

{Edited June 2012}
{Edited July 2013}