So perhaps unexpectedly this is the final chapter of this, I planned on finishing it at chapter 15 but it was going to fit into 4 chapters so yeah nothing went as planned.

Thanks to those who reviewed this story: nightccuddler, Monichanz, Ad3n, SammmLG, MsChloeMa, S81085, Aj, areid731, Volerian, Vonego88, jupiter01, RVNola546, kurtcrissklaine, xxxPLLforeverxxx, Breeze15, Gleek1808, Mauria5320, theloree, Mojojo, thetamarine, TheLostArtofCommonSense, Santanaobsessed2608, Gleek1990, Mz . Obssessive13, anon, broadwaybound2016, Jamison08 and Berry smart

Thanks to those who favourited: Gleeky-Love, Gmac62, jupiter01, lyssakristine, mafaberry, Sohverit, caritodixz16, LightningGrl, Serenity102, Fantasy Dreamers, Apmoore, Drummergrl10, HenriNIX, Reu5able, sunrise4ever, BookAddict898, ejbrus, Vampire-BlackRose, xxxPLLforeverxxx, klmck1990, shenell, uzziel95, ko120, juan perez, MsChloeMa, Volerian, Broadwaybabe22, charliethelion, PezberryXfaberry, suckmypiercing, everything gone all wrong, theloree, Iza.G, steffithetraveler, DaddoCFL, PezBerryRocks121, RoshAzure, Anonymous Fan Viewer, iwnatitunique, FredoTheChimp, Bandie13, Santanaobsessed2608, Niklarus, Camu1991, DemiLeo, Mz . Obssesive13, Gleek1808, bigvampire21, CNBluePirate, tantalise76, Skadoosh11, Fate-187, Introverted extravert, cstotts1, Gleek1990, Aaml-sp5, callie1121, GleekyNaz and Pucklevanberry

Thanks to those who story alerted: Ad3n, Alex sweets, BeautifulObliviontheThird, EverythingUNTITLED, feyerfley, gleeobsessedgal, Gmac62, hope2smith, I Am N6, jbeanne324, jupiter01, kari2, Monichanz, pattiRISHA, ReaderWriterLover232, Rollergirl76, Rosepine, RVNola546, sammmLG, Shakka DV, snapper1205, TooBusySleeping13, Tracyno, xxxPLLforeverxxx, agus, badgirlsuk, Criminal-Minds-JJ-Foreva, dm85writer, DropDead88, MinxFan94, 4eternity, nikiki500, OntheNickel, Rapier11, areid731, Bodge, LightningGrl, S8105, baconbreadstix, Jujuba . Br, Papua, Zombielazer13, GGONZ, HenriNIX, kmt513, DAgron01, Littlemissobssessed, manikol, PunkRockPessimist, racegirl2601, sunrise4ever, tellmeyoullstay, GinaMcknight, crackpotfool, foulfromm, Givit2me, klmck1990, white horse stories, 21sy4, miralinda, RQWA, Meadowshine, MsChloeMa, Volerian, charlierthelion, Geech42, Kitaoji, Sora, Anne Nonamous, kurtcrissklaine, Pipinator89, theloree, Breeze15, free4hmax, Iza.G, SomeoneMe, sheffithe traveller, DaddoCFL, squee-shee, majestic, Love-Knows-No-Boundries-101, GillofACow, oopi1, PezBerryRocks121, SanctuaryW13, SecretlyRandomK, Unholy Trinity plus Rachel, Emri, karlymorrig, Mauria5320, Raine5, FaberryInHeaven, FredoTheChimp, Santanaobsessed2608, Schmee7182, Camu1991, DemiLeo, stashhhh, Gleek1990, soulstealer247, gllover22, Mz . Obssessive13, Gleek1808, wisegirl5, bigvampire21, jenanex, lookupandwander, ClassyClassic16, broadwaybound2016, Jamison08, Cheeky-Chops, BFgold, BroadwayTheaterGleek, millumino, Skadoosh11, TVJUNKY4EVER, thewatchfuleye08, thesischi, african sky, DeeleeAnna, Cuetlachtli, TheItGirl0808, Berry smart, bookworm5mkp, foreverfaith01, jel37, samraven, Introverted extravert, GleekyNaz, Love . is . like . a . drug, sbh317, CHOCKS ES COOOOOL, Rediclufied . Epsi, xXSleeplessxDreamerXx and NijaNaanaa

Sorry if I missed anyone or misspelt anyone's name, let me know so I can correct it

Anyway here's the chapter:

When they pulled up outside Rachel's house Friday night, Quinn was more than eager to jump out of the car and go to the front door to get Rachel and escort her back to their car. The other Fabrays smiled at seeing their Lucy so happy; it just made them happy too.

Quinn slid into the middle seat first before letting Rachel join the rest of the Fabrays

"Thank you for letting me join you all this evening" she said politely as she buckled her seat belt

"We're glad you could join us" Russell replied in the same polite tone. He then pulled the car away and headed to the school.

"So Rachel" Judy started, breaking the silence "Your dads didn't want to go with you to the game"

"Oh, no. They're both away on a business trip, so they couldn't make it if they'd wanted to"

"So you're home alone" Russell sounded concerned. Since his own daughter went missing he didn't like to think of children, even if they were teenagers, being alone

"It's okay" she reassured the concerned looking Fabray parents "it happens once or twice a year they go on a business trip or cruise together for a few days or a week at the most"

"Still I don't like to think of you at home alone; how about you stay at ours tonight"

"Really?" Quinn and Rachel asked in surprise and unison

"I'm sure Lucy will have some clothes you can borrow for the night" Judy added

"And I can take you back to yours in the morning so you can pack some more clothes and stay the weekend at least. I don't like to think if you on your own" Russell added glancing at the teenagers in the back seat threw the rear view mirror

"Thank you Mr and Mrs Fabray, that's really kind of you" Rachel beamed

"Please, its Russell and Judy" the mother told her "You should know by now" she chuckled

"Sorry Judy" Rachel replied lowly "Thank you though, I'd love to stay over"

"And of course you can stay in Lucy's room with her... as long as you both behave" Russell chuckled as he made the two girls in the back duck their heads and blush. His comment also earned him a slap on the arm from his own wife. Sam couldn't help but laugh lightly too.


When they arrived at McKinley Sam went straight to the locker rooms to meet his team mates and change for the game. The rest of the Fabrays and Rachel went to the bleachers to watch the game.

Rachel and Quinn stopped about half way up the bleachers, to where Mercedes, Kurt, Blaine, Tina and Lauren were sitting. They shuffled into a place behind their other friends

"We'll find some places further back" Judy told her daughter

"Okay" she nodded letting the parents go. She actually smiled to herself at her parents watching over her like that, it made a nice change. She then turned back to her friends joining in on learning the latest gossip


They all watched the game intently. The glee club and Fabray's were mainly focused on the tall boy in the Number 5 green jersey on the opposite team and the Number 20 and 6 in the red McKinley titans uniforms.

It was mere seconds after the first whistle was blown that the ball found itself in Finn's hands and he was being thrown to the ground by two red blurs.

20 and 6 not so discretely high fived as they wandered back to their places.

The game continued in a similar fashion; causing loud cackling from Rachel and the other glee club divas, and a low chuckle from a few rows behind them. That was just proof of who on the bleachers was enjoying this display the most


Once the players (except Finn who was flat on his back being attended to by the first aiders) were off the field the people on the bleachers started filling out too.

"Well that was fun" Rachel giggled as she led Quinn along the row to the steps while keeping her hand firmly grasped round the blondes

"I think we should go to games more often" Quinn mused making sure she still had Rachel's hand and her balance by watching her feet as she moved along the row

"Maybe when the season starts next year" Rachel said chancing a glance back. That turned out to be a bad decision, she caught her foot on something and her eyes widened as she started to fall backwards, Quinn's eyes widened too but she was quick to react, grabbing Rachel by slipping bother her arms round the brunettes middle. One she saved her girlfriend Rachel just laughed at her own clumsiness, her loud laugh in itself was contagious enough to get Quinn giggling too

It was short lived with four words and the introduction of another voice that evening "Oh isn't that sweet"

Both girls didn't let go of one another as they looked to the voice behind Rachel. Standing close and in their way was Kelly

"What the hell are you doing here?" Quinn asked, Rachel turned round but Quinn kept her arms wrapped protectively round her girlfriend

"The game" she said with a slight side nod toward the field

"I thought you'd be down there with your so called friends" Quinn sneered, looking back down to the field where the cheerleaders in green from her old school were still standing field side.

"Found out that that wasn't me" Kelly kept her voice calm

"Could have fooled me, you seemed to fit right in with those bitches"

Kelly just ignored Quinn's comments and turned her attention to the petite brunette who just watched her "So you're still with her... did she tell you what we did when you weren't around?"

"Kelly, just get out our way" Quinn warned

"As a matter of fact" Rachel peeled Quinn's arms off of her so she could attempt to intimidate the taller girl as she spoke to her "she did tell me what you tried to do, but it doesn't matter, what Quinn and I have is strong, and you trying to break us up has done nothing but make you look like the bitch you are" there were a few surprised gasps at Rachel using even a mild swear word as Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes, Tina and Lauren watched very closely from the row below them

"So she chose the honest approach" she glanced at Quinn as she said "Brave" than back to Rachel "Bet she told you it was just a kiss"

"I told her the truth" Quinn was getting anxious but kept a fierce facade "And it wasn't even a kiss" she added as much for her own reassurance as Rachel's, and their little audience who were loving getting the gossip.

"Doesn't really matter though" Kelly really did seem calm and cool, Quinn didn't like it "Lucy's just one of those people, she could have anyone" yeah Quinn really didn't like this "If it's not me it will be someone else, see how quickly she changed her mind about me and chose you. She'll just find someone else, someone better than you. You're nothing" her two finally words were so... nasty.

Quinn was frozen and Rachel seemed to be too. The blonde wanted to see her girlfriends face, not the back of her head, to gauge her feeling but she simply couldn't.

It seemed like time stood still as Rachel just looked straight into Kelly's smirking eyes. But it was the little diva who made the first move, she took a simple step forward closing the gap between them and lashed out with her fist rather than mouth, she punched her square in the nose. Kelly seemed to fall back and disappear, drown even, between the people walking down the bleacher steps behind her.

There was a collective gasp from everyone around them and some of the passers eventually stopped to help the fallen girl who was out cold.

Before they could dwell on much else Quinn and Rachel were being ushered away by the Fabray parents, forgoing the steps and climbing down along the designated seating area instead

"Can you tell Sam we'll meet him at the car?" Russell asked the stunned group of his children's friends

"Sure" Blaine said lightly still shocked by what had just happened as Rachel and Quinn are taken away.


Blaine, Kurt and Mercedes waited with Tina and Lauren for Mike and Puck after the game. Artie had already been picked up and taken home by his dad and Quinn and Rachel had already gone back to the car With Quinn's parents to wait for Sam there and to avoid Kelly who was being attended to by the first aiders who had previously been attending to Finn on the field

Sam was first out of the changing room, he sighed in relief when he saw a certain someone still there.

He took a second, running his hand over his damp hair to straighten it out and gathering himself before jogging over to the group who were laughing about something. His hair was still dripping and his clothes damp, proof that he'd deliberately hurried to speak to someone

"Oh hi guys" he tried casually

"Hi Sam" Mercedes smiled as she sighed off her laugh "Your dad said they'd wait for you at the car"

"Oh right... what were you all laughing about?" Before anyone could say anything they heard a loud cry of pain coming from the playing field. "What the heck was that?" He asked looking towards the field where paramedics were attending to someone

"After you guys went in, that Finn boy fainted" Kurt laughed "They think his shoulder is dislocated, so they called for an ambulance"

"I'm guessing the paramedics are with him now" Tina chuckled

"Oh" Sam seemed only the tiniest bit concerned, and that was for himself and Puck in case this incident came back to them

"I wouldn't worry too much" Mercedes told him "Seeing that boy get thrown like that was a big part of the game but that's not what everyone will be talking about on Monday morning"

"What happened?"

"Your future sister in-law punched some girl out cold" Kurt explained, smirking at his own reference to Rachel

"That wasn't 'some girl' that was Kelly from Sam and Quinn's old school" Blaine interrupted

"Kelly's here?" Sam sounded concerned now

"Yeah she said some things and Rachel just froze. I've never seen her speechless before, and I've never seen her use physical violence" Tina explained

"It was one hell of a punch though" Lauren laughed making the others laugh too, minus Sam who was worried about his sister

"Are Rachel and Quinn okay?" Sam asked with concern

"They seemed fine" Mercedes sighed "Your parents just took them to the car real quick to get them away from the crowd" she chuckled lightly again

"Yeah I don't think you need to worry" Tina added in reassurance

"Good... can't believe Rachel hit someone though" he thought out loud "and I missed it" he chuckled at his own disappointment. He then thought back to what he'd rushed out here for and turned to Mercedes "So Mercedes I was wondering" he ignored the others staring at them and pushed past his nervousness too "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?" he asked hopeful

"You wanna go on a date with me?" she asked back surprised

"Yeah I really would" he became shyer when she didn't immediately answer "so what do you say?"

"I-I'd really like that" she finally answered "When?"

"Are you free tomorrow night?" he asked quickly, hating himself for sounding perhaps too eager

"Yeah, I'm free" She matched his eagerness, making him relax a little

"Good" he smiled with relief "pick you up at 7?"

"Sure. I- you can get my address off Quinn" she added

"Okay then, see you tomorrow" he held out a hand as an awkward paused wave before making his exit. As he walked away he heard giggling and chatter behind him, he smiled to himself when he heard his name mentioned. Despite his nervousness, that had gone smoother than he'd expected and he was glad.


In the Fabray's car

"Russell behave" Judy scolded her husband

"What?" he asked his wife "I can't help it; that really was the most entertaining thing I've ever seen"

"We shouldn't encourage violence"

"So you don't agree that seeing that awful boy get tackled by our Son and his friend was entertaining?" he sounded sceptical

"No, it was... somewhat entertaining but they were hardly discrete, he didn't even have the ball half the time. I don't know how they got away with it"

Rachel who had been silent in the back of the car with her girlfriend decided to join in, hoping it would distract her from the throbbing pain in her hand "I think the cheerleading coach, Coach Sylvester had a few words with the referee. Nothing too serious just asked him to look the other way when Finn was tackled"

"Can she even do that?" Quinn asked surprised and concerned

"She overheard about what happened to you when Brittany and Santana were talking in the Cheerios changing room" she shrugged sympathetically "And she has that sort of power. I'd be careful though Quinn I think she might want to recruit you"

Judy quickly turned in her seat to look back at her daughter, who was sat in the middle seat, wide eyed with excitement "Lucy! On the cheer squad, wouldn't that be great?"

"Um I dunno mom-"

"Leave her alone Judy" Russell chuckled "Lucy can do whatever she wants, stop pestering her"

Judy pouted and slumped back in her seat facing the front again making the younger couple giggle at her childish actions

"If I say; if I get an offer I'll consider it and not just turn it down, will that make you happy" Quinn sighed with some humour

"I guess" Judy grumbled still playing her part making Rachel and Russell laugh again, while Quinn just rolled her eyes.

They were all interrupted when the back passenger door opened "Hey, sorry if I kept you guys waiting"

"No its okay, we just thought we'd hide out in the car" Quinn told her brother, while slipping an arm round her girlfriend and pulling her against her side. She smiled to herself as she felt Rachel curl into her side, feeling embarrassed for her violent outburst.


Quinn sent Rachel up to her room first so she could get some things first and meet her there. It was only minutes later when Quinn joined Rachel, she bought some water for them and some ice in a paper towel.

She found Rachel sitting on the edge of her bed holding the picture frame that was still holding the same photograph from when Rachel gave it to her

"I used to fall asleep with that in my hands" she said from the doorway startling Rachel "Sorry" she muttered

"No, don't be" she smiled one last time at the picture before gently placing it back on the bedside table "I was just lost in my own memories... well our memories" she mused

Quinn tentatively sat down next to her and took the brunettes right hand with the bruising knuckles and dabbed the wrapped ice against them carefully. Rachel still hissed in pain at the contact though making Quinn even more careful "Sorry" she whispered

"No, it feels good" she muttered back shyly "I'm sorry for lashing out at her"

"I'm not" Quinn said back, when Rachel looked up at her slightly confused she elaborated "I'm not sorry you hit her. Her words just... well they stunned me, I'm not sorry you hit her"

"Her words stunned me too, scared me even. I couldn't think of a retort so..." well she didn't need to explain she just held up her bruised hand "what she said really got to me"

Quinn took Rachel's hand again so she could continue to gently press and hold the wrapped ice to her girlfriends knuckles "Don't let what she said effect you Rach"

"But it does Quinn, I don't want to lose you" Rachel sounded like she was on the verge of tears but Quinn was too scared to look her in the eye right now

"You're not going to lose me" she said softly

"But, what she said, you did like her then you liked me, who's going to be next?"

"I'm so sick of this" she let out exasperated, but didn't stop what she was doing as she held Rachel's injured hand lightly. She calmed again when she felt Rachel tense next to her "I'm sick of having to repeat myself. I told Kelly I wanted to kiss her, she was my closest and often, my only friend, and I was there at that dance with Finn and her, and her date, and she was the one I wanted to kiss, not my date but her, the only her I was interacting with. I never" she stressed that word "Never said I had feelings for her, and I don't think I ever did have real feelings for her"

"But she has a point, what about when you get tired of me; I know I'm controlling and a lot for most to handle, I talk too much, I'm often stubborn, who knows how my dads have managed all these years with me-"

"Rachel" Quinn said sternly stopping the brunette's panicked ramble "You won't lose me-"

"But how can you be su-"

Quinn pressed a finger to her girlfriend's lips in an attempt to gently silence her "I love you Rachel, love" she pulled her hand away from Rachel's face "And nothing is going to break us apart because of that. How can you even think you'd lose me?"

"Look at you" Rachel sighed hurt and worry obvious in her eyes "You're breath taking, and I'm- I'm-"

"You beautiful Rach" she said softly as she abandoned Rachel's hand in favour to cradle the side of the brunettes face instead. She ran her thumb over Rachel's cheek catching the single fallen tear that escaped "And I love you, and I plan on, one day, marrying you" she admitted "Nothing is going to make me leave you... only if you told me to go would I, and even then I'd struggle to stay away" she chuckled lightly and felt brighter when she saw the flash of something happy in Rachel's eyes "I love you" she whispered again,

She took Rachel's injured hand and gently kissed along the bruised knuckles. She then looked back to Rachel's eyes and glanced at her soft lips. It was easy for them to both read where this was going. They both leant it slowly for their lips to meet. Their kiss started simple and slow before it grew more passionate. Quinn pushed Rachel back to lie down as she followed, gently lowering herself onto her girlfriend, carful to displace her weight.

Rachel's hands found their way into Quinn's short hair as she pushed the kiss deeper. They hadn't kissed like this in a while, Quinn wondered if Kelly's actions had effected Rachel so much that she'd been trying too hard recently because this felt relaxed and natural, not forced

"We're going to be okay?" Rachel whisper asked after she gently pulled away and gazed into dreamy hazel eyes

"Yeah, we're going to be better than okay"

"Good" Rachel said softly before pulling Quinn back down for another kiss "Wait" she tore herself away for another moment "earlier did you say; marry?" her eyes had that brightness again and there was a smile creeping onto her lips

"Well" Quinn shuffled over getting off of Rachel and choosing to lay close next to her instead "I meant, you know, one day" an obvious blush highlighted Quinn's cheeks "W-when we're in New York and out of college, if you want"

"I'd love to marry you... one day" she added as an afterthought still smiling

"Yeah one day" Quinn smiled back, before connecting her lips to Rachel's again

One day...

The End... well, the end for us

Thanks for reading :)

Any comments are welcome ;)