NOTE: Before you read this chapter, stop and think about what you'd do if you died? If you were sent to limbo. What would you regret, what would you miss first?
Also: If you DON'T follow me on Tumblr, you're missing THREE separate background chapters, so go to superbseblaine dot tumblr dot com and go to The Real Fairytales Timeline. Read chapters A, B, and C.

And a shout out to ErisGregory, for writing the most beautiful review known to man. Thank you.

Chapter 8 – Rumpelstiltskin

All three boys awoke at once and they all stood together in plain white rooms. Blaine, Kurt, and Sebastian all moved to the doors of their separate rooms silently. Each turned the handle and walked out to stand in the hallway facing each other. They were alone, it was completely quiet. "Kurt." "Blaine." "Sebastian."

They all held out their hands and touched each other's palms and fingers, feeling their connection. When they looked up, they were all wearing a black mask over their eyes. "Will we wake up?" "Will we survive?" "Will we be?"

The three joined hands as old theater music played on the speaker system. It was such a blinding rush as they danced together; as they all moved together, things blurred beyond, them. Nothing mattered but the three boys as they sat down in a white haze in the middle of a hallway, just facing each other. "Kurt…. Go first." Blaine said softly and Kurt nodded, licking his lips.

"I remember you, Blaine. Always being there. I remember you talking me through my life, telling me I'd be okay. I remember you touching my shoulder, but I never saw you except that first time. And Sebastian, you were the perfect prince. You were overlooked but you always…" He coughed. "You always fixed it. You would come in late, but whose photos did they use? I don't want to be a swimmer, I don't want to go to the Olympics. My heart isn't in it. My wrists hurt so badly because my heart isn't in it."

Blaine swallowed, keeping their hands connected. "I remember meeting you Kurt. You seemed so stuck up, but you inspired me to keep going. To attend lectures. You inspired me. And Sebastian, I just met you but you make me smile and I get used, daily, to [so I can?] survive. But I don't feel ashamed when I'm near you."

Sebastian smiled, his body healed of any imperfection. "Is this? Is this my goodbye?" He whispered, and leaned forward. "I've always loved you Kurt. I admired how you held yourself, how you come across in the real world compared to film. I wanted to design FOR you. I wanted to be everything, have a company, you to be the face. I wanted you to…" Sebastian swallowed and drew his lip between his teeth as he thought. "And Blaine. Blaine, you looked so helpless, but you didn't judge me, not once, on my appearance. You looked at the bruises and broken bits and smiled like you knew how it felt and I needed that more than anything. I don't want to die."

"Why not?" Kurt asked and blinked. "I remember the truth only in my head. I want to die every time I forget."

"I don't want to die because, I won't get to know you both."

"I want to know you, Sebastian." Kurt said and squeezed the youngest boy's hand.
"Yeah… me too." Blaine whispered and both smaller boys moved to tackle Sebastian down and tickle him, laughing, until each one woke.

Kurt blinked awake, realizing he'd fallen asleep resting against the alcove of the window, just gazing into the day. He smiled and turned, running out the door. "Hey Dad! Where's Blaine? Where's… where's Sebastian?"


"Sebastian. He was, you know— asleep?"

"KURT!" Blaine yelled, running out of a room, a hospital bracelet on his wrist.

"Blaine, you should lay down! You just passed out!" Burt yelled and Blaine shrugged him off, grabbing Kurt's hand.

"Sebastian?" Kurt asked, and Blaine shook his head. "He came in on a gurney. They went that way!" he said, pointing, and they both ran down toward the ER wing, leaving Burt highly confused.

"Did he just call me Dad? Kurt… Do you- KURT! WHERE—- Oh never mind." Burt said, sitting back down on the bench. No one told him anything anymore.

Blaine and Kurt pushed their way into the ER where Rachel was bouncing slightly, looking nervous. "No pulse." She told them and they pushed past her. "MOVE! MOVE DAMN IT!" Blaine yelled and Kurt repeated after him as they shoved through the group of nurses surrounding Sebastian's body.

"Call it." The doctor said sadly. "22:46 on December 13th, 2012."

"No." Blaine whispered, pushing them out of the way. "No!" He grabbed Sebastian's left hand and squeezed. "No, wake up! You said you didn't want to die! You said you wanted to know me! YOU SAID IT!"

Kurt began hyperventilating, and grabbed Sebastian's other hand, tears streaming down his face. "Smythe, damn it, come on Smythe. Wake up! Please." Kurt's face was contorted in pain. "I'll never… I'll never cut again just wake up. Know me, Sebastian…"

"Bastian. Damn it! WAKE UP!"

Kurt fell forward, crying, his hands kneading at Sebastian's shoulders as he kissed his cheek. "I want to know you. I want to know you!"

Blaine covered his mouth as he was wracked with sobs. "SEBASTIAN SMYTHE WAKE UP! You're gonna be a photographer! And a designer. You're such a good designer! Please wake up Sebastian!" Blaine knelt to the gound, his fingers still twined with Sebastian's as he cried into his free hand, his heart racing.

"You're damn right I'm a good designer." Sebastian whispered, coughing.

Beep. Beep. Beep.