Alright. So… I'm insane for starting yet ANOTHER story =_=
But I suffer from TMSIMH syndrome.
Which means "Too Many Stories In My Head"
Get it?
I'll stop now…
So… Since I'm officially on Spring Break (1 week of no school~! :D) I'll be trying to update my stories.
And I'm getting the storyline from HetaOni, yes… but I'll be changing certain stuff based on how these characters act.
Aaaaand SCENE!
A deserted house on a mountain
About three hours from the meeting place for the Organization of American States
No one knows how long it has been there or who used to live in it.
Some say it was haunted
An old mansion came into view. It was obvious that it had been there for a very long time, if the chipped paint was any clue. It looked very large, with an ominous presence.
4 people were walking towards it.
The tallest of all of them was a dark skinned man with dreadlocks pulled back into a ponytail. He was smoking a cigar. He was the personification of Cuba. The next was a man not much taller than him with a mop of black hair and amber eyes. He was also a personification, except he was the personification of Venezuela. The next was a woman much shorter with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was Nicaragua Last was the shortest girl with long black hair and light brown eyes. All of them looked up at the mansion. She was the youngest of them all, and she was Panama.
"Wow… It's really here." Nicaragua said in amazement.
"Thought it was just a rumor" Cuba said, before taking another puff of his cigar. "Never thought we would actually find it."
"It has such a desolate feel…" Panama said, before smiling a bit. "not that bad."
"It doesn't look that interesting" Venezuela said, the only one who didn't seem to care for the mansion.
"Me neither. Can't we just go look at the outside and out back? Castro is making me do a shitload of paperwork." Cuba asked, agreeing with Venezuela.
Nicaragua look rather unamused. 'After all of the trouble we went through to find it? Come on, let's just look for a little bit!"
Venezuela stayed silent, but then nodded sighing.
The four nations stepped into the mansion, opening the door.
As they looked around, Nicaragua looked kind of surprised. "It's much cleaner than I thought it would be" she said.
"Um… can we go now?" Venezuela asked, trying to hide the fact that this mansion was scaring him a little bit.
"Ever the naïve and oblivious one, except in this situation, Panama raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh come on, hermano. You're not scared, are you?"
Before Venezuela could protest to that, all four of them heard a plate break in the other room, surprising all of them.
"What the hell was that? !" Venezuela shrieked (in a very manly way), surprised. "W-We should probably go now…" he said, trying to hide the slight stammering.
"Pfft, oh come on, Venezuela. Don't be such a whiny bitch." Cuba said rolling his eyes and taking another whiff of his cigar. "Where the fuck did your common sense go? Not like its haunted or anything" Cuba then went to go walk off in the direction of the noise. "I'll go check it out."
"Be careful, Señor Cuba" Panama called out to him.
"Yeah yeah, I know. I'll just go see what happened and come right back" Cuba assured her, before leaving the front.
As Cuba walked through the hallway, he saw a door to the side. When he tried to open it, he got annoyed when he realized it was locked. Damn… It's locked.
He then opened the door that the hallway led to. Thankfully, this door was opened. As he looked through the room, he saw a broken plate in the middle of it. He carefully picked up a shard of the plate, making sure it didn't cut his fingers. This piece might come in handy. Maybe if Estados Unidos opens his damn mouth I can slit his throat! He thought to himself gleefully before shaking his head to get himself back on topic. He saw another door in the kitchen, but when he tried to open it, it wouldn't.
Concluding that the door was locked, Cuba walked to the door he had walked in before and opened it, before going to the front where his friends were.
Or better, where they had been. The front was empty!
"…What the fuck?" Cuba said to himself. "They left without me? ¡ the bastards!" He silently fumed. He stomped over to the front door and tried to open it, surprised when it wouldn't open.
Fuck… now i have to goa round the house and find a way to get out. That's just great~! Not. Cuba thought to himself angrily. He decided to go to the wing in front of him to try to find a way out.
He walked into a Japanese style room and tried to open any door that was in there. Sadly, all of them were locked.
Losing patience, Cuba walked to the wing opposite of the first one he had gone to. He only got more pissed off when a door in the hallway was locked as well. As he followed the hallway, he saw something that scared the crap out of him!
Right at the end was a huge grey alien! From what Cuba could see, it had a huge bulbous head and seemed to be naked. Luckily it was turned away from him.
Every part of Cuba wanted to scream, but he decided against it. After all, it could just be an illusion.
The monster seeming disappeared, leaving Cuba even more terrified and confused.
What… What the hell was that just now? He thought to himself.
Finally finding a will to move, Cuba walked to the room just before that last one. After realizing it was a bathroom, Cuba walked out of it. He tried to open that last door, but it didn't open.
Sighing, Cuba walked to the front of the house. He then noticed the stairs to the second floor. Curious, he walked up the stairs, finding even more rooms. Going left, he walked into a room that had a bed, a bookcase, and a study desk.
What he noticed was that Venezuela's sword was on the bed.
"What the hell…?" he said to himself. "That looks like Venezuela's sword… what the fuck is it doing here?" Cuba went over to the bed and picked up the sword. "Might as well keep it for the poor bastard…"
Walking out of the room, he checked all of the other rooms, most of them being locked. He lastly went to the room that was next to the first room he had visited.
It looked exactly like the first room except it had a curtain at the corner.
Curious, Cuba walked over to the curtain and opened it.
To his surprise, he found Venezuela in there!
The South American looked pretty freaked out, shaking and his teeth clattering.
"Venezuela!" Cuba exclaimed in surprise.
Venezuela paid no mind, still shaking like crazy.
"Venezuela. Where is everyone else?" Cuba asked him.
He still paid no mind, shaking.
"…you look pretty screwed up." Cuba said finally. "I'll go find you somethign to drink, amigo."
Leaving the room, Cuba went to go find wáter for Vene.
He went down the stairs to the kitchen, hoping for water. Sadly, the sink wasn't giving any.
Annoyed, Cuba took a glass and left the kitchen, looking for another water source.
He went to the opposite wing to the bathroom.
He went up to the toilet, weighing his options.
As hilarious as it would be to watch Venezuela drink toilet water… now probably isn't a good time. Cuba thought. He took a fleeting glance at the sink in the bathroom. Going over to it, he turned it on. It actually worked, so he put he cup under the sink and got the water. Thank Dios…
The water looked kind of gross, though…
Shaking his head, Cuba took the water and walked back up the stairs to the room Venezuela was in.
"I got some water. Just drink it and calm down" Cuba said to Venezuela, before giving it to him.
Venezuela drank the whole cup of water, grimacing as he did so.
"Uf… it that really water?" He asked, looking disgusted.
"Judging by the color, probably" Cuba answered, looking just as disgusted.
"Anyway… lo siento for falling apart like that…" Venezuela said, looking ashamed.
"Yeah yeah… where's everyone else?" Cuba asked, deciding to, just this once, ignore Venezuela's moment of weakness.
"I have no idea! We saw this weird alien this and ran for our lives, splitting up. Uf… sorry… I need a few more minutes."
Cuba sighed. "Yeah, okay. I'll go look for those two. You stay put."
"Got it. Oh! I found something earlier! Maybe you can use it?" Venezuela said before giving Cuba a key.
"okay… gracias" Cuba said, nodding before leaving the room.
…Is it appropriate that I'm typing this at 12 at night?
I'm honestly not sure.
So, yeah.. this story is my baby right now!
In case this encounter didn't tell you anything, the roles of Italy, Germany, Japan and Prussia are being fulled by Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, and Panama, respectivaly.
Doesn't Cuba make a loud Japan? XD
Well, see ya next chapter~!
And review por favor~!
Can you guess who the allies'll be~?