Hey wolf girls, this is the last chapter of Jacob's Twilight, The Beginning; let's see what will be the reaction of Bells now that she met Jake's wolf; she will flee from him?, Or will accept him?. I am a girl wolf, so the answer is obvious.

But this story does not end here, because there will be many pending things: the relationship between Jake and Bells, Edward's plans, the coven of Laurent, the relationship between Embry and Ang ... That's why I'm writing a sequel called "The Alpha and his Luna." I also want to develop other characters, that will have extraordinary changes, and will be very important in the lives of Jake, Bells and the pack. Really they will be a great help to the pack. I going to publish this story in September, I want to write some chapters before start posting.

Now, with all my heart, I thank Ladyofspain: Estrella, mi loca amiga de Tempe, you are the best. You too, Goldengirl62, you know that without you, this story would never have been written.

Oh!, and for Krafty and Dottyanne, many kisses to you both, my wolf friends, you two always encouraged me to continue, thank you very much.

Chapter Twenty-One (final): Legends Are True

(Bella's POV)

I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing; Jake had become a huge, beautiful wolf with russet fur. My mind kept telling me, this must be an illusion.

Turning to Billy with wide eyes, I said, "This isn't possible. I'm sure I'll wake at any minute and find this all was a dream."

He looked at me with pride mixed with sorrow. "This is not an illusion; this is my son. All you have heard is true. The legends of Taha Aki are still happening today."

I knew he wasn't lying; I saw the truth of it in his eyes. Everyone stopped talking and some friends of Jake approached me. Seth grabbed my shoulder.

"Bella, don't panic." He tried to calm my fears. "It's the same Jake he's always been."

I looked at Seth and all the boys. "Are you all able to change to wolf?". I asked. I felt like I really was asking something crazy. How in life would one think such things could happen?.

Then Paul approached me. "We all have the ability to change to wolf, we're part of a pack and as told by Billy, everyone is different because it reflects the man within us."

Sam stepped forward and said, "I'm the oldest, and the Alpha of the pack, but the legitimate Alpha is Jake."

Then Quil said, "I'll get some clothes for Jake." I looked at him, confused. "When he phased," he explained, "his clothes were shredded. When he phases back, he'll be naked, so he's going to need some clothes."

I felt a blush cover my face and couldn't believe I would be blushing in these circumstances. I looked again at Jake, the wolf; he seemed hesitant on whether to approach me or not. We watched each other. I didn't know what to say. I turned my gaze to Angela; she seemed hesitant to look at Embry too. I glanced at Embry and he had anxiety in his eyes, then I thought of the last words Jacob said to me before he changed into a wolf.

"My love, don't be frightened by what you see, I'm just me … Always me."

I looked straight into the eyes of my wolf. It seemed he was expecting me to do something— maybe run away from him. There was anguish in those eyes, which made me sad. Despite being awesome, I felt his pain, grief and … arguably ... his despair. The wolf walked up to me and I stepped back two steps. I didn't know what he planned to do; I couldn't think straight. I looked around at everyone. I could see concern on the faces of Billy, the tribal council and Jake's friends, but I couldn't exactly understand their concern. Did it have anything to do with the fact that my face and actions showed mistrust?, Perhaps my reactions weren't normal in these circumstances?, Shouldn't I have been afraid?.

But the truth was, I wasn't afraid, not afraid of the beautiful giant wolf that was within walking distance of me. The wolf began to retreat, looked down, and I thought he was leaving, but I didn't want that. I wanted to express to him that I felt his fear and grief, and wanted to calm his pain, erase all affliction and despair. When he started to leave, I called to him.

"No … wait … please don't go." The wolf came back and stood before me, then slowly began to approach closer.

I stayed perfectly still for a moment. Then, my body began to move without my permission, closer to the wolf. I looked into his eyes and those were the eyes of Jake—the very same eyes. I wanted to touch him, so I started to raise my hand but let it fall back to my side. He came to me very slowly; he didn't want to scare me. Suddenly he was very close to me and he put his head in my hand, I could feel the softness of his fur. I wanted to touch him a little more, so I did.

Without realizing it, I was right next to the wolf. My trembling hands began to caress him, touching his face and ears. The fur was incredibly thick and very smooth, and best of all, the wolf seemed to enjoy what I was doing. I kept touching his chest, his neck. The boys smiled. I looked at Billy and he was grinning broadly; everyone seemed more relaxed, as if they had been waiting for my reaction and were relieved after I approached my Wolf friend.

"Bella accepted the wolf," Billy said, visibly happy, like the rest of the council and the boys.

Suddenly and without noticing, the wolf licked my cheek, and without thinking I sent him a playful slap as I did when I sometimes joked with Jake. Unwittingly, I got scared and backed away from him when Paul approached me.

"Bella, don't worry," Paul told me. "He won't hurt you."

I looked at Paul. "Ah no, but the wolf knows?, What if he gets angry because I slapped him?"

The wolf began to come close again

"Jake, please don't eat me, I'm very tiny ... I'll get stuck in a tooth." I didn't even think about what I said, until I heard the laughter of the boys, and I realized that the wolf showed his teeth … he was laughing. I blushed again.

"Don't worry, Bella." Paul told me. "Jake doesn't want to eat you ... in his wolf form ..." Suddenly, the wolf growled and Paul remained silent for a minute, with a sly smile on his lips. Then he added, "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." Then he turned to me and winked. "Now isn't the time to make these jokes." He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and walked away a bit so that the wolf could get closer to me.

I looked up at Jake. Everything about him screamed power, strength and speed; he was magnificent. The wolf came nearer to me, and again put his head in my hand. I wanted to touch him again, so, I did it once more. I stroked his fur, the wolf purred, enjoying my touch. I'd never touched Jake in human form; it was he who always sought contact with me, touching me, kissing me. But now in his wolf form, I felt no shame or mistrust to touch him, stroking his face, his chest, his neck. Then, the wolf began to surround me.

"What is he doing?". I asked Billy.

I heard low chuckles, and Billy told me, "He's marking his territory around you," he replied.

Was he going to pee around me?. I thought. That was madness; just to think that, I wanted to laugh.

Billy continued, "So, no one else can come close to you. You're just … you … you belong to him."

I didn't understand why, but ... I blushed again. Suddenly he stood still by my side, surrounding me with part of his body, I watched amazed at how great he was.

"You're beautiful," I said without thinking. I listened to and saw some smiles of gratification from Billy and the boys. The wolf licked my hand and started to leave.

I looked at Billy. "Where is he going?". I asked.

"He is going to dress in the clothes that Quil brought for him," he replied.

The wolf walked away, into the darkness; I sat beside Billy and looked at Angela. Her head was leaning down; then suddenly she peered at Embry.

"Follow me," She requested of him.

"Angela, you're not afraid to be alone with me?"; he asked her. She looked at him, smiled and shook her head no.

Glancing at me, she said, "Embry and I will return soon."

We watched them walk away. "I'm sure they'll be fine," Billy assured me. "I'm confident that the strength of the imprint and her love for him is stronger than her fear."

"Imprint?". I asked, confused.

"Yes, the imprint," he replied. "But that's something Jake will have to explain to you."

Just then the imposing figure of Jake came out of the woods and approached me. He had put on his shirt, pants and shoes. He walked cautiously toward me. When he reached my side, he knelt down in front of me, to be at my height. My heart soared and I'm sure everyone could hear it.

"Can I hold you, Bells?"; he asked softly.

I was shaking, and just nodded as he took me in his arms. His body embraced me; then he picked me up, sat down, and placed me on his lap. We were quiet for a while, listening as Billy and Old Quil spoke of the legends. The boys talked about their feelings when they first phased into a wolf. I was being immersed in the Quileute legends, and it was magical.

(Embry's POV)

When Billy and Old Quil told the legends of my people, I was clutching Angela's shoulders. She was leaning on my shoulder; it was wonderful to have her so close. I didn't know if she would allow me to be this close, after what would happen tonight. When Bella got up, I was aware that she understood everything and had realized that we were the pack of seven wolves, protectors of our tribe. Angela looked at her puzzled; it was obvious she didn't understand what Bella realized.

But when Jake phased, I saw the stunned expression on her face; she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She kept closing and opening her eyes, as if thinking it was all an illusion. Suddenly the two friends watched, but said nothing; Angela dared not look at me, I didn't know what to do. We saw what happened between Bella and Jake, and the wolf recognized her as his imprint for the first time in his animal form. I wanted to do that with my Ang, but she wasn't looking at me, just watching the scene unfolding before our eyes. Bella had accepted Jake's Wolf, and I longed for Angela to also accept mine.

When Jake returned after phasing back, Angela looked at me and said, "Follow me."

"Ang, you're not afraid to be alone with me?". She looked at me, smiled and shook her head. I stood with her and told everyone that we would return soon.

I listened as Billy said he was confident that the strength of the imprint and her love for me would be stronger than her fear. He spoke loud enough for me to hear, but my wolf audience would listen it, even if was very far. I hoped that his words were true.

We walked in silence until we reached the beach. Ang stopped and, without looking at me, asked if I also changed into a wolf. I just nodded, knowing that she was scared, but she had the courage to face me … and I liked it.

"So that was what you wanted to tell me, and why you were so restless." She smiled looking at the ground and I didn't know if she was nervous or something else.

I simply couldn't continue in this uncertainty. "Ang, I love you. You know; if you think you won't be able to accept me as I am, I can't force you, but I really hope and pray that you do."

I looked at Ang and realized she was crying. She just looked at me and hugged me, as if to hold on to me. I was happy, very happy. My imprint had accepted me. I folded her in my arms and took her to my house. I wanted to be alone with her for a while before taking her to the Clearwaters'.

My wolf finally felt at peace.

(Jacob's POV)

When my Bells told me to show her, I knew what she was asking, but wasn't sure if that would be best. I was scared, fearing that Bella would reject me, so I had to be very cautious and control my wolf. She was afraid and might run away from me, but I couldn't do anything about it, because I would never force her to accept me.

But when she began to touch me, my wolf was absolutely spellbound. I knew all my brothers could feel it, because we were brothers and friends, and they knew that my wolf was happy to finally be in the presence of my mate. I was happy with the way my girl responded. As she stroked me, I was living a sublime moment, and was lost in the hands of my woman. I felt like a puppy.

If I were not trying hard to control the wolf, I think I would have taken her away from everyone, so I could claim and mark her as mine. However, that didn't stop my wolf from marking its territory the first opportunity it had. Now Bella belonged to the man and wolf, though we were one and the same.

When I returned from phasing back, all I wanted was to hold her—to feel her body against mine, to feel her little hands, this time hugging and caressing the man. But that would have to wait for another time, we were not alone, but still at the bonfire with everyone.

By now, she was totally trapped in my arms, surrounded by my body. We were listening to everything my brothers were saying, and about what we had experienced as protectors of our people.

"So if you change into a wolf to protect your people, that means there are also cold ones. Do they still appear here?"; she asked nervously.

"Yes, Bells," I replied. "Cold ones are seen from time to time around here; indeed, some of them are living among us and are the same ones my grandfather, Ephraim Black, made the treaty with."

She gave me a strange look, then her eyes widened. "The Cullens," she said with certainty.

I just nodded my head. Old Quil looked at Bella and said, "My child is a very intuitive girl and could sense they're strangers."

Bella was shaking slightly. "The Cullens have always seemed strange to me," Bella informed us. "It gave me the chills to be close to them, especially of Edward. Now I understand why I always had that feeling about him. And the way he looks at me, as if I was ... his food."

I felt a mixture of uncontrollable anger and jealousy. "It's because your blood is very attractive to him, your essence draws him," I told her. "Bells, your scent is absolutely irresistible, and I think, for him, the smell of your blood is very potent."

She looked at me deeply. "But is there anything else, or is it just that?"; she asked.

How is it possible she was aware of everything, and so quickly?; Old Quil was right; she was incredibly intuitive. "No ... he told us it was not only your blood. He reads the minds of everyone, but can't read your mind. Also ... he feels a strong attraction for you, thinking he's in love with you." The last part came out almost as a growl.

Bella squirmed in my arms as if seeking more shelter. I hugged her closer to me. "Bella, my love, he'll never come near you, I swear it. There's no way on earth I'd allow it or allow him to separate you from me, neither he nor anyone else," I said with feeling.

"Jake, last week Edward told me he would be away from Forks for about one or two weeks for personal matters, but that the result of what he would do depended on many things, including his happiness ... That man scares me, Jake. I don't want him anywhere near me. It scares me how he looks at me, especially when we're in class. I feel like he burns me with his eyes."

I couldn't help clenching my fists and growling deep in my throat involuntarily. Sam told me to calm down. But just to think that sometimes he sat beside my woman, and admired her, he inhaled her aroma, or even dare to dream of her, made me feel sick, and angry. I had to calm down, this night was a night of joy for me because my girl had accepted me completely, and the memory of the bloody leech was not going to ruin this moment. I began to inhale the rich aroma of her hair and skin, and I felt calm with her in my arms, always would be, she would never be separated from me.

"Tomorrow I have many things to tell you," I told my Bella.

"And I have many questions to ask you ... can I?"; she replied.

I nodded. "All you want, love. I want you to know everything about me." I kissed her little nose, and stayed a while longer at the bonfire.

"I would like to know ... how things are going with Angela and Embry," she said worriedly.

"Don't worry," I replied. "Embry and Angela are fine. They went to Embry's house."

"But, how do you know that?, Perhaps you heard them go or something?"; my Bella asked. Actually, there were many things to tell her and I expected to have no trouble. Above all, not to bother when she knew how I watched over her every night in her bedroom.

I just smiled and said yes, the entire pack could hear them when they left. She opened her eyes but said nothing. I think tomorrow she'll ask this, among other things. I'm glad she wants to know about me and my wolf.

We extinguished the fire and left; it was getting late. On our way, the girls approached us and gave her a hug, as did the boys. Each one picked her up; she was so small and light. I was very happy about the love they expressed for my girl. She just looked at me and laughed with the boys.

We went home, my dad took leave of us, and Bells and I stayed in the living room for a while. We sat on the couch next to each other. "I guess Charlie doesn't know anything about the supernatural world that he lives near. How has he not noticed?"; she asked.

"It's better for his safety that he doesn't know," I replied. "But anyway we were always around his house, especially if we knew we had vampires roaming the area. I had to look after him; after all, he is my second father." I didn't know if Bella would understand the double meaning of my words, but apparently yes, because she blushed. She stood from the sofa and told me she would go to bed because it was late and she was exhausted after the emotions of the day.

I wouldn't let her go so easily. She had accepted the wolf in a very natural way, and even cherished him, but now the man wanted to feel her touch. God, I wanted to feel her close to me, the need to pull her in my arms was overwhelming and in a few quick steps I took her and had her warm little body pressed firmly against mine. I could feel each and every one of her curves pressed against my body. She was doing nothing at all, but I was going crazy. She didn't resist, I sat with her in my arms, very attached to my body. I couldn't resist the urge to touch her. I put a lock of her thick dark hair behind her ear and stroked my fingers along her jaws and cheek. A sudden flush come over her beautiful porcelain skin.

"Bells, today you were able to pet a huge red wolf and so far ... not already done so with the man." I whispered this, and pressed my nose into her neck, breathing in her delicious aroma and continued. "You can't imagine how long I've dreamed of holding you like this ... I know I said I expected nothing ... but every time I'm near you or think of you, it becomes more difficult. What I said last night about having to fight hard everyday to not rush things between us ... Bells, you have no idea how hard it's become. And now it's much worse because the wolf began marking its territory around you, and my wolf fights within me to mark you as mine. That causes me physical pain, more than you can imagine. And the wolf could feel all; your heart, even the most deep feelings inside your body, I could feel it and smell all ... and Bells, that is driving me crazy."

Her small hands began to stroke my hair, scratch my neck; it was very sensual. I was on the edge. The imprint was stronger every time, and in me, stronger than ever. Without realizing it I began to taste the skin of her neck with my lips, with my tongue. Suddenly the wolf appeared, he began to see Bells through my eyes, wanting to mark its imprint. If Bella would have seen my face in those moments, it would have scared her. I had to stop, I refused to do anything without her consent, but the taste of her skin was so delicious that the wolf was about to mark her.

If we didn't get out of there, I would mark her and I could not do it that way, not without her consent. In addition, there was my dad; I knew he was still awake. And when my wolf marks my imprint, I knew I wouldn't stop there, because I was going to unleash all the love and desire I felt for her. This was not the place nor the time. Besides, I wanted my woman to surrender to me completely without hindrance or fear, to accept that she loved me and was prepared to be mine completely.

Using every ounce of my strength, I stopped trying to taste her skin. Our hearts seemed like they were going to explode together. "Bella, I have to stop," I told her. "Otherwise I won't be able to hold back and do things that I wish with all my heart to do with you. I can't do it here, not with my dad in the house, I can't lie my love. Now I need to go for a run, release my wolf for a while, otherwise I won't be responsible for my actions."

I gave her a kiss on the forehead goodnight, and went to leave, but she stopped me. "Jake, won't you be cold out there now?".

I smiled and replied: "Love, if you only knew—I swear that cold is the least I'll feel."

My Bells blushed profusely, she was so innocent ... and mine, all mine.

I went out to the woods, undressed and phased, releasing my wolf. Running would give us the breathing space we needed, then I could return to her, knowing I would be able to exercise control over my wolf and me. Oh God, if it provokes these reactions in me now, how would it be when we finally came together as one? The strength of this imprint was much stronger than any other. I should be able to hold back ... for now; but I wasn't sure if I could. That woman was too tempting for me, and she wasn't aware of the temptation that incited in me, with everything she did.

There would be a day when I could unleash all the love I felt for my Bells and that would be soon ... Within a very short time, I would take her to the house my mother left me on the beach ... after the change of command.

(Edward's POV)

I was getting close to where Tanya and her sisters lived, when my phone rang. It was Alice.

"Alice, I left only a few days ago and you're calling me. What do you want?". Then I became worried. "Everything okay?".

"Oh, everything's all right," she replied. "I called because I miss you, but we won't be many days without you. Next Thursday you'll be back in Forks ... "

I knew she could see my future and knew how it would go with my goal here in Alaska.

"Well, you didn't call me just for that; tell me the rest of it, Alice."

"You really want to know how it's going?".

Why did she ask that, when she knew that on the success of this trip to Alaska depended my happiness?; I needed to know if my purposes here would be successful with my future partner.

"Alice, enough rodeos; tell me what you saw."

"You won't return alone, brother ... I'm so happy because they will come with you. Laurent will be most willing to help you ... But I can't see beyond that. I imagine it's because she's with the wolf ... Happy with my story?".

I was grinning. "Happy Pixie, talk later."

Now I knew I would be okay. That was fabulous; that was all I needed to know. For me, the hard part was to convince Laurent's coven, and the rest would be a cinch. I just had to wait for my Bella and the dog to be alone to attack; the dog couldn't win against the two vampires. They were expert hunters; he couldn't keep her alive and stay alive himself. My plans definitely could not fail—I refused to fail.

I would quickly get rid of that dog ... very soon, my Bella would be with me ... for my entire existence. I swore on my life I would!

The saga continues in THE ALPHA AND HIS LUNA! Hope to see you there! Hugssss wolf girls.