Disclaimer: I wish I owned Danny Phantom! Desiree: -turns me into Butch Hartman- AHHHHHHHHH! CHANGE ME BACK CHANGE ME BACK! -is changed back-
This is more of a tester, I'm not really going to continue unless there is a high demand for it. By high demand, I mean most of the people who review want it.
Danny held his head as he slowly gained consciousness. He looked around himself, blinking slowly as things slowly came into view. He was in an old-fashioned cart, being driven by a horse. He was in a cart with three other, two of which were arguing. Loudly.
"It's all your fault I'm here!" one of the ghosts were yelling at Plasmius, who had his mouth covered with a clothe and was bound with rope, just like him. "Your army is the reason I was caught."
Plasmius yelled a reply, which was muffled.
"You," the ghost that had been yelling at Plasmius was now looking at Danny. "You and I; we don't belong here. It's these Whitecloaks they want. You and I, we're innocent. We were just passing through, and the Imperial Legion just grabbed us along with them."
"Don't make yourself sound so innocent, horse thief," the fourth ghost spoke up hotly.
"If it hadn't been your damn army, I would have taken that horse to Hammerfell by now," he hissed.
"Where you from horse thief?" the previous asked.
"Why do you care?" the horse thief snapped.
"A Nord's last thoughts should always be of home," he replied honestly.
"Rorikstead," the thief half-mumbled.
"We're in Helgen," the fourth ghost remarked in surprise. "I used to be sweet on a girl from here. Wonder if she still makes her mead with those berries..."
Danny looked around, taking notice of all the stares. A few parents dragged their children inside, and he began to have a bad feeling. A very bad feeling. The cart rode around before it parked. Everybody suddenly stood, so Danny quickly followed suit. He suddenly took notice of several other carts, and many people standing in front of a man in a black mask with a huge axe-thingie, a block and a priest-holy mother of Jesus Christ he was going to be beheaded. He shifted uncomfortably as names were being called out from a list by a man and woman, probably military leaders, before it was just him and the horse thief.
"THIS IS A MISTAKE I'M NOT A WHITECLOAK!" the horse thief shrieked when, upon noticing only him and Danny remaining, searching the list to see who they missed. The horse thief suddenly made a dash for it.
The horse thief immediately dropped after ten arrows hit him.
"Anybody else feel like running?" the woman demanded to know. Nobody made a movement. "All right then."
"Wait, who are you?" the man asked Danny. Danny had been frantically trying to phase out or freeze and break the ropes, to no luck. He could still use his powers, but they weren't freeing him.
"Danny Phantom," he said, his voice shaking some. The man looked over the list, muttering his name over and over again and he went through the list.
"Where you from, boy?" he asked.
"Amity Park," he responded, trying to calm down. They won't find his name on the list, they wouldn't execute them if they couldn't find his name. Right?
"He's not on the list captain," he reported to the woman.
"Send him to the block," the woman responded with no hesitation.
"But he's just a kid! And he's not on the list!" he protested.
"To the block," the woman repeated herself, more firmly. The man walked up to Danny and grabbed his shoulder before pushing him towards the others that were standing around.
"Sorry kid. We'll make sure your remains get sent to Amity Park."
Danny paled. He pondered on if he should run, but he wasn't a very strong or fast runner. He'd probably trip and die by smashing his brains on a rock or get shot to death by arrows. The priest said a prayer before they executed the first victim, a young woman. Danny winced and covered his face when the head went rolling.
"Justice!" one of the half-drunken men that was watching from his front porch cried out.
"Imperial bastards!" a woman shrieked from her bedroom window.
"Death to the Whitecloaks!" another woman yelled as she sweeped her porch.
"Next prisoner," the woman called out. "The kid from Amity Park."
"I still think you'd outta reconsider. He's just a kid," the list-man tried to persuade the woman. A loud boom distracted everybody momentarily.
"I said, NEXT PRISONER!" she repeated herself even louder, glaring at Danny. Everybody snapped out by their distraction to the noise. Danny slowly walked up to the block. She gently pushed him down so that he was positioned correctly. Danny winced as he looked up at the executioner. So this was how it was gonna end. Get beheaded. Well at least Vlad was going down with him. Another boom caused everybody to pause and look around in confusion. Danny closed his eyes, silently praying that he could make it out alive before he opened his eyes to see a dragon perch on top of the building behind the executioner.
"WHAT IN OBLIVION IS THAT!" a fellow prisoner yelled.
"Dragon!" another panicked prisoner screamed.
Danny saw the dragon arch it's head before breathing fire at them. He turned intangible just in time. His vision became blinded by smoke, and he rolled off the block and stood slowly. As his vision cleared, he took notice of a few people running for shelter into another building, so he blindly followed.
"Vlad, what was that?" one of the prisoners asked him in the keep. "Is this the end? Are the legends true?"
"Legends don't burn down villages," Vlad replied. He rose an eyebrow at Danny. "Daniel, I'm surprised you came."
"I was only trying to find out what the hell you've been doing instead of terrorizing my home," Danny replied coldly.
"You don't talk to him like that!" the prisoner yelled at Danny. "He's a strong leader and he's helping us get justice!"
Danny pushed the prisoner aside.
"Vlad, I don't know what kind of mess you've made in this place-"
"Skyrim. This place is called Skyrim, Daniel."
"Okay, then whatever mess you've made here in Skyrim, I WILL clean it up and I will prevent you from screwing up anymore worlds. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time you messed around with worlds using that map," Danny hissed.
"Well, Daniel, until that day comes, I'm afraid you need me to escape right now," Vlad said pointly.
"I don't need your help to escape," Danny replied hotly. The dragon roar loudly and smashed a hole in the wall near the stairs.
"Well if you plan on escaping alone, I suggest you do it before the dragon kills you," Vlad told him with that arrogant smirk of his. Danny narrowed his eyes at him before he ran up the stairs. He looked out the window to see the dragon circling about, blowing fire, snow and more at the citizens and the guards attempting to kill the fearsome creature. With one last glare at Vlad, he jumped out the window and did a roll on the floor of the second floor of a building with the roof half-destroyed. He jumped down to the first floor and ran towards a group of soldiers that was coaxing two small children towards them. After some more talking, they dashed at them before the dragon could kill them with deathly fire.
"You still alive?" the list-man said, taking notice of Danny.
"Yes sir," he replied.
"Stick with me if you wanna stay that way," he informed him. Danny nodded as he followed the list-man. They paused, before dashing rapidly to a narrow pathway between houses. "STOP!"
Danny immediately stopped and pressed his back against the wall. The earth shook and the dragon landed, the claw right in front of Danny's face. Some sweat poured down his face as he heard the dragon's shrieks louder, before watching the dragon take off, the claw mark deeply penetrated into the dirt. The list-man grabbed Danny's arm and dragged him.
"Ralof! You damn traitor!" the list-man snarled at the man who had been sweet on the girl from this place. "Where are you going?"
"Away!" he yelled before he ran off.
"Damn Whitecloaks," the list-man growled to himself before he ran towards a building and began to open it, Danny not far behind.
With a loud boom, the list-man shut the door and shielded them off from the rest of Helgen.