Chapter 30: Epilogue

A/N: Aww, this is the end! I'm so conflicted – sad that it's over, kind of relieved because it was hard work, also proud of this story.

Before we begin, I'd just like to give a few special thanks to those who have been so supportive of this story. You can tell they've reviewed the most because I am saying their names off the top of my head:




You three have reviewed so many times and with such positive feedback! Thank you so much for sticking to this story!

So, this one is dedicated to you guys. Thank you so much.

Okay, everyone read chapter 3, right? If not, go do that now. You can skip to Annabeth's flashback scene.

Done? Cool. Welcome back.

Okay. Deep breath. Here we go. The conclusion to Untangling Knots…. Eeek!

Last disclaimer of the story (tear): I STILL, 30 chapters later, do not own PJO. Nor will I ever.

I hope you guys enjoy this wrap-up to the story.

Deep breath. Procrastinating because my stomach is starting to drop.

Okay. Sorry. Here we go.

Hope you enjoy! (sniff-sniff)

(Third-person narration)

"I'm home!"

The woman stepped into her house. She immediately stepped out of her heels and slid off her business suit jacket. She tugged on the elastic that held her hair in a bun and let her honey-blonde curls frame her gray-eye clad face.

"In the kitchen," her husband replied.

She opened the door to the kitchen. He sat at the table with a mug of coffee and a stack of opened envelopes in front of him. He peered up at her as she set her purse downon the counter.

"You're late."

She sighed. "Percy, I told you I was working late tonight."

"Yeah, two hours late – it's, like, nine o'clock!"

"I'm sorry."

"You should've called to let me know. I had such a hard time getting her to bed because she was so anxious to see you before she fell asleep."

"You know how into my work I get sometimes – time slipped away and I forgot to call."

"You forgot your husband and your daughter, who were very worried."

"You know me. And I'm sorry."

He exhaled, frustrated and seething. "You don't forget your husband and daughter because of work."

The woman looked up. An icy feeling was setting in the pit of her stomach. This scene… It was so familiar, but she couldn't think why…

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying I don't really believe you. This has happened way too often."

"Are you accusing me of something?"


Silence fell on them before the woman lost control.

"You're always thinking the wrong things! I can't believe, after everything we've been through, that you wouldn't trust me! It was work, I swear! I am not cheating on you!"

"Lower your voice. It was hard enough getting her to bed and I don't need her waking up. Besides, we're having a mature adult discussion."

"It's very mature of you to distrust me."

He narrowed his eyes.

"What's immature is you doing this in the first place."

"I'm not doing anything! You know what? I'm tired of this happening so consistently! If you can't trust me, this won't work!"

"What are you trying to say?"


He pursed his lips. "That just might be fitting."

She waved her hand dismissively. "I'm tired. We'll talk about this tomorrow."

The man's face suddenly reddened with anger. "Why does everything have to be your way? Why am I always having to listen to you?"

"First of all, you don't have to do anything, you do what I tell you to do because you choose to! Second, I'm just looking out for you!"

"I'm not stupid, I can take care of myself!"

"Well, sorry for wanting to watch out for my best friend!"

"Some best friend you are, going behind my back!"

"I did not! And look who's talking - I thought nest friends trusted each other!"

"So did I!"

"Then maybe we're not best friends anymore."

The man rubbed his face with both hands. "No, no. Don't say that. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

"No! You never do, but you say it anyway! I'm tired of it! I can't do this anymore, we're done!"

The woman turned to leave.

But before she could, warm, familiar fingers wrapped around her wrist.

"Annabeth, wait." He pulled her back. "Hear me out."

She turned, her arms crossed expectantly, foot tapping impatiently.

He exhaled, running a hand through his hair.

"Annabeth, I really am sorry. I know you're not cheating on me, I know that. I do. It's just… well…"

He paused. His eyes flicked to her, shining with self-consciousness, a look she hadn't seen in his eyes before. His eyes fell back to stare at the floor.

"Ever since we got together, I couldn't help thinking that… maybe this wouldn't work. It's just… we're so… different. And I knew it would be worth it to get together but I thought maybe you'd… tire of me. Find someone better for you – you could do so much better. And I just… get insecure sometimes. I can't help but think… maybe you've found him. Every time you come late I wonder if… if you'll come back."

Her heart ached as she noticed the tears collecting in his eyes. She'd never seen this side of him – he'd never let it show.

The anger washed away. She stepped forward.

"OH, Percy."

She pulled him close and felt wetness on her blouse as he buried his face against her neck. It was very brave of him to admit this to her. He really must've wanted to save this relationship to confess something like this.

"Percy, look at me." She took his face in her hands. "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'll never find that man you're thinking of now – I've already found him. Percy, you're the greatest guy I have ever met. We are different, but I think that just makes us stronger – we balance each other out. And I really can't do much better than you because I don't think a better guy exists. I didn't realize you felt this way. Please, talk to me about these things. I want to help you and I need you to know that I married you for a reason. I married you because I love you."

He looked up. "I love you, too. I don't want to divorce."

"Me, neither."

They held each other for a moment, just taking in the moment.

"I just let my feelings get the best of me, but now that this is off my chest and we've worked this through and I feel better, we can move on."

"This'll just strengthen us, you know."

He took her hand in his. He laced their fingers together and brought their hands up. He placed a soft kiss on her wedding band, which matched his.

"With this ring, I vowed to be there for you, in the good and bad. I vowed to be your husband and more importantly your best friend until death do us part. I never intend to break that promise and I don't intend to ever come this close to doing that again."

"With this ring, I vowed to always love you. I still do and I always will."

"Let's renew our vows."

She laughed gently. "Isn't that we just did?"

"I guess. But maybe I just want another excuse to whisk you away on vacation, just us."

She laughed again. "I'm sorry, too, for exploding on you. Forgive me."

"If you forgive me."


"I forgive you, too."

"I guess I just let my own frustrations about this stressful project take over. And I guess the mood swings kicked in, too."

"Mood swings?"

She smiled. "That's right. I meant to tell you today. I took the test during work; I wasn't feeling well, but in a familiar way and had my suspicions. I thought it'd be more meaningful to tell you in person."

His eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

She brought their intertwined hands to her abdomen. "Percy, I'm pregnant."

His face broke out into a grin. He hugged her close. "That's fantastic!"

They embraced a moment longer.

"Percy, now I remember why this all seemed so familiar."


"This was almost exactly the fight my parents had before their divorce.


"Yeah. But we had a different outcome."

"I'm glad."

"Me, too. I guess their love just wasn't as strong as ours is."

"Mommy? Daddy?"

The couple turned towards the doorway. A young girl, around seven years old, wearing striped pajamas, was peeking into the kitchen. Her blonde curls were loose. Light eyebrows furrowed over worried, bright green eyes.

"Hi, sweetie," the woman greeted. "What are you doing up? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"I couldn't sleep. I was waiting for you. Is-is everything okay? I heard yelling."

The man and woman exchanged a guilty look. The woman crouched down and opened her arms to the little girl.

"We were yelling and I'm sorry you had to hear that. But everything is okay, I promise. Mommy and Daddy had a disagreement but we fixed it. It's all better now."

The little girl smiled, relieved. She laughed as her mother lifted her and her parents smothered in her kisses.

"Well," the man said, wrapping an arm around the two loves of his life, "let's get you to bed, both of you. You both need some sleep."

"Especially you," said the woman to the little girl, "because Mommy and Daddy have a surprise for you in the morning."

"What I it?" The child asked excitedly, her eyes lighting up.

"Well, we can't tell you because it'll ruin the surprise, but I'll give you a hint. Remember how you said you wanted a little brother?"

A/N: That's it.

I wanted to make up for the lack of Percabeth throughout the story and teasing you guys so much with some good ole' fluff.

How'd I do? Have I redeemed myself?

What'd you think? Did you see what I did?

My original plan was to take chapter 3 and just change around names to fit this situation, but I thought that'd be too much. So I just took the backbone of that plot, filled in some different dialogue but still keeping to the structure of the story, and then changing the ending. I think it's a nice little way of not only showing how strong there love is, but also sort of pointing out how even an ugly argument can get worked out, if there's willingness to do so.

I was going to name the little girl, but I couldn't find something fitting.

I also wasn't planning on making Annabeth pregnant, but, well, I think it worked out nicely.

So, this is it, dear readers. Thank you so much to everyone who followed, favorited, and reviewed.

Some news on future writing:

I have a one-shot written. I'm going to proofread and post, maybe soon, maybe this coming week. Who knows?

I worked out the problem I was having with my other story idea! Yay! I figured it out! The outline has been started and the prologue is being written! Whoo-hoo! I don't have a seak peek for you but… It's another AU. It might be called 'Like a Thief in the Night'. It might be called 'Of Islands and' if I can think of something to put after the 'and'. I would tell you more, but I don't want to say something that might change. Just know you can expect it in the summer, possibly before if I finish it. And it's awesome! Maybe in a future post, once I have most of the outline and the big plotline is solid, I'll post some details.

The Secret Santa 'Mistletoe Mishap: Deleted Scene' as I'm thinking of calling it will be out soon. I'm debating – should I wait to post in December? Hmm…

Anyway, that's all I have for now!

Thanks again, everyone!

I have time for one more:


- Promise