I do not own Doctor Who and/or Matt Smith, unfortunately.

I sat opposite the man. He was a plain looking man. I held out my right hand, palm up. He slowly placed his hand on top of mine. My pupils dilated and his life flashed before my eyes. It started at the beginning and stopped at the end. I could feel myself saying things, not sure what though.

I sat gasping. My lungs didn't feel big enough for all the air. The man looked horrified.

"What... did... I... say?" I managed to say. The man stared at me.

"You don't know?" He asked. He looked even more horrified than he did before. I shook my head violently.

"I think you told me how I was going to die." I had managed to get my breath back.

"Oh, I haven't told anyone how they were going to die before." I blinked. "Can I have my money now?" The man looked confused. I sighed.

"You agreed to pay me £200 for this reading." He seemed to remember. He pulled out his wallet and tugged out the money. Transferring it to my own wallet I realised he was shaking. I ignored it and stood up. I swayed slightly, my head span.

"Are you alright? You look like you're about to be sick." I took a deep breath before walking away. I was thinking about all that I saw. I collided with someone with enough force for me to fall down. I sat on the pavement a bit startled.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." A man bent down in front of me. He wore the most unusual ensemble I had ever seen. He wore a brown blazer, a creamy-white shirt, grey-ish trousers and a bright red bow-tie.

"Cool bow-tie." I complemented him absentmindedly. He smiled. It was then I looked at his face, he was young and oddly cute. He looked familiar.

"Yeah, it is, isn't it?" He wiggled it. I smiled. He held out his hand to help me up. I placed my right hand in his, forgetting that my hand was ungloved. Pictures of his life flashed in front of my eyes. Years passed, wars fought, dying time and time again. My hearts raced in my chest. Then it all stopped. The man had pulled his hand out of mine, severing the connection. My heart beat was normal, still only one heart. We looked at each other, our faces of confusion probably mirroring each other.

"Doctor?" A young woman came up behind the man. We continued to look at each other. Then I stated the obvious.

"You have two hearts." The man nodded, the young woman behind him looked astonished. I could tell I was going to faint soon. I attempted to get up, instantly regretting it. I fell back down, the man catching me before I hit the ground. Then I slipped into unconsciousness.

I woke up in a medical bay of some sort. There was a lot of unfamiliar equipment, most of which looked like it came out of a science fiction movie. I looked around, finding my fingerless gloves on a table beside me. I picked them up and tugged them on.

"You're awake." The man from earlier said whilst walking towards me. I blinked a couple of times, trying to sort out the vast amount of memories this man pulled from me. I attempted to sit up. The man pushed me back down, stopping me from getting in a sitting position. I glared at him; I hated it when people told me to do things.

"I need to have a quick look at you before you sit up." I grumbled, but complied. All of a sudden he had a little bronze coloured gadget in his hand. He pointed it at me and it the tip glowed green. After he played around a bit more, he let me sit up. It was then I realised that I was only in my underwear underneath the scratchy blanket. Now it made sense why he didn't want me to get up before. I blushed violently; I looked up to see the man doing the same.

"I'm going to leave; there are some clothes in the room next door." He ran out of the room. I wrapped the blanket around my body, making sure nothing was showing. I crept to the door, embarrassed by the fact that I was running around in my underwear. I managed to make it to the room that the man indicated without anyone else seeing me. I softly closed the door behind me. Turning around I was just how many items of clothing there was. I stood there for a minute, open mouthed, before deciding that I should choose something.

I had decided to wear a red shirt, black skinny jeans, boots, a black tie and a really long trench coat that I absolutely loved. I walked out of the gigantic wardrobe into a control room. I looked around me but the door was gone.

"Good, you're up and about." I looked at the centre of the room. The man and young woman from earlier were there.

"Hiya!" A male voice from behind me greeted. I screamed and turned around. A man with brown, messy hair was standing there. "Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you." He apologised with a smile.

"Erm... Sorry but who are you all?" I asked, extremely confused.

"I'm the Doctor, this is Amy, and the scary man behind you is Rory." He replied. I nodded. The next question surprised me.

"So, who and what are you?" The Doctor asked. I considered the question whilst walking towards Amy. I looked at the machine in the middle, knowing exactly what it was and how to operate it. I stoked it lovingly. Amy looked startled.

"Well, I'll start with the easier question. My full name is Cadence Saffron Crippen, but everyone calls me Ceecee. The second question, I'm not really sure, the best word I can come up with is a psychic." I said continuing to stroke the TARDIS console. The Doctor nodded and pointed to my gloves.

"Why do you wear those?" He asked, although I was pretty sure the answer was clear.

"My 'abilities' are more prominent in my hands, although I can still sense things without them. I wear them so that I am not bombarded with information all the time." He nodded. Amy and Rory stared at me.

"You're a psychic? A real one?" Amy asked panic seeping into her voice. I nodded then pulled a lever down, causing the TARDIS to land. I smiled.

"Goodbye then." I waved my hand. I walked out the TARDIS door and into my front garden.

Hey, I know it's not amazing but it is the best I could come up with.

See if you can find out what her name means, it'll give you a clue for what happens next.