A/N Okay I know it's been a while and I'm sorry, I really don't know what I'm doing with this story. But I have an ending and an alternate ending planned out- Sort of. And I refuse for this to be another one of 'those' stories. So let's continue on with this train wreck- I mean master piece.

"I'm worried about you Aj."

God I was sick of hearing that.

"I know I know." I grumbled through my big Mac, I was in Kaitlynn's hotel room. We were chopping down on McDonalds and not giving a damn about calories.

"I think you need to slow down and think about what you're doing. I know you think I'm being a bitchy mom but I'm really trying to help this situation you've gotten into." She paused to lick a stray blob of mustard off of her finger. "I'm not saying cut it off, but you need to take a mental break from this Kane dilemma."

"And I can't do that if you keep talking about." I said dryly. She rolled her eyes at me and I could practically hear her thoughts. Such a drama queen.

"Okay I'll stop bitching. Want to watch some Batman?" She teased and scrolled through our Netflix. I smiled and shoved some fries in my mouth. "God Aj you have no manners." She joked and mimicked my eating habits. I fake glared at her until I saw the opening for Batman come on.

We finished our burger and shakes quickly and soon started pausing the movie to reenact our favorite parts. I had just about forgotten about my issues, when a scene with Bane popped up. I froze my mind unwillingly went straight to a man whose name was similar. Kaitlynn noticed my change in behavior and stopped the movie before angrily turning to me.

"Why do let him ruin a good moment?" She spat venomously. "We were having so much fun, more fun than you've had in along time and now you've let him ruin it!"

"I can't help it!" I said just as heatedly. "When I was kid I would try to rescue all the strays! It's the same way now! He's hurt and I want to help! So I am SO sorry that my trying to be kind to a poor soul is ruining your good time!"

"He's not a puppy you can just feed and pet. He is a dangerous man! Look at all the people he's hurt! He hurt Zack! And he did NOTHING to deserve what he went through!" She was shouting now, Zack was her friend and she defended her friends-well except me I guess, she persecutes me. "Kane is a poor soul! He's just a bully! And this isn't kindergarten anymore Aj. You can't just go to the teacher and tattle and expect to be safe. If you get involved with this man, you'll just be his punching bag."

"I'll never be a punching bag again in my life!" I shouted. She started but paused, I realized my mistake, I had said again. I hadn't told her about the fight with Daniel, I didn't need her mothering, but now it seems to have back fired. She sat down on the couch and calmly asked me.


I sighed and relayed the past few days to her, her eyes went wide when I told her how Daniel had beaten me up. She nearly fainted when I told her about Kane getting revenge on Daniel for me. She said nothing for along time after I finished. I couldn't take anymore and was about to speak when she opened her mouth.

"Why?" I paused, wasn't this what I had said to Kane not three hours ago? Had he been this annoyed by the vagueness? I should apologize, I didn't know it was this infuriating to be asked something but only half a something- if that made sense.

"Why what?"

"Why do you like him? Why did he do it? What did he mean by you'll be mine?" I had to think for a minute; finally I broke the heavy silence.

"I don't know what he meant about the message." I confessed honestly, it was almost unnerving to think I had disregarded his dark promise. And it made me think, was I walking into a trap?

"He said he did it because I made him feel guilty about his actions."

"So to prove that he goes and beats up someone else?" She was oozing sarcasm. "That's seems counter productive."

"I don't think he attacked Daniel to prove it I think he did it to remedy it." It was starting to make sense. "He wanted to prove whatever that was inside him wrong. That he was still a dangerous monster."

"Doing a pretty good job about it." She muttered. "So that's two out of three." She was talking about her other question.

Huh, why did I like him? It was beyond the initial curiosity, deeper my longing to help the wounded. I didn't have an answer; I tried to avoid my friend's gaze. My gaze shifting around the room, then it fell on the TV; Bane was in the middle of his dramatic speech, poised just perfectly on the city ledge. He looked fearsome and confident. I had always like Bane the most, more than the Joker, there was something about his character that just attracted me to him.

"I like his confidence and strength. He draws me in. I think he's over looked too much, everyone gets amped up for Cena and Undertaker, but they forget the man whose there almost every week, ready to fight anyone. He doesn't shy away from a match, he knows he'll win. He seems so broken and I just want to pick up the pieces and glue him back together." I stopped, feeling emotionally tired. I hadn't realized I had been staring at the TV screen with Bane on it until Kaitlynn turned it off.

I looked up to see her smiling and she pulled me into a wordless hug. As if by silent agreement, we got ready for bed. She handed me a pair of superman pajamas that she always carried around for me. I sent Randy and Chris a quick text to let them know where I was. We didn't speak until we were snug in the queen sized bed; she threw an arm over my shoulder and whispered a 'goodnight'. I didn't know how tired I was until I found that my eyelids were dropping to fast for me to respond.

A/N So I know this seems lame, but it's important. And I threw in the part about Kane's note to Aj in because over the last few chapters I realized, Kane doesn't seem like the Kane we had met in Chapter one! I didn't feel like changing the entire story just to make him seem a little less odd, so instead I did this. I hope you all enjoyed this. Please review.