"Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium and lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium and gold, protactinium and indium and g-" rang out through the apartment. Dr. Spencer Reid of the FBI sighed as his phone went off. He was unsure of how to change the ringtone that Garcia set for him considering he recently got an iPhone and hasn't had time to read through the instruction booklet. He ignored the annoying ringing noise as he snuggled closer to the man beside him. His boyfriend of a 1 ¾ years and his boss of 8 years, Aaron Hotchner, smiled slightly as he felt the heat of Reid next to him.

"Who called you?" Hotch asked quietly.

"I have no idea, nor do I plan to find out any ti-" he was cut off by the ringing again. "Gahhhh." He slipped out of the arms of warmth and got up to look for the source of the annoying ringing. He found said source plugged into his computer charging. He had 6 missed calls from an unknown number. The young doctor decided to go back to bed see what Aaron thought.

"What do you suppose 6 missed calls from the same person in the matter of 2 hours means?"

"The person is trying to contact you, and you shouldn't be rude, so call them back." Hotchner said somewhat sternly. "Jack is going to be up any minute and he'll want you to make breakfast before school and work." Aaron said as he tumbled out of bed and towards the bathroom. Spencer glared at the older agent but complied. He hit the green call button of his phone and waited for the other person to answer. He walked around the apartment that Aaron and himself have been sharing for about 3 months and cleaned up a little as the phone rang. He heard the little footsteps of Jack as the 7 year old got up for school.

"Agent Reid! Thank god that you have answered." The mysterious person on the other line said.

"Who are you and why are you calling me?"

"Right, sorry, how rude of me! My name is Agent Kennedy Flynn. I'm with the Child Protection Agency. I'm calling you to inform you that you are now the legal guardian of a pair of twins." Spencer lost his voice for a second as he tried to come up with an answer. "Agent Reid? Are you there? Hello?"

"Y-yes I'm here. What do you mean I'm now the legal guardian of a pair of twins?"

"Well their mother, Miss. Kirkland, passed away last night in the hospital and you are named the children's guardian in her will and on their paperwork." Reid remembered exactly who Miss. Kirkland was.

His first girlfriend where the relationship lasted for more than a month. Reid knew back then that he was bisexual, and Kasey didn't care. She said that she loved him for who he was and she wouldn't change it. The relationship made the young genius elated, he even thought about proposing to her. But one day she said that they needed to talk. And talk they did. She said that they weren't going to work. Spencer was so distraught; the relationship had been perfect for the 3 years that the two dated. They talked about moving in together, Spencer even promised that he would have the team over to meet her. Kasey was ecstatic about that last part. She only ever heard good things about her boyfriend's colleagues. The break-up caught the doctor off guard. He took it like a man but inside he was a mess. He wouldn't talk to the team unless it had to do with work. The only one he would talk to was Aaron and that's where that relationship started. Reid was brought back from history by Flynn's voice.

"Agent Reid, are you still there?"

"Yeah, um where can I meet you, talking over the phone isn't really my strong suit when it comes to life changing things."

"Of course! Me and my partner are leaving the location in about 15 minutes, how about I meet you at the park across from your office when we get there?"

"Sure, uh how old are the kids? And their names?" Reid thought as he nervously chewed at his cuticles.

"Right, well they are 2 and a half. The older one is Aaron Derek David Reid and his slightly younger twin is Emily Jennifer Penelope Reid. Everything will be explained once I give you the paperwork." Spencer nodded to himself as Jack came downstairs.

"Okay thanks, I'll see you then." Reid said as he hung up his phone.

"Who was that Spence?" Jack asked as he took his seat at the table.

"Somebody from work Jack-Jack." Reid answered back.

"Do you and Daddy have to go away again?" Jack asked as his smile fell from his face. The genius shook his head slightly as he poured Jack some cereal and as Aaron came down in a purple shirt, black suit pants, with a white and green striped tie hanging loosely around his neck. He had his shoes and jacket in his hand while he talked into his phone held in the other. The older man nodded and hung up his phone.

"Spencer, Strauss needs us in ASAP. Something about important paperwork." Aaron said as he sat down to put his shoes on. The young man stared at him.

"Babe, can we talk upstairs?" the brunette said as he headed for the stairs. The unit chief nodded slightly, with a questioning look plastered on his face. The two FBI agents went upstairs to the bedroom.

"Spence, what's up?" Aaron asked as he saw Reid start to pace the room.

"Well, s-so you know that phone call?" Aaron nodded, "Well it was CPA. My ex-girlfriend from 2 years ago, passed a-away last night, and I've become the l-legal guardians of a p-pair of twins…" Spencer spewed out at an incredible speed. His boss absorbed the information without the slightest facial expressions except thought.

"You need the day off?" Reid nodded. "Of course, anything you need. I have Jack's crib in storage as well as his old changing table. We'll just have to buy another one."

"Wait, you're okay with it? How are you okay with it when I'm still unsure of it?"

"Silly Spencer, you see, I love you with all my heart, I don't care what baggage you know about or what you don't know about. I love everything about you, and everything you come with. Don't worry about it. I can deal with Strauss. And plus you have built up some personal time. I'm going to get going; you'll take care of Jack for me this morning right?" Aaron saw his boyfriend's head bob up and down a little. He then approached the younger man, pulled him into his arms and kissed him ever so slightly. "Thank you Spence."

"Aaron I should really be thanking you. So thank you." Reid smiled as he watched his Aaron leave the room.

hey everyone! so this has been floating around in my head for the past couple of days and I just got a chance to type it up. The summary gives the basic plot for the story. Also the titles of the chapters have nothing to do with the story but I thought it was kinda cool to use the names of the elements from the periodic table.