I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long, school, finals and tests are a bitch to the fullest! And with my mom on my ass about grades, it's been hard to think of extra to give you wonderful bunnies of mine! So I've decided to treat you with a little Lemon at the end, so even if you don't care about what happens before the Lemon, because you just wanna read the smut, please don't hurt yourselves by skipping what happens before Allen's nice white ass is taken by a certain red head, leaving a very frustrated samurai to go back to headquarters with wonderful Lenalee, making the poor man very mad! So please read and enjoy the wonderful decisions of Allen's fictional life, and Lavi's wonderful love making.
PS: A little foreshadowment towards the end, I challenge you, can you spot it when it comes up?
"Lavi, it's alright, I guess. Whatever it is you can tell me, I promise it won't faze me, I love you and I'll keep up with whatever it is your dealing with! Just, just tell me how you two know each other and what it was I was supposed to know a long time ago, please, just open up to me!" Allen's voice was its normal calm as he tried to coax his boyfriend into letting know what in the hell was going on. Pulling away slightly, Allen looked up at Lavi, who's normally goofy grin was a sad smile.
"Well… you see, Yuu and I are part of a…" Lavi hesitated to long which was just simply the wrong move with Kanda being only three feet away from the two.
"This stupid rabbit and I are part of a gang, we kill for a living, and one of our leaders has been watching you, and he orders you, to become one of us, or end it with Lavi and never see this idiot again!" Kanda was very blunt in letting the white haired boy in on all the information he was supposed to have known weeks ago.
"Oh is that all…?" Allen's eyes rolled back in his head and quickly fell limp. Closing his eyes the last person he saw was not the person who held him as he fell to the floor but, the samurai killer standing next to his bed.
"He has to Lavi, if you want to continue your relationship with him he has to be initiated..." A girl's voice, but who's? Allen didn't know that voice it was new to him, he could feel Lavi sitting next to him on the bed, there was someone standing next to the bed, and someone was sitting on the edge of the bed, at the bottom.
"But... I don't, I don't want him hurt, Lenalee, and I talk to you about this all the time and you know exactly how I feel about it!" Lavi sighed, he was worried about Allen, but why was it so serious? They were part of a gang yes, but... well Allen figured the whole killing thing was the big deal. Lavi sighed again, and he hears Kanda let out a slow growl, and tch'd.
"Idiot, you have two fucking choices, either he joins or you end it with him! Simple as that, Komui gave you those choices for a reason, now pick one!" Kanda's voice was a low growl, but somewhere inside it, there was a hint of jealousy in the older man's voice. Allen couldn't help but think that Kanda, for some reason had gained some sort of feelings for him. Allen knew he should probably show them he was awake but he really didn't want to not with Lavi so unsure, about what he was going to do. He didn't want to trouble his boyfriend more than he already had.
"Yuu..." Allen felt Lavi shift over closer to him and lean down a place a kiss on his forehead. Allen heard Kanda scoff and heard footsteps stomp out of the room. Was Kanda mad? Why would Kanda be mad? "Lenalee, am I wrong for worrying so much?"
"In my opinion, no its only natural, but in Bookman's eyes yes... As a Bookman Lavi you're not supposed to have attachments and Allen here, is an attachment." The girl, Lenalee, said in a very soothing voice. Bookman, what was a bookman, Lavi had never said anything about a bookman! He knew that his grandpa went by the name bookman, but Allen didn't know that Lavi was a 'Bookman' too. Allen finally decided that he had enough with just lying here, and pretending to sleep. There was no more point in it; Allen had made up his mind.
Sighing Lavi reached over to Allen's face and brushed stray strand of white hair from the boy's face. "Lavi..." Allen moaned as he sat up next to Lavi, he opened his eyes, Lavi's one green eye sparkled with worry and relief, he looked over to the girl that was supposed to be sitting at the edge of his bed, and she had short dark hair with purple, almost amethyst eyes. She was pretty her hair stopped at her shoulders and her eyes glittered with interest.
"Allen, you're okay!" Lavi wrapped his arms around his younger boyfriend and squeezed, Allen hugged him back figuring why the boy had been so worried. Slightly pushing him away, Allen's gray eyes looked into Lavi's green one. Leaning in, Lavi placed his lips on Allen's catching the boy by surprise. Allen melted a little before realizing Lenalee was still in the room, and that he still needed to talk to Lavi, alone.
Leaning back Allen placed his hands on Lavi's face and pecked the older boys' lips. Smiling Allen, closed his eyes, sighed and opened them again. "Lavi can we talk about this whole, thing?" Allen looked from Lavi to Lenalee, and smiled slightly at the girl. She took the hint and got up and walked out the room, before dipping out.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier..." Lavi looked down in sadness.
"It's okay Lavi, it is, but we need to talk about this initiation thing..." Allen made Lavi look up at him.
"Kanda," Lenalee's voice softly echoed as she stepped outside to find the long haired man leaning against the wall next to the door or Allen's loft.
"What?" His voice wasn't fierce and angry but it was still as agitated as always.
"You like him, don't you?" Lenalee looked off into the street, the cars passed by and the wind picked up. "Don't lie to me Kanda," Lenalee looked over towards Kanda and caught the slightest smile, but it quickly was replaced with a scowl and Kanda whipped his head around to the girl, and growled at her. She didn't flinch she just held her ground and didn't back down from his 'anger'.
"No I don't like that brat! Plus he's got that stupid rabbit, why would I like him...?" Kanda turned from Lenalee's gaze and let his normally permanent frown works its way back onto his face. The wind blew his pony tail to the side of him and Lenalee caught a lightly sad expression on the man's face. You can't fool me, Kanda! I know you and you like this boy! Sighing Lenalee, looked up to the night sky, and giggled. "You can't fool me Kanda~" She gave the man a smile then ran back inside.
Allen kept his gaze locked on a crook on in the blanket, not looking up at his boyfriend that sat in front of him. The tension in the air was thick and it could possibly have been cut with a knife. Reaching for his hand, Allen grabbed Lavi's hand and squeezed it; this might possibly be one of the hardest things Allen had done, in his life so far, besides having to go through the loss of the only father he ever knew: Mana Walker. He knew what had to be done, but could he really do it, and would Lavi except his decision no matter how painful it was for both of them. Letting out a long sigh, Allen looked up; instantly meeting Lavi's green eye. He's been watching me this whole time, God Lavi... Why are you making this harder than it is! I know you don't want me to do this, but I have to I have no other choice please forgive me Lavi.
"Look Lavi, I know how you feel about this whole 'having me join' thing, and I understand your feelings. But I can't do this anymore, seeing you act like this, it's driving me crazy, and I hate seeing you like this..." Allen said keeping his eyes locked with Lavi's. Allen swore for the slightest second he saw tears start to brim on the edge of Lavi's eyes but they went away the moment the red head blinked.
"So what are you saying Allen," Lavi let go of Allen's hand and his look of sadness changed to a look of betrayal. "Are you, are you breaking up with me? Because of this?" This time, tears did begin to brim on the edge of Lavi's eyes but he looked determined not to let them fall.
No, no, he's taking it the wrong way, why is the world would I want to break up with you Lavi? You've got it all wrong! Don't think that, please! Don't think that! Allen quickly grabbed Lavi's hand, and pulled the older boy into him. Smashing their lips together, Allen tried his hardest to dominate the kiss. But Lavi just sat there blank and expressionless, not moving at all. Pulling away, Allen grabbed Lavi's face between his hands and looked him dead in the eye. "Lavi, I'm... I'm not breaking up with you! Why would you even think that? I love you Lavi!" Lavi looked surprised and quickly took hold of Allen and forced the boy back down onto the bed, and crawled on top of the boy. Shoving his tongue into his mouth, Allen moaned at the rough contact and kissed back. Allen couldn't help the feeling that was growing in his stomache; and in his heart, he couldn't help but love Lavi. He couldn't see himself with anyone but Lavi... but what if things happened and they grew apart? Would they be able to live without each other? Could Allen see himself with someone else, someone like Kanda? Allen mentally shook himself, he loved Lavi and that was that!
"Yes Lavi?"
Lavi put his hand on Allen's cheek, and rubbed the boy's cheek and the boys white skin quickly turned red with a deep crimson blush. Closing his eyes Allen let out a soft, happy sigh. Re-opening his eyes Lavi leaned down. "Excuse me!"
"Lenalee," Lavi jumped up and sat next Allen, Allen slowly sat up not to bothered by the girl coming back into his room; when it was his room.
"Have you finished talking?" Lenalee asked a soft smile played gently on her lips.
"About that, um..." Lavi hesitated; he didn't know what to say. Crap Allen had forgotten to tell Lavi his news.
"I'm gonna join!" Allen blurted out, Lenalee looked shocked for a second then recovered as Kanda walked in, looking somewhat, realized. "I was gonna have Lavi take me in the morning because it was late, and I was tired."
Lavi looked surprised at Allen; he hadn't been expecting that from Allen. Lavi felt a swell in his heart, he hadn't expected this from Allen, he had thought Allen would just simply say no and breaks up with him apparently not; apparently his younger boyfriend did care for him more than he actually thought. Leaning over Lavi gave Allen another kiss on the lips, Allen pressed back into the kiss and smiled. Wording 'I love you' with his lips. Once again hearing Kanda stomp out and Lenalee sigh. Looking up Lenalee gave both boys a smile.
"Well make sure to bring his as soon as YOU wake up Lavi, you know how Komui is, and I don't want him yelling at you!" Lenalee said winking at him before taking her leaving the two boys alone in the large loft.
"That's what you were trying to tell me? You told me you wanted to come with us; you didn't want to break up with me at all! Allen I'm sorry!" Lavi laughed a little embarrassed at his accusation. Looking into Allen's eyes he saw love in them and something else, lust maybe? Was Allen...?
"It's okay Lavi, I understand; I should have made it clearer!" Allen said slowly pushing Lavi down onto the bed making the red head lay on his back. Lavi was taken aback when Allen straddled him and laid back against his knees. Quickly recovering, Lavi grabbed Allen's shirt collar and pulled the white haired boy's into a kiss, shoving his tongue into his mouth and exploring the wet cavern. Lavi's hands roamed all over Allen's body, and quickly grew bored with it and tore Allen's shirt off of him; breaking their kiss for a mere few seconds before Lavi attacked the boy's lips again.
Lavi's hands were cold on Allen's bare chest; he continued to explore the boy's front. Pulling away from the kiss Lavi flipped them over; making Allen lay on his back as Lavi hovered over him. Lavi smiled when he looked at Allen's face, it was bright red, and the boy was panting loudly. Smirking Lavi ran his fingers ghostly down Allen's chest making the boy shiver. His fingers lightly touched the white haired boy's nipple making the boy let out a whimper. Leaning down Lavi parted his lips and let his tongue peek out and slightly graze over the same nipple. Allen watched with a deep red blush on his face, his breathing getting shallower and shallower. Allen loved every minute of it, as Lavi's tongue touched his nipple.
Lavi looked up at Allen's face, it was red and he was flustered, Lavi loved it, he was making Allen feel this way; and he would make the boy feel even better in time to come. Lavi leaned up and pecked Allen on the lips before flipping him over onto his stomach, making his face meet the bed, in a slightly rougher way than intended. Allen's backside stuck up high in the air, Lavi quickly got rid of the clothing there and all that was left was Allen's white rear; Lavi couldn't help but lick his lips at this. He leaned down and gave the boys creamy whiteness, and soft, long lick. Allen moaned softly, and Lavi laughed and gave Allen's rear and soft bite, that made the younger boy moan again. Parting the two cheeks, Allen's hole showed, bright and pink. Lavi had waited a long time to get to do this each time, Allen had stopped him and he had hated it; this was his chance, he could do it without any complaints this time. He leaned in and gave the oink hole a light blow of air. He felt Allen shudder at this and saw the boy start to turn around before; Lavi placed his hands on the white haired boy's hips and forced him to stay where he was.
"Sit and in joy it Allen, you've never felt this so it should feel a whole lot better than what your used to, enjoy it Allen." With his little warning Lavi plunged his tongue into Allen's hole, loving the taste that hit his taste buds as soon as he shoved his tongue inside. Allen gave a jerk and cried out.
Allen had never, ever felt anything like this in his life, a million things were running through his mind at the moment Lavi had shoved his tongue inside his ass. "Lavi actually loved him enough to actually do this, but why? Oh god, it feels so amazing! Why hadn't I let him do this before, it was so god damn good!" Allen pushed his backside against Lavi's face and he could feel his boyfriends tongue deep inside him. Trying to push back farther, Lavi pulled away and chuckled. Allen pouted at this and hated the loss of warm wetness inside of his ass. But the feeling was quickly replaced, by Lavi inserting one of his fingers into hole. Allen cried at this, he had missed this feeling and it was very welcome and Lavi began to finger the boy, sliding his long finger in and out of Allen. Allen loved this, this was his favorite part before the love making actually occurred. More fingers were inserted and Allen rocked back against the fingers as finally the third was inserted. Allen rejoiced at this, this meant that Lavi would enter him soon. Allen really loved his boyfriend and he really loved when they had sex,
Lavi pulled his fingers from Allen's hole and flipped him over onto his back. Allen's face was red and he was flustered, he lay there panting and smiling. Lavi knew what he wanted, and he was more than happy to give his white haired lover what he wanted. Lavi pulled his cock from his pants and let it slowly glide against Allen's hole. Allen closed his eyes, and instantly, and image of: Kanda popped up...?
How do you like this little perverted yaoi fan girl now? She's given you more than last chapter and given you two choices. Laven or Yullen. I will give you guys a little poll? If I like the results then you will get what you asked for, but if I don't like them or there aren't enough for me to decide then I will go ahead and go on with my little evil scheme. Should Allen and Lavi stay together, and risk being taken by Kanda? Answer me this all you Laven fan girls and guys. But that of you Yullen fans you Allen just end it with Lavi and try his luck in a new place with Kanda? It's up to you, or is it? Leave a comment, hell VOTE or even fan me! I love reviews and if I get the number I want by a certain amount of time then instead of making all of you lovelies wit as long as I normally make you wait, I will make an extra effort and go the extra mile to update as soon as possible~ I hope you enjoyed by sweets, for now B-B-B-B BYE!