A/N: What's this… an update? Wow! I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 4

Dave is pretty excited about going to his house, but he's not comfortable with the idea of calling it his home yet. It'll be a relief to be away from the constant murmur of the nurses, patients and doctors; besides, the house might spark a memory or two. He knows Kurt has the same hope when the latter tells him not to be too disappointed if he doesn't suddenly remember anything. Still, his disappointment is mirrored in Kurt's face when he doesn't even vaguely recognize their house. The tour through their house is just as much of a disappointment as the first time he saw the house. Kurt tries to reason that the reason his house doesn't feel like his home might be because Kurt's the one who made most of the decorating choices.

It's not that he hates the house – in fact he thinks it looks amazing – but it just doesn't feel like his home. When they've toured the entire house, Kurt hesitates in front of one door. Dave thinks it leads to the basement, but he's not sure.

"This room, it's yours. I didn't have any say in decorating it. It's your study/library," Kurt says and Dave understands why he hesitated.

Kurt pushes the door open and lets Dave go in first. He doesn't have to search for the light switch; something tells him it's just around the corner. It must be routine for him, he thinks. Like with the rest of the house, there is no spark of recognition as Dave hobbles down the stairs on his crutches. Then, he enters the main part of the basement and something clicks. It's not a memory; it's a feeling. This is home. The walls are lined with bookcases filled with books. The bookcases are apparently not enough for the number of volumes he owns, Dave notes, as he sees several piles of books on the floor, on desks, everywhere, really. The carpet is a dark red and he bets it would feel awesome under his naked feet. There's a big overstuffed chair in one corner with a lamp next to it. Dave imagines that that's where he does most of his reading. There are two desks, one is filled with books, papers and a typewriter, the other is home to a laptop that Dave concludes must be his. Even though Dave can't remember spending any time here, it's not at all hard to imagine it.

Kurt is a bit hesitant as he speaks up. "What do you think?" The question he really wants to ask goes unspoken but it's still very clear. Do you remember?

"It feels like home," Dave answers honestly. "I don't remember this place, but it feels right."

"Oh," The disappointment is clear in Kurt's voice. "Well, I'm glad it feels right. You spent a lot of time down here."

Dave has to swallow away the tears that nearly threaten to fall. He hates disappointing Kurt so much. He looks around the room, hoping that something will spark a memory. There has to be something. It doesn't even have to be big or anything, just something to show Kurt that he's not completely defective. His eye lands on a picture on one of the desks. It's him and Kurt dressed up all fancy in suits looking at each other lovingly. He goes to pick up the picture and looks at it a bit longer. It's like there's something in his head that's trying to get out. He tries to focus on that feeling, hoping it's a memory, but he comes up empty.

"Was this taken at our wedding?" he asks Kurt.

"Yeah." Kurt walks up next to him and looks at the picture as well. "You told me you keep it on your desk because the way I smile inspires you."

Dave can't argue with that. There is something about the look on Kurt's face, so full of love, happiness, and affection that makes him go weak in the knees when he remembers that Kurt's looking that way because of him.

"Are you happy?"

"I just married the man of my dreams, how could I not be happy?"

"David? Are you okay?" Kurt sounds concerned.

"I... I think I just remembered something," Dave says. He tries to make his mind go back but he can't.

"Really?" Kurt's eyes grow twice their normal size. "What?"

"It's not much. You were asking me if I was happy." Dave tries to replay the memory, but there isn't much more. It's all blurry, their voices the only thing that got through the mist. "And I said that I just married the man of my dreams."

"Oh, David!" Kurt hugs him tightly. "That's amazing!"

"It's not much. I don't really remember anything other than our voices."

"That doesn't matter; it's something," Kurt says. "It's a start."

When Dave and Kurt head to bed that night, Dave in the master bedroom, while Kurt stays in the guest room that's now empty since his father had to head back to Lima, they're both hopeful.

Breakfast is pretty awkward. Kurt had automatically leaned in to kiss Dave good morning and only just barely managed to stop himself. "Eh... sleep well?" he asks.

"Yeah. You?" Dave can't manage a more eloquent response. He's still pretty shocked by what just happened. He's not alarmed that Kurt nearly kissed him; it's the fact that it came so natural to Kurt to kiss him. It makes it so clear, once again, to Dave that Kurt has been in this relationship so much longer than he has.

"So, I need to make a lesson plan for next week, but I don't really have anything else to do this weekend," Kurt says as he pours himself some coffee. "Is there anything you want to do?"

"I don't know. I'm not really mobile right now." Dave pats his cast. "I'm up for anything, really."

Kurt looks like he's thinking really hard while drinking his coffee. Dave takes the time to look him over properly. He's wearing sweatpants and a too big shirt that might actually be Dave's. Dave warms at the thought of Kurt wearing one of his shirts but he's too afraid to ask him directly.

"Wait! The last thing you remember is in 2012, right?" Kurt nearly yells.

"Eh, yeah. Why?" Dave doesn't understand Kurt's excitement.

"Well, one of the things we bonded over was our love for handsome British guys solving crimes and being completely heterosexual." The emphasis on the last word makes it clear for Dave just what Kurt is talking about.

"Are you talking about Sherlock?" he asks, just to be sure.

"We have season 3 on DVD." Kurt smiles. "Would you be interested in finding exactly how Sherlock survived The Fall?"

"Yes!" Dave answers.

"I think this will be a perfect weekend."

The weekend is as close to perfect as you can get. Dave feels so relaxed and at ease cuddling up to Kurt while catching up on his favorite series. Watching TV with Kurt doesn't bring back any memories, but he hadn't expected it to. It does teach him a lot of little things about Kurt. He now knows that Kurt prefers salty popcorn over any other. He knows that Kurt's feet get cold very quickly, and that Kurt can fall asleep very easily when using his chest for a pillow. He knows that Kurt twirls his wedding ring when something emotional happens on the screen and that he hums along to the Doctor Who opening, just like Dave likes to do. The most important thing he now knows is that Kurt is a bit of a nerd, just like him, and he likes that.

It had always worried him that he would never be able to find a guy, especially not someone like Kurt, because he wasn't into fashion and musicals, and it's so refreshing to see that Kurt likes some of the things he likes as well. They order pizza on Saturday night, which is another thing that surprises Dave. He's always thought Kurt only ate healthy shit like salads and stuff. Kurt is happy to correct him and explain that although he enjoys eating healthy, pizza is one of his favorite things to eat.

Dave keeps being surprised by how well he and Kurt fit together. They laugh at the same jokes and cry at the same scenes. They fit together physically as well. Kurt is so comfortable with Dave's arm over his shoulders, and Dave loves how Kurt molds against his side.

When Monday comes around, Kurt doesn't want to leave for work. Dave assures him that he'll be fine; he's going to go through old pictures and look around his office some more. He doesn't need constant supervision. He walks Kurt to the door and Kurt tells him, not for the first time that day, that Dave can call him at any time if he needs him and he'll come home. Dave assures Kurt that he'll be fine; he has the mind of a teenager, not a baby. When Kurt's gone, the house feels so empty.

Dave wishes he didn't have the stupid cast on his leg so he could move more freely around the house. Kurt told him where their picture albums were, but Dave isn't interested in those right now. He is interested in the pictures they have hanging around the house.

There are a lot of picture with him and Kurt together. They seem to be taken all over the world: Paris, London, and Moscow are three places he immediately recognizes. He recognizes most people in the pictures. Blaine is hard to miss, there's that Sebastian who is on the cover of one of his books, of course he recognizes both Burt and his own father, and there are several pictures of them with Finn and Rachel. Unfortunately, none of the pictures trigger anything in him; the only thing he feels is an intense sadness when looking at the picture of his father, knowing he will never see the man again.

Around lunchtime, Dave makes himself a sandwich and takes it downstairs to his office. He eats his lunch in the comfortable chair. Everything feels so right when he's down there, but there still isn't a spark. It's so frustrating. All he remembers is those two little sentences and it isn't nearly enough.

The rest of the week passes much the same. Dave goes through old pictures and notes in his study, hoping to remember something and always comes up empty.

On Friday evening, he can't stand not knowing anything anymore and he decides to ask some of the most pressing questions, no matter how embarrassing.

"I wondered if you're up for answering some questions I had," Dave asks.

"Sure, anytime," Kurt answers.

"I understand if you don't want to answer, but I had some questions about..." Dave nearly whispers the next words. "My sex life."

"Oh." Kurt sits up a bit straighter at that. "Okay, ask away."

"I just... God, this is hard." Dave sighs.

Kurt snorts. "Sorry, I didn't... ignore me."

Dave blushes as he notices what he's just said. "I just want to know if you're the only guy I've ever... you know..."

"Yes. I'm the only guy you've had sex with," Kurt answers.

Dave is relieved. "So... how old was I when I lost my virginity?"

"Twenty. We'd been dating for a few weeks. We'd talked about it a lot, and we were both ready."

"Okay." Dave's trying to keep his breathing under control and not freak out completely. "Thanks for answering."

"Of course, I can't imagine what it must be like not to know these things. If there's anything I can do to make it even slightly better for you, I'll do it. Even if it means answering questions like these."

"So, this is as awkward for you as it is for me?"

"Definitely." Kurt laughs. "I keep remembering that in your mind you're only 18 and I feel like such a pervert for talking about those things."

"There is one other thing I wanted to talk to you about," Dave says.


"Eh... I found these folders in the bedroom on funeral homes." Dave carefully chooses his words. "Were you planning my funeral?"

The atmosphere in the kitchen shifts from awkward to horribly depressing in a second. Kurt's shoulders drop and he lets out a heavy sigh. When he looks up at Dave, he suddenly seems at least a decade older. Dave regrets asking the question but before he can retract it, Kurt's answering.

"I didn't want to, but I'm not an idiot. I knew that you would probably not leave the hospital alive. I also knew that I wouldn't be able to plan your..." he whispers the next word, "funeral when you were really dead. It was easier to do when it was just a possibility."

"I'm sorry," Dave says.

"It's not your fault," Kurt says as he wipes away the tears from his eyes.

"I brought it up; that's my fault. I'm so sorry I asked."

"No, please don't be. You... God, David, I came so close to losing you." Kurt is no longer just crying, he's full-on sobbing. His shoulders are shaking, and his breathing is uneven.

Dave doesn't have to think about what to do; it's natural, routine even, maybe. He gets off his chair and in no time he's on his knees in front of Kurt. He ignores how uncomfortable the position is with his cast on as he puts his hands gently on Kurt's knees. He looks up at Kurt and tries to sound as comforting as possible. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here right now, with you, and I'm awake, I'm alive, and I'm not going anywhere."

Kurt doesn't answer.

"Kurt, it's all going to be alright. I promise." It's the first time that Dave has to reassure Kurt that everything will be okay. Over the past week, he's heard those words countless times when he told Kurt that he hadn't remembered anything, and now he's telling Kurt.

"I know." Kurt sobs. "I'm so glad you're here. I can't bury you, not now, not ever."

Dave doesn't know how to respond. He can't promise Kurt that he won't die before him; he has no power over that. Luckily; Kurt doesn't expect an answer.

"I love you," Kurt says, finally meeting Dave's eyes. "I love you so much."

"I think I might love you as well," Dave responds. It's too early to say those words with complete certainty; he doesn't know Kurt well enough.

"Oh, God, your leg! It must hurt." Kurt frantically helps Dave up from his kneeling position and tells him to sit on the chair. "Are you in pain?"

"No, I'm fine," Dave assures Kurt. "You look like you need a hug." He opens his arms, and Kurt gladly accepts the invitation. Kurt sits down sideways on Dave's lap and clings to him like Dave's the only thing that's keeping him grounded. Dave wraps Kurt tightly in his arms and lets the man sob into his chest. He whispers comforting words in his ear and rubs gentle circles on his back. The small kitchen chair isn't the most comfortable place, but Dave doesn't have the heart to ask Kurt to move. Dave doesn't know how much time passes before Kurt stops crying, but it's even longer before he finally speaks up.

"I'm sorry; I've cried all over your shirt," Kurt says as he sits upright.

"It's okay. I'll put on a clean one."

"Thank you for... that. I needed a good cry." Kurt wipes the tears away with his sleeve.

"Anytime. I quite like having you on my lap," Dave says.

"Good, because it's one of my favorite places to be." Kurt smiles at Dave and it's like the entire world lights up.

"Kiss me," Dave says before he even has time to process the thought.

Kurt doesn't hesitate. He closes the distance between them and presses his lips to Dave's.

"I now pronounce you married. You may kiss." There's light, a lot of light. They're outside somewhere. There are people around them, but they're all a blur. All Dave sees is Kurt, his husband, standing in front of him. Then they're kissing. The crowd is cheering. He hears someone, Finn, maybe, commenting on how they should get a room, but he couldn't care less. He's kissing his husband for the first time; the world could explode and he wouldn't care; this moment is too perfect.

"David, are you okay?" Kurt's voice breaks through the haze and suddenly Dave's back in the kitchen. "You're all tense, was that too soon?"

Dave takes a moment to clear his mind and process what had just happened. A memory. A wonderful memory. "I remembered," Dave says.

Kurt looks at him with wide eyes. "What did you remember?"

"I remember our first kiss after we got married. Finn, or at least I think it was Finn, told us to get a room."

Kurt's laughing; the sound is one of the most amazing sounds Dave has ever heard. It's so carefree and happy that Dave can't help but laugh along with him.

"This is amazing," Kurt says. "I love you so much."

Dave presses a soft kiss to Kurt's lips and pats his leg. "As wonderful as this moment is, I really want to put on a clean shirt, and I'm getting hungry."

"I'll get started on dinner after I clean up a bit," Kurt says.

"You don't have to; I can cook," Dave responds.

"You've been cooking all week. Let me cook tonight."

They keep the talk over dinner lighthearted. Kurt talks about his class, and Dave is happy to listen. They do the dishes together. Dave washes while Kurt dries.

"So, Christmas is coming up," Kurt starts. "Dad and Carole invited us over, like every year. Do you want to go? It's okay if you don't."

"I want to go," Dave replies instantly.

"Really? You don't have to do this for me. If it's too much, I completely understand."

"I really want to go. Who knows, I might get a few more memories back."

"Yeah, maybe." Kurt sounds hopeful. "I'll call Carole and tell her we're coming."

"We don't have a Christmas tree yet," Dave says. "I know you haven't been feeling very festive lately, but I was thinking that we could go out and buy one, maybe."

"I'd love that," Kurt answers with a smile.