Pairings: Ulumi/Willumi love triangle, Jerlita, and Gwodd. Oh and Willrich, Oddrich bromance and general Odd appreciation all around. Yeah.

Sometimes when Odd's being honest with himself, he wonders if anyone would really care if he disappeared. After all, he's the fifth wheel in the group.

(Yes, he does know that it's third wheel, not fifth wheel, but the latter really fits his circumstance at the current moment.)

Yumi has Ulrich, and Ulrich Yumi, and even if he adds William into the picture, he has to admit that Ulrich has handled the situation remarkably well, and the two guys get along even despite their situation.

Then there's Jeremie and Aelita, both of which are brilliantly talented and have had an instant bond between each other since the very beginning. They've been called Mr and Mrs Einstein from the very start, and everyone can see why. They're always together, it's difficult to separate the pink haired girl from the blond haired genius.

And then there's him. Just him. Sometimes he wonders if he's just a character meant to insert humour into a TV show, then dismisses it all because that's just way too cliched to actually happen to him.

But sometimes, just sometimes, when he's just feeling a little under the weather and starts to think deeper thoughts than what he's usually accustomed to, he feels as if he's replaceable to the team, the odd one out.

Of course, his friends easily pick up on his less than stellar feelings, on particular his best friend and roommate, and his very extremely gorgeous girlfriend does too. So Ulrich sits him down at his own private little tree in the forest where he sits to think, lending his private space to Odd, sitting beside him and just talks to him, giving him the quality time he feels that he hasn't given Odd in quite some time.

After allowing Odd to just talk and share his feelings, Ulrich smiles a bit, nudging Odd with his elbow. "You know something, Odd? You're there for everyone, and everyone will be there for you, too. Aelita, Jer, Yumi, even William. And that's even more so for me. And even if you were replaceable, I wouldn't change you for anyone else in the world."


"Really. You're Odd, one of a kind, and my best friend. Don't doubt yourself." And with that, the soccer player stands up as Gwen walks over, giving her a bro fist before he turns back to Odd. "Catch you later, Odd. Looks like someone else wants a little chat."

And as Gwen sits on the ground and puts her head in her lap to look up at his face, and he plays with her long, brown hair, he decides that maybe, just maybe, he isn't that alone after all.