Hey everyone!

(I still and never will own Fairy Tail)

Wendy and Carla's POV:

As all the girls walked off with their stylists Wendy stood there nervous.

'Will he like me? i wonder if he might have a son? I dont think he would... Well... OH that must be him!' The thoughts quickly bolted through the young girls head but were quickly cut of as she saw a man of his young 20's approaching her. he had red hair with a few blue streaks, and wore a regular t-shirt and jeans.

"Hello, you must be Wendy. My name is Michael and this is my son Keith, he will be helping me today. Wendy nodded her head and smiled before following him into a room.

Now for the boys POV~

Natsu's POV:

As all the boys walked into their rooms to meet their stylists, Natsu just KNEW that some will flirt non-stop with their stylist. Natsu was smirking at his friends when walked into his designated room. He looked around the room cautiously, it was a lounge by the looks of it, with two doors off to the side. The far walls were fully made of glass, so he could see the city below. As he scanned the room for his stylist, he noticed a girl sitting on one of the couches as she looked onto her laptop. He cleared his throat and the girl looked up with a start.

"Your my stylist right? Helen?" the pink haired boy asked and the girl nodded and stood up. Helen had raven black hair that went to her shoulders, brown eyes, and had a face that looked so innocent. She was wearing a green t-shirt with skinny jeans and flats.

"Your my client right? Natsu?" Helen replied with a smirk on her face. Natsu smiled his toothy grin and knew he would be good friends with this girl.

"So are you a mage?" that was the next thing he asked and the girl smiled.

"Thats for me to know and you to find out. Now if you follow me we can get started." Helen took Natsu's scarf and dragged him to one of the two doors. When she opened a door it lead to a closet full of clothes fit for Natsu.

"Woooooa! Its HUGE!" Natsu said excitedly as he started running all over the place, the closet must have been the size of Lucy's apartment.

"Thats what she said" Helen mumbled under her breath. Natsu's head shot up. Maybe this girl wasn't so innocent.

Gray's POV:

As the ice Mage was directed to a blue door he stopped in front of the door and double checked if he still had his clothes on. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his stylist. As he walked into the room he looked for the girl called Nicole.

"Umm... Hello?" he called out. No reply. As the mage slowly walked into the room he froze. He heard someone... Humming? Gray saw a door leading to another room and as he entered it he saw a girl sitting on the other side of the room, looking out the window as she played the guitar. "Uh... Excuse me.. Nicole?" no response. Gray wondered why the girl couldn't hear him and noticed the blue and white headphones covering her ears. As the girl hummed and strummed her guitar, Gray leaned against the door frame and observed the girl. She had black hair similar to his that reached the middle of her back; she had a dark pair of skinny jeans on with black-knee high boots with a blue and brown plaid shirt with a navy blue tank-top inside. She also had glasses on her face along with blue heart shaped earrings dangling from her ears.

"Music make- screech" he heard the girl whispered. Gray felt something appear behind him but before he could turn around he heard the deafening sound of a guitar being strummed on a piercing note. As the ice mage collapsed on the ground, covering his ears he saw the girl put her guitar down.

"Who's there?" She whispered.

"G-gray Fullbuster" he replied. The girl whipped her earphones off so that they were hanging on her neck and rushed towards the boy.

"Omigosh! I am SOOOO sorry! I thought you're one of those capital creeps!" she said as she helped the mage up.

"Oi oi oi, its alright!" Gray mumbled. After they were sitting across from each other on the comfortable couches with pepsi the girl introduced themselves.

"Well I'm Nicole C. and I'm a music mage" Nicole started. Grays eyes widened.

"Your a mage?" the girl nodded. "Umm what's a music magic?" Nicole smiled and explained.

"Well I absolutely LOVE music so my boyrfri- I mean.. Uhh my friend Jonny helped me create my own magic! I can do basically anything and everything with music! And you can call me Nicky! Tons of people do!" Nicole said cheerfully.

"Okayy then.. So hi Nicky, I'm Gray... Gray Fullbuster and I'm an ice make mage" sticking out his hand the girl cheerfully shook his hand.

"Nice to meet ya. Okay down to business" Nicky clapped her hands together to get the ice mages' attention "The parade is tonight and I got to get you in some costume. Stand up quickly for a sec?" When Gray stood up, the girl started circling him. Gray stood still, his breathing hitched in his throat. It felt as if the music mage was trying to memorize every detail of his body.

"Oi you done yet?" he impatiently questioned.

"Mmm one sec, wait here" walking into a door to their left. A minute later she emerged from the door with an outfit. "Go in there and try on this outfit" gesturing to a door to the right of the closet. Nodding Gray silently walked to the changeroom.

yo... so idk if y'all like my fanfic or not :P sorry for not updating! please review! im too lazy to do everyone meeting their stylist sowwi :P
