My Dog, Sesshomaru

Author: Shortey 83

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do NOT own InuYasha or any of its characters.

Summary: What happens when Sesshomaru is cast into the future after being taught a lesson by a human witch? He's turned into a mortal puppy that's what. Can the human girl who adopts him change his cruel demeanor and what's with her strange powers?

Story Start:

"You little bastard!" the human yelled as he snatched his hand back out of the cage, a nice little bite wound between his thumb and index finger. "I don't think you want that one, dear." A woman standing by the cage whispered to her daughter before the pair quickly left the shop. "I hope someone buys you for eats." The man growled, as he locked the cage back and stomped away to nurse his wound.

Sesshomaru snorted, disgusted at both the human whom he had bitten and his current situation. How he had wound up in such a strange village of stone, metal, and glass and positively swarming with humans he was unsure, but he knew who was responsible. Damn that human wretch! He thought as he moved to the back of the cage he was being contained in. How dare she put this Sesshomaru into such a state?

Sitting back on his haunches, he moved to scratch his side: the dirt and flees irritating his small body. With some spell, the human witch had turned him into a puppy, and not just any puppy, but a mortal one. Now he was stuck in a foreign place filled with humans, in a foreign body that was extremely fragile, and surrounded by mere mongrels. Twelve pairs of other puppy eyes watched him, attempted to play with him, but he would have none of it. A demon lord of his stature did not play… with anything nor anyone.

He moved to scratch his other side as the door opened again, ringing the bell that hung above it. "Anyone home?" someone questioned, a woman Sesshomaru noticed. A woman with a heavenly scent in the trash heap humans dared to call a shop. Her fresh, sweet scent and the soothing aura about her had peaked Sesshomaru's curiosity.

For five days he had sat back and watched many other humans watch him, appraising him as if he were a side of meat or a common plaything, but not one of them had had such an effect on him. He inhaled deeply again taking in this one's clean smell mixed with some floral scent, a rose he decided. Her aura was soothing, calm, and gentle, everything his demon aura was not, well perhaps it was calm, but it wasn't gentle. "A savior has been sent to us!" the man whom had just been bitten yelled as he hurried to greet this new woman. Curious, Sesshomaru approached the cage door and watched as the wounded shop keeper greeted the woman.

Chiyoko absolutely loved to visit Jun and his father Jin. They ran a small pet shop in the store below their apartment and it had been her personal playground. She loved working and playing with the animals they kept, many of them getting adopted into good homes thanks to her spreading the word about the shop around to her friends, but now she had decided to take on the responsibility of bringing one home herself. A dog that would be her own and not her uncle's that she kept while he traveled the world. The problem was deciding which one of all the animals to adopt as hers. A puppy or dog? Male or female? She had yet to choose, deciding to go with her instincts and choose that way

"'A savior' you say?" she asked, hugging Jun before heading over to the front counter to give his father a hug. "Yeah, Jun's been having a problem with one of the new arrivals. Found him on the street." Jin said, as he pointed to first his son and then a cage at the other side of the store. "Problem is an understatement." Jun announced as he walked to a back shelf and grabbed a thick glove he usually reserved for handling snakes, and Chiyoko noticed his hand wrapped in a bandage. "What happened?" she asked taking his hand in hers, turning it over to inspect it. "The little shit bit me." He said "It wouldn't be so bad except he's the one everyone wants to look at. He's bitten me three times already this morning." Chiyoko sighed.

Typically once someone was bitten, they didn't go back for more, but apparently Jun was a glutton for punishment. "Let me see him." She said; following him over to a cage filled with puppies. "The white one" He said pointing to one that was sitting at the cage door, growling at the others as they jumped on top of him, begging for her attention.

"It's like he's waiting." Jun said as he eyed the puppy warily. "Waiting to pounce and rip my hand off." Chiyoko rolled her eyes as he slowly, carefully opened the cage before quickly grabbing the growling puppy by the scruff of his neck holding him as far away from his body as he could.

"Don't hold him like that!" she scolded him before quickly removing the growling ball of fur from his grasp, holding him to her chest and rubbing behind his ears. "It doesn't hurt him, Chiyoko." Jun argued. Almost immediately his growling stopped and the pup relaxed into her hands, leaning his head into her hand. "See? You have to love them and hold them." She said as Jun starred at her in disbelief. "Can I keep him?" she asked, giving the best puppy eyes she could muster to the shop owner's son. "Can you please keep him?" he asked in response and Chiyoko smiled brightly before leaving the store with her new dog in tow.

Sesshomaru had been unable to move away from the door quick enough. He knew when the man had come armed with a thick glove that he was once again the target, but the other wriggling dogs had blocked his escape to the back of the cage. He felt the man grasp the scruff of his neck and pull him out of the cage, but he couldn't do anything more than growl. His body forced to remain immobile by the hold the human had on his neck like a pup in its mother's jaws.

"Don't hold him like that!" the woman yelled, and he felt himself being pulled from the man's hand and nestled against the girl's chest, Chiyoko the man had called her. Then her hand was rubbing behind his ears where he hadn't been able to scratch, and he practically melted in her arms. Never had it felt this good to be touched by another, and this human was dangerously close to scratching the spot that made his leg shake.

The next thing he knew, the bell of the shop door rang before a cold winter breeze met his nose. Strong, heavy smells assaulted his sensitive nose as noisy metal machines raced up and down flat stone streets. The many humans made him uncomfortable, but within only a few minutes, the human had carried him into one of the metal machines that had been at a stand still waiting and somehow brought the thing to life once she had set him down in her lap. Then he could feel the creature move forward, and Sesshomaru watched through a window as the strange buildings flew by, becoming less and less as they moved from the village.

He lifted his front paws onto a small ledge on the door and peered out the window at what were now trees, passing as if he were running with his demonic speed. Strange a human can travel so swiftly he thought as the metal contraption began to slow before turning down a smaller path and through a gate that opened of its own accord.

As decent sized building came into view the contraption they were riding in pulled into some sort of cave at the side of the house. While the house was small compared to his vast castle, it was much larger than many of the houses of his lands, with the exception of high ranking officials. After removing some sort of restraint from her shoulder, Chiyoko picked him up and headed towards a door inside the cave. They passed through a room that was stocked with food before entering another that had stone counters lining every wall and a few metal boxes placed here and there and some sort of basin that she set him down in.

"Let's get you cleaned up." She said as she turned a knob that sent water pouring from a spout into the adjoining basin, filling it with water. "You've got to be itching." She said before bending down out of sight. Standing on his short hind legs, Sesshomaru placed his paws on the ledge of the basin and peered over the edge to see her sifting through a cabinet underneath the basin before she pulled out a strange looking bottle filled with a thick liquid and set it on the counter.

She then grabbed some sort of hose from the side of the spout and placed it over his back, surprising him a bit when his back began to get wet. This human has strange devices he thought, deciding it was best if he held still since the water was rinsing away a lot of the dirt that had been caked in his fur.

Once a good bit of the debris (and flees he admitted) had been rinsed off, she picked him up and set him in the other basin, pouring some of the thick liquid from the back of his head to the base of his tail, and gods was this human astounding! She then began to scrub him clean, her hands ridding him of the itching that had been plaguing him for the past week or so, and he could have melted at the sensation of being cleaned and pampered.

She lifted him onto his hind legs and cleaned his round puppy stomach, and every inch of his squat little body from head to tail, cleaning his face and ears with a wet cloth before she drained the water in the basin. She then took the strange hose and began rinsing the remaining liquid, soap he had decided it was (though how this human had obtained a liquid soap was beyond him), from him, leaving his coat a brilliant white.

How wonderful it was to be clean again!

Chiyoko then reached into another cabinet and pulled out a drying cloth, picking him up in it to dry his fur only to brush it out to its smooth, silky texture afterwards. "That's got to feel so much better." She said, picking him up and scratching behind his ears. Oh does it Sesshomaru agreed, as he realized that he was putty in this mere humans hands, and he didn't like it one bit.

At least, that's what he told himself.

Chiyoko couldn't imagine why Jun had had such a difficult time with this one puppy. He hadn't growled at her once or made the attempt to bite her. He had sat still on her ride home and seemingly enjoyed his bath, but then who wouldn't sit still for a bath after all of that dirt that had been caked into his fur? Now he was clean and she could easily see why a lot of people had wanted him.

He was absolutely gorgeous.

His fur was a pure white from head to toe, and its texture was so soft it felt like fine silk against her fingers. His muzzle was long and narrow and his ears hung down in a way that made him look rather noble while adorable at the same time, but it was his eyes that were amazing. Their brilliant amber color could have easily rivaled the finest topaz stones, and they were so intelligent.

"You're not evil, are you?" she asked, pulling his head closer to give him a little kiss on the head. "Of course not" she answered her own question as she headed over to her ringing phone. "Hello?" she answered. "Hey, Chiyoko. How've you been?" It was Kagome, a girl she had been friends with ever since elementary school up until Chiyoko had skipped a couple of grades into high school. She had lost contact with her since her health seemed to be going downhill rapidly and it worried Chiyoko so a good phone call was always welcome. "How have I been isn't the question. How have you been, Kagome?" a small growl sounded from the puppy in her arms, but that was all. "I've been doing a lot better. It was just the flu this time, and I was wondering if you'd like to go shopping with me and the girls. It's been a while since we've hung out together."

A girls day out sounded good to her so she agreed, deciding to call up Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi herself to set a date and time since school was out for them. Chiyoko on the other hand had already graduated at the top of her class and was currently in the process of deciding what she wanted to do with her life. "I'll call you in a little while to let you know when we decide on, okay?" she told Kagome. "Alright I'll-"Kagome began only to be interrupted by someone, a guy it sounded like yelling at her. "Come on Kagome. We've got a problem. We found Sesshomaru's armor and swords, but no Sesshomaru. The bastard probably got himself killed." Chiyoko's brows pulled together as Kagome yelled back. "InuYasha sit boy! Gosh do you have to be so loud while I'm on the phone!" "Who's InuYasha?" she asked and Sesshomaru started growling again, but more determined this time. "Oh no one, I'll talk to you tomorrow." She said before she hung up the phone.

"Uh- Bye" Chiyoko said as she hung up the phone and looked at the little puppy in her arms, still growling and turned him to face her, holding him under his front legs. "What's a Sesshomaru?" she asked him and his growling stopped as he cocked his little head to the side. That was weird she thought. "Are you a Sesshomaru?" she asked him and he cocked his head the other way. "You are?" she asked once more and his little tail wagged slightly. "Sesshomaru it is then."

She said holding him to her once more as the clack of nails on tile approached steadily. Her uncle's two dogs, Anubis and Sheba were her current companions, but once her uncle decided he wanted to settle back in Japan for a little while, they would go to live with him again. Hopefully that would be soon because Anubis, a large black German Sheppard Dog, was getting a bit too territorial over her house and Sheba. Sheba was just German Sheppard Dog as well, but she was more of a tan color than she was black and about a year or so older than Anubis. They both had been gifts to her uncle Sheba from one of his friends in England, and Anubis from a German friend.

Just as she had expected, Anubis wasn't too thrilled to see Sesshomaru. "Go lay down." She told him when he began eyeing the puppy like he was something to eat. If he hadn't been so well trained, Chiyoko would have had second thoughts about bringing Sesshomaru home, but so long as she kept an eye on him everything should run smoothly. Glancing at the clock, Chiyoko decided to go and get her own bath before making dinner since she would have to put the dogs up in order to keep them away from Sesshomaru. For now, she'd have to keep him in her room with the door shut.

"Now it's my bath time." She said, shutting the door on the ever nosey Anubis before he could enter. "He won't bother you now." Then she set him down, watching as he walked a little unstable from being in the wire cage. His little puppy waddle was absolutely adorable, she thought, as she watched him inspect every corner of her room before heading into the master bath and turning the shower on, unaware of the eyes that watched her

Sesshomaru listened as the sound of running water reached his ears and headed into the bathing chambers. As a demon lord, he had had his fair share of women, but never had a human woman barred herself before him. He was a demon after all and humans were terrified that he would snatch their women away and devour them. He had never bedded a human before and yet, he felt he would enjoy devouring this small human woman, but in a much different way.

He watched with carefully appraising eyes as she removed the top, black garment she wore that only served to cover her chest and midsection, leaving her arms and shoulders exposed except for where it was tied behind her neck. Next to go where the strange looking hakama she wore that molded to her shapely legs and behind, then went the garment that concealed her breasts. She reached around and unhooked the clasps there, dropping it onto the pile of her clothes before grabbing the hem of the small piece of cloth that covered her rear and female parts, pulling it down and stepping out of it while giving him an uninterrupted view of her sex.

It was then Sesshomaru realized that he had no shame. He was a male after all, and what male could resist the tempting show of a lovely female stripping herself before him and not lick his chops? Not him, he realized as she stood up straight and reached into a nearby cabinet and pulled out a cloth and a large towel and hung it on a hook outside the area where warm water was pouring down from.

She was a lovely female human, he admitted, though strangely beautiful. Her hair was neither black nor brown he saw humans with, but instead it looked as though it had been spun from gold into silk. It cascaded in light waves down to the small of her back, contrasting beautifully with the creamy paleness of her skin. Then there were her eyes, not the usual dark colors of humans, but a clear blue that could rival the sea in their purity. Never had he seen such beautiful eyes, even on a demoness. Had he been in his own body, the sight of hers would have sent the blood rushing to his loins. He admired the large swell of her breasts, the flat plane of her abdomen, her wonderfully rounded ass, and delicious looking thighs. Her hands as well as her feet were small, perfectly proportioned with the rest of her, well not including her breasts. Even he would have trouble containing one in his own large hand.

He continued to watch as she stepped into the water, and washed first her golden hair before the rest of her body, and he thought how much he would enjoy washing her himself. He had to pause with that thought. He sat watching a human bathe, stuck in the form of a mortal pup and rather than trying to figure out a way to return to his demon form, he was dreaming about bathing a human before he ravaged her?

No he decided, turning to walk out of the bathing chambers only to glance back at the girl once more, there will be time for that later.

He paused at the door to the bathing chambers meeting the gaze of the large, black dog the resembled a wolf. He had felt the intense desire to dominate and possibly kill before Chiyoko had sent him away. Sesshomaru did not fear for his life however, he simply felt anger and frustration at the damn witch how had put him at the mercy of this mortal beast. Of course, Sesshomaru being tactful decided to battle it out with the mutt in the best way… with the woman.

Mustering up his pride, he did what he'd never done before, even when he had his arm sliced off by his younger half-brother, yelped and ran back towards the woman. She jumped out of the water's spray and grabbed him up glaring daggers at the other dog. "Did you?" she asked, her voice as low and threatening as she could get it, but that was all it took. That one simple question/scolding had the other dog tucking his tail and slinking out of the room. It was then Sesshomaru decided he would find a way to repay the mutt for wounding his pride, but first he would have to grow a little…