So I pretty much HATE this beginning chapter, so that's why it's so freaking short. But 2 people have asked me to write a story about Nasuada and Murtagh getting back together. So this is the beginning of a story that I promise you will sound MUCH better.

Nasuada sat on her throne and bit her lip to keep back an exasperated sigh. King Orrin watched her from across the room with the look she'd learned to fear. Three times she'd turned down his proposals, and she really didn't know how many more times she could turn him down before she would finally take his offer just to make him shut his blue-blooded mouth.

Or she could marry one of the other men pining for her attention, after all the Church of Surda didn't believe in divorce, or widows remarrying.

The latest one had just finished his promise of love, which of course had fallen on deaf ears, just the same as the others. His cheeks were ruddy and red and his gut stuck out over his belt.

"I'm sorry Lord..." she let it hang.

"Redfern, your ladyship." Well, how fitting.

"Lord Redfern. I'm sorry to tell you this, but I am not accepting any marriage proposals. Alagaesia will remain a queendom."

His beady little eyes narrowed angrily and his cheeks deepened in color. "I apologize, your highness, but why do you choose to leave your kingdom so weak, without a blooded heir?"

Nasuada glared down at the man furiously. "You are not forgiven. Now begone."

As the flustered and terrified man escaped out of the throne room she caught the humored grin on Orrin's face.

So, I'll probably keep going, and trust me, it will get MUCH better. But I'd love some reviews...

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Circe King