A/N: I don't own anything. The characters are J.K. Rowling's. The title and each chapter title belong to Paramore. Completed for Gamma Orionis's Album to Story Challenge.

"So... he really isn't coming back?"

"Would you? Neville, I watched him apparate away from the wedding. I haven't seen him since. I don't even know if he's safe. But he's 'Undesirable Number One' and it's safer at Hogwarts for a Muggle-born than for him. You know that." Ginny looked more disgusted at having to call Harry Undesirable Number One than she would have if being asked to kiss Snape.

Neville leaned back a little into the armchair by the fire in the Gryffindor common room. "Yes, Ginny, I do know that. But all we know is falling apart here. School isn't the same. And I know it isn't true but it just seems like Harry ran away when we needed him the most."

Ginny looked at him understandingly. "I'm at a loss of what to do, too, Neville. There was a first-year Gryffindor in my Defense Agai- I mean... Dark Arts class today. I was supposed to Crucio her, and she looked so scared. I couldn't do it." Ginny sunk back into her chair, pulling her legs up and curling them underneath her. She looked scared, worn out, definitely not the girl he was used to seeing. Neville wasn't sure she had the energy for a Bat Bogey hex, not even if she really wanted to. They sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the comforting company of a five-year friendship. Neville didn't pressure her to speak. Memories from the Dark Arts class were enough to get anyone- even Ginny Weasley- unsettled. She eventually spoke again, "I guess if Harry were here, he not only wouldn't have done it, he probably would've said something incredibly rude to Carrow about it, landed himself a month of detentions."

It was a good point. Neville withdrew a bit from the conversation and began thinking. If Harry were here, things would be changing. Slowly maybe, but they would be changing. His roommate would fight for truth and justice and a future he believed in, he would fight regardless of consequence. It seemed now that everything Harry had been fighting for, especially since fourth year, had been a losing battle; it was over and there was nothing they could do about it. That can't have been what Harry would have wanted; it wasn't even what Neville wanted! They could give up, settle in to a life where the Death Eaters had already won. That would be the easy thing to do. But it's not what Harry would do. It's not what Neville's parents would have done. So maybe it wasn't what he should be doing either.

"Maybe, then, Ginny, it's time we start serving detentions." He fingered the coin he still kept in his pocket, hoping Hermione's spell hadn't worn off in the two years since its use.