Five 0 was out celebrating a huge victory. They had taken out an up and coming cartel that was responsible for the distribution of heroin onto the island and today they had arrested the leader, Omar Quintana as well as three of his top level assistants.
The team shared beers and laughs until almost one in the morning unaware that they were being watched and hunted...
Steve and Danny were planning a day of hiking tomorrow while Chin and Kono were going to hit the waves.
"Steve, let's take a rain check on tomorrow man. I'm too tired to hike"
"Tired! Danno, you're getting soft brother. Come on a hike will do us both good. It's supposed to be a beautiful day!"
"Dear God Steven, where do get all this pent up energy"
"You love it babe, your life would be boring without me!"
"No my friend, my life would be calm and sane without you"
"Calm...sane...and boring! Now let's get you home so you're ready to go bright and early"
"How bright and early may I ask Steven?"
"I figure I'll pick you up at six"
"Six! It's almost one now!"
"Fine then just stay at my place, I'll have the coffee on at five!"
"Chin...Kono my dear, help me here please..."
Kono laughed leaning in to hug Danny, "Sorry bro...he's your partner"
"But we can change that can't we?"
Steve laughed, "We can talk about that Monday if you still want to"
Danny grinned, "Oh you laugh partner, you just laugh...I'll be at your desk at seven Monday morning to discuss it"
The four friends then made their way to the parking lot with Kono and Chin heading out together and Steve jumping behind the wheel of Danny's Camero.
Danny chided him, "Enjoy driving MY car buddy, 'cause once we're no longer partners…. you're out!"
As Steve was rounding the winding road leading to his home the truck behind them made its move.
"What's this?"
"I don't know Danno, hang on"
The truck pulled up on the passenger side of the Camero on the narrow two lane road and rammed the car.
"Whoa Steve, slow down man!"
Steve was trying to outrun the truck, "Danny stop, just hang on"
The truck forcefully rammed the back quarter panel and Steve lost control as the car spun several times before being rammed again causing it to careen over the edge of the embankment. It rolled end over end coming to rest on its roof, thirty feet below in a wooded ravine.
The truck stopped and the two thugs jumped out looking over the edge of the embankment. They saw the car below crushed and smoking and they began their way down the steep embankment to make sure their job was complete.
Steve never lost consciousness, pulling his arms over his head as the car rolled and rolled. His eyes stayed on his partner and he watched in horror as Danny's seat belt broke away and he was hurtled head first through the windshield of the Camero.
As the car came to a stop on its roof, Steve struggled to free himself from his restraints. It took a couple of minutes but soon he was pulling himself through the broken window of the driver's door. He lay on his back trying to assess his injuries. His head was bleeding and he felt the blood running down his face. His chest hurt, every breath bringing a searing pain to his lungs. He pulled himself to sitting position. He knew his left wrist was broken as well. He looked through the smoke filled air and spotted the two attackers beginning to make their way down the embankment. He had to find Danny get the hell out of there!
Grabbing onto the open car door he pulled himself to his feet staggering as the pain ripped through his body. He spotted Danny about twenty feet away, sprawled spread eagle on the ground, unconscious. He moved as fast as his broken body would allow and in moments he was kneeling at Danny's side trying to rouse him.
Danny had a severe gash on his forehead along with many small cuts from the shattered glass.
"Danno...babe you me hh...hhhere...pppartner"
Steve patted Danny's cheeks, "DDANNO...DANNO...come on...mmman"
Danny moaned loudly and his eyes fluttered open, "OHHHHHH GOD..."
"Danny, they'reee...comm..mming towards...uus...we've got ttoo move"
"Okkay...llet's ggoo"
Danny moaned loudly as Steve pulled him to his feet, "SSTEEVE...mmy leg"
"I got you bbuddy..." Steve draped Danny's arm across his shoulder and put his right arm around his waist as he started moving in the direction of his house.
Steve looked back seeing the men were about half way down the embankment.
"Danno, mmy left bbroken...hang on tight"
As Danny's grip tightened around his shoulder Steve pulled his cell phone out and hit Chin's speed dial.