I do not own Naruto or Transformers, so please don't sue me!

Sasuke Uchiha stared down at his rival, the dead last of the Academy, hated child of the village, Naruto Uzumaki. A few moments' ago, he and Naruto had clashed against each other with both their strongest jutsu, the Rasengan and the Chidori. Sasuke felt another throbbing in his shoulder as a chakra signature came closer. Sasuke jumped away from Naruto, figuring that it was a Konoha Shinobi approaching. What he didn't know, was that something strange was going to happen…

(500,000,000,000 miles away from the planet, on a planet similar to the shinobi planet.)

"You sure this will work Ratchet?" Ask Ironhide as he watched Ratchet and a young Major named Ethan Cantor, head of NEST Air Division and the NEST Technology Division, make final preparations to activate the space bridge. The two had been working on it since Ethan arrived on the base, and where prepared to do their first test.

"Ethan and I are 98% sure that the bridge will work," Replied Ratchet as he typed into a computer.

"The worst that could happen is that the bridge starts sucking up objects on the planet." Ethan told him as he surveyed some of the beams in the tunnel.

Ironhide grumbled "What's that expression you humans use?"

"Knock on wood?" Asked Major William Lennox, head of NEST Ground Forces, as he stepped into the hanger with the tunnel in it.

Ironhide snapped his digits and replied "That's it! Better start knocking on wood you two."

"Shut up Ironhide" Ratchet told him, going over to the tunnel to check the wires. Ironhide closed his mouth, fearing Ratchet's wrenches.

"Alright, when Prime gets here, we can start this and see if it works" Ethan said, rubbing his hands together as he took a seat at the main control console.

"There is no need to wait Ethan, I'm here." Replied the Autobot Leader, Optimus Prime, as he stepped into the room.

"Alright, shut the door Ironhide." Ratchet told him as he went to stand by the console.

"Slagger" Ironhide muttered as he moved to shut the door.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing! Nothing."

"That's what I thought," Ratchet smirked.

"Permission to start, sir?" Ethan asked Prime.

"Granted" Prime smiled.

Ethan pulled down a lever on the control panel. The group of humans and Transformers watched as a purple light began to build in the tunnel, before it opened up a portal to the other world. They stared at the planet, listening to the sounds of a waterfall, rain, and birds. Grass, trees, and a grey sky where visible. In front of them was a boy of about twelve or thirteen, and he seemed to be injured badly. Ratchet frowned, "What the? Ethan, is the bridge stable enough for me to go through?"

"You're clear Ratche- What the hell?" Ethan questioned as warning lights went off on the panel.

The bridge started sucking in things in, the 2% chance becoming true. "Frag it, turn it off Ethan, turn the fragging thing off!" Ironhide yelled as rocks, bushes, and leaves started pelting the group.

Ethan threw the lever down. The bridge shut off, but not before the young child was sucked through the bridge. Ethan dove out of his chair, catching the child and cushioning the child's landing. "Phew," Ethan sighed as he and the teenager slide to a stop.

The group gathered around the large man as he held the poor child in his arms. "Get him to the medical ward… now," Ordered Prime.

Ratchet transformed, Opening his back doors. Ethan placed the boy on the stretcher inside the Cybertronian. Ratchet roared out of the hanger as soon as the doors were opened enough.

(Back on Naruto's planet…)

Kakashi flew through the trees as he searched for two of his students. He arrived at the border of the Sound and The Land of Fire, the Valley of the End. He jumped down into the Valley, and looked around.

Carnage laid everywhere. A huge amount of the grass, rocks, and walls had been destroyed. Blood lay on the ground in front of him. But there was no sign of Naruto or Sasuke. He looked down at Pakkun, his dog summon, who had a greater nose than any other dog in Konoha. Pakkun looked up at him and told him, "Sasuke's scent heads off towards the Sound… But Naruto's scent… Is gone."

Kakashi dropped to his knees, looking up at the raining sky. "I'm too late… Sensei, I failed you."

Kakashi remained there for several minutes, before Pakkun nosed his arm, "Come on Kakashi, you have to report to Tsunade-sama."

"Your right Pakkun," replied Kakashi as he stood up.

"See ya," Pakkun, disappearing with a puff of smoke. Kakashi jumped away, heading back towards Konoha.

(Back on Earth)

Naruto's thought where hazy as he began to wake up. He felt like he couldn't move any parts of his body. He faintly heard voices discussing his condition. "Dang, those injuries are going away fast," one remarked. His voice was deep, and had a rich tone to it.

"It's quite remarkable," replied the other voice. This voice wasn't as deep as the other voice. Curious, Naruto opened his eyes.

He was in a white room, hooked up to a couple of machines. Machinery hummed around him, probably keeping him alive. He looked over to his right, and found what looked like slim little pieces of metal with wires coming out of them. "Oi, he's awake Ratchet."

"Ratchet? What kind of name is 'Ratchet'?" Thought Naruto as a face appeared in his vision. The face had a huge scar running down its side, result of a huge cut from a sword, probably.

"How you doing kiddo?" Asked the face. He was the one with the deep voice.

"Uh, better." Naruto replied. Louds thumps shook the floor as another thing approached.

A huge green humanoid form appeared in his vision. Naruto froze as the huge thing spoke, "Greetings young child, I'm Ratchet."

Naruto did the only logical thing for a human to do in this situation: he screamed as loud as he could, "Ahhhhhhhh!"

(Back with Kakashi.)

Kakashi approached Konoha with dread. How on earth was he supposed to report this to the Hokage? As the gates came into sight, the medical team Kakashi ran into hopped away. He spotted Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane, Sakura Haruno, and Hinata Hyūga waiting for him at the gates

Seeing Kakashi approach, the two young Kunoichi ran up to him. Both of them frowned when they saw Kakashi had nobody with him. "Kakashi, where's Sasuke-Kun and Naruto?" Asked Sakura, voicing Hinata's question as well.

Kakashi just looked at the ground, clearly only wanting to tell what had happened once. Izumo and Kotetsu had seen that look many times before on shinobi returning without their comrades. They immediately frowned, for they had grown quite found of Naruto "Give him some space girls." Izumo told the two Kunoichi.

Kakashi looked up at the face of the Fourth as he walked through the gates. "Where's Hokage-sama?" He asked, voice cracking slightly

Sakura gasped. Her sensei's voice never cracked. "Um, at-t t-the hos-p-pital." Hinata answered, stuttering.

"Follow me." Kakashi told them as he took to the roofs, heading to the Hospital. Sakura and Hinata quickly jumped after him.

"Those poor girls." Thought Izumo.

(At the Hospital.)

Shikamaru Nara, Shizune, Tsunade Senju, Temari, and Shikaku Nara, were all near the E.R. room when Kakashi arrived, Sakura and Hinata right behind him. Tsunade stood up. "Kakashi, report."

Kakashi lowered his head before he replied, "Sasuke has crossed the border into Sound territory…"

"And Naruto?" Tsunade asked, ignoring Sakura's downturned face. When Kakashi didn't reply for a few minutes, Tsunade feared the worst.

Kakashi clenched his fists. "Naruto… Is missing in action."

Ah! Naruto has disappeared! And appeared!

Good, kinda, or not? Also, I forgot the Sand Sibling's last name, and can't seem to find it anywhere. Could you guys please tell me what it is? And digits are what the Transformers fingers are, right? Thanks.

I'm out, Peace!