Hi, guess what? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! :D

So I'm sorry the chapter is kinda shot but I will update soon.

Disclaimer:I don't own anything. I didn't get Mark Salling in birthday so I put him on my wish list til next time :D

Rachel's Dads reaction is a requist from "SabrinaEF" And I am really happy about the idea, all creadit about the reaction goes to her :D

-Rachel p.o.v-

"DAD!" I yelled and hugged him.

"Hi, Honey" He said and kissed my hair while he spoon me around in the room, I had tears in my eyes because I was so happy to see him.

He had been in Paris for three dads were on business trip a lot, now when my Dad is home Daddy is on a trip for a couple of weeks.

"Who is this?" My Dad pointed at Sam, Mike and Noah

"Dad, this is Sam evans, the boy who lives next door, and his friends Mike chang and Noah Puckerman" I said

"So who is your boyfriend?" My Dad asked

"None of them!" I said "You know Finn and I broke up yesterday, im still not over it" I said

"Sorry Honey, It wasn't like that" He said and took my hand "Wait Noah, Is your mom Sarah Puckerman?"

"Yea, do you know her?" Noah asked and my father nodded

"Yes, we meet some times at temple" And I smiled

"Enough, I haven't seen you in three month! How was paris?" I asked and sat down by the dinner table, the other boys sat down too

"You have been to Paris?" Mike asked

"Yea, it was fun, I have brough some clothes for you Honey" He said and I took the bags

There was some dresses, a pair of short, short shorts and some tank-tops.

"Thanks Dad!" I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Are you going to try those on?" Noah said lowly and pointet at the shorts

"In you'r dreams" I said and Hit him lightly on his arm

"Ohh If you only knew" He said and wrikkled his eyebrows

I know it's not much but I wanted to upload something today.

I hope you like it. ;D

Reweivs are loved3