Chapter 2-

santana always got extremely worked after a confrontation sometimes giving her a thrill other times not so much, this was one of those. she lay on the floor in a bundle waiting her blonde heroine to pick her up and sweep her off her feet. sometimes she liked to just play up to it just to see if brittany still cared enough to make sure she was okay. right on cue the piercing blue eyes appeared from round the door and she slowly sat down next to santana and held her close. 'brittany i dont know what to do besides glee club cheerleading was my whole life but sue she'd never except us and could you imagine the looks we'd get in the changing rooms im usually the one giving them now im gonna get them back?' brittany held out her hand for santana to grab onto. santana maybe a bit to quickly grabbed hold of it and brittany pulled her into a big brittany. these are different to any normal hugs as a normal hug isnt bone crunching whereas a brittany hug is one that wants to show how much she means to you. which means for santana its gonna hurt alot. she sharpishly let go just just as santana was turning blue and linked pinkies before taking there usual spots in the glee club room, followed by the rest of the team coming in one by one.

finally, mr shue entered the room pulled out his usual blue board pen and wrote on the board 'emotion'.

mr shue ' for this years show we are gonna do things a little differently'

rachel ' does that mean no showboat?' with a hand smacked across a wide oopened mouth.

santana ' pipe down twinkle toes before the fairies come along and shut you up for me'

mr shue ' yes' rachel dramatically fainted to the floor as finn slowly waved a portable fan in her face before once again dramatically coming back to life.

'now as i was saying' mr shue said whilst raising an eyebrow at rachel as usual. 'a little differently meaning the show will be completely our own creation the dancing, the acting and the singing all you. let your creativity fly. this show has to tell the story about your life here at mckinley each in your own way this week your task is to pick a song that most relates to you the one that puts the most emotion into it will be the one that goes into the show. any questions?'

santana sharpishly put her hand up with a sarcastic comment in tail. 'yes santana?'

'so what your saying is mr shue is we are gonna show based on the stick we get here meaning there will be a slushie dance performed by mike and brittany, followed by artie with his drems to walk again, mercedes with a sad song about rachel hogging her spotlight. kurt will sing a love song to blaine followed a sassy song by yours truly, sam will sing a song about how he has to stop his mouth from swallowing everyone whole, quinn a song about her lizard baby and rachel will bring us home with a song about man boobs mckee and then we all get slushied again?'

puck 'what about me?'

'a song about middle aged women or fat women which do you prefer?'

mr shue 'yes santana thats exactly it, maybe not in the context but yes'

the bell rings again as they all single files leave the glee room.

brittanys POV

once again everybody's on santana's back because of the things she said in class and its up to me to deal with the aggro from strawberry- i mean berry.

rachel 'why is she that way! maybe she's jealous that i get all the leads'.

brittany ' no thats definitely not it'

rachel ' what then?'

brittany 'she speaks the truth, and in fact most of the things she said could become true! wait maybe she can predict the future!'

rachel looked at me as if i offended her or something so i walked away and saw santana standing at her locker. those brown eyes omg.

i walked towards her and placed my hands on her hips.

'blueberry was talking about you'.

'maybe she should learn to accept my comments like the way i had to accept looking at that nose of hers for a whole week when she wanted to know whether to get it fixed or not'

'santana snap out of it'

'snap out of what?'

'this. this you. your never like this with me! your sweet and kind maybe if people saw that side of you maybe they wouldnt talk'

brittany let go of santana's waist and stormed down the corridor like sue sylvester when shes having a turn.

santanas POV

wow ive never seen brittany act like that before usually shes fine with me being like that maybe if beak hadnt opened her gob she wouldnt have gone off on one.

well hello spanish class and hotty mc hot pants is taking even for a lesbian he is hot. no im not talking about mr shue he's the history teacher im talking about the guy that actually knows spanish although i dont know his name.

i dont even see why i take this class im practically fluent in spanish, as i walked in the room i noticed something different. my girlfriend is not sitting in our usual spot! is she that mad at me?

i quickly sit down and pull out of scrap out o my notepad and scribble something down and pass it to brittany. even though shes not talking to me she can still read.

it read - please dont be mad i'll get better i promise come over mine later and we can look at what we can do for this weeks glee assignment? please! love s xoxo

i watched as the stern look on brittanys face turned into a smile as she scribbled her reply she rejoined her normal place sitting next to me. as much as brittany hates to admit it she cant say no to me for long.