Disclaimer: Not mine. All character belongs to JK Rowling. I do not make any profit from this story.

Pokegirl idea also not mines. It belongs to metroanime. Also you can find more about pokegirls at www . pokegirl . org

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Harry Potter was born 31 July in 1981 in St. Mungo. He was adorable child with forest green eyes which he inherited from his mother and a mop of black heir from his father. Harry was loved by his parents. But it was not meant to last long. When he was one year old at Halloween he became an orphan by losing his parents to madman. Lord Voldemort killed Lily and James Potter because of a prophesy about him and Harry. Voldemort feared death most off all so when he heard a prophesy about a child with the power to defeat him he did not wasted time finding that child and killing him. But ironically it was worse choice he could make for instead of killing child he killed himself. But Voldemort's soul did not move in to the afterlife because he made soul anchor also known as Horcruxes. As long as he has them he cannot truly die. Harry received a lightning bolt scar on his forehead for which he became known as Boy Who Lived. He became a legend, an icon of light. But little Harry didn't know it yet and won't find out for some years for currently he was soundly sleeping under the doors at Number Four Privet Drive.

When Harry was left at the Dursley they were not amused. To find a small child in the morning at your doorsteps is not the best way to start you re day. Vernon wanted to give him to orphanage right away he didn't wanted a "freak" in his house, but Petunia even though she was not at best terms with her sister before she died insisted on keeping him. Because even if he was a wizard she was his last family. And so began life for Harry Potter at the Dursley.

For the next seven years Harry grew into an intelligent boy, he had to, in order to keep out of trouble from Dursley. He did well academically. He was often praised by his teachers because he like a sponge absorbed all the material they gave him. At home he was mostly ignored, he was not neglected or mistreated he was simply ignored. Dursley feed him and clothed him, for that he did chores around house. They never gave him pocket money or celebrated his birthdays. Harry learned fast that if you want something in life you have to offer something in return. Through Petunia insisted on keeping him she didn't feel any love for him it was mostly like a duty to her. And Vernon tolerated him only because of her. Dudley mostly ignored him for Harry's help with homework.

In June Dursley were going to go on vacation in France and since they didn't wanted to take him with them, Vernon was able to sight him for a summer camp. Camps program was survival in forest with minimum supplies. Harry was actually glad to be free from Dursley for whole summer and enjoyed his stay in camp. He learned a lot there and hoped to return there next year. He learned fishing, some basic tracking, how to set up a camp, where to hide food from wild animals, how to set up a fire without the use of matches. Summer came to an end and he was back to Privet Drive. He didn't tell his uncle that he enjoyed camp because then his uncle most likely won't send him back there again.

One day in September on his way back from school he saw a sigh with invitation to join dojo. Harry was very interested because Dudley still bullied him from time to time even if he helped with his homework.

"It would be good to learn and defend myself" thought Harry. He knew that Dursley won't pay for his martial art classes so he hoped that since dojo just opened that they will need some staff for cleaning. So went inside the dojo. There he was meat by middle-aged man. He was about 5'6 in height with Asian ancestry and wearing a black kimono.

"I am Lin Dzin master of this dojo. Welcome young men" said master.

"Hello my name is Harry Potter. I would like to learn to defend myself" said Harry and then added "But I don't have any money and my guardians won't be able to pay so I hoped I would be able to help clean dojo for lessons"

"Hmm I was going to hire someone to help around dojo so it will be possible" answered sensei. Then added "Lessons will be Monday Thursday and Friday from 16:00 till 18:00 you need to be one hour before to help me prepare for lesson and stay one hour after to help clean the dojo"

"Ok I will be on time" said happy Harry.

Since then Harry began to learn martial arts. Like in school he absorbed all knowledge sensei thought him at fast pace. Dursley never knew that he had these lessons since they were glad to see less of him at home they didn't care where he was.

Lin Dzin was very happy with Harry's progress, Harry was his best student so after half a year of training in hand to hand combat he offered him to lean to wield sword as well. Harry was ecstatic with this offer and gladly agreed. So went rest of his school year.

Next summer Dursley again send him to Survival Camp where he learned more advanced survival techniques. His martial art training made him more fit so he was able to last longer in camping trips and easier went through obstacles in forest. His instructors were impressed since many kids went there to have freedom from parents and didn't put effort to really learn anything. So they gave him some tips how to survive in forest better, from their life experience.

By the end of the summer Harry could probably survive in forest on his own as long as he didn't run in some predators he was to young yet to have any weapon to deal with them, even with his sword training. And soon again summer ended and school and martial are lesson began again. And so Harry's live went same way until he turned eleven.

At his eleventh birthday Harry was having breakfast with his relatives when post arrived. His uncle sends him to take it. When he picked it up he found a letter addressed to him. He was surprised since he never received letters, not wanting his relatives to see it he put it in his pocket and went to give his uncle the rest of the letters. He didn't finish breakfast since he wanted to read the letter so he went to his room, closed the door and opened the letter to finally read it. When he opened it he read:



(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Harry Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Then Harry read a second page:



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic

by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory

by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions

by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Harry reread the letter. Then he threw the letter in the garbage can under his table. Harry thought it was some joke or spam. Since Harry never really was an emotional child or in real dangers while leaving at Dursley he never performed any powerful accidental magic, and little bursts of accidental magic were simply overlooked like some weird accidents. Harry didn't mention the letter to Dursley, because they won't care anyway.

Another week went through after the letter arrival. Harry was eating his breakfast with his aunt since Dudley and Vernon left to visit Marge a day before. Harry just finished eating and was putting his dish in the sink when there was a knock on a door. He went and opened it. There stood a woman in some strange clothes; she looked to be in her fifties.

"Hello. Who are you?" asked Harry

"Mister Potter I am Minerva McGonagall. May I come in?" asked professor in strict voice. Harry invited her in and called his aunt. When Petunia saw who came she got a scowl on her face.

"So you came to take him to your freak school?" she asked with a sneer.

Minerva decided to ignore a hostile muggle and asked if they can sit down and talk somewhere. Petunia led them in to the living room where they sat down.

"Why didn't Mister Potter reply to the letter?" she asked professor.

"As far as I know he didn't receive any letters" answered aunt. Harry got tired to be in the dark. So he asked "Who are you mam and what do you want from me?" asked Harry

"I am Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" said professor.

"So it was you who send me that joke letter?" asked Harry

"Joke letter? I assure you Mister Potter it is not a joke. You have been accepted to Hogwarts. Same school you're parents attended." Replied Minerva

"My parents attended Hogwarts? So they were illusionist in some circus or something?" asked now curios Harry.

"Illusionists? They were wizards. What is the meaning of this Petunia? Why doesn't he know about his parents or himself? "asked now angry professor.

"You left him at our doorsteps not even asking if we wanted him or could afford to raise him and now you come here and dare to demand anything of me." Replied Petunia. Harry was getting irritated. It was obvious his aunt knew this professor from before and didn't like her.

"So will someone explain to me what is going on in here?" asked now irritated Harry.

"You are a wizard Mister Potter. Your father was a wizard and your mother a witch. They attended Hogwarts. And now you are invited to attend it also" explained McGonagall

"But magic doesn't exist" replied Harry. Minerva took her wand out of her pocket and transfigured a nearby plant into a pig and then back into a plant.

"There is a whole magical community hidden from the eyes of the rest of the world and you are a part of it Mister Potter" said McGonagall. Harry was shocked. He just saw an impossible. And if this woman claimed is true he should be able to do the same.

"What was it that you just did professor?" asked Harry

"I am transfiguration professor. In my class you will learn to change one object into another" replied McGonagall.

"So what do we do now?" asked Harry.

"We need to go to Diagon Alley to buy your supplies." Said professor. Harry noticed that his aunt didn't interrupt their conversation.

"But I don't have any money and my aunt and uncle won't pay for my schooling" said Harry

"Your parents left you a vault in Gringotts wizarding bank. It will be enough to pay for your school and supplies." Answered McGonagall. Harry was surprised that he had anything left from his parents, since he learned from young age that Dursley won't tell him anything more than that they are dead.

"Ok so when do we leave for shopping?"

"We will go now Mister Potter" came a reply

"Is it ok with you aunt?" asked Harry. Petunia was a little surprised that he asked her permeation.

"You may go but don't bring any strange items home, I will not tolerate any freakishness in my house" his aunt almost hisses. McGonagall frowned at Petunia and then said "It is time to go Mister Potter"

Harry and Minerva went outside the house and stopped near the road.

"Hold on to my hand Mister Potter I will aparete us to Diagon Alley. You will feel as if your body is squeezed through a pipe so be prepared" McGonagall took his hard and with a pop they disappeared from Private Drive. They reappeared in Diagon Alley. Harry was a little green from apparition. He looked around and saw many people dressed in same fashion as McGonagall. Professor led him to a tall white building in the end of the alley.

It was a Gringotts bank. Near entrance stood some green creatures in armor. Harry asked professor what they were and learned that they are goblins. When they enter the building professor led Harry to the first free teller and asked to visit Harry Potter's vault. When gobbling asked for a key she took it out of a pocket and gave it to him. Harry frowned at that. "Why did professor have his bank key?" he thought.

After checking the key goblin called another one to take them to the vault. After riding the cart they stopped near his vault and goblin asked for a key. McGonagall gave goblin the key and he opened the vault. Professor stayed near the cart while Harry and Goblin went to the vault. When Harry entered he was shocked at how much gold there was. He asked goblin to explain the monetary value and after that he asked if there was a way to take money out without visiting the vault every time. Goblin gave him a bag and a dagger and asked for 3 drops of blood on a bag so no one but Harry will be able to use the bag to withdraw money. Harry cut his hand and let some blood drop on bag and then looked how the bag absorbed it. His wound healed as well.

When he and McGonagall left the bank they went to Flourish and Blotts to buy all the books he will need for first year. Then they went to apothecary where they brought all needed ingredients and equipment. After that they went to Madam Malkin's for robes. Harry asked for robes from best material. He also brought some muggle clothes. Then they brought a standard trunk. Minerva asked what pet he wanted, but Harry said he didn't need a pet. There last stop was Olivanders. Harry got brother want of Voldemort, holy and a phoenix feather. After that McGonagall apareted them back to Private Drive.

Harry still got a little sick from aparation but this time he felt better. Before professor left Harry asked if there is another way to get to Diagon Alley and she told him about entrance through Leaky Cauldron. Professor said her good buy and apareted away.

It was still only two a clock and Harry wanted to buy some more items now that he was alone. He took a 10 minute walk to a bus and rode to London. Then he entered through Leaky Cauldron and asked bartender to open the entrance. From there he went straight to Gringotts. He asked to speak to goblin responsible for his account. Harry was lead to Rillus a Potter account manager. Harry wanted to know about his financial status. He learned that aside from his trust vault with 100.000 galleon he also had a Family vault with 7.000.000 galleons and his mother's personal vault with no money but some unknown items. He will be able to enter those vaults only at age 14. After that Harry went back to book shop and brought a book on oclumency, runes, and charms. After that Harry went back to Private Drive.

Rest of the summer he spend learning all about magical world. He learned he was famous and how his parents died from Dark Arts History book that told about wars with dark wizards. It was near September already so he told his sensei that will be going go boarding school and won't be able to attend dojo. His sensei gave him a practical sword so he could practice on his own.

It was September first Harry was at King Cross station looking for platform 9 and ¾. He found the barrier, near it stood a family of redheads. Mother of the family was looking around looking for someone and speaking about crowded muggle stations. Harry ignored them and went through the barrier. There he boarded train and found an empty compartment, took out a book and began to read.

Soon he was interrupted when door to his compartment was open. There stood a redheaded boy from the family of redheads he saw near the barrier. Harry saw that the redhead was staring at his scar.

"You know it's polite to knock before entering?" asked annoyed Harry. Redhead became red in face and without apologizing asked "It's full everywhere so mind if I sit here?"

Harry knew that redhead was lying because before choosing this compartment Harry went through many empty ones, but he wanted to see what redhead wanted so he said "I don't care just don't bother me while I'm reading"

Redhead sat at the opposite side of Harry and said "I'm Ron Weasley and you?"

Harry looked at Ron as if he was an idiot. Just a minute ago he was ogling his scar and now he asked his name obviously knowing who he is.

"I thought I said I was reading. Don't bother me. I don't care who you are" replied Harry. He suspected Weasley wanted to befriend Boy Who Lived for fame. And a fanboy was last thing Harry needed.

Weasley became tomato red and muttered something about arrogant golden boys and big egos from fame. Harry didn't really care. He went back to reading. For next few hours Weasley tried to begin a conversation a few times but was ignored. About half way to school compartment door opened, there stood blond boy with arrogant look and two gorillas with most stupid faces Harry ever saw.

"I heard Harry Potter rides in this compartment. You are him" said blonde.

"And?" replied annoyed Harry for being interrupted from his book again. Blonde didn't liked how Harry was speaking to him and said" Potter you will learn that some families have a lot of power and they rule wizarding world, you wouldn't want to be enemies with them. I am Draco Malfoy. My family has a lot of connections that will help you so be grateful that I am generous to offer you friendship"

"You're annoying" was Harry's only reply. Then he went back to reading, ignoring Malfoy. Draco didn't like that and told his gorillas to teach him a lesson in respecting his betters. Gorilla number one tried to punch Harry in the face but with all Harry's training he caught it and without much effort broke his wrist. Gorilla number two tried to tackle him to the ground but Harry punched him in the knee and then pushed Gorilla number one in Gorilla number 2 and they both fell on top of Malfoy. Harry was annoyed. First the redhead and now blond interrupted his reading. He was used to being ignored. At home Dursley ignored him for being "freak", in school he was ignored out of jealousy for his perfect marks. Harry never had friend and didn't really want any, but now in one day a redhead fanboy and a blond arrogant asshole tried to befriend him because he was The Boy Who Lived. A title he didn't care about. So Harry took his trunk and stepping on the bodies of fallen morons left compartment to look for a new one. He found it quite fast, only proving that redhead lied. Until Hogsmeade he wasn't bothered again.

There on a platform they were met by a giant man who led them to boats. After their journey through lake they were lead to a small hall where they were met by professor McGonagall. She led them to Great Hall where the sorting ceremony will take place. When Harry's name was called all hall began to whisper. Harry put the hat on and heard a voice in his head.

"Hmm very interesting mind you have Harry Potter. You will do well in Slytherin and Ravenclaw; you also might fit well in Gryffindor. So where do I put you?"

"Ravenclaw" replied Harry"

"Ah I see you don't want to be stuck in realty between Griffindor and Slytherin, and you don't want to be labeled dark or light as well. So then I will put you in Ravenclaw "

And so began Harry's live in Hogwarts.

Harry's first year at Hogwarts was very frustrating for him. Everyone were shocked that he got sorted in Ravenclaw. After all Boy Who Lived was supposed to be a Gryffindor. So all Gryffindor house looked at him like he killed their favorite puppy. Slytherin mostly ignored him. Only Malfoy and his followers tried to get him in trouble but were the ones to get in trouble instead. Harry suspected they were either to stupid or masochist or even maybe both since every time he kicked there asses and they always came back for more. Also his fanboy was tailing him everywhere he went, trying to act as if they were best friends for their whole life. Usually some "accidents" happened to Weasley when he was following Harry. Like he would trip or get attacked by a poltergeist or his clothes would begin to shrink. But idiot was too stupid to understand that it was Harry's doing.

Basically for a boy who used to be left alone he got too much attention. It wasn't as if he didn't like to socialize with people, it just he didn't like stupid people and all mostly saw only Boy Who Lived, so in his book they were worthless. At Halloween there was a troll attack, but professors got rid of it before it could hurt anyone. Harry still didn't make any friends because everyone no matter the house wanted to befriend his title and not him. Because of that he tended to ignore everyone and soon got reputation as a loner, through many still tried to befriend him for his fame. At Christmas he received an invisible cloak from supposedly his parent's friend who had it for safe keeping. With cloak there was a note to use it well. What Harry didn't know was that there was also a mild complution spell to go and explore castle at night and accidentally find a certain mirror. But since Harry had training in martial arts he meditated a lot and his mind was stronger from it, also he began to learn oclumency over summer so complution didn't had any effect on him.

Soon second semester started. Weasley and Malfoy got back to their usual behavior one trying to suck up to him, second to get a beating. Harry was now positive that Malfoy was a masochist. Aside from those two moron Harry was mostly ignored by rest of the school. Everyone got used that he ignored them. Near the end of the semester Weasley finally stopped bothering him, because professors said that he will have to redo a year if he won't improve his grades. So he began to hang out with Granger girl hoping she will do his homework. Harry was glad to be left alone. So went Harry's first year.

Soon he was back at Privet Drive. His uncle warned him that if he will try anything unusual in his house he will throw him out. He also locked all his school items in cupboard under the stairs. His aunt as usually ignored him. Only difference was his cousin who avoided him like a plague. It looked like his parents told him some horror stories about wizards.

At first opportunity he went to dojo. His master was glad to get his student back. Harry was spending a lot of time at dojo. Soon it was time for the usual vacation trip for Dursley. Since Harry wanted to stay and attend dojo he said to his relatives that he will stay at Leaky Caultion for the rest of summer. Harry got himself a room there. His hand to hand combat and sword wielding increased quite well. Harry went to dojo every day, spends there a few hours and then went to roam Diagon Alley.

So went his summer. Second year began and Harry was disappointed to find that his fan club became larger by one more redhead. Ginny Weasley youngest sister of Ron was even worse than her brother; she had a fanatic believe that they were meant to be together.

Also their new Defense against Dark Arts teacher was a complete moron, Gilderoy Lockhart also was a leach who tried to befriend Harry. Harry was sure Lockhart was trying to make himself look like he was his mentor to gain fame for teaching Harry.

Soon petrifications began and rumors that Chamber of Secrets being open spread through school. Weasley tried to get him involved in finding Slytherin's heir. But Harry didn't really care. No one died; teachers said they will be able to undo petrification effect, and he had better things to, like studying, practicing his sword wielding and hand to hand combat.

By Christmas time students were going through school only with teachers, it was rumored that if soon responsible won't be found that school will be closed. Harry was surprised by incompetence of teachers since they couldn't protect students and headmaster supposedly most powerful wizard alive done nothing to solve this problem as if he was waiting for someone else to find who did it.

It was near the end of the year when Dumbledore made an announcement that problem was solved and that there will be no more petrifications. After that the last month of school went without any incidents.

That summer Harry learned that his sensei was sick. He had cancer and will die within a year, but before that he wanted to teach Harry as much of his knowledge as he could. Harry was very upset to learn that, since his sensei was only person he considered a friend. Because of that Harry spend almost all time in dojo and went home only to sleep. Another reason why Harry avoided home unless absolutely necessary was because this year Dursley didn't left for vacation, since Vernon's sister Marge was visiting. And he and Marge didn't get along, so he tried to stay out of her way as much as possible.

Soon it was time for another school year. Before leaving Harry said his goodbye to his sensei since most likely he will be dead by next summer.

At the train ride to school Harry met a dementor. For some reason it made his scar explode with horrible pain. After dementor left he was visited by Malfoy and Harry again trashed him and his followers. Harry was considering demanding payment from them for satisfying their masochist tendencies. His loyal fanboy and wana be wife also tried to stick near him all the time.

Now they found a reason for it. Sirius Black a mass murderer escaped Azkaban, and was supposedly looking for Harry in order to kill him, since he stopped his master as a toddler. And his fanboy and fangirl proclaimed themself his bodyguards. Harry wondered what he did in past life to deserve this. The year went without any incident, not counting when Black tried to enter Griffindor common room. Harry didn't understand why Griffindor, since he was a Ravenclaw, maybe his prayer were heard and Black came to kill his fanboy and his sister. But he doubted it was the case.

It was the end of the year Harry was returning from last Hogsmeat trip when a big black dog appeared in his path. Dog was wounded. It had a big wound on its ribcage and was losing blood very fast. He took out his wand to protect himself in case of attack. Then he felt a horrible pain from his scar and dropped on his knees, because of pain he couldn't think properly. And then a dementor appeared. Harry didn't see how dog turned in to a human. Sirius Black tried to get to Harry but was blocked by dementor. Since he was weakened from his wound he was unable to run away. He received dementors kiss. Then dementor turned to Harry and first sucked a piece of soul from his head and then tried to kiss him, but as soon as Voldemort's soul left pain was gone as well, Harry not wanting to die in desperation cast a Patronus and after that lost consciousness.

When Harry woke up he found himself in hospital wing. Madam Pompey told him that he was almost kissed by a dementor and he was unconscious for a week and today was the day when train leave home, and then left. Then came Dumbledore and asked from Harry to tell what happened. Harry explained what he remembered. Dumbledore told that Sirius Black was kissed and that Harry has nothing to fear about. It's not like Harry really cared about it.

When Harry returned to Dursley he learned that his sensei passed away one month ago, this saddened him a lot. Harry grieved for his loss. Even his relatives noticed that he was acting different. Then on his birthday he received an owl from Gringotts asking him to meet his account manager as soon as he will have time.

Next day Harry went to Gringotts where he learned that he now has access to his mother's and family vault. Also he will need to perform a minor ritual and then he will be able to access Black family vault. Since his grandmother and godfather were Blacks he is heir to Black family now. But he decided to do it another day. He visited his mother's vault and took out only item there a trunk. When he returned to Dursley he opened the trunk and found there some weird items. Also there was a letter from his mother. Harry read the letter and learned that his mother was an unspeakable and in war with Voldemort on her watch there opened a dimensional portal and a men fell through. He was dead, and items in trunk were taken from him. Since it was war and she didn't trust anyone, she never reported it and disposed of the body and hid his items in Gringotts vault. She never had time to examine it, and before she and James went in hiding she wrote this letter in case something happens to her.

Harry looked in trunk and took out of there three red and white balls, some small red computer, an amber stone with a fire insignia on it, a dark purple stone that radiated blue aura and some electronic device with unknown purpose. Also there was a small container with some samples that looked like blood.

Harry turned red computer on and began to look through options. First he looked through information about computer itself and learned that it was called Pokedex.

Information on Pokedex was:

An item used by Tamers. It's a multi-purpose hand-held computer. It is capable of giving tips to Tamers, scanning a pokegirl for info, displaying what the Tamer currently has in storage or with them, and several other things depending on how the Tamers customizes their Pokedex. A Pokedex is registered to one person, and after that can never be changed.

Harry also read who Tamers were.

Info he read was:

A Tamer is a person whose primary job is to make sure that the Feral Pokegirls of the world don't finish what Sukebe tried to do. In order to do this, they must "Tame" other Pokegirls to fight for them, as the only effective way to fight a Pokegirl is with another Pokegirl.

There was a lot of information in Pokedex. What Harry read was every male's wet dream came true. Dimension from which these items originally came was very different from his. For one there was a huge war around 300 years ago. It was started by some genius scientist and mage Jim Sukotto Sukebe. He created Pokegirls to be his loyal servants and soldiers. Pokegirls are genetically combined humans with animals. But many pokegirls switched sides in war because their loyalty switched after Taming. Taming is basically a different word for sex in that dimension. Pokegirls that don't get Taming become Feral. Basically they lose their human intelligence and become no better than animals. After pokegirls begun switching sides Sukube soon lost. Feral pokegirls are dangerous to community, so people began to catch them and tame. There are many types of pokegirls; each has her strengths and weaknesses, but one is common all pokegirls are female.

The more Harry red the more he was interested in that dimension. From data he read the owner of this red computer also known as Pokedex was a scientist. His main are of research was Blood Gifts. It seems that male children of humans and pokegirls sometime inherit some trait from their mothers. Like strength, stamina, speed and many more. The container he found contained samples of Blood Gifts.

The red and white balls were called pokeballs.

Information Harry read was about them was:

Technology for this item was designed from stolen blueprints from one of Sukebe's labs. This item allows a Tamer to catch a Pokegirl and keep them in a container the size of a large baseball. Pokeballs are electronically registered to the one that owns them with a Pokedex.

Pokegirls kept in a Pokeball are normally subjected to pleasure/pain training to obey their Tamer, during which they are instructed to repeat phrases of submissiveness and obedience. Compliance and obedience are rewarded with sexual pleasure. Resistance and defiance is punished with mild but shocking pain and nausea. Despite being physically in a state of suspended animation, a Pokegirl is still awake while inside a Pokeball in order to undergo the training. Pokegirls report that time seems much longer inside the Pokeball, with minutes seeming like hours to them. Pokegirls who are fully compliant with the training are able to ignore it, and can even sleep.

In order for a Tamer to catch a Pokegirl they don't own yet, they normally have to weaken the Pokegirl so she won't resist the power of the Pokeball. This is due to the fact that the pokegirls own energy may be too much for a pokeball to contain if she is completely healthy, however, this is only a common theory amongst tamers. There are few amongst the league governments who know the full truth.

Pokegirl in a pokeball can be transported back to storage where they can undergo healing and Taming cycles. Catching a pokegirl in a pokeball links that pokeball to that Pokegirl. Until the data is wiped from it, it cannot be used to capture another Pokegirl, and its recovery beam will only affect the pokegirl it's keyed to.

Pokeballs are registered to the Tamer who uses them by having information loaded into them via a Pokedex. All pokeballs act as contraceptives, more as an added precaution against parthenogenesis than anything else, since Pokegirls aren't fertile until they become Pokewomen.

Harry wanted to read more but it was already very late and tomorrow he wanted to go through the ritual at Gringotts. Next day after breakfast Harry went to Gringotts to perform the ritual.

He needed to stand in the middle of pentagram; drink a potion and goblins will do the rest. When ritual was almost finished Harry felt very weak and lost consciousness.

Harry woke in what looked like a hospital room. He felt fine, the weakness completely gone. Then in to the room came a goblin.

"I am healer Granz. You were unconscious for two hours Mister Potter. I'm afraid I have bad news for you. When we performed diagnostic scans to find what was wrong with you we found that until recent you had a piece of soul in you that was removed not long ago" said goblin. Harry was shocked that there was someones soul inside him. He asked "And what does it mean. Are there any lasting effects of this soul being in my body?

"I'm afraid that removing the soul did more damage that keeping it the way it was. You now have a hole in your core Mister Potter and soon you will lose all your magic. You will become a muggle. I am saddened to say there is no cure." Replied healer

Harry was in shock. He will become a muggle never again to use magic. Harry was thinking of what will become of him. Since he knew wizarding law quite well he knew that muggle can't own any magical money or property. He will lose all his belongings. He asked "Do you know whose soul was it?"

"We were able to identify where that soul was in your body. It was leached to you thought your scar. So obviously it belonged to Dark Lord. The soul fragment also called Horcruxes is very evil magic. And it means that Dark Lord it still alive" replied Healer

That was too much information to take in. Harry asked to lead him to exit from bank, after saying that he needed time to think and that he will be back another day. Harry went back to Dursleys. He had a lot on his mind. First he will never be able to perform magic again it was sad but he never really got too absorbed by it he will miss it but not to a degree that he will suffer without it.

The problem was that he will lose all his magical items and money. And of course there was Dark Lord. From what he learned today he will be back, and he won't say thank you to Harry for banishing him. How will he defend himself from him?

Harry decided to read a bit more about different dimension in hope to distraction from his current problems. While reading Harry found out was the purpose of last device that he couldn't identify. It was dimension teleporter. That gave Harry a new idea to think about. He could jump to pokegirl dimension, after all if he will stay in his own dimension he will lose magic in less then two weeks and lose all his possessions, and when Dark Lord will return he will surely die. In Pokegirl dimension he will be able to build a new life. He will be able to travel the world, gather loyal pokegirls and train them. Later in life if he will get bored from being Tamer he can always become Breeder or Researcher or even a Gym Leader. He will have so many options unlike in his dimension where he will probably die before he will turn first he needed to make some preparations. Harry began to look through his books on spells that he may use in new dimension while he still had magic.

Next day he went to Gringotts and made them an offer if they will find him Felix Felicis potion as much as they can and rare books on runes he will pay double their usual price. He also asked if they had any ritual that could give him ability's from a blood. Harry learned that they indeed had such a ritual but it will cost him 7 million galleons. Harry knew he had 7 million in Potter vault and 3 millions in Black vault so he agreed. He gave gobbling container with blood samples. At home he looked through all available samples and chosen the ones he wanted.

He had chosen:


Description: An individual with this Blood Gift has an incredible sense of orientation. They never feel dizzy or disoriented, and thus never experience vertigo or motion-sickness. They have an almost uncanny ability to stand on things that others would tumble off of, and can perform incredible feats of balance, i.e. running across a tightrope without falling.


Description: A person with this Gift gains an incredible rush of adrenaline in times of stress. Strength, speed, reflexes, endurance, all of them skyrockets to unbelievable levels, letting a person under the effect of Boost do superhuman feats for a time. This Gift cannot be used at will, only when the Gifted individual is under stress extreme enough to send a surge of panic through them.

Cold Resistance

Description: The most standard of Ice-related Blood Gifts, though sometimes people with a strong Fire pokegirl background can have it as well. A person with this is unaffected by most cold. They don't register that freezing things are far below temperature and don't take any sort of cold damage. A Tamer with this Blood Gift can easily Tame Ice-types without using protective ointments or hot people with this Blood Gift can resist truly epic amounts of cold, to the point where even Ice-type attacks can be shrugged off. Such a person can never enter any form of cryogenic sleep.

Fast Healing

Description: While not true regeneration, a person with this Gift will find that their wounds close quickly. Basically, this Gift accelerates the body's natural healing processes. Bruises, cuts, and marks all fade quickly. Broken limbs take around half the usual time to heal. Even some mortal wounds can be survived, although this is very touch-and-go. In extremely rare cases, this Blood Gift does indeed provide the person with true regeneration. More usually, variations of this Gift just grant stronger healing powers for the person with it.


Description: Subject cannot be burned. Some with this Blood Gift don't feel the heat and some can get mild burns from extensive heat.


Description: Subjects with flexibility can get into amazing positions. Ones that no sane person would even try are child's play to them. I've heard that they can be more inventive than other Tamers in the Taming room. An extra plus is that they have an easier time avoiding stray attacks in a pokegirl fight.


Description: Subjects bodies are extremely thick and compact. They all exhibited higher endurance and stamina against pokegirl attacks. The only exception being the non-physical and non-sex-related ones.

Hyper Speed

Description: The subjects have a tendency to run everywhere. They're commonly noted as track stars. No benefits other than speed have been found.


Description: Even if a person is born with this Blood Gift, it doesn't kick in until puberty. A person who has this Gift had their aging slowed by a factor of ten. Whereas your average human lives around 75 years, this person will live for around 600 years or so.

Mimetic Memory

Description: Show the subject a move with your body and he can copy it perfectly. Not uncommon in martial arts, it is perhaps more useful in teaching as they seem to have an understanding of how to tell people how to move the way they are. Tamers with this ability have been proven to have well-trained and healthy pokegirl teams that are harder to beat than their level suggests.

Night Vision

Description: A person with this Gift has eyes that are formed in such a way as to be able to catch ambient light better than normal people's eyes, letting them see in the dark much better. A person with this Gift still cannot see in utter blackness, but a starry, clear night sky with no moon showing is often enough that they can see as well as they could in daylight. A person with this Gift has eyes that shine like a cat's if viewed from the proper angle in the dark.


Description: The good version of insomnia. The subjects never seem to get tired and never look like they need sleep, throught they can sleep if they want to.

Poison Immunity

Description: Subjects can take any poison thrown at him, as long as it isn't heavily acidic. Acid burns do not count as a poison effect apparently.


Description: This Blood Gift can come from almost any pokegirl ancestry. This Gift gives the Tamer the ability to deal with pain and exhaustion much better than other people. While it doesn't actually heal their wounds or restore their vitality, Recovery does let them get over exhaustion or pain much more quickly than they would otherwise. A Tamer with this Blood Gift can get it up many times before finally having to stop and a Tamer with this Blood Gift and that of Endurance is one that almost always can make his pokegirls very happy.


Description: A person with this Blood Gift heals no faster than a normal human and he ages normally, but he regains body limbs. He is slightly more susceptible to diseases while a limb is growing back, but not more than an open wound would cause.

In two weeks' time a hand will grow back, it will hurt to touch it while it's growing and it hurts to use it for the first week after it's usable. But it is there.

Bigger limbs take longer time of course. About a month for a whole arm, two for both arms together. To kill a person with this Blood Gift you'd need to remove one or two vital organs from the body.

Stone Finder

Description: Subjects can easily pinpoint nearby elemental stones. It is in fact quite uncanny. Ultimately, very useful.


Description: This Blood Gift can come from any pokegirl who is known for having powerful strength. A person with this Blood Gift is much stronger than ordinary humans. The range varies among people with this Gift, and training and workouts do make a difference. Even those who are lax in their training though can still lift things that would crush others.

Strong Constitution

Description: This Gift allows a person to deal with toxins, poisons, and diseases much better than other people. Harmful substances or diseases that enter a gifted person's body have a much harder time affecting this person, and do so to a much lesser degree.


Description: Subject is in danger of teleporting (and throwing up) whenever they get very emotional. Always teleports to somewhere relevant to what's on their mind at the time. Control is possible, but it demands constant watchfulness and focus.


Description: A person with this Gift is hard to hurt. Whereas Recovery lets them get over pain fast, this Blood Gift actually makes a person harder to damage. Blows and strikes against them just don't wound the Gifted individual as much as they would someone else.


Description: Subject seem to know instinctively what to do to increase (train up) the abilities of any pokegirls on an individual basis. They took one look at my lab help and gave suggestions that nearly doubled their effectiveness in fighting.


Description: In war when Sukube's pokegirls began to betray him he made Hunters. Assassin class pokegirls. But they were not of one specie. They were among all pokegirls types hiding like common pokegirls and killing traitors.

Personal note of researcher: I was able to find one Hunter pokegirl and obtain her DNA for study. From here DNA I found Hunter genome.

Through it was not a blood gift Harry will use it in ritual.

And now he once again he stood in the middle of pentagram and chanting goblins around him. When they finished chanting he felt a horrible pain that made him pass out immediately. When he woke up he was in the same hospital room as before.

When healer came in and asked him how he was feeling Harry said he was feeling great. And indeed he felt great. He no longer needed glasses he saw perfectly without them. He also felt energized. His body muscular from training looked like they were made of a rock. He was very happy with the results of the ritual. Goblin also told him that they were able to obtain 5 vials of Felix Felicis, and 5 rare books on runes. It will cost him 2 million galleons. That left him with 1 million and 100 thousand in his vault.

Harry then visited Black Family Vault and Potters. He took all books on runes he could find and some books to look through for useful spells. Harry also found a magical sword in Potter Family vault that he liked. He asked goblins to put a dimension pocket rune on his right hand where he will keep his sword. Then he went to Madam Malkin's where he ordered: 2x black boots, 2x black cargo pants,2x black tea shirts and 2x coats with cleaning charm, protection charms from weather, self-fitting and self-repairing. But instead of charms he asked for runes to be places with same results as if charms. Malkin said it will cost 20 thousand, since runes cost ten times more than charms. Harry agreed.

The reason why Harry preferred runes over charms was easy runes last 4 times longer than charms, and since he will become muggle soon he won't be able to recast them, but reading pokedex he found a pokegirl that some pokegirls are capable to use magic, so he hoped he will be able to teach them Runes. He hoped to get magical pokegirl in his harem when he will become a tamer. .He also went to shop for travelers. There he brought two magical tents. One fully equipped bedroom and second tent with kitchen. He paid 1 million galleons for each. He also brought a backpack which was expanded inside and had feather weight rune on it. All equipment cost so much because again instead charms he asked to use runes on them. Then Harry went back to muggle world where he brought food supplies to last him two months. Now when he had all he needed he was prepared to depart.

Harry was sitting in his new clothes in his room at Private Drive. He had a traveling bag on his back, his supplies all in there. He took a dimension teleporter device. It had energy only for one jump. Harry activated it, and with a bright flash of light Harry Potter disappeared from his home dimension.

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Basically it will be Harry Potter in pokegirl world, but I will modify some laws of pokegirl world. So those who read pokegirl stories before here will be some difference. But then again that's the point of fanfics.

Reasons why Harry took only Felix Felicis potion is because he's not human anymore and it is only potion that anyone can drink no matter the specie, at least in this fic. And rune books for magical pokegirls. Human magic and pokegirl magic is different so he won't be able to teach his girls spells, but runes are same in any dimension. Please point me my mistakes so I could improve my writing and this story.

Blood Gift were taken from pokegirl . org

Researchers make up the more traditional half of Pokégirl Academia; they working in closed environments, preform structured expirimentation, and publish research. Many researchers are employed by the Leagues in official capacities, whilst others hold tenure in University settings. Generally, researchers are pulled from the more intellectual portion of the population, and, as such, many have been noted to have elitistic attitudes and hold themselves to be above most of the populace. Like Watchers, however, those seeking recognition usually specialize, and their harems, generally made up of breeds that assist with their research, are rarely above four.

Breeder an occupation that gives a person the right to own as many pokegirls as he or she can possibly handle. Often, Breeders were once Gym Leaders or even Researchers who became attached to one or more pokegirls and start to raise pokegirls in a large area, often referred to as a Ranch. Some Breeders were once tamers, and these are among the more successful breeders, as they train their charges as well as just providing an important service to the world. Among the services rendered are the following:
1. Protect certain pokegirl breeds from becoming extinct.
2. Provide pokegirls to beginning tamers.
3. Enable trade between leagues utilizing the pokegirls that are needed in leagues other than where the breeder's ranch is located.
4. Teach pokegirls (both domestic and feral) to communicate and provide skills that make them useful in society.
5. Discover new breeds of pokegirls or to find new uses for the ones already known.
A pokegirl breeder has no true limit to their 'harems'. However, a Breeder may only have a personal harem of up to five pokegirls, and may collect as many others as they can provide for within their ranch. Breeders, although they are rarely monitored by the leagues, are required to provide the facilities needed to house, clothe (if applicable), teach, support, and train pokekits, pokegirls, and tamers when needed, and are often required to support nearby population centers during times of need. Most ranches follow a rather utilitarian method of housing their charges, and almost every ranch follows at least a certain guideline when it comes to building their establishment.
There are several advantages to those Pokegirls raised by a Breeder. Being raised in a human environment means they grow up with a human mentality, developing skills and personality that a Feralborn cannot. While lacking the strength and toughness of a Pokegirl who grew up in the wild, their ability to communicate and handle other tasks make them more versatile than a Feralborn. Breeders are the most laxly monitored group, as they develop understandable if otherwise unacceptable bonds with their charges. Some rely entirely on Breeding Chambers, while others produce Pokegirl children in less distant fashion.