A/N: Well here it is..the first chapter! Yea! There will only be one more today and then the rest will need to wait till tomorrow!

I want to give a HUGE shout out to CullensTwiMistress and EdwardsEternal.. these brave ladies helped talk me off the ledge in regards to this story.. they pre-read and helped me make it look pretty. I could not have done it with out you two! THANKS!

Ok.. in order to read this.. I must give you, the reader, your survival kit: A towel for them lemon scenes that get you a litle, umm excited, a never ending box of kleenex (by suggestion EE), a trash can for your used tissues as we don't litter, a security blankie to snuggle into and whenever you want it.. I'll hold your hand!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, I am playing in the sandbox. ENJOY!



"You better hurry up in there, Swan, or I'll come in there after you!"

I sigh as I hear, Alice, one of my best friends, bellowing at me from outside my bedroom door. I give myself one last cursory glance at my appearance.

Damn, I look good! The tight black skirt falls just a few inches above my knee, my sparkly blue halter top shows off a sliver of skin making my belly button jewel sparkle. I decide against stockings as my legs still hold the last remnants of my summer sun kissed skin. I slip on my low-heeled black peep toe shoes and open my door.

I do a slow spin for Alice's approval. Her low whistle makes me smile.

"Looking good birthday girl. Come on, you've got presents and your first legal shot to do before we boogie out of here."

I follow her down the stairs to where my other best friend, Angela, is waiting.

"Hot shit, Bella!" I give her a small curtsey before I sit down next to her.

"Ok, hit me ladies."

Alice thrust her gift bag at me with a squeal. I tear into the tissue paper to pull out a beautiful wrap dress in silver. The material flows effortlessly in my hands.

"There's more," she says with a smile so wide it almost doesn't fit on her face.

I look back into the bag to find the boots of a lifetime. They are the same shade of silver as the dress but they were soft suede.

"Oh, Alice. They're beautiful! Thank you." I wrap her in a bear hug.

"My turn, my turn," says Angela who's bouncing up and down.

She thrusts a deep purple bag at me. I smile at her and pull out the colorful paper. I reach in and pull out a black leather bound journal with my name emblazoned on the cover in gold.

"Oh, Ang, you shouldn't have." My eyes well up with tears.

"Always the best for you, girl" She gives me a hug and a kiss.

"Enough of the sappy crap, let's get our drink on!" shouts Alice. She rushes into the kitchen where I hear the tinkling of glass and my freezer door open.

She plops down three shot glasses, fills them with vodka and we raise them high.

Alice clears her throat. "To Bella, Happy 21st Birthday! Now, down the hatch, I wanna go dance."

We shoot our shots, slam the glasses down and run out the door whooping it up.

A/N: Please leave me your thoughts.. I will love to hear them. Thanks!