Lightning's Mini Adventures


Disclaimer: Gotta...stay...calm—I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, damo ne~!

The bright light came and went.

"I'm home!" Tsuna said, stretching on his bed, while Byakuran wiped his sweat off his brow.

"To the EXTREME!" Ryohei yelled.

"Welcome back, Jyuudaime!" Gokudera said. "So it's Turf-Top who returns with you…"

"Ah, Gokudera-kun, you didn't come with me and Byakuran, right?"

Byakuran smiled. "I only promised to bring you with me, Tsunayoshi-kun. I didn't say I'll bring the other Guardians."

"Oh, is that so?"

Byakuran sighed. "And now, for the next trip~"

"Eh, Byakuran?!" Tsuna exclaimed as the bright light came again.


"Lambo-san has arrived!" declared the five-year-old boy in cow-print clothes. Everyone in the park turned to look at him. "The great hitman is here to play! Now, who will be the lucky one to be my playmate?"

Someone running bumped into him and he went flying. He rolled on the grass for a while before muttering, "Gotta... stay... calm..."

A brown-haired, caramel-eyed child approached him, towering over Lambo at ten years old. Hair in pigtails and clothes in Gothic Lolita design, the little girl offered a hand to the younger boy with a smile.

"Bumping to Lambo-san, where are you looking at?" Lambo yelled. The girl was visibly saddened by his reaction but still helped Lambo to his feet and removed the blades of grass stuck on his hair. She was about to run again when Lambo yelled to her again. "Hey, where are you going?! You hit me and you're just going to leave?"

The girl looked at him, eyebrows raised slightly. Lambo thought she greatly resembled someone but just shrugged the idea off. He pointed at a takoyaki stand.

"Buy me one of those!" he commanded the girl.

The girl looked at her watch. A few hours left... She looked at the little boy with an afro and then smiled, saying, "Let's play, little boy!"

Lambo frowned. "I'm not little boy! I am the great Lambo-san! Now, buy me takoyaki. Hurry, hurry!"

"Okay, Lambo-san~" the girl replied. She bought servings and servings of takoyaki for Lambo. There were also cotton candy, ice cream and drinks.

"You're so kind to the great Lambo-san," he said, mouth full of food. "You can be one of my henchmen."


"You don't know?!" Lambo sipped milk through a straw. "Lambo-san is the strongest hitman in Mafia, in the world and in the universe! And it will be an honor if you'll be my follower!"

"Really?" the girl said, quite thoughtful. "But you can't be stronger than him, I'm sure."

"What did you say?" Lambo exclaimed. "Lambo-san's the greatest! I can't lose to anyone! Who are saying as the one stronger than me?"

"Why, of course it's—"

An explosion rocked the park. There was screaming and people running. The shopkeepers closed their stores and left in haste.

"Someone's here..." the girl said. "Let's hide, Lam—"

"Hey, useless girl." A boy about her age appeared amidst the smoke, holding twin guns. He was wearing clothes matching hers.

"Leader of Varia?" the girl called. "You're practicing shooting those guns at anything again... I thought you're in Italy?"

The older boy placed the guns in his belt and extended a hand, his longish black hair framing his face. "Come with me. Let's go back to the castle."

The girl shook her head. "No, he allowed me to have fun and go out until sunset."

Lambo stepped in between them. "Who are you?" he asked the older boy. "You can't be taking away my subordinate just like that."

"Who is this runt?" the older boy asked. He kicked Lambo and grabbed the girl's wrist. "Let's go!"

"Gotta… stay… ca—no, I can't!" Lambo pulled a grenade out of his hair, its pin stuck in his afro. He threw it at the older boy and it exploded.

"How dare you, runt…?" A very angry boy pulled his guns and pointed them at Lambo. "Die!"

"Wait, leader of Varia!" The girl placed herself between the older boy and Lambo. She held the former's hands, smiling. "Relax. He's only my playmate. We all should play together!"

The older boy lowered his guns. "Whatever. But did that guy really allowed you to go out?"

"Of course," the girl replied.

"He's really weak."

The girl frowned at the older boy's comment. "I can't have you belittle my—!"

Lambo's laugh interrupted the girl. "Haihaihai! We're playing tag and the old man's the 'it'!"

"What do you mean 'old man', you stupid runt?!" The older boy made to grab Lambo but missed as the five-year-old danced away. "I'll catch you and force these bullets down your throat!"

Lambo stuck his tongue out at the older boy. "You can't catch me, slowpoke!"

"They're enjoying themselves…" the girl whispered to herself. She ran to catch up to them. "Wait for me!"

Lambo ran and crawled into a tunnel, trying to force his body into the small space and only managing to get stuck. The older boy didn't notice the trapped cow in the tunnel and went into a different alley. He cursed; he knew he lost sight of the runt. Suddenly, a gun nudged the back of his head. There was a click.

"Hey, trash," a gruff voice said.

The brown-haired, caramel-eyed girl looked left and right. She lost sight of the leader of Varia and Lambo. Surprised, she found a white tail poking out of a tunnel and she pulled it.

"Lambo!" she said happily as she saw the five-year-old's face covered with dirt.

"Let me go!" Lambo screamed. The tail snapped and Lambo dropped to the ground, his afro cushioning his fall. The cow ran.

"Hey, wait!" the girl yelled, running to catch Lambo again.

A blaze of horns almost deafened them. Both children hadn't realized that they were in the middle of a street and that a huge truck was just inches from them, ready to hit them with a five-ton hurling force. Lambo and the girl it saw too late. All they could do was to scream at the incoming metal monster.

There was a flash. Someone grabbed Lambo and the girl by their waists. That same person brought them safely to the sidewalk. The truck came to a stop with a loud screeching of tires.

"Caught you~" came a deep cool voice in a playful tone. A large silver ring shone on his finger; his hands were covered by gloves with the coat-of-arms of Vongola Family. His tuxedo was dark and imposing.

Lambo looked up at the man who just saved him but he squinted at the bright light of the sun. All he saw was a silhouette, bushy brown hair and red-and-white earphones with number 27 on each of them. There was a white fluffy cat on his shoulder.

"Who…?" the cow asked.

The man seemed surprised. "Lambo?!"

"Jyuudaime!" Another man, his hair gray and his face serious, was also wearing a tuxedo. He was running towards the three of them. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Gokudera-kun," came the reply.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi," called a deep gruff voice.

The man with earphones turned to the one who called his name. "Oh, Xanxus!"

The man called Xanxus approached their group, holding a boy by the collar. "I found this trash playing around in an alley."

"Don't call your son 'trash'," Sawada Tsunayoshi said, smiling. "And he's a child. He deserves to play."

Xanxus frown. The scars on his face were light but still very noticeable. "I'm not raising my child into a wimp like you. He's going to be the leader of Varia."

"How dare you talk to Jyuudaime like that, Xanxus!"

"Shut up, trash."

"Hey, the two of you, calm down..."

The little brunette girl wrapped her arms around Sawada Tsunayoshi's neck. "Can I play more?"

"No," Sawada Tsunayoshi replied sternly. "I gave you the whole day and all you did is run from your bodyguards! What if you get kidnapped or worse? Look at what happened now. What do you think will I—?"

The girl kissed him on the cheek. "Sorry, Dad." She remembered her new playmate. "Oh Dad, this is Lambo, my new friend. Lambo, this is my father and I'm sure that he's a whole lot stronger than you!" she said proudly.

Lambo stared at the man harder. The man smiled and ruffled the hair of the five-year-old while the white cat on his shoulder sneezed.

"I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi... Tsuna for short."

Lambo blinked. "Dame... Tsuna?"

"Eh?" Tsuna said.

A woman approached them slowly. The daughter of Sawada Tsunayoshi turned to her and beamed.

"Mom!" she called out. The girl ran towards the woman with a bright smile, her face showing tranquility. She was... Tsuna's wife.

Tsuna was about to look at the face of the woman when...

...he was back to his own world.

"Ah!" Tsuna immediately sat up on his bed, causing Lambo to roll from his stomach straight to the floor, just beside Gokudera and Ryohei. "Who is she? I didn't see..."

"That hurts, Dame-Tsuna!" Lambo yelled.

"Shut up, stupid cow!" Gokudera yelled at the Vongola X Lightning Guardian.

Lambo stuck his tongue out at Gokudera. "Aho-dera!"

Byakuran slumped on Tsuna's chair. "Oh, this is tiring..."

He was pale with exhaustion, a lot of sweat trickling down the side of his face. Tsuna reached over and touched the forehead of the white-haired boy.

"Oh, you're burning with fever! You should rest," Tsuna said. He helped the Gesso Family boss to the bed.

"Alala~" Lambo said. "Sleeping so early in the morning?"

There was a knock on the door. A smiling, small girl about ten years old entered the room. "Do you need any help?"


Author's Notes:

Sorry! This story is much of a cliff-hanger, short and... very unoriginal. Anyway, I enjoyed writing it.

Thanks for reading!