The golden sun stretched over the tip on the trees releasing rays that brightened the water. This did not appeal to the group who were begging for an extra hour of sleep… but Mother Nature always wins. Silver groaned and rolled onto his face. Unfortunately he also bumped Shadow who sprung up and kicked Silver right in the head. Their spontaneous bickering woke up Blaze who found herself almost on top of Sonic. She slowly stood up and brushed herself off.

"Come on!" she clapped. "We've got to go find the mountain springs!" Sonic then woke up and let out a loud yawn.

"Yep." he mumbled before standing up and doing some stretches. Silver pulled out something that looked like an iPhone. Shadow gawked at it.

"Did you have that yesterday?" he asked. Silver nodded. "Even while we were taken by Eggman?"

"Yep, I never leave home without it. Why?" the hedgehog asked. Shadow lunged forward and began to shake him by his neck.

"AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO CALL FOR HELP?" he yelled. Sliver scratched his chin.

"I guess I could have done that." he thought. Shadow was about to chuck him into the lake but Sonic stepped in.

"Why did you take out the phone now?" he asked. Silver squirmed lose and pressed some buttons. A map of the Sol dimension came up. He pointed to some spikey things and a forest nearby.

"We are here. The mountains are not that far. Maybe an hour hike?" he guessed. Shadow stepped back.

"OH NO! I AM NOT CARRYING HIM AGAIN!" he spat. Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I take him, you take Blaze." he instructed. They both nodded. Blaze growled something but it was too quiet to hear. She hopped on to Shadow and he shot off.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Sonic yelled. Silver climbed up onto him. The blue hedgehog nearly dropped to his knees. "Holy crap!" he mumbled before running after them. It took no time for Sonic to catch up to them. But when he saw Shadow and Blaze together he felt something odd. Was he jealous? No, he can't be jealous… can he? They soon reached an opening. You could see the mountains rise high into the sky. You could also see what looked like a small village underneath them.

"That's the place. After we got to go find Marcelo and check on the spring." he stated. Sonic grinned.

"Then let's go!" A load crack sound echoed in the sky and Sonic blasted off. Silver was flapping in the wind once again as he sailed at sub-sonic speeds. They flew past Shadow in a flash. He growled and blasted forward as well. Blaze was nearly thrown off at the sudden change of speeds. The two hedgehogs were neck and neck. They both slammed to a stop at the entrance sending both Blaze and Silver spiraling into the town. The hedgehogs followed the skid marks all the way to a mountain side where their friend's heads were implanted. Shadow burst out laughing.

"Nice landing!" he mocked. You couldn't make out what Blaze or Silver said but I'm sure it wasn't nice. They managed to pop their heads out just as some old lady walked by. Sonic ran up to her.

"Excuse me! Can you tell me where I can find Marcelo?" he asked. The lady raised an eyebrow. "Umm… Beth sent me." The lady looked around and without saying word waved her hand as if to say "Follow me." Sonic called for his friends and they all followed the lady. She led them past hot springs filled with people relaxing. The soon reached an old house. The lady fumbled around with her keys till she found the one that opens the door. It looked like any house on the inside but she pulled on the nearby lamp and a passage way opened up in the floor. They walked down were a large wall with strange carvings on it.

"Place your hands on the door and tell it who you seek." the lady boomed out.

"Umm… we aren't seeking anyone." Silver told her. Sonic sighed.

"She means tell it who you love." he explained. Sonic walked up and put his hand on the wall. After closing his eyes, part of the wall glowed. Without taking his hand off, he turned to the rest of the group. "Your turn." Silver gulped and did the same. Another part of the wall glowed. Shadow did the same. Then it was Blaze's turn. She closed her eyes and put her hand on the wall… but nothing happened. She tried again but still nothing. The lady moved closer.

"Do not lie to yourself." she spoke. Blaze tried somebody else. Still nothing.

"Who…" she thought. "There's only one person left- oh no. Please not him." she tried the last name. "Please no!" the final part glowed. "Sonic…"

The wall rumbled then slowly sunk to the ground. A beautiful blue lake shimmered. The group's astonishment was interrupted by a loud BANG and above and the ceilings of the cave blast open sending hordes of robots in the cave. Behind them the Eggman came floating down in their hover crafts.

"Thank you for leading us right to the cave Blaze!" Nega laughed.

"We couldn't have done it without you too Sonic!" Eggman cheered.

"AND NOW WE WILL BE RICH BEOUND OUR WILDEST DREAMS!" they sang out together. Sonic stepped forward.

"What do you mean rich?" he asked. Nega grinned.

"We picked up signals of a high amount of rare medals in this lake. Such as diamonds, rubies," he explained.

"Not to mention rift stones. Lots of them. The waves they release traveled into the other lakes showing on our scanners to be else were." he continued.

"I would have just drained the lakes but thanks to you I know that they all connect here!"

"And draining THIS spring will be a lot quicker!" Suddenly objects like the ones draining the other lakes dropped down on to the water's edge. They began to suck up water and release steam. The water level dropped mind blowing fast and was gone before Sonic and his friends could even react. The light reflected off of numerous jewels. Large buckets came down and started to scoop them up But Sonic, and Shadow sawed into them forcing them to drop their load

"Oh no you don't!" yelled Silver as he used his powers to send some more buckets flying upwards. Blaze blasted the last of them with waves of fire melting them. Nega grinned.

"I think it's time to test out your new robot." he told Eggman. The doctor nodded.

"I think your right." he let out a maniacal laugh. "I give you the Sub-thermal Nero Intelligence Premium Enforcer." an evil grin appeared on his face. "I give you. Project S.N.I.P.E."

(Snipes death, Eggmans new robot, frozen room, etc.… Who didn't see that coming?)