Disclaimer: I don't own The Chronicles of Narnia

"How long has it been for you?" Caspian asked conversationally as we ate dinner.

"Nearly four years, and you?"

"Almost a year. I'm twenty now. And you are seventeen, am I correct?"

"Yeah. So how is Lilliandil?" I didn't remember seeing the star's daughter anywhere around the castle.

"Erm, yes, she insisted on staying here in Narnia. She will be here shortly, but I must warn you: she is not in the best of moods. I may have something to do with the way I refuse her advances." He looked a bit sheepish.

And speak of the devil, here she comes, dressed up in a long flowing dress. She comes down as though she is queen; her eyes darkened as she saw who Caspian was talking to.

"Oh, Caspian! My love, who is this strange woman to whom you speak?" she screeched.

I almost gagged at the way she was talking. It was too Susan-like for me.

"Lilliandil, this is Lucy. Lucy, Lilliandil."

"Lucy?" she scoffed, tossing her hair. "Your name is too grand for the likes of you."

I nodded, just going through with it. "Nice to see you again too, Lilliandil." I heard Caspian snort at her sharp intake of breath.

"You mean that -you are -you came back-" she spluttered helplessly.

"Why yes, Aslan did bring me back. How clever of you to suggest it." I picked up my glass of water, sipping at it. "Why don't you have a seat? Your legs must be so tired, with you having to walk down that flight of stairs."

"Thank you, your highness," she didn't seem to notice my sarcasm. "I am very tired."

I heard Caspian chortle next to me and a small smile graced my lips.

"Excuse me, your highness, but what is so funny?" But I think she knew exactly what was so funny.

She was flustered and was frantically waving her arms. Something about the way that the sleeves gracefully bounced caught my eye.

"Hey, isn't that mine? The dress?" I accused.

Her eyes went wide but she was quick to defend herself. "This dress is my own, brought from the star's island," she bragged.

"But Lilliandil, isn't this a new dress? I've never seen you wear it?" One of the ministers unwittingly let out her secret.

"No! I mean, no it isn't; this is my favorite. The best for getting exercise. It is very comfortable for horse riding."

Caspian interrupted. "You hate horse riding, Lilliandil. Just admit that it's Lucy's dress."

I cut in as well. "Plus, they don't make dresses like these anymore. These are from the old age."

"But-UGH!" her mood shifted and went frustrated and raised her hand to slap me. Caspian tried to move in front of me but he didn't know that I could protect myself just fine.


Lilliandil raised her hand and I tried to get in front of Lucy. But quick as light, her hand shoots up, catching the slapping hand.

Her eyes grow just the slightest shade darker as she twists Lilliandil's arm. "You weren't about to slap me right there, were you?"

Lilliandil's eyes flare. "You-" Her arm is twisted even more.

"Were you?" Lucy's eyes are menacing and Lilliandil shrinks.

"No, your majesty, I wasn't." she mumbles and her hand drops limply to her side.

"Good." is what her reply is and the normal blue eyes are back. The dinner continues on as it was before but I can't help but wonder what had happened back there.

Later that night, after Lucy had retired, I go to her room and debate on whether or not to knock on the door. There is a basket outside, filled with the strange clothes Lucy had arrived in. I see a piece of paper sticking out of a pocket. It is a picture; what did Lucy call it? A tophograf? Right, a photograph. It was Lucy: how she looked at present. She was with a man with sandy blond hair and laughing green eyes. They seemed to be hugging and his arm was wrapped around her waist.

I felt an unexplainable boiling in my stomach as I look at the affectionate embrace. Not now Caspian. You just got over that silly crush you had the last time she came. You can't go falling for her again.

I retreat from the door silently. I couldn't face her now, not when these embarrassing thoughts were swirling around in my head.