Such a long time. Well on with it then!

Note: I based this on a British book called 'You Against Me'. It was such a good book. OMG.


Sadly D:

''if your sister was hurt by any man,you would do anything to get revenge?
If your brother was accused of raping someone and said he didn't do it,you would defend him right?''

''You have something in your teeth.''

Clare stumbles for her pocket mirror and a deep blush scorches her cheeks when she finds food in her teeth. Jake shoves him gloved hands into his pockets and stares straight ahead,along the road. Jake,her older brother. Jake,her older brother who is accused of raping Julia Goldsworthy.


''So,school is starting soon.'' Pause. Deep breath. ''Are you ready to face the tortures of high school..and boys?'' Jake nudges her suggestively with a cocked eyebrow and Clare's trademark blush appears once again.

''I'm not looking.'' says Clare shaking her head and she could see Jake doesn't believe her but chose not to push it. Jake was persistent,not stupid. Clare was sensitive when it came to males and he knew all to well not to bother her on the subject.

''Are you scared?'' She continues,more quietly this time. ''About the trial in a few weeks?'' Her nose is red of the cold weather and her hair is flowing on her but she can still see the grim look on his face. Something so alien to her,since he was the happiest one at home.

''No.'' Jake responds but his voice was shaking. After Julia Goldsworthy reported Jake Martin for raping her at a party he threw,their whole family had trouble staying normal. ''I didn't do it,so i'm pretty optimistic.'' Clare nodded but she was skeptical. What if he is thrown in jail? or worse,death sentence?

That's stupid. Thinks Clare, He can't get a death sentence for that...or can he?

They stop at their home door and Clare fumbles for her keys. Reaching for the lock,Clare sighs as she turns it slowly opening the door. She hates going home,sometimes her mother would be in crisis mode going crazy for the mini things.

Her mother rushed toward them cupping Clare's face with her hands. ''Oh my gosh,Clare are you okay? Were you mugged?'' Her mother inspects her body and Clare struggles to get out of her grip.

''No,we went for coffee.'' Clare responds annoyed. ''That's all mom.'' She let those words drip in the air before running toward her bedroom. Jake sighs and walks to the kitchen to retrieve a croissant left abandon on the table.


Elijah Goldsworthy sits on the couch staring at his little sister,Julia. He gulps down his water waiting for her to speak but she doesn't budge. Instead, rocks herself back and forth sadly. ''Are you going to speak?'' Eli asked and Julia shook her head. Letting out a loud groan,he pushes himself up and sets the water bottle on the table. He gave up.

''Fine,so when the cops come and question you,all you're going to say is that he shoved his-'' Eli started and Julia stopped him.

''When they come and question me,I'll tell them'' Julia said,her words dripping with anger. ''As for now,leave me be. I don't want to relive it if its not necessary.'' She took her blanket and laid herself on the couch and began to close her eyes while Eli rolled his and walked up the stairs.

Banging on his mothers door,he groaned beckoning for her to wake up. Last night his mother came in drunk. An effect due to the accident with Julia. Since she reported him,mom has been on the wire. Like mysteriously vanishing from the house and not coming back till the next day,or coming home smelling like cigar's and beer. She hasn't been keeping up with her top priorities so he is the next on line.


''Mom wake up!'' Eli orders and walks to his room slipping on a pair of clean jeans and a black V-neck. He walked down stairs and kissed Julia's forehead. ''I'm going to get him for you Jules.'' He whispers and her eyes flutter open. ''He's going to regret the day he saw light.'' She shuffles a little and gives him a small smile.

''You don't have any guyliner on.'' She said.

''Yeah,maybelline finishes quick.'' He joked and walked to the door taking his leather jacket from the coat rack. The air indulges in the sound of the wind flowing and Eli breathes deeply. He glances at his texts and sees he received one from his girlfriend, Imogen.

From Imogen;

Hey babe,where are you?

He sighs and decides to text back just to humor Imogen.

To Imogen;

Im going to the ravine. Wanna join?

Minutes passed and he finally felt his phone buzz as he walked to the bus.

From Imogen;

Sure! Meet cha' at the ravine.

He sits in the back and leans on the frame scrolling through his contacts. Half of them he didn't talk to much,and the other half was always busy.









He sighs nodding his head in shame. When the bus comes to a sudden stop,he hops of the bus proud that he didn't pay,sneaking in from the back. He starts walking the empty streets before turning the corner and hopping a fence to be greeting by green grass and vandalized property. Imogen was leaning on an old van covered in graffiti and when she spots him she pushes herself off and grins.

''Thought you'd never come.'' She whispered seductively and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. His hands linger for a second before being placed on her waist.

''Yeah well im here.'' He remarks casually and she frowns. He sighs and shakes his head. ''Sorry,rough day. Work and shit.'' He lies. Imogen thinks all this time he has been working,but really he was just taking care of tragedy stricken Julia. Someone Imogen heard of,but never met. Imogen pouts and steals a kiss from him,going from a normal kiss to want and filled with lust. Imogen directs him to the back of the van and he hovers over her.

''I've missed you so much'' She whispered and he nods. He couldn't say the same to her,their relationship was almost like a loan. He gave her sex,she gave him money to take care of his family.

Basically,he was a prostitute.

After,he rubs her arm softly and she sighs. Turning her head she gives him a peck on the cheek and sits up. ''You've been distant.'' Imogen whispers. ''Am I doing something wrong?'' Eli gulps and shakes his head knowing if he talks she would see right through him. Guess that was one of the perks of being a liar herself.

''Are you sure?'' She asked reaching for his boxers and he shoves her off softly. ''See? You would always be up for handjobs.''

He winces and slips on his shirt. ''I gotta go.'' He states and Imogen wants to intervene but he was already getting out the van before she can open her mouth.

''Eli,can I get a kiss?'' She asked but he was already walking away. She called him but he ignored her and her cry's die out completely when he hopped over the fence.

He didn't want to live like this anymore.


''She is such an ignorant bitch.'' Alli says shoving a french fry in her mouth. ''Why would she accuse Jake-of all people- of raping her?'' Clare shrugs in response munching on her sandwich. The Dot was quiet almost empty and this baffled Clare. Since this was the biggest hangout spot for Degrassi students. Clare slips off her jacket and lets it fall on her chair while Alli texts Drew,her new boyfriend.

''She just wants attention,that whore.'' Alli says.

''Aren't you dating that guy that's best friends with her brother?'' Clare said and it took Alli to process what she said and she nodded. Alli just waved it off like a fly and Clare cocks an eyebrow.

''Not like I actually say anything in front of them,I just smile and nod.'' Alli giggles and Clare rolls her eyes. While Alli texts away,Clare stares at her half eaten food and felt uncomfortable finishing it. Alli was eating a salad and compared to her,Clare was a whale. She didn't unde-

''OMG,Clare!'' All says slightly shocked. Clare leans forward. ''Drew and her brother is going to meet up with us!'' Alli frowns.

''When?'' Clare starts packing her purse.

''Um,right now.''Alli points to the two guys walking in and Clare's eyes widen.

Eli Goldsworthy.

It was pretty bad for a comeback but it will get better...and longer!